Hail the queens of lesbian love.

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Hi all, this is your JJ and this time around we are going to enjoy a long hard lesbian feast. It’s a hot Saturday educational institutions closed for summer vacation. Roads wear a deserted look and everyone happy to be indoors to escape the torrid heat. Raheja Towers 9th floor AIG Life Insurance, the security guard on duty trying hard not to doze off and cursed the Operations Director for visiting office on a holiday. Kavika sat at her desk watching the clock, hoping for it to speed up so she could get out of this mad office and away from Jaya her boss. The minutes seemed like hours as the day slowly pasted by and it was only two o’clock. The phone rang and it was Jaya’s line, she hesitated before answering it, yes Jaya she said in her most professional voice. Jaya snapped come in here right now and bring your pad with you. Kavika sat for a second before grabbing her pad, she hated sitting across from Jaya and she knew she would have to while she took the dictation.

Jaya was gay and had tried to get Kavika to go out with her on several occasions to have a coffee after work. Kavika had never been with a woman and the thought of doing it just didn’t seem right to her.

Jaya sat there like always when she entered the office, she watched Kavika walk across the large room her eyes never leaving Kavika’s shapely legs. She wore a short denim skirt today and it rode up high on her thigh as she sat down and she quickly adjusted it hoping not to show Jaya too much leg. I love your skirt Kavi, it fits you so nice, please stand again and turn around so I might get a better look at it. The color is perfect for your complexion too. To top it all Jaya herself was wearing a denim skirt today.

Kavika knew what she wanted to look at and it wasn’t the skirt, but she did what Jaya asked and quickly sat back down. Jaya started telling Kavika what she want she needed her do write, she stood up and walked around the desk as she spoke.

Sitting on the front of the desk across from Kavika letting her legs part just enough to allow Kavika a good view of her white panties. Jaya looked around the room as she dictated the letter, Kavika tried to write fast and keep her eyes on the pad but she couldn’t help seeing Jaya’s panties every time she looked up. Jaya crossed and uncrossed her legs a few times while she dictated, each time Kavika saw more and more of her boss panties. Jaya finished the letter and told Kavika to get it typed and in the mail before five. Kavika knew she could never get it done before five, she knew it would take a couple hours to type it and then get it approved by Jaya before being mailed. Damn she thought as she walked out, this sucks she said to herself as she went to work on the letter. Kavika worked like mad trying to finish fast and not make any mistakes. She had it almost done when she felt hands touch her shoulders from behind, it was Jaya’s hands and they were soft against her bare shoulders.

Then her warm breath touched her neck as Jaya said that looks good so far except that part there as she pointed to the paragraph that had taken Kavika almost an hour to get just right. Change it to read more forceful then bring it to me when you’re finished. Kavika finished right at five, she rushed into Jaya’s office without knocking hoping she would approve it. Jaya was lying on the visitor’s chair with her legs spread wide apart, her hands covering her face like she was trying to sleep. I’m finished she said handing the paper to Jaya, she looked it over and said that’s perfect you can send it right away. Kavika turned to leave when she heard Jaya say, after its mailed we will have that drink and I won’t take any excuses this time especially being a Saturday. Kavika froze, she heard her voice say that would be nice this won’t take but just a minute. She made the last mail pickup by just a few seconds. Her mind whirled as she made her way back to her desk, how could I have said that’s fine, its not fine and I am going to tell her too.

As she stood by her desk trying to find the courage to tell Jaya she didn’t want to go out with her she heard Jaya’s voice say lets go Kavika we have a drink waiting with our name on it. Kavika turned and tried to say what she thought but the words wouldn’t come out, instead she heard I am ready for a drink its been a long day came out of her mouth. Well what can one drink hurt, she did enjoy Jaya’s humor and whit and she was a very attractive woman also. She was a few years older than her but in excellent shape with long legs and a very shapely body. We will take my car Jaya said as the entered the underground parking lot, Kavika protested saying she would rather take her own car so she could go straight home after the drink. Jaya just pointed towards the car, you will ride with me she said almost like an order. She knew it was no use arguing so she opened the door sliding in.

I love it Kavika said as the soft leather of the Skoda caressed her thigh as she moved this must cost a fortune she said as Jaya slipped in behind the wheel. It is one of the pleasures I feel is worth the price Jaya said, I had it ordered special just for me. Kavika was impressed to, it had everything in it for the money. Jaya turned the key and the engine roared to life and she found reverse backing out while Kavika was still looking around this great car. Tires squealed as she sped away and it didn’t take but a few minutes to reach their destination The Harrission’s Chetpet and find a parking space. Jaya lead Kavika to the door and opened it for her, it was a plush place with lots of people inside and wasn’t the kind of place she was thinking off. They found a booth in the back and Jaya told Kavika to sit down and she would get the drinks. She watch Jaya walk away almost finding herself in a trance as she watched her hips gracefully sway as she walked. It didn’t take long before she was back with the drinks in hand, Jaya smiled as she told her bottoms up.

They both drained their glasses and another round was ordered before Kavika could stop her. They chatted while they drank the second then the third drink, Kavika wasn’t use to drinking so she felt the effects real quick. After the fourth drink Kavika asked where the girl’s room was, Jaya said i’ll show you, you may need some help finding it and I need to go also. When they returned to the booth another round awaited them. I need to go after this one Kavika said as she slipped into the booth. Jaya asked are you all right to drive? Kavika knew she shouldn’t drive and said I don’t think so but I can get a cab, Jaya said no way i’ll drive you home its on my way so that’s settled . Kavika drank her drink slowly hopping she would be able to walk after all the liquor she had consumed. Well lets ride Jaya said as she pulled Kavika by the hand leading her out of the bar, she felt strange being lead by her and she enjoyed the feeling of her soft skin against hers. The night air brushed against her face bringing her senses to life as they headed for the car still hand in hand.

Kavika loved it as the night air caressed her face and her hair blew as Jaya shifted the gears weaving in and out of slower Chetpet traffic signal. Kavi told her where she lived and Jaya ignored her as she drove past her residence direction and kept driving. That’s my way back there she said Jaya smiled and said I have to show you something before I take you home. It was just a few kilometers when she whipped the car into a garage at a large Santhi colony residence and told Kavika to follow her. Jaya unlocked the door stepped aside and allowed her to enter the most beautiful place she had ever seen. Its perfect Kavika said as she strolled through the house, I would love a place like this, she was beside herself as she looked around with envy. Jaya made them a drink, do you want the grand tour my dear she said with a giggle, yes I do Kavika said before sipping from her glass. Each room was better than the last, Kavika couldn’t believe it was so beautiful and couldn’t wait to see what was next.

The last door was her bedroom and it was done in the most sensual Kavika had ever seen. Oh my God she said as they entered, I have never dreamed a bedroom could be this, I mean, I don’t know what I mean she giggled. How did you ever come up with this, I feel like I’m in paradise, its so sensual and sexy. Jaya took her hand leading her to the master bathroom, if you like this you will love this as she opened the door to a whirlpool bath and all the amenities a woman would ever need. Kavika stood in silence as she dreamed of one day owning such a home, she didn’t even notice Jaya’s arms around her waist and when her lips kissed her neck from behind she jumped back to reality. Kavika turned quickly to protest what Jaya had done but before a word could leave her lips Jaya kissed her passionately.

Kavika tried to speak but Jaya’s tongue slipped into her mouth and started darting around and her hands held Kavika tightly. She hadn’t ever been kissed so passionately in her life, her mind went blank as her own passion began to take control. Kavika returned the kiss with as much passion as she could as Jaya’s fingers traced along her bare shoulders and down the front of her blouse. She didn’t resist as the buttons opened exposing her black lace bra and Jaya’s hands caressed her soft breast as the kiss ended. Jaya stepped back with a smile and a look of lust, now that wasn’t so bad was it she asked as she unhooked the front clasp of Kavika’s bra and opened it to free her breast.

Her nipples stood erect, she had beautiful nipples and breast that turned up just right. Jaya’s finger touched her nipple, tracing it with her fingertip as their eyes searched each other’s. Kavika felt the wetness form between her legs as Jaya’s knowing caresses excited her body while her mind wondered what was next. Should she leave, just walk out, what about her job, and could she face Jaya tomorrow at work if she left? It was then that she gave in completely to Jaya’s touch as their lips touched again in passion. Not that bad to be touched by a powerful woman Kavika’s love hole now became wetter and wetter she could feel the juice of life drip along her thigh. Both of these love birds knew it was going to be a long time before they could hit the bed doze off to sleep, they loved every minute as they tasted the forbidden fruit of lesbian pleasures.

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