Impregnating Jenny To Save My Girl

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Hi ISS readers. I have read a lot of stories in ISS and I am huge fan of this site. I never had any sexual encounters of my own to talk about but the stories here were very encouraging and fulfilled my wild desires. Let me tell you about myself, I like girls of my own age but when it comes to sex aunties were my choice. I do not question my choice because all men of my age have the same state of mind and it is absolutely natural.

I never saw any women naked forget about having sex. We all personally know the truth but we keep lying to ourselves and people around us about something that never happened. I know very well that stories posted here are sometimes untrue but still being an author it gives us a proud feeling of achieving something which we can’t even think of in real life. I am not blaming anyone. I completely agree with this because it boosts our confidence and may help us succeed one day.

I am going to share my first experience with a woman and I am very serious about it. It feels awkward to share my most intimate moments with a woman but the excitement and curiosity is pushing me to the limits.

I was graduated in 2013 and joined a small IT startup as a tester. I was a fresher and hence I was treated like a dust bin. I was never satisfied with my job and kept complaining. All those videos shown during induction were only to prepare us for the worst days ahead in the company. I was working 10 hours per day and it was too hectic. Sometimes, I thought of quitting my job but it was never an option considering my personal expenses and commitments at that time. The IT industry was booming in Bangalore but my chances of getting another opportunity was very slim but I kept trying.

I was checking my mailbox every day and attended all the off campus drives. I was not able to clear the aptitude round. Even if I did by accident I was losing in the GD round. I felt that I am a big failure and thought of at least improving myself in my current company. The more I worked, the more badly I was treated. It added more to my frustration and I blamed myself for my pathetic situation.

One day, I received a mail from aspiring minds a recruiting firm where I had cleared my aptitude round sometime back. I was asked to attend the GD round to be conducted in a nearby college. There was an uncontrollable smile originating from deep inside of me (probably my soul) and my eyes were wet. I never thanked god so much and considered it to be my ticket out of this hell. My past failures had me prepared for everything and I was very sure that I will succeed in this.

I took a sick leave and attended the GD round and technical round in a nearby engineering college. I was surprised at my own abilities and I was the clear winner. After completing each round the names of those who got rejected were announced and I was praying god continuously. There were people sitting next to me who looked at me and told “You have cleared this round, don’t worry”. Though, I was the undeclared winner of all the rounds my heart beat never subsided until I saw my name in the selected list. Finally, I had HR round and I cleared it with ease. The people waiting outside for their turn would pester those who came outside with questions so I left the place immediately. I realized that failures teach us more than success. Having experienced many failures all along, I was very calm and prepared.

There were no updates for about a month and then I received the offer letter on 2nd day of the following month. It was a major Indian MNC and the training was in Mangalore. I felt excited as soon as I saw the offer letter and called my mom immediately. I was supposed to join on 19th of the same month and it was very less time. I resigned from my current employer giving health reasons and refused to serve the notice period. I was more concerned about leaving that company than getting a proper relieving letter from them. The HR threatened me that I will face legal issues but I was aware that he can’t do anything because Indian laws are employee friendly not employer friendly.

My parents were very much worried to send me so far away from home because I never stayed alone my entire life and I am very soft spoken. They came along with me to Mangalore and I reported to my joining location on 19th January 2014. I registered in the front office and was asked to keep my luggage in my hostel room. I went to the hostel along with my parents and I dropped my luggage on the floor . The security guard entered my room and asked my parent to leave. He clearly told that the hostel facility is only for the trainees and not for their parents and asked them to leave. We agreed and I went along with my parents to the lodge that we had booked near the railway station. We had a heavy lunch. My parents gave me some cash in hand and told me that they will leave by evening. It was very difficult for me to imagine three months away from my family. I left the lodge shortly after 3 and reached the hostel.

All of us were given a temporary ID card with a yellow tag unlike fulltime employees who were wearing a blue tag. The hostel and the training rooms were located in the same campus but had separate gates of their own. The campus was surrounded by very old abandoned buildings and there was a river (lobo river) flowing on the right not very far. It was very new for me and it was a welcoming one. I needed a change in my life and this environment promised me that. We were asked to gather in the induction hall the same day by 6 and they announced again that our induction will start next day at 9 AM.

I was supposed to share my room with a stranger who happened to be my best friend now. His name is Ashok. We both knew Kannada so it was not very difficult for us to get know each other.
The next day induction started and everyone along with me was at the same level of excitement. I could identify some people who were there along with me in GD round and they identified me as well. We looked at each other and acknowledged by a wide grin. Ashok was a late comer and I was holding a seat next to me for him. Some senior folks in the company appeared on the stage but still there was no sign of Ashok. Then for a moment everyone turned their heads towards the entrance and witnessed a beautiful lady standing requesting their permission to enter the room. She was stunning with a white Churidhar and a pony tail. She looked nervous for being late on first day and her face appeared tensed.

She was allowed to enter the induction hall but she was frantically searching for a seat on the ladies side. All the seats on the girl’s side were totally full and there were some seats empty on the boy’s side at the rear end and one seat next to me reserved for my friend. One of the trainer asked her to sit somewhere on the boys side and she hurried towards the empty chair next to me since it was in the second row from the stage. I was feeling very happy when she sat next to me. She was breathing heavily and her boobs swelled and shrunk each time. She had a beautiful curly hairs and bigger eyes. The fragrance of her perfume filled my nostrils and I felt like flying in the air. I leaned my head towards her shoulder often to feel it again and again. Two hours passed just like that sitting next to a gorgeous woman. We were given a lunch break and we were supposed to return to the induction hall in 45 minutes. Everyone dispersed and I was searching for Ashok. I found him outside and we both had lunch together in the common cafeteria. My eyes were searching for her and I found her sitting along with a bunch of other girls. My eyes were glued on to her and Ashok noticed it. He immediately said, “Maga, adhu nandu. Naane aulna first nodidhu.” It means “Dude, she is mine. I saw her first”. I felt what this stupid idea is and said ok ok.

The second session of our first day induction began shortly and there was another lady on the stage this time. She was a Mangalorean which was easy to make out from her fair skin tone. She was six feet tall and very neatly dressed. A plain top and a cotton pant. She had a sharp nose and a beautiful face. She was looking straight into others eyes which mean she is at the top of the hierarchy. Her eyes were very powerful and authoritative. The mike was handed over to her and she started speaking. Her voice was crystal clear and conveyed to everyone what she wanted. Anyone could make out from her language that she is an assertive woman and there is no room for mistakes.
She first spoke about the dress code, followed by campus timings and a big no to office romances. Everyone was listening to her carefully as if they were hypnotized. I was more focused on her big tight boobs than her speech. She noticed me looking at her boobs and looked at my eyes straight. It was like a slap on my face. I looked down immediately and for the remaining time did not gather courage to look up again. That was the way she carried herself and I thought to myself not to mess with this woman again.

The next day was only for document collection and our soft skills training resumed on the third day. Our soft skills trainer was Anoop. He is a huge man and looked scary but he was a big comedian. He asked everyone to introduce ourselves and I was eagerly waiting to know the name of my white angel who was sitting next to me on the first day. It was her turn and she introduced herself as Sanchita. She was sitting in the first row and she was wearing a shirt and jeans pant. I was drooling at her beauty and couldn’t take my eyes off of her. Anoop was done with introductions. He always wanted his classes to be interactive, so he asked some questions. He asked, is there anyone who has a crush on your colleagues here? Boy or girl doesn’t matter. I raised my hand immediately. He asked who? I replied, Sanchita. Everyone was pretty shocked for a moment and they were looking at their neighbors and started murmuring.

I did not regret for speaking the truth. There was lot of murmuring and Anoop banged on the table to gain everyone’s attention. He asked me to come forward on to the stage. He pointed his finger towards Sanchita and asked me what feelings you have on this lady? I said, she looks beautiful. He laughed and looked at everyone for some time. I was very baffled now. He said, this is what we expect from you. Be assertive, be bold and express your thoughts. He asked me to sit next to her. I felt, what? And looked at him questioningly. He asked Sanchita “Miss, you have any problem if he sits next to you?” She said no. I grabbed my bag and sat next to her. Everyone was jealous and I could sense it, especially Ashok.

Anoop was more like a friend than our trainer. He insisted us to explore Mangalore. He shared the best hotels, restaurants, temples and places to visit in Mangalore. We never needed a guide. What more can we expect from a trainer. He was our best friend. After the end of every class he would tell us the place to visit for the day and we planned our day accordingly.

The first weekend of our training, we went to Panambur beach. It was the nearest beach that we could reach by bus. We all went together to all places and everyone was getting to know others well. We reached the beach by evening and most of them got into water. Sanchita was sitting alone guarding her friend’s valets and slippers. I approached her and looked at her. She lifted her head to see me and I asked “Can I sit next to you?” She approved with a light but noticeable smile. I apologized for that awkward moment in the first day training. She laughed and said “How dare you tell like that in front of everyone?” She was laughing more and took rest while speaking. I started liking her a lot than I thought. She was talking to me more than her own female friends and we felt comfortable together.

As the days passed, we became thick friends. I bought her lunch every day and we used to sit together in cafeteria. Sometimes, we ate in the same plate. Ashok was teasing me that I will get poor by feeding her every day while others were jealous of our growing relationship together. We had pet names and I use to call her pillu while she called me Nandu. We were chatting the whole night and use to wake up late. We both replaced Ashok as the late comers of the class. Everyone looked at us as lovers than friends and I did not mind that neither did she.

We had tests every weekend and we were supposed to get a minimum of 60 in each test. Sanchita was sitting next to me and I was helping her post a big score in each test. We were always on the safer side. Everything was going good and in fact better than I thought. I had good aggregate and also the second topper of my batch so far.

I loved Sanchita a lot and decided to propose her. We went on a trip to view point near Manipal University. I felt that it is the best place to express my love to her. I secretly bought a big flower bouquet with lots of dairy milk and chocolates in it. I did not sit next to her that day and asked my friend Kavitha to accompany her till we reach the view point. Everyone was aware of my plan except Sanchita and they were anxious as to when I would propose.

We reached Manipal University by bus and I took an auto along with Ashok leaving Sanchita. We reached the place soon and bought balloons. As people reached the place, we were giving them balloons and asked them to stand beside the view point. Sanchita was the last to come along with Kavitha. Everyone was waiting patiently with their balloons. As Sanchita started walking towards the view point Kavitha disappeared silently without giving her a hint. Sanchita approached the view point and found no one. She was wondering where everyone went. As she turned back confused I was standing behind her with a bouquet full of flowers and she was shocked. I screamed “I love you pillu”. My voice echoed and she hugged me tight. Everyone let their balloons fly in the air and they were slowly rising in the humid air. She cried for leaving her alone the whole day. Everyone gathered around us and we thanked everyone. It was the best day of my whole life. I got a good job and a beautiful loving girl.

We were sitting in the corner of a wooden bench with her head resting on my shoulders. We were enjoying the beautiful view of the sunset and were lost in our own thoughts. Ashok called me from behind to bring us back to our senses and we looked at each other. He approached us and shouted “Enough both of you. We have to leave, it’s getting dark. We have to reach the hostel within 9’o clock”. We said ok and walked behind him silently.

Everyone knew that we were in love and hence did not mind if we were very close to each other though office romances were strictly prohibited in campus premises. There were CCTV cameras everywhere and therefore we could do nothing but talk inside the campus. We both used to go to the nearby lobo river and spend our time on the shore. We kissed each other and hugged. There was no one to question us and we enjoyed our time there together. However, we were crossing our limits most often and Anoop warned us that we will be in trouble.

Sanchita was very fun loving and she was a state level throw ball player. There was a throw ball competition organized for girls and Sanchita was the captain of the team. All our batch mates were weak and hence Sanchita had to pull some fulltime employees to her team. One of them was Jennifer and she was the LOB HR for our domain. Everyone in Sanchita team was tall and fit and they ultimately won the match with no difficulties.

Sanchita had this uncanny talent to mix with new people very quickly. She got introduced to other people who held higher posts in the company including our delivery head Aparna menon whom I spoke about on the induction day. Jennifer was aware of our relationship and accompanied us to restaurants many times. She was very jovial and I had no difficulties interacting with her. Our contacts in the organization grew quickly because of Jennifer though we were still trainees.

We were always getting ourselves into trouble by kissing or hugging but we managed to get away all the time. One day proved us wrong and we were caught kissing. A permanent employee spotted us kissing near the induction hall and he reported a POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) case against Sanchita. I wondered why he complained only on her but not me. Sanchita received a mail from the POSH team and it was escalated to everyone. An inquiry was started and Sanchita was supposed to provide an explanation on what happened that day. She called me and cried the whole night. I assured that we will find a way out of this.

I called Jennifer the next day. She said I know everything. I warned both of you many times but you both did not listen. It is not in my hands and the decision lies with Aparna mam. If she says yes Sanchita will be terminated immediately. I was shocked and asked her if she could help us in any way. She said she is doing her best and will call me back later.

I was worried that her career got spoiled because of me. I got another call from Jennifer after sometime. I answered the call and she asked me to come to Janatha hotel. I went there hoping to get a solution. She was looking at me stirring a straw in the juice.

Jennifer: Don’t worry. Nothing will happen to Sanchita. I am heading the investigation panel and I will ensure she comes out clean. You might be thinking why did I call you here, right?

I was relieved for a moment but surprised by her question and nodded my head.

Jennifer: I am married for 3 years but I have no kids. My husband has an unusual problem and he is unable to conceive me.

Me: Impotent?

Jennifer: No. I do not call it that way. His sperm count is very less than a normal person. So, the chances of getting conceived are very less. We are anxiously trying with no results.

Me: So, what am I supposed to do?

Jennifer: You need to make me pregnant.

Her voice was already trembling and she was looking at me for my reply. I was freaking out by her proposal and got furious.

Me: What? Are you out of your mind? There are other ways to solve this problem. Why are you involving me in this?

Jennifer: I am very well aware of other options in front of me but they still symbolize my husband as an impotent and I don’t want that. I love him so much and I am ready to go any extent for him. I will help Sanchita even if you don’t agree but it’s just a genuine request from me.

Me: I am confused. I need some time.

Jennifer: Fine. Take your time and call me tomorrow.

She left the hotel immediately. I kept thinking the whole day whether I should help her or helping her would turn out to be cheating my pillu. I called pillu right away. I told her that the problem is solved. She left a big sigh and I told her that Jenny will take care of everything. She said, she was too scared that she would be terminated. I reassured her that everything would be fine.

I did not call Jenny the next day because I was very confused. I was not matured enough to judge whether this would be fine or it will spoil my relationship with pillu. I was weighing all possibilities and decided to say yes to Jenny finally. She has helped Sanchita already and her request seemed very genuine. So, I called her up and conveyed my acceptance. She was overjoyed and asked me to come to her flat on the weekend.

I was happy that I could help her but I could not forgive myself about what I am about to do. The thought of cheating pillu was always there in me and I assured myself repeatedly that I am doing a favor and it is not for my personal gain. The days rolled fast and it was Saturday. I was supposed to meet Jenny at her flat. I excused myself from pillu pretending to be going to a temple with Ashok. I reached her flat by 7 pm.

I ringed the door bell and after a brief moment the door was opened. Jenny was dressed in a saree unlike her usual professional attire. I smiled and she said “Come inside”. I was very uncomfortable and stood by the sofa. She looked at me and said “Why are you standing. Sit.”. I sat on the sofa but I was busy wiping my sweat off my face. She noticed tension build up in me and switched on the fan. She asked “Would you like something to eat?”.

I was waiting for a break and said yes. She arranged the plates on the dining table and invited me for the dinner. She prepared boiled rise with fish curry. It was my favorite and it was just perfect with all the necessary ingredients. She laughed looking at me. I asked her “What happened?” She said “Eating seem to make you calm. You look normal now”. I said “Nothing like that. This is my favorite dish and I loved it”. She said “Oh is it”.

After dinner, I washed my hands and went to the hall. She came back a little later and asked “Would you mind coming to my room?” I followed her into her bed room. I asked her “Where is your husband?” He went to Ireland on a new assignment and would be back in 3 months. I said that is a plenty of time for you. She nodded.

I was sitting on the edge of the bed. She grabbed a chair and sat opposite to me.
Jennifer: I am at least 6 to 8 years older than you. I understand how awkward it is to have sex with a woman older than you. You might either enjoy it or you might have already started repenting. I still do not want to force you into this. So, tell me if you are ok with this. Then only we will do it.

I said “YES”.

She sat next to me on the bed and asked me to feel her boobs. I touched them from top of her saree and just ran my four fingers over them. She looked at me and laughed. She grabbed my right hand and placed them on her left boob directly. I was not getting aroused instead I was more scared. She pushed aside her pallu and grabbed my other hand and placed it on her right boob. I held on to her boobs and felt the enormous size of it.

Jennifer: Do something with my tits. Squeeze them or suck them.

She pressed her hand on mine and squeezed her boobs. I felt my cock rising in my pant. I kept squeezing her boobs. She was not happy about our progress and she unhooked her blouse. I got an erection as soon as I saw her half naked avatar and my cock leaked with the first drop of pre cum. She approached me and started unzipping my pants while I was getting rid of my shirt. She dropped my trousers on to the floor and I was standing with a huge erection in my boxers.

She touched my rock hard cock from outside and felt it by holding it in her hand tightly and gently squeezed it. The squeezing pushed more pre cum and created a wet patch. She firmly held onto my cock and pulled me to bed. I was sitting opposite her on the bed and she unhooked her bra. She let her boobs loose and they jiggled in front of my eyes. My erect cock was getting stiff as she approached me with her naked boobs.

She pushed me on the bed and made me rest on my back. She slowly pulled down my boxers and erect cock was swollen in size and pointed straight at my face. She pulled the cock erect and pulled the foreskin down revealing the red ball. She licked the pre cum on it and it sent a shiver through my spine. She licked the red head and took the entire thing in her mouth. I started feeling the magic of her tongue on the red ball. She swirled her tongue on the red ball making it shine and licked the piss hole oozing with pre cum. I was feeling things that I never experienced before. She then ran her tongue the entire length of my cock and started sucking my cock up and down. I was moaning unknowingly and closed my eyes. She pulled me up and asked me to fuck her mouth. I felt weird and thought what good it is to fuck her mouth. She opened her mouth big and asked me to fuck her mouth holding her head. I nodded and held her head in my hands and started mouth fucking her. She gagged very soon and gasped for a breath. I took my cock out and it was covered with her saliva and my pre cum.

She was drooling with my pre cum and she asked for one more shot. This time, I held her head tight and fucked non-stop even though she struggled to get released from me. I did not hold much longer and I released a load of white sperms in her mouth. I was looking at her in disgust and surprised me by swallowing down the entire load in one gulp.

She got up from the bed and untied her petticoat and grabbed her panty down along with it. She had a thick bush of pubic hairs. MY limp cock started coming back to life looking at Jenny in her nude form. She ran her hands over her pubic mound and looked at me seducingly. I was flattered and I got up from the bed shagging my 7 inch cock. I approached her and tried to mount. She refused and asked me to lubricate her before entering her.

I pulled her towards me and pushed her on the bed. She spread her legs wide and I looked at her pussy. It was her piss hole and I felt disgusting but I was already licking it with my tongue with no remorse. I pushed my tongue inside out and sucked her pussy lips. She was moaning loudly and my action caused her cunt to secrete her lubricating oils. I inserted two fingers in pussy and started shaking vigorously. She screamed in pleasure and shot a wave after wave of piss on the bed. She has her first orgasm already and it was my turn.

I asked her to stand and bend her hip slightly. I entered her pussy from behind and pulled both of her hands backwards. She had nothing to hold on to and I was her only support. I was thrusting my cock below which was pushing her forward and I pulled her hands backward with my left hand cancelling each other. She never witnessed such a fuck and I kept pounding her pussy. I was reaching my orgasm and I grabbed her hair and let her hands free. I had my second biggest orgasm and I was moaning involuntarily. I kept fucking her pussy until by cock came out of her.

It was an amazing fuck and I filled Jenny twice with my sperms in her mouth and in her cunny. We both were very exhausted and slept for some time only to wake up again and fuck. We fucked for three more times the same night. Every time I fucked the sperms were lesser than the previous session. I was concerned and asked her if there is any problem. She said not to panic. Since, we are fucking repeatedly with less gap, we are not giving enough time for your reserves to fill. I understood the concept and nodded with a wide grin.

We had similar sessions the following weeks and a month later her medical reports confirmed that she was pregnant. I was overjoyed but worried that I am father of a child at a very young age even before getting married. She understood my concern and promised me that it will always be a secret. She distributed sweets to her colleagues and thanked me in her eyes.

Our training was over in April and we were deployed in Bangalore. Jenny ensured that we both work in the same location and Sanchita thanked her. We both met Jenny before leaving Mangalore and wished her and my baby in her womb good health.

I never told Sanchita about my unusual relationship with Jenny. I was somewhat addicted to sex with Jenny and expected the same from Sanchita but she was very strict and always recited “no sex before marriage” mantra. We are still human beings and give in to situations. The same was true with Sanchita. I explored her and we had a rocking sex recently. I will share that in the next installment of this series.

The story is very big and I hope most of you are annoyed. I want the readers to fully know me and enjoy the story. I hope all of you are waiting to see Sanchita in the next installment. I will draft it soon and submit. Please share your feedback on this story at my personal Gmail address  [email protected] I welcome both positive and negative comments but would advice not to use obscene language.


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