Gurmeet’s CFNM House-viewing With Realtor

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Dear Indian sex stories dot net Readers, I’m Gurmeet Chaudhary, 33 y/o management consultant in Gurgaon. Recently, my wife Deepali and I decided to buy a new house, finally having pooled in enough money to buy a luxury penthouse somewhere near our workplaces. Deepali is a fashion designer and she insists we both remain fit. Well, that was never a problem for me, since I used to be a fitness model back as a 19-year-old in Chandigarh. I work hard to maintain an eight-pack physique with a hectic work schedule, but I tend to manage.

I got free from work and went to the gym when Deepali called saying that our house-hunter (or realtor) Ritu had just called for a house viewing in Golf-Links. I was ordered to leave everything and reach there in 15 minutes since Ritu had some other appointment later. I rushed out without changing out of my gym vest and track pants – just took a jacket on top. I reached the address and saw Deepali parking her car. I thought thank god I’m not late. We rung the bell and Ritu nicely opened the door and gave Deepali a hug. We were cordial and friendly with Ritu, who must be around 40 years but still hadn’t married. She looked rather nice in a pantsuit.

She took us around the house that belonged to an Italian CEO and his Indian wife, both of who are now relocating to the US and were in a hurry to sell off the house. It was a modern and chic house with mono-chromic (black and white) walls. I was surprised to see such a tasteful interior. Our tour got us to the kitchen which was surprisingly very warm – Ritu explained that the heating of the kitchen had gone wrong and the repairmen will fix it in this week. Deepali wanted to take some extra time in the kitchen, checking each detail out and I was fuming in the heat. I unzipped my jacket and took it off, figuring that it would probably be fine since I was wearing a dark vest inside. Just having gotten off the gym, my arms were pumped and chest was swollen. Deepali casually pressed on my popping nipples peeping through the cloth, to settle them down.

Ritu was particularly raving about the master-bathroom which she said was completely made of black marble with a steam-shower, imported bathroom settings and most of all a jacuzzi. She wasn’t wrong, the bathroom was right out of a home decor magazine – absolutely stunning. We went around exploring the space and as we were getting ready to move into the other rooms, Ritu said, “So the owners have especially requested that all prospective buyers once try the jacuzzi. The Italian man was heartbroken that he had to leave his lavish German jacuzzi to move into a studio apartment in New York”, and we all laughed. Ritu continued, “So should I give you some alone time here, just try it out.” I was really excited and I started figuring out controls, but Deepali quickly responded saying that she doesn’t have a change of swimwear to try it out, plus she had just gotten her hair styled and air-dried.

“Baby, sorry but you try it out na. You’ve also had a tiring day at work and at the gym”, she said to me innocently. I was lukewarm about the idea, but she insisted and came closer to me trying to pull the vest up from my stomach. I nodded in agreement and quickly pulled the vest all the way from my body. I was walking towards the jacuzzi that Ritu had now filled with warm water on a water-massage and vibration setting (she felt was best for relaxing). As I was trying to enter, Ritu exclaimed, “You’re going to go like this?”, and soon Deepali took over and said “Guru, the pants will get wet baba. Take them off.” I was in half-minds about taking off my pants since the beginning of this discussion but now with this bashing, I automatically undid my pants and dropped them to the floor. I was wearing light brown briefs and they were tighter because I wear them while gymming. I tried not to think about the fact that Ritu can see my naked body directly and just sat in the warm water. The jacuzzi was god-sent. The vibrations and the water massage features really relaxed my body fully. After a few minutes, I didn’t even care or bother to think about the fact that I was lying in my briefs. The two women seemed to chat but mostly just sit in the jacuzzi and look at me.

Finally, I decided to get out. Ritu handed a towel to me, and I got out of the tub and stood on the mat to dry myself off. I started drying off my legs, thighs, tried to dab over my underwear to soak some water and then my abs and chest. Water droplets were still rolling down my neck and my chest pecs. Ritu was staring at my bare body, her eyes rolling from top to bottom, talking a long pause in between around my crotch. I dried myself off and realized that the towel is not big enough to be tied around the waist, so I just ruffled it up and placed it around my neck on the shoulders. I asked Deepali to pick up my clothes from the stool placed far at the other end of the bathroom since I didn’t want to step off the mat and wet the floor. Deepali just asked me to wait for a second and continued asking some questions to Ritu. I could see myself in the mirror, my wheatish tanned and waxed body with ripping muscles, and a tiny pair of wet briefs around the waist clinging to my groin and butt.

Suddenly Deepali looked at me and laughed, and said to Ritu, “See, he’s always checking himself out. This is routine every morning”. Ritu inquired, “Routine as in checking himself out after a bath?”. “Yeah, more than I check myself out”, Deepali replied and giggled. They both walked over to me, and Ritu says jokingly, “But well deserved ya. He works out and he’s proud. Really nice body, Gurmeet.” I was flattered but also weirdly embarrassed. “May I?”, asked Ritu placing her hand on my biceps trying to feel the muscles. I was fine with it, I mean people are feeling up my arms all the time at the gym – I nodded a simple “Yeah”. She started feeling my arm and moved a bit towards my shoulders. Deepali intervened, “Arrey, flex properly no, Guru”, also removing the towel from my shoulders. I picked my arms up and flexed, popping my triceps and biceps out. She pressed my flesh but was surprised by how solid and hard the muscles were. Ritu’s other hand went on to my right chest pec. I had done three reps of chest today and it was really popping out with an erect and big nipple. Her hands rubbed against my nipple and she started moving her hands further down to my ribs and my upper abs, all the way to my navel.

“You must’ve trained really hard for all this”, said Ritu, “You know they have a steam room here in the washroom, you’ll dig it.” My clothes now forgotten, we all walk over to a transparent glass door with a wooden room inside, able to accommodate at least 4 people. We all walked inside and looked over. I was intrigued, it would be wonderful to have a steam room in my own bedroom. “Can we try it?”, I asked purely to see whether it is as effective. I didn’t want to pay a bombshell of money for a steam room that doesn’t do its job. “Yes it obviously does. You should try it. Did you steam in the gym today?”, Ritu asked. I said I hadn’t used the steam at the gym today. We all came out and shut the door while Ritu was figuring out the controls to steam the room up for me. I picked up a manual for the steam room and starting reading its features. On one of the pages, there was a warning that thin cotton clothes shouldn’t be exposed to or be worn inside the steam as a precaution for fire hazards. I quickly told Ritu to stop the steaming, as now I couldn’t go inside with my briefs. I assured them I’d noted the model number and will check reviews online.

“Guru, you can take the briefs out, baby”, Deepali said. Ritu caught on the cue and she felt I was probably shy because of her – “Oh I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize guys. I’ll go out and wait. Gurmeet you can use the steam as you like then.” She said this but didn’t move. It was almost as if the decision is for me right now. “Don’t be shy, baby”, muttered Deepali. As a man, I know we’re not supposed to be as personal or closed about our bodies. I didn’t want to but it just felt like the right thing to do, so out of courtesy and the fact that they’d think of me as overly shy, I said “No Ritu, it’s fine. I’ll go to the steam without my briefs if you don’t mind.” She shook her head. I held the elastic band of my underwear and took them off. Both women were standing in front of me, in full view of my uncircumcised fat and long dick swinging below. I went into the room and for a while, the steam had hidden my body and it felt really nice and warm.

I got out of the room after 15 minutes, sweating and my body pink and red from the heat. “That was really nice”, I said and asked for a towel. I dried myself off from the sweat and asked if I could hop in for a cold shower quickly. It’s only customary to water off the sweat with a shower. “Yes”, Ritu led me to another glass door with the shower room. I tried to hold the towel near my crotch to hide my hanging dick. The shower room was also entirely transparent to the onlookers and Deepali had taken the towel from me while I was entering that small room. I was standing butt naked inside the shower room and I was getting baffled. I just wanted to not pop into an erection right now and I was so focused on doing that, that I couldn’t even operate the sophisticated shower fittings. Ritu saw me struggling the settings panel and opened the door and barged inside. She had to cross across me to reach the panel, and while doing so, my now erect dick brushed against her abdomen. She turned on the settings and brushed by me again.

The water trickled down my hair, face, and body. Water was flowing into my abs, down my groin and finally through my cock. Deepali opened the door and asked, “baby want some help?” I shook my head in the negative. I finished the shower in 3 minutes and came outside. I have drenched again and was rubbing myself with the towel. My dick earlier hanging down was now pointing entirely up in its full 9-inch glory. The foreskin was now pulled back and my pink head was poking out. Ritu’s eyes were fixed on my dick. As Deepali was trying to help me in drying off, Ritu just stood there and staring in amazement at my dick. Ritu suddenly spoke up, “Deepali do you mind if I put some oil on his body?”. We both were taken aback and completely shocked. This was an entirely unprecedented move – she wanted to rub oil on my body and was asking my wife for permission. She sensed the hesitation and explained, “Don’t feel weird guys. I rarely come across such well-bodied men. You look like a greek god descended on to the earth and I just wanted to touch your beautiful body before you cover it back up.”

Deepali and I looked at each other. We were awkward, shocked, and awestruck. Ritu just seemed desperate, her eyes were just not getting enough of my naked body. “I’m so sorry, I should go”, Ritu got dazed and started packing up. Deepali spoke to me softly, “She’s older, single, I think she hasn’t a man naked for too long”. We both felt sympathetic towards Ritu. “Ritu, uhhh..” I started, “if you just want to rub some oil, that’s fine. Don’t feel bad.” Ritu’s eyes just lit up. “I haven’t been with a man in too long, never with anybody who even remotely came close to you Gurmeet. I just want to feel your body, that’s it”, she said. I put my arms out for her to oil my biceps and shoulders. She asked Deepali to join too. Their hands ran across my arms to my back, to my lower back and finally my ass cheeks. Ritu ducked down to rub oil across my upper thighs, ramming her hand in between my closed legs for them to be spread apart. While rubbing me from behind, she would sometimes touch my balls, sometimes put her hand all the way to my dick.

She came to my front. I flexed for her and held it so that she can freely move around my body. I swear to stand naked in front of her was giving me a strangely erotic feeling. She started softly touching around my beck, rubbing in circles around my chest. She pinched my nipples and spent 10 minutes just caressing my abs. She finally moved to my groin. Took my long dick in her two hands, tugged it twice, and start pressing it. It felt really nice but painful at the same time. She held my balls in her hands and poured oil all over my crotch. She ducked down, her face entirely aligned with my cock. She looked directly at my cock, pulled the foreskin back and started massaging my cock. At one point I was so aroused that my dick was growing even much beyond my belief. She finally put my dick in her mouth (Deepali and I felt weird, but Deepali calmed me down saying it’s a nice thing we’re doing for somebody). She sucked me off like a pro and when I was about to come and I tried pulling out, she held me by the ass and rammed my dick into her mouth. She swallowed it whole. She then hugged me really tight with her hands moving all across. Finally, we all decided to make a move.

It’s safe to say, it was the best house viewing I’ve ever been to. We’re going to be moving into the house soon, thanks to a discount Ritu helped us score.

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