Hi guys… I’m Alex Pratt… A Student from Chennai… This is a story about me when I got an attractive North-Indian bombshell as my sex partner.
It was around June, when I decided to study for GATE and get a GOOD JOB. So, I searched about it and decided to study in a “BIG COACHING CENTRE” in Bangalore. I went there and stayed and did all my research about Room rents, roommates and stuff like that. And finally got settled in one. I think I’m lucky that my P.G. is opposite to girls P.G. that’s just too good to be true. But it is true. So couple of month went even two three subjects were completed and then when there was a start of new subject some new students came since they missed their own class and used this one as a back-up classes.
That’s when I first met Aashvi. By that time I didn’t knew her name. I was like “wow… What a girl man…” and when I look around and my friends said the same thing. She was like a sexiest Spanish girl from the Hollywood movie and I was starring at her like for more than 10 minutes. When she finally glanced at me and totally nailed me to her. Some days went as the above happened over and over again.
Finally the day came, THE DAY I’m always thinking about, and that would be she came to class as there was no seat in girls’ row she came and sat right next to me. She took her notes and she was reading the last class notes. I was jus star struck and don’t know what to do as I was freaking out and I was jus minding my business.
Suddenly I heard a voice “excuse me, I have a doubt in this” she asked. To be honest I BLUSHED, noting this she smiled a bit as I explained the concept to her. I thought “this is the moment you are been waiting for ALEX!!! And let’s do this” as I introduced myself to her. She smiled while shaking hands and said her name was Aashvi. That’s the first north Indian name I have ever heard and asked what does it means??? She said “I don’t know hmmm, maybe light”. I smiled and said “you don’t know the meaning of your own name”.
Clearly I was Negging to her. This made her to talk a bit more on the first day of the meet. Now I’m confident to ask some personal questions as I asked “where are you from???”, she gave a naughty smile and said “I’m here to study and not to give my address”. This is the thing about the girls, they always want the upper hand on boys whose are trying to friend them.
Next day she didn’t sit near me as she sat in the girls’ row. I was starring at her obviously and she looked prettier than yesterday. So as to give a compliment to her at the end of the class while everybody was leaving and I looked straight into her eyes and said “NICE MAKE-UP, what happened???”. She clearly got angry and said something in Hindi and went. I don’t know Hindi and didn’t catch a word for it. My friend who was behind me said “you idiot, don’t talk to a girl about make-up, that’s like an insult to her”.
After hearing this I rushed to the front gate and Aashvi was waiting for her friend to show-up. I went to her and said “hey, at that time I said you look pretty today”. It was out of the blue and she blushed. As I continued “anything special today” and her friend came and she smiled at me and went!!! I was like “WTF, she just went without even saying a thing”. Next few days I didn’t attend the class and after three days my friend came to me and said “Aashvi asked about you and I did favor to you by telling her that you are sick”. And he also added “she got your number from me”. Enjoy!!!
That night itself call came to me from an unknown number and attended. Its Aashvi….. I was at my toe fingers but acted like I didn’t know it was her. She was frustrated that I didn’t knew it was her and now I gaining the upper hand. So we became friends and this is the part where the background music plays as the scene time lapses and hero & heroin get closer to each other. One night after a few weeks maybe I was on the phone with her, she said “wait a min” and said “hey girl you look SEXY in that dress” to some other girl. I was like “WTF, I need to talk about this to her”.
While she was back on the phone with me without a seconds hesitation I asked “what did just say”. She said “I said that hey you look beautiful” and I gave a naughty smile and said “I heard what you said…” She giggled and admitted that she said “SEXY”. After teasing her she hang up the phone. It was around mid night now, she whatsapp me… I replied and we were chatting some gossip. Somethings which can’t be done while talking can be done while chatting.
So, I had a bad idea and texted
Me: for next 15 minutes I’m going to speak only the truth
Aash: Dude seriously???
Me: yep, you can ask anything… and I mean ANYTHING….
Aash: ok… let me think…
Aash: have you ever kissed a girl…???
I thought to myself that “let the games begin”
Me: yes… In my college…
Aash: oh… love???
Me: I’m not love type boy, I’m benefits type.
Aash: so you are not a virgin!!!
Me: yes im not virgin. What did you thought about me.
Aash: I ask the questions now dude, so you just have to answer that. So, how many times you did it???
Me: twice… 2nd time with 2 girls….
Aash: yeah that’s I can easily believe… stop playing and say the truth alex. How many times?.
Me; ok… it was once with a girl while our class tour. And now 15 min is over and its your turn.
Aash: I didn’t agree to that, im not going to be true with you.
Me: anyways, im going to ask you,…. Have you ever kissed???
Aash: im not going to answer……
Me: come on…. Grow up….
Aash: only three questions…. Yes I have kissed right after my 3rd sem with my boyfriend.
Me: have you ever done that…
Aash: NOOOO … he left me… I was not even ready for the kiss.. we had a big fight after that… and broke up…. Period…
Me: so…. Now you ready for it or want some practice with me…???
Aash: what type of question is this???
Me: it’s a honest question… you said only three question… so I brought it front… else I would have asked at last… so, do u want to KISS PRACTICE with me???
Aash: Alex … what …… !!!!!!!
For sometime there was no reply and I thought she dumped me … but god’s grace she replied….
Aash: ok… lets kiss…
I quickly booked a ticket for a movie that too 2 corner seats and there was no other booking except 4 r 5 bookings. I informed the timings and place to her via whatsapp. She said lets meet tomorrow and went offline. Next day we both meet in coffee shop outside the theatre and it was like before an hour for the movie. She was very gorgeous and very hot in tight and silky velvet dress. I said “I’ll only kiss you, so don’t worry, if you are uncomfortable, please say”. She just nodded to it and she was clearly nervous. It was about time, we went in the theatre and there were only 5 people in the whole theatre. I just got fully pumped up. We went to seats and sat there and waited till the movie starts, to say more accurately waited till the lights were turned off.
Movie started so did our kissing. I went near her and kissed her ears slightly as she was heavily breathing. She suddenly turned and gave me lip lock. It was very deep… I said “lets take it slow”.
Now I hold her hands and went near her lips, those juicy wet lips and kissed her cheeks, just rubbed my lips over her cheeks and bit the chin. She turned she face up showing neck, I grabbed her pulled her towards me. I started to blow my heavy hot breath around her neck and bit her neck near her shoulder as she was doing the same thing to me. I moved near her cheek and started to give long and strong kisses allover face. I starred at her and very slowly moved my lips near hers. And gave a kiss just by tasting the lips of hers.
Now I gradually let my tongue in… we begin to French kiss… I slowly moved my arms to her waist while playing with her tongue. I held her waist which made her uncontrollable. The kiss was very deep. I put my tongue over her tongue and she did the same as we both rolled our tongue playing inside our mouth.
Now I started to gently sucked her tongue with my lips… she made some mild sounds as I was playing with her navel. As it was near end of the movie and I was teasing her ears with my lips… I saw her big cleavage a little bit… I tempt me…
I gently let my fingers inside her dress as she was shocked but didn’t stop me. I let my fingers deep inside feeling the warmth of two breasts while my hand was in-between them. It was a milky white breasts and had many moles on it. I started to tickle her with my hands over her breasts and reached for her nipples… it was very soft spot and as pinch her at the tip of the nipple. Her face was full red and she asked me…, “when we can baby practice???”
Thus is how befriended a sex partner. The rest will continue if I receive good comments on this one… u can send your comments to [email protected] Is this usefull??? Hope its useful.