Hedonistic Wife Sharing – Part 2

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Hi, It’s Me Mani again..Came back with another part of real sex story but its not mine. Check out the 1st Part 1st. Anyone who want give their stories can email me at [email protected] even girls and married ladies can approach me, present at Hyderabad. Okay, coming back to the story now…

However, within a little more than a month or by the 2nd week of February 2008, Srilekha Ray underwent abortion; it was her first termination of pregnancy (or impregnation) . . .

However, on the other hand, Paresh Mukherjee [the confirmed bachelor who had impregnated Srilekha], started being in regular touch with Srilekha from Calcutta on phone. Perhaps he could not forget his good times with Srilekha — after all, he had enjoyed Srilekha regularly for almost a month [mid-December 2007 mid-January 2008] as her tacit paramour.

Well, in March 2008, Sanjay Ray, left his Ahmedabad job and joined another Company or a MNS at Calcutta, thus shifted back to Calcutta where the Couple started staying at a (rental) 2-BHK flat, near Gol Park. Meanwhile, or shortly before shifting back to Calcutta, Srilekha had become pregnant. And by the month of June (2008) the acute symptoms of nascent pregnancy started pervading Srilekha; her breasts tuning little bigger and sore, areolae turning darker, belly was gradually swelling up. . .

Anyway, during their early beginning of conjugal days at their flat at Gol Park, near the Rabindra Sarobar Lake, one day Sanjay came across one his college-day buddy named Sutanu Chatterjee in the metro-train. The two buddies thus met after years, and both turned joyous to see each other. This Sutanu was dark and tall and very handsome to look at, attached to Bengali filmdom. Incidentally, his feature or face resembled with that of a top film-Star of Bengal. And Srileka was always a great fan of the Star.

Next day was a June Sunday, and so Sanjay invited Sutanu to his place for a lunch. That night when Sutanu told Srilekha about his abrupt meeting with his bosom friend Sutanu, and of his feature’s similarity with the Star she was always fond of, Srilekha felt thrilled and showed her keenness on meeting Sutanu, requesting her husband Sanjay to help her pall up Sutanu. Her eagerness towards a friendship with Sutanu suddenly loaded Sanjay with an idea to bring his beautiful and full-bodied wife Srilekha and old buddy Sutanu closer to each other so that a closer intimacy could develop between them, thereby freeing her from the chance to develop tedium of conjugality.

On that Sunday Sutanu came over the lunch with the Couple, and when Sanjay introduced Srilekha to Sutanu, the both turned practically smitten with each other.

However, that day onwards Sutanu would often drop down at Sanjay’s place, mostly at evenings. And Sanjay indulged the development of intimacy between Srilekha and Sutanu.And then when one day Sanjay suddenly asked his wife Srilekha if she could seduce Sutanu if given chance or consent. Srilekha was initially taken aback by her husband’s bizarre question, but next moment she intuitively guessed what was on his mind. His question immediately and irresistibly excited her in anticipation.

And she counter-questioned Sanjay if he really wanted her to induce Sutanu to melt in her. Sanjay hugged Srilekha and whispered to her ear — “Sutanu is very very hot and tremendously breast-crazy like Paresh.” On hearing Sanjay, Srilekha giggled and assured him: “all right. I would seduce Sutanu in your presence, and besides I myself want to role-play his girlfriend to satiate his unspoken want for a Flame he last for.”

However, then the Couple mutually thought out a plan to open out handsome Sutanu into sex with pretty Srilekha by engaging, in a situational mode, him as masseur to Srilekha.
Well, that evening Sutanu came up as usual. Srilekha was as usual in her home outfits — saree-blouse etc. Seeing Sutanu, this time Srilekha felt a strange series of tingles running up her spine. Anyway, soon three of them, or trio, lost into their usual confabulation or chats, over sips of chilled beers, in the bedroom.

After the 1st round of drinks, Srilekha suddenly stretched up her upside and a soft moan of twinge escaped her lips. Her face suggested as though she was undergoing some uncomfortable trouble in her body — in or around her ribs and flanks, (as if) perhaps caused by acidity. . . Srilekha refused to take any anti-acid pill or pain-killer tablet or medicine for it.

Then (as planned) Sanjay came out with second option, and that option was to apply some oil-massage upon her affected area of ache. On hearing Sanjay’s suggestion, Srilekha stayed quiet for a few moments, and then asked who would massage her. Sanjay smiled to himself, and pointed out to Sutanu who turned crimson in coy. Sanjay suggested his wife to go to bathroom to change into a bathing robe. Srilekha obliquely looked up at Sanjay and their eyes met together. She tittered and went to bathroom.

And within moments, Srilekha stepped out into the bedroom, completely topless, with a small bottle of olive oil in hand. Sutanu looked stunned and fascinated; he turned agape in wonder — the tremendous penetrating sex-appeal of topless Srilekha almost killed Sutanu, — and he just exclaimed, waoooooow. . . Srilekha’s erotic appeal of her pectoral assets left a strong impact on Sutanu who instantly formed a bulge in his trousers, indicating his massive erection underneath.

However, in no time, Sanjay positioned or put his topless wife on her back on the floor, over a mat, indicating Sutanu to assume his task. Now, with pouring some olive oil in palms, Sutanu slowly started embrocating or massaging Srileka’s shoulders and arms etc, thus gradually sliding along her flanks. Srilekha sighed in comfort and pleasure. Her firm breasts, peaked with honey-brown aureole and taut nipples, stayed high in arrogance of her prime youth. Agape, Sutanu soon came over her bare bosom, and began with Srilekha with his both oil-coated palms grabbing and kneading her both domes. Srilekha again hissed in pleasure; her soft-yet-hard breast-flesh proudly rebounded to his every squeeze — soft or hard — with all its cushioning resilience and youthful conceit.

Sanjay watched, fascinated. The ambience in the room was slowly becoming resplendent with erotic odour. . . Srilekha was humming or mumbling in ecstasy against Sutanu’s every squeeze, rhythmically. However, gradually Sutanu moved to her ‘little puffed’ nether belly and abdomen, and carefully embrocated oil over it. He was careful that he was aware that Srilekha was pregnant now. Well, after a couple of minutes of embrocation, Sutanu’s hands again came back to her aloft breasts and resumed kneading them with gusto.

Meanwhile, (multiorgasmic) Srilekha had undergone two consecutive orgasms. Voyeuring Sanjay now suddenly felt that Sutanu might be in mood to devour her breasts with his mouth . . . but perhaps not gathering up enough courage or nerve to do so. So, now, Sanjay neared him and from his behind Sanjay pushed down Sutanu’s head to one her breast-peak. His action was a part of the Couple’s design itself, and Srilekha was already ready for it. And she instantly closed her arms around Sutanu at her bosom and shoved as much of that breast-peak, inclusive of its brown areola, into his athirst mouth as she could, thus almost choking him on that spur of impulsive moment. Now the moment his suction on that nipple began, a soft moan of pleasure escaped Srilekha’s mouth. And thus began the maiden love-session [June 2008] between Srilekha and Sutanu. Sutanu went on to devour her breasts, by turns, thus soon bringing Srilekha to another shuddering orgasm.

Srilekha showered upon Sutanu her doting warmth of affection in her best possible way — which soon assumed a full bout of coital lovemaking, because by then Sanjay had yanked her petticoat away from her body, to ease his best friend to eat up the prime youth of supine Srilekha to his best satisfaction. Finally, uplifting her legs on his shoulders, Sutanu carefully pushed his huge thick and lubricated cock into Srilekha’s within, and slowly and carefully started pumping himself in her, making her shriek in bliss against his every strong and deeper thrust. The copulation went on, and then the moment Srilekha sensed his ensuing outburst, she closed her legs around Sutanu and drew him deeper in her. Next moment a groan escaped Sutanu and he flooded out in Srilekha who now reeled like a reed while absorbing his sperms in her. Srilekha was highly satisfied, and she expressed her gratitude to Sutanu for it and requested him to fill her regularly onwards or whenever he felt aroused.

Well, it was the beginning, — and Sutanu thus became a regular (and secret) third companion in the Couple’s conjugality, and thereafter, bachelor Sutanu would undergo regular love-trysts — or at least 5 times a week — with Srilekha, both in presence or absence of Sanjay at the flat. The regular sex between (pregnant) Srilekha and Sutanu turned them emotional to each other soon.

And in the first week of January 2009, Srilekha delivered a male baby in a private hospital.

Now (new-mother) Srilekha would not only suckle her infant baby, but also her breast-crazy paramour Sutanu who was quite fond of her lactic nectar or breast-milk. And since Srilekha was prone to hyperlaction, her breasts remained more than sufficiently abounded with milk to offer Sutanu and Sanjay also.

Well, despite Srilekha’s often sex with Sutanu, Srilekha did not conceive, though Srilekha wanted him to impregnate her or father a child — her next child — with her, and to it her understanding and broad-minded husband Sanjay had no objection as such. Srilekha did try out with Sutanu in vain on her unsafe days. . .

Day passed on. And one day, suddenly Sutanu died of massive heart-attack (in October 2009). Srilekha took months to get over this fiasco.

However, in April 2010, another male suddenly entered Ray’s conjugality. This episode thus began that there was a senior guy named Alok De who happened to be the husband of Sanjay’s only and elderly brother-in-law. Middle-aged and the father of two adolescent daughters, Alok would reside in Howrah. In February (2010), Alok was intrigued in a petty criminal case at his locality, and finally local Court cast out his staying in his locality for 90 days.

Under such situation, his wife requested Sanjay-Srilekha to mete out a temporary shelter to Alok at their place. Thus Alok — whom Srilekha also knew or was on friendly terms with — came to stay with the Ray Couple at their Gol Park flat, and a new chapter began there.

Handsome and fair-skinned Alok was a kind of Casanova by nature, and in mind he had perhaps avidity for beautiful Srilekha since the moment he first saw Srilekha at her marriage with Sanjay in April 2007. And now after 3 years a situational situation or opportunity came to him to get closer to Srilekha by staying under the same roof with her . . . and Alok cast his Casanovan spell upon Srilekha. . .

However, one Sunday morning [early March 2010], the three of them — Sanjay, Srilekha and Alok — were chit-chatting together in the bedroom, while the baby was asleep in his cot by bedside. Incidentally, at that time Srilekha was still in her loose nightie, with no bra inside. And many a time or whenever she leaned forth a little a considerable part of her cleavage peeped out — and Alok, who was then sitting in her front, was often getting clear glimpses of her pectoral assets. This sight excited Sanjay, titillating the scopophiliac instinct in him, and he rushed to bathroom for masturbation, also a bath. It was then about 11 o’clock.

After 45 minutes when Sanjay opened the bathroom-door and stepped out into his bedroom, Sanjay saw his wife and Alok standing on floor, hugging each other tight, and their mouths sealed in a passionate kiss. Being caught red-handed or seen by Sanjay, they instantly separated or cast off and Alok’s face turned red in embarrassment and guilt. Sanjay smiled to himself and feigned as if he had seen nothing there.

Anyway, this incident egged on Sanjay to indulge Alok with Srilekha — then a young mother of a baby of 14 months — into a physical relationship so that he could voyeur their extramarital escapades, directly or from a closet, as per chances available. However, embarrassed Alok went to his room. And in absence of Alok, Srilekha sought Sanjay’s permission and cooperation to live out a surrogate wife to Alok. Sanjay gladly permitted Srilekha, suggesting her to open out Alok into sex with her at their outer balcony at that evening itself.

Sanjay-Srilekha’s flat was on the 4th floor, and a medium-sized balcony was attached to their bedroom with its entry-door with the bedroom. And the balcony could be viewed, or watched, through or from a small side-window of the master bathroom (attached to the master bedroom), and before the balcony a huge open green field remained where no building-complex was yet constructed.

However, that evening Srilekha and Alok gathered up at the balcony to leisure out evening hours. Darksome or sunless evening had then become dark like early night, and balcony-light was not on. But still everything was clearly discernible there. That time Srilekha was in her side-belted housecoat or house-robe, whereas Alok was in lungi only.

Seated cross-legged facing each other in the balcony, Srilekha and Alok chit-chatted together a lot, while Sanjay was stealthily watching them from his closet or the bathroom, and Srilekha was, of course, aware that Sanjay was secretly peeping over them. And at about 8 at evening, horny Srilekha finally started her game with Alok by drawing her face closer to that of Alok, thereby suggesting a tacit invitation to Alok for a passionate kiss.

Next moment eager Alok leaned on her face and engulfed her succulent lips, and with their mouth-to-mouth osculation began their first lovemaking at that balcony. Soon Srilekha’s house-robe was peeled off, and Srilekha become completely nude. Her bare sex-oozing pulchritude or curvaceous body maddened Alok who also disrobed himself, and threw their undone clothes aside in a heap. Alok’s cock was also massive and pulsating in sexual fury.

Alok put Srilekha to a supine position and came over her. Srilekha fizzled at his intimate touch. Srilekha’s breasts were still milkful, and the moment Alok’s strong hands or palms strongly squeezed out her twin breasts, squirts of milk jutted up from her both breasts and sprinkled against Alok’s face, and Srilekha giggled as her lactic nectar drenched Alok’s face. And next moment Srilekha pulled his face (with agape mouth) down to a squirting nipple and shoved the peak into his mouth, pleading him to empty her pair of milky breasts. Srilekha started murmuring the moment Alok’s athirst mouth began suction and globs of milk entered Alok’s mouth which he gulped down or consumed with gusto. Keen suction brought several shuddering orgasms to Srilekha.

Alok thus emptied Srilekha’s breasts (for that time being), sucking them up by turns, and thereafter, Alok moved to Srilekha’s pubic zone or clean-shaved pubic mound which was profusely oozing with her orgasmic fluid. She hissed as Alok’s mouth invaded her wet vaginal gate, and the moment his tongue-lip assumed overrunning her clitoral part Srilekha shrieked aloud and pleaded her youth-taster Akok to devour her completely. .

Alok consumed her pubic nectar with gusto and zeal, and finally readied himself to consummate full course of copulation with supine Srilekha. He uplifted her legs on to his shoulders and Srilekha herself guided him into her; Alok entered her lubricated orifice with a thrust and went deeper. And then, having grabbed Srilakha’s firm arrogant breasts in hands, Alok started churning in her — initially in a slow tempo, and then gradually increasing it.

In ecstasy Srilekha was noisily moaning against his every deeper thrust. And finally, a groan escaped Alok and he turned still, pushing himself deeper to the hilt, and a sharp sigh escaped Srilekha suggesting Alok’s seminal deluge in her within. Satisfied and delighted Srilekha tightened her embrace around her neo-paramour Alok. On the other hand, or meanwhile, voyeuring Sanjay had wanked twice in the bathroom. Well, that night Alok and Srilekha enjoyed another two rounds of coital lovemaking, both in missionary and doggy positions. And Srilekha entered her bedroom after mid-night, satiated and worn out.

After this balcony incident, Alok started regularly eating up sexy Srilekha — both in diurnal and nocturnal hours, both in presence and absence of Sanjay in the flat.

And thus till June-end (2010), or in these three months, Alok tasted Srilekha daily, and when Alok left the Couple’s flat to go home, Srilekha was already in her early or embryonic pregnancy [of 7 weeks]. Sanjay, of course, did not apprise Alok that he had accidentally impregnated his wife Srilekha. Srilekha, however, went for termination of her pregnancy — and this was her 2nd abortion.

Well, even after Alok’s departure, Alok kept being in touch with Sanjay & Srilekha. Now he would drop at Sanjay’s flat every evening after his office hours, to spend some hours in the company of Srilekha. However, Alok came to know of his impregnation of Srilekha and he took her to a private nursing home where she was aborted.

As its too long…

To Be Continued in part 3

Hope you all enjoyed.. Bye bye , See Ya., Yours Mani, get me in private at hyderabad. will be waiting .. you can mail me at [email protected]

Hedonistic Wife Sharing – Part 2

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