Imaginary Fact Appeared In Day Night Dream

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I was totally at loss, frustrated. I was aimlessly roaming here and there with broken heart, broken health. I lost everything. My bank account made nil to my so called wife’s account. My house was taken forcefully. My son, my daughter, my wife, even my parents… all, all had thrown me out.

My neighbors have left me. My childhood friend Shakti Chaudhary abandoned my company by slapping. I was, not first class student, but above average student. I bagged several merit awards. My class mates, my teachers, office colleagues .. all, all were starting me hating and ultimately I became untouchable. They had the strong reason to shun me…. I am Gay.

Single clad, penniless I boarded a Haridwar bound train. I was going on changing one coach to another coach, avoiding TTE’s vigil eyes. I was ticket less. At station I came out beyond the fencing of the platform. I was terribly hungry. I discovered a group of nearly ten people, who are going towards hilltop. I do not know, why, mingled with hem and started walking on foot. With empty stomach, I drunk water from the roadside tap and going on with them. None of the person was taking to each other; they were just walking, walking and walking. Nobody cares whether I am with them.

The allies were narrow, risky, if slipped by mistake; I would be 100 meter below the hill. I was so fatigued and thirsty, I sat beneath an unknown hilly tree. None of my group waited for me, they left. I was feeling headache and started looking hazy. By losing the lane I don’t know when I entered in a forest like area. My clothes became dirty, torn because of thorny bush. There were several cut on various part of my body. This place is full of trees, plants, bushes. It has some height.

Just below this little hill a rivulet is flowing. Near the stream there is some plain land. There are three four people. A fire, they were burning a dead body. So I realized, I reached a cremation land, where people used to bring their relatives’ dead bodies to burn. It was dusk, but because of surrounded by tall trees, the whole place was covered by a black sheet. I sat on a piece of rock and observing the beauty of the forest at night. I had nothing to lose. It is an isolated place, No man’s land.

Hardly some people come with a view to burning dead bodies. I removed all my cloths. When I left the so called civilized society and took the asylum of the forest, why should not be I at par with the creature living here. Nearby I found, all of a sudden a fire spark in the air. It was almost extinguishing and very next time it brightening. There was a spiral of smoke airing towards up. What is it! I started forwarding step by step with deep inquisitiveness.

In light & shadow I discovered an Idol, a sage was sitting on an altar and smoking hashish. A clay made circular little cone in his fist. The container is full of tobacco and burnt with fire. The sage’s face is not much visible. His head and mouth is full of long, twisted and matted hair. There is no cloth on his upper body.

In lower portion only a very little piece of red coloured cloth covers his private part. He is 99% nude baba. His body is well built fatless and muscled, like a body builder. Though his complexion is black, but the complete body was coated with ashes. He is ornamented with a rosary of beads (Rudraksha) rounded his neck, arms, ankles, wrists. On top of his matted hair was also spiraled by the rosary of rudrakshas. His eyes were almost closed as he was enjoying smoking. He was so quiet and calm that I approached very near to him, he never responded. He was sitting like a marble made statue. He was going on smoking by ignoring my presence.

Now I discovered he is having a trident with him. On top of that a tabor is tied. I silently sat closed to his feet. After a pause I touched his feet, he is response less. Quietly I touched his two feet with my two fists, he did not respond. I bowed down my face towards his toes, he is motionless, going on smoking.

Now I started leaking his thick toes with my tongues. I inserted his toes into my mouth for quite some time. Slowly my fingers were touching his muscled legs and thighs. Then I started mopping lightly his legs, thighs with my tongue. Ah! It was splendid experience.

Though I was leaking his thighs yet my fingers were stealthily crawling forward. It touched his thin layered red piece of cloth, which was just wrapped through his waist. Then held my head high and surprisingly discovered his organ, hard, as if it will tear his cloth and will peep its head. My mouth opened, my eyes became round, eye brows were up. I was so astonished and apprehended too to narrate. It means he was not still.

The main organ, this part of his body, the pride of a man, wan not un-responsive, it was working from inside from his body & soul. Without second thought I quickly untied the tied knot of the cloth from his waist side. The piece of cloth immediately became free and fallen down. And then I saw with my wide opened eyes his dick. It was so large, I have ever seen.

It is more than 12 inch long, 2 inch radius, like an iron rod. It was tossing up and down. The cap of the cock was so big that, I thought, I would not be able to mouth it. Overall it is a HUGE erected penis. I could not control myself. Without wasting a moment I caught hold his large dick and started sucking. He was silently smoking ganja. I was afraid that I might not be able to mouth his cock, but surprisingly I succeeded to make his penis inside my mouth. Ah! What a feeling! By closing my eyes I was leaking, sucking and going on sucking his penis.

Often I was leaking his balls under the penis. These were so big, larger than cricket ball. I was occasionally galloping his balls, then leaking his dick, then sucking his cock. It was such a feelings, I never felt before. He made a room by detaching his thighs to keep my head properly between his muscled thighs. I was going on enjoying oral sex. I do not know how long.

After quite some time He caught hold of my head with his left hand and make pressure towards his erected penis. His other hand is busy with holding the tobacco container, smoking is continuing. He pushed his 12 inch rod inside my mouth upto the root of his penis. This is an unforgettable feelings. I was completely sunk with sexual pleasure. He was taking out his dick from my mouth and very next time pushing it upto the root of the organ. This act was going on for sometime, perhaps nearly 20 minutes.

Ultimately and finally he caught hold my head tightly and inserted his thick rod with a forceful push. He started pouring his milk and pouring on… and I was galloping his milk. I was drinking and drinking till the last drop of his delicious milk. It was warm, very sensually warm.

Now he took out his dick. Lifted me from down by holding my two arms with his two hands. With his palms he caught my head and placed my lips on his lips. He embraced me with his hands and started kissing, deep kissing, very deep kissing. How long this kissing act was going on, I do not recollect now.

After that he leaked my nipples with his tongue. It was so enjoyable, one could imagine. Now he turned my body in such a way that my back position touched his thighs.

Without wasting any moment he pushed his largest ever thick long rod inside my ass hole. I was frightened if I can take such a huge dick. But surprisingly it went inside smoothly. What next, He started playing his hard penis pushing to my ass hole, to and fro. He was fucking me by holding my waist with his two hands. I was groaning uh, ah …What an enjoyable sexual pleasure. I was making sounds like Ah! Uh! … Ah! Uh! …. This game was running nearly one hour. His cock was so tight that I felt with my body and soul.

After one hour all of a sudden he pressed his iron rod like tight cock and stand still. I realised he is ejaculating, pouring his milk. The quantity of his milk was so more that it was not finishing pouring. I was so overwhelmed, I entangled his neck with my little hands. He smiled and kissed my cheek, eyes, and forehead and …. I closed my eyes with gratification and was enjoying his love with lust.

How long I was in sleeping state, not known. When awake I discovered myself alone. I got up quickly and started searching my muscled matured GOD. Even by combing search I could not get him. It is the same place, smashan ghat (the burning place, where the dead bodies are burnt), same jungle, same river, same altar, on which he was sitting and we both were enjoying. Where he went leaving me alone. My eyes were full of tears.

I knelt down and shouted, – “Where are you, where are you…. Please appear…” Like a mad I struck my forehead on stone, tree and what not. I was wailing …. crying crying and crying for him. All my efforts went in vain. I could not find him anywhere. I searched him every nook and corner but failed to get him.

Ultimately with broken heart, disappointed, hungry thirsty I reached to the rivulet, kneeled down and took water with my folded hands, sprinkled on my face and then drunk water. I stood up, brushing my sight. The same jungle, same rivulet, same stream, same rock, the alter. Only my muscled God is missing. I told, I am totally nude. I left all my cloth while leaving the so called civilized society. Now again I have to go to the same society and mingled artificially with the animals, who are named human.

I saw a small pit, where water staged. I found torn shirt & pant lying nearby that pit, very near to the river shore. I leaned towards the water level and surprisingly found my complexion is much fairer than before, body has no extra fat, overall I became a beautiful man, beautiful in every limb. The left out cloth was lying, may be of some dead bodies. The cloth was filthy, dirty but I took and worn.

It was long cloth and do not suit me. But to go back to the society I can’t be looked nude. Slowly I started walking. After some time I reached on high way. It was a small town, a citadel. One more thing made me surprised, I lost my spectacles, but able to behold much better without my eyeglass. I also found the dress I wore, is now perfectly fit. I’m not feeling hunger or thirst. I was suffering from skin allergy that has also got vanished.

I reached near a four road crossing place. Lots of vehicles, people are almost running. Shops are opened. Crowed. In one corner a sub-police station. An inspector of police was busy with his work, writing some thing in a register on table, by sitting on a chair. Perhaps he was monitoring the traffic constable, who was standing on the centre point of four road crossing. Now for a while the inspector came out and stood beside a light post. I saw him.

Nearly 50 years old, very healthy, with mustache. In uniform He looks nice. I just shrunk my eyelids, and surprisingly saw, as if he is fully naked. I realized immediately, I have got the power, which was given my God., to see anybody nakedly. I wanted to see this handsome inspector face to face. But he is not seeing at me. By avoiding running vehicle I reached near to him and stared at him. He could not see me.

Now I asked him, with an excuse, where this road is going. He looked at me and said, -“this road is going … where you want to go …” I was not hearing him, but watching his penis, which is now in sleeping stage. I imagined, if this cock is in risen state.. It would be nearly 8 inch long and the thickness will be as per length.

I came out, took a hotel room on rent. I was having enough money in my pocket, where from it came, I don’t know. Now Comfortably I closed my eyes and switched on my universal computer, which I got by the grace of my God. Now starting searching the profile of that Police Inspector, through universal search engine. His name is Ravi Shankar Yadav, His staying in that city, alone.

So without wasting any moment, I tried to enter into his dream. The principle of this dream policy is, you can enter to anybody’s dream and play whatever you like. But if he doesn’t appear in your dream, you can’t proceed in real. If he appears in your dream too, that means he is responsive, you can forward with your proposal.

I, easily entered his dream. Started kissing him, but he refused. I switched off immediately thinking he is no responsive. But after a while he is seen in my dream, I just jumped with joy. He approached me. He removed his shoes and socks, undressed by removing his pant. He is now in underwear. He did not remove his uniform, shirt. I saw his erected dick is trying to come out. He came very near to me and caught hold me tightly with his muscled arms. I was sleeping, so I was fully naked.

He now removed his underwear. As and when he removed the cloth, his 9” long erected cock came out as an arrow is thrown from a bow. He tried to push his dick into my ass hole. But I revolted. Without any foreplay, body enjoyment I am not interested. He surprised and tried to supplicate me. I refused. He could not help ejaculating. And he vanished within a moment. I was satisfied; at least he entered into my dream. Now He will be mad after me.

Next day evening I went to the four road crossing and found him instructing a constable. He discovered me. Immediately, he approached me and started staring me. I ignored him and left the place and started forwarding somewhere. I understood he was following me. I looked behind. He hinted me by touching his penis with his fingers. I neglected. He winked me. I was indifferent. He then came face to face me. But he could not open his mouth. I was smiling mentally. After a while he asked, “where do you stay?”

– “why?”

– “nothing as such”

– “then?”

– “I want to meet you”

– “Yes we are meeting”

– “No, not like that, I desire to sit, talk together and .. let us sit in that park”

– “No, it is already dark”

– “Don’t worry. I’m Police inspector. Nobody will touch you”

Reluctantly I went with him and sat on a cemented bench beside him. He also sat very near to me and caught my palm and set on his tight worm dick. But I lifted my hand and asked, “No, no”

But surprisingly he caught my hair in his fist tightly and kissed me. Kissed me very deeply, with tongue, lips …. And I became happy. It was a park, so took me to his quarter. He lived in this quarter alone leaving his family somewhere else. We both entered straight to his bed room. He closed the main door, removed his cloth and became a complete nude person. His dick is so huge and tight, I fear if I’ll be able to mouth it.

He allowed me to take his cock to my mouth. Oh! My … It entered easily without any hindrance. How it was possible! So long nearly 9”! Now I realized I am empowered to take any long size of dick to my mouth or ass hole. My God has offered me such blessings.

For nearly 10 minutes’ sucking the police inspector poured his milk and filled my mouth. I drunk the whole milk, perhaps measured 3 pegs. He then hugged me tightly and going on kissing, leaking my nipples. Oh! Ah! What a nice feeling!

After nearly 15 minutes, again I felt his tight penis was touching my thighs. He turned me prostrate and pushed his iron rod like 9” cock. He caught hold my waist with two palms and making his penis up & down. This enjoyable game was running for quite some time. Perhaps 25 minutes. All of sudden a satisfactory sound came out from his mouth, Uh! I realized he emptied his milk.

By the grace of my God now I’m capable of enjoying sexually with any person of my choice, whether he is gay or not. So I started roaming from one corner to other corner of this world and going on enjoying.

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