Six months after Raj moved in we got a call from Mom. Yeah my step mom whom my dad married 10 years back. She is very loving, caring and nyc as she was my mother’s sister. We brothers used to address her as mom.
The day was a sweltering hot one in July, which was uncharacteristic enough of Delhi to warrant a heat-wave warning. With no air conditioning in our flat, we were hot, sweaty, and wanting to get naked. So we did. And once the clothes came off, it was just me and two-hundred pounds of sweaty hockey-honed meat sitting there getting horny. But not for long.
It was too hot to fuck in bed. So Raj had me ride him while he lay on the hardwood floor, the cam cord turned on a couple feet from us. The cam cord was a new and sporadic thing. In the beginning, Raj had been dead set against it, so it fell to me to make him see the light. I taped one of our sessions and uploaded it later onto our computer. The next day I sent him a text from work suggesting he check the clip I’d saved on the desktop but left out what it was.
As luck would have it I walked in the door just as he’d bust a nut with the video still playing, cum dripping down his rock hard abs and a shit-eating grin on his face. We had fun that night. He’d gotten into videotaping our sessions after that, especially zooming in as his cock rammed my ass. He said he liked seeing the texture of the skin around my sphincter as it clung to his cock when he pulled out and gave way when he pushed it back in.
We knew part of the turn on was because we fucked without a condom. It was a guilty pleasure, but we’d both gotten tested and we knew we were clean. Clean, however, our floor wasn’t, but on that particular hot day in July I didn’t give a damn. Raj’s sticky ass was doing some on-the-spot blotting and it was fucking awesome.
That was when my cell rang. “Hey Mom.” I said, taking the call. “What the fuck—” Raj hissed beneath me. “Hello Deepak beta. What are you doing? You sound out of breath.” “I’m playing with Raj,” I told her, grinning. Raj scowled but kept on thrusting. “What are you two playing?” “It’s nothing, just a game we invented.” “Well, it’s nice to hear you spending time with your brother, Deepak.” “Uh huh,” I groaned. Raj wasn’t being gentle. “So how are things in Hissar?” “Oh, the same as always.”
She told me something about a hairdresser and the state of the grape harvest. It was all real hard to process with my brother’s cock ramming my ass. Eventually there was a pause on the other end. “Deepak?” asked my mother. “What?” She sighed. “Were you even listening to anything I said? Really Deepak, I don’t know why I even bother.” “Sorry Mom.” I apologize with an effort. “I was just asking you how you and your brother were doing.” “Oh we’re doing great! You want to talk to him?” “Well, actually Deepak—” I put the phone on the floor next to Raj’s ear and left it there. If looks could kill…”Hey Mum,” said Raj through gritted teeth. “Was sup?”
Now I could have some real fun while Raj talked, I used one hand in front and one behind me to work my hole over his big curved cock. It was hard being quiet, knowing how bad we were being. Getting fucked by my brother with my mother on the other line wasn’t easy to top.
I leaned over to suck Raj’s nipple, deliberately letting my teeth graze it. He yelped. “Sorry Mum,” Raj apologized, glaring at me. “Deepak’s being an ass.” I was close to the phone just then so I heard Mom say, “You boys play nice, now.” Raj said to me, “Mum wants to know if you want to go home next weekend to celebrate Ashlesha’s birthday.” “Sure. Sounds good,” We could be going to Hissar tomorrow for all I cared. Raj went back into the phone. “Ok we’ll be there. Listen Mum, I got to go now. Bye.” Chucking the phone across the room, he rolled on top of me.
Taking both my arms by the wrists he put them over my head and held them there with an iron grip. “Now you’re going to get it,” he growled. He pressed my shoulder down with his free hand as he slammed into my prostate. Bam bam bam! Shit, if he kept this up I was going to have burns from the hardwood. I loved it. “Mom said to play nice.” I reminded him between gasps. “Yup.” Raj had become a blur of sweat, muscle, and heat. There was no way of stopping this train now. We were going to blow each other to smithereens. “Don’t think fucking your bro… is nice… awwww!”
I came, hot wet spunk splattering all over Raj’s chest even as he shut me up with a kiss that was rough enough to draw blood. He came in me then too, my brother’s cum pumping into my convulsing anal canal, coating it nice and thick. On the day before we were to leave, I hung out with JD at his place.
He’d wanted company while he worked to change the kitchen sink. JD was hands-on guy and an electrician by trade. I was leaning against the counter with a beer and he was lying on his back shirtless underneath the sink when I told him we were going to Hissar for the weekend. “What, that dump? What for?” was his response. We’d grown up in the same town. “Ashlesha’s birthday.” I told him. “Now that makes even less sense.” JD scooted out a little so he could look at me, his ab muscles flexing as he did. “Hard to see what’s there for her.” I shrugged. It had puzzled me too. “Maybe she’s hoping to get your whole family high.” JD grinned. “Dang, I’d hate to miss that.” JD was a good looking guy with a weird sense of humor.
If you were to compare them, Raj always came across as the rougher, more untrustworthy of the two, but JD was the real one to watch because he was smarter and infinitely more dangerous. Anytime there’d been funny business in Hissar you could pretty well bet JD was behind it. Moving to Delhi he’d developed street smarts and a lean and mean torso that screamed ‘fuck me’. He had one of those chests that looked completely hairless all the way down unless you inspected closely .Growing up as the only gay guys we knew in Hissar we’d gone the whole nine yards in our exploratory phase.
Gradually we’d reana mikaed our interests clashed (JD discovered he was a total bottom) and we were better off as friends. “Hey, I just thought of something. Since you and Raj are going anyway, you think you could ask Raj to pick up the toolbox I left at Mom’s place last Diwali?” I raised an eyebrow. “Why don’t I just go over there myself?” I paused. “Your mom still hates me that much?” “‘Fraid so, Deepak… You know how much I’ve tried to fix that. It’s better this way, trust me.” He rubbed my leg. It was rare these days for him to be affectionate.
Still, he’d saved my life once, and there was no one I trusted more in the world other than maybe Raj. We’d put our friendship to the test more than once, and none more so than the time he was alluding to now. I’d decided to come out to my family three years ago. I’d made the decision after a guy I’d been seeing threatened to out me if I broke up with him. By that point I’d already reana mikaed he was a nut case and just crazy enough to do it.
For a month I stalled, waiting till I was back in Hissar for the summer. If I was going to be outed, I wanted my family to hear from me first. Naturally I told JD of my intentions. He’d wanted to have the guy “taken care of”, but I told him no. He’d been mad, which he never got unless he was scared. It wasn’t just for me, but for himself, because he knew he’d be outed by association. We’d been too close and the town too small. I told Raj next.
I could tell it bothered him, but when I told my parents and Dad flipped out as expected, he’d stood there next to me with his arms around my shoulders. I told our half-sister Anamika in Greater Noida and she’d been surprised. Ashlesha I told last. She’d simply snorted and rolled her eyes, “Finally. Was wondering how long it would take.” Apparently she’d known all along.
JD I didn’t hear from until weeks later, when he showed up on my driveway. He said he’d told his mother (his father had died years ago) and apologized for being an ass. That would have been that if his mother hadn’t decided on her own that I’d somehow been the one to “turn” her son. I wasn’t welcome in her house anymore, and when I saw her in the grocery store days later, she’d ignored me, which hurt because she’d been like a second mother to me.
As for the guy who’d threatened to out me, I found out a couple weeks later that he’d been hospitalized for smoke inhalation and second degree burns after the townhouse he was renting caught fire. In the ensuing investigation, a loose wire had been found to be the culprit, a common enough occurrence in houses of that age. I had my suspicions, however. When I told JD afterwards he’d shot me his dimples and murmured “funny that,” with a gleam in his eye.
I had a policy of letting sleeping dogs lie. He, on the other hand, had no such inhibitions. With his voice muffled beneath the sink, JD asked now, “So, who’s this mysterious new guy you’ve been seeing for the past six months?” I was glad he couldn’t see me; otherwise he might have seen a deer caught in the headlights. I decided to temporize. “What makes you think I’ve been seeing someone?” He sighed in exasperation and pushed out of the sink enough to look at me. “Come on, Deepak. You know better than to try to pull this kind of shit on me. I’d known you, what, how long?” “What you talking about? I’m enjoying the single life.” “Bullshit. BULL SHIT. See, me and you, we’re different.
Me, I’m a slut. I own up. You, on the other hand, are a serial monogamist. You think I don’t notice all that stuff in your room that’s not yours?” “It’s Raj’s.” It was true. “Uh huh. Your brother leaves his underwear in your room?” I almost panic hilled. I’d been so careful…Then my eyes narrowed. “There’s no underwear -” JD laughed. He actually laughed. “I know. You should have seen your face though.” Did I mention he was evil? “The truth of the matter is, your room’s been so fucking clean these days, it’s obvious that you clean up before I come. You never used to do that. So that got me thinking.
Why’d you go through all that trouble? The answer was obvious – you’re trying to keep me from figuring out who’s been hanging around. It’s someone I know, isn’t it?” “So the fact that I decide to clean my room means—” “Yup.” “Pffff. You’re crazy.” I folded my arms. JD just smiled. “Alright, keep your secrets. But just so we’re clear, if you ever wanna talk, no matter how crazy it is, I’m here for you, ‘k?” “Yeah.” I said tightly. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Hissar was town of about a thousand people about four hours northeast of Delhi.
We ended up not leaving till noon because Raj had wanted to get in one more plough before we left. Resistance had been futile – he’d started talking in his coaxing tone, rubbing my crotch with his, and before I knew it I was flat on my stomach getting rimmed. Late in the afternoon, we drove past the Hissar Welcome sign and the little one-way bridge . A little further down was Fauji da dhaba . Then that brought us to the Market.
This was the little convenience store our parents had operated since as long as I could remember. It was, unsurprisingly, closed. A hard right turn later we pulled up into the driveway of the blue one-story bungalow that I’d called home for eighteen years.Raj killed the engine, flashed me a wordless smile, and gave my thigh a squeeze. I watched as he lumbering out of the car and stretched, his back muscles rolling beneath his shirt. Damn. This wasn’t going to be easy. Dad got the door with Mom close behind. “Well, better late than never,” said Dad gruffly by way of greeting. “Oh God… the boys got here safe and sound and that’s all that matters,” said Mom warmly. And there you have it.
Our parents Dad stood in for Mr. Character while Mom managed Health and Safety. Raj had a lot of Dad’s looks – the square jaw, the hooded brown eyes, the dark hair (though Dad’s was starting to grey). Mom, meanwhile, had what could be described as a full figure, though from looking at her old high school photos I knew there’d been a time when she’d been as thin as Dad. I’d inherited her pointed chin and nose, but Raj and I had the same eyes. Suddenly, two bundles of legs and arms burst into the hallway. “Uncle Raj! Uncle Raj!” cried the older one, whose name was Rajan.
He was five.Abhishek, who was three, contented herself with dragging a doll across the floor. Both gazed worshipfully up at Raj. “Heya there, squirt!” boomed Raj, a broad smile on his face. Crouching down he easily lifted both kids into his arms. They giggled as he stood back up, carrying them clear off their feet. Raj was good with kids, a thought that gave me an unexpected pang of sadness. He wouldn’t have any if he stuck around with me. “Deepak.” “Anamika di.” I smiled as I looked up. We hugged. At 35, my half-sister was a good ten years older than me. ` was the “accident” that had resulted in my step mom marrying another man at the tender age of nineteen.
She’d never been pretty, but what she lacked for in looks she more than made up for in smarts. Anamika was a lawyer, and married. Her husband hadn’t come because he had to work. “So you’re the mother of these brats, eh?” I grinned. She sighed. “So it seems. I sometimes wonder.” “They sure have grown.” “You’re telling me! Rajan’s gone through three pant sizes in the past year. Three!” she shook her head in disbelief. “It’s too bad Abhishek’s a girl. All Mom had to do was give me Raj’s hand-me-downs,” I said ruefully. In actuality had been a bit of a turn-on to wear my brother’s clothes. Maybe that’s how it all started. “So how was Kolkata?” I asked Anamika.
I knew she’d just come back from holidaying there “Oh it was fabulous! You would have liked it, such a beautiful city. Oh,!” “You know Anamika,” remarked Dad, “I once thought I’d travel the world.” “Really? When was this?” Dad turned to Mom. “How long have we been married?” he deadpanned. “twelve years.” She didn’t looking at him. “There you have it. Twelve years ago.” “Nikhil.” “Yes dear?” “Your fly is down.” “Oh, I’m sorry.” Dad zipped up sheepishly. “Was I putting on a show?” “No,” she sniffed. “A dead bird won’t fall out of its cage.” There was an awkward silence with the score tied at one all. “So,” I chimed in, “Where’s Ashlesha?” Mom frowned. “I thought she was coming with you.” Raj and I shook our heads.
Dad threw up his hands in exasperation, “Her birthday and she doesn’t deign to show up. That girl has no sense of decency.” “I hope she isn’t still on the road when the storm hits tonight,” said Mom. She had a worried crease on her brow. The storm turned out to be one whopper of a tropical depression. We finished dinner just before the electricity was cut. With still no sign of Ashlesha, there was nothing to do but to turn in for the night. Raj and I went to our separate rooms.
For about half an hour after everyone had gone to bed I listened to the pitter-patter of the rain and the drumming of distant thunder. Then I crept into Raj’s room. “Hey,” I whispered, opening his door a crack. “Hey,” back came Raj’s gravelly reply in the darkness. I closed the door behind me. “Still scared of the thunder, lil’ bro?” he drawled, referring to the countless times I’d coming knocking on his door in the middle of the night when we were kids. I scooted into bed and he enveloped me in his big arms. “Not when I sleep with you.” “So why’d you stop coming?” “I was more scared of you noticing how hard you made me.” “Hmm. You weren’t the only one.” Raj took my hand and put it on his underwear-covered crotch. He was as hard as a rock.
In an instant I was too. “I used to steal your underwear.” I confessed. “Fuck, really?” “Yeah.” “What did you do with them?” “Sniff them as I jacked off.” “Fuuuuck. That’s sooo….” he growled, “…hot.” He started humping my crotch. I groaned. “Raj, we can’t. I don’t know if I can be quiet.” Raj arched his back and slid his underwear off. With it bunched up in his hand he cooed, “Open wide.” “What—” He stuffed it into my mouth. “—Mrrrrh!” “Yah, I love you too,” he chuckled softly. “Now turn over.”
The full aroma of sex hit me and the last shreds of my caution morphed into cock. I turned over. I went on all four, looking at him expectantly. Maybe I even wagged my butt a little. Really, there was nothing I could do at this point. He slowly slid my underwear down to my knees and then left it there. “Mmm… my lil’ ass,” he marvelled between kisses on my butt cheeks. He slapped it once and said, “wait here,” as he rubbed the burn in.
I looked over as he went over to the window where he’d left his pants and rummaged through his pockets. A flash of lightning caught him in profile, bringing out the contours of his body. There was the outline of his jaw, the dip of his massive trap muscles, the deep cleft in his chest, the meander of his abs, and at the end of it…his long hard cock. In his hand he held a small bottle. Lube.
Back on the bed, he knelt as he applied it to his cock and pawed some around my hole. He leaned over me and ran his fingers through my hair, pulling my head back to rumble in a low voice, “You have no idea how long I’ve dreamt this, you coming into my room, and we doing this.” He teased his cock up and down my crack. “God have mercy,” he rasped. The gag muffled my moan. There was always something about the full weight of Raj on top of me that felt right. That and the heat rising between us. “You ready for some friction, bro?” growled Raj. “Mrrrh!” I enthused.
Achingly slowly, he slid his cock up my chute. The lube smoothed the way, making it easier than when he fucked me dry. He started thrusting. The sweet fucking sensation had me pounding the bed with my fist before long. There was a flash of lightning followed by a thunderous boom. “Aw don’t let the thunder scare you Deepak,” Raj grunted. “Your brother won’t let anything happen… while he’s fucking you.”
My brother’s bare cock always got adventurous when he started talking like that. He’d plow new depths and probe new niches till every pore of pleasure was tapped. One of his palms smeared sweat and lube across my chest as he rode me. Shit, I thought. Mounted and mated to my brother. But Raj was the hottest guy I’d ever been with, and I knew I was his match. Why else would God make two animals like us than to have us breed each other like bunnies? With Raj’s underwear clenched between my teeth, his sweat dripping all over me, and my dick swinging with each slap of flesh, it all seemed to make sense.
This was wholesome and good fucking; I was going to get my brother’s strong seed. We were wise to mate in this place where we’d grown into men. Sweet. Fucking. Brother. He was going to burst my cum well soon, I could tell. All he had to do was punch his meat into my hot anal cavity a couple more times. Suddenly, there was a bang, and some part of me distinguished it as a door and not thunder. But I was being fucked. I was close.
This was more important “Deepak?” A female voice. Ashlesha. I was cumming, hot jets of well-fucked semen. And then Raj was cumming too, but he was already pulling out, desperately spewing in me, on me, everywhere. For compliments/comments, mail me at [email protected]