Goa pleasures

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Hi I am shailendra. The two years since my son’s birth had been filled with loneliness and depression, and my few attempts at requesting my wife had been awkward and unsatisfying. I had deeply loved my wife, and until she gave birth to my son we’d been very happy together and enjoyed a good sex life. After that few nights ended in bed had provided temporary physical relief but left me feeling empty and emotionally numb. Fortunately, I was able to immerse myself in my work and managed for the most part to hide my unhappiness. Some of my frustration seemed to find an outlet in mastering the challenges presented by my job, and from Monday through Friday I was reasonably content. Weekends were, of course, a different story.

The company works for designs digital audio recording equipment, and we recently completed a long and arduous project . The MD of the company,my father in an unusually benevolent mood, decided to reward the design team with a “conference”/vacation in , with the “conference” portion consisting of an hour per day of informal meetings for a project in Goa . This was included to satisfy most of us saw it as an excuse to unwind after a successful and stressful project. Upon arrival at the Islander Hotel and checking into my room ( a private suite…hmmm…. Company stocks must be on an upturn…), I went to the bar to see if they served anything other than the typical coconut-and-sugar fare. I was delighted to find a goodly assortment of imported beers including some obscure German darks. Ten minutes later I walked out on the patio with my second beer in hand and a warm fuzz beginning to grow in my head. The sun was just beginning to set, and it looked like it was actually diving under the sea. I stood and enjoyed the view for a while, and when I turned to go back inside I was surprised to see that one of my few female co-workers had also been watching. I couldn’t recall her name, since she was fairly new to our department and worked on a different portion of the project than I.

I’d seen her in the halls and cafeteria from time to time but we’d never spoken beyond a few words in passing. Because she was attractive there was the usual office gossip going around, and what I had heard of it seemed to indicate that she was unavailable. The next morning, after our “meeting”, we were free for the day. My friends were going skin-diving, which didn’t interest me that day, so I decided to explore a bit of the island by myself when I stopped to free myself I ahead toward the water. I was delighted to see a small waterfall cascading into a crystal-clear pool the size of a small swimming pool. Lush ferns all around, the sound of tropical birds in the trees, a nice rock to dive from… This was simply Paradise!

As I prepared to part the remaining branches and run to the pool and dive in, clothes and all, a sound caught my ear and I stopped to find its source. There beyond the rock, lying next to the pool in the briefest of bikinis, was the same girl I’d seen on the patio the evening before! What a coincidence! I was amazed at how good she looked with her long hair unpinned and that gravity-defying bikini on. This added to my feeling of being an intruder, so I resolved to leave. Just as I was turning my hungering eyes away from her I saw her reach behind her and unfasten the bikini top, and all my resolve melted in an instant.

The top fell away as she sat up, and I nearly sighed out loud when I saw her breasts. It wasn’t their size but rather their shape: they were the most beautiful I’d ever seen. About average size, but full and round with no trace of sagging. The nipples were light pink and fairly large, and my mouth literally watered as What happened next almost stopped my heart: she reached up and cupped one of those beauties in her hand… Not firmly, as I might have at the moment, but with an ultra-feminine gentleness that filled me with both lust and wonder. It looked like she was cuddling a soft, fluffy kitten. It seemed as though she was exploring herself for the very first time. She softly caressed it for a while, and then moistened two fingers in the water and began to rub the nipple delicately. I watched this for several minutes, unaware that my heart rate and blood pressure had taken a steep climb,I was nearly in a hypnotic state, though far from relaxed. My eyes tracked every movement of her hands like radar!

Suddenly she stood up and turned away, momentarily breaking the spell. Her hands went to her waist, and I watched her slowly work her bikini bottom down until it fell at her feet. She didn’t turn around, which was okay with me because I got a long look at her lovely ass. She was obviously not a nude sunbather because her tan stopped at the waist, leaving her hips a striking white in contrast to her tanned back and legs.

Her legs parted, and I got a glimpse of golden fleece between them.My erection throbbed painfully and I became aware of the sound of my own heart beating in my ears. I’d never before been this excited! While one hand petted her hips, her other slipped in front, and I realized she was fingering herself. A loud moan reached my ears, and as she turned toward me I shockingly realized that the groan was mine!

I froze in shame and terror as she stared right at me. I didn’t know if she could actually see me through the plants but her reaction showed that she knew she’d been watched. When she snatched up her towel to cover herself I panicked and ran, The employees had dinner together on the patio that evening, and when I eventually made eye contact with her she quickly averted her eyes and blushed. Well, that settled the question of her recognizing me. She avoided looking in my direction for the rest of the evening,. I wondered what sort of trauma had made her act the way she did, Strange as it may seem, I believe I was beginning to fall in love with her. This realization filled me with sadness since I knew what she now thought of me. Was I really guilty of anything. The late-morning sun was very hot, and I again reached the pool soaked in sweat. This time there were no distractions, and I dived right in without bothering to remove my sweaty clothes. The water was cooler than I had expected and very pleasant after my hot walk. I stood under the waterfall for a while and got a great massage.

I left the water and decided to take a nap. As the sun began to dry my clothes my shorts caused an unpleasant itch, so I stripped naked and lay down on the towel next to the pool. I was asleep within minutes.I was awakened by the sound of something moving in the bushes,. Just as I was about to spring up I heard a tentative “hello”, and the branches parted to reveal the object of my desire.

I grabbed the first thing at hand, my t-shirt, and covered my naked crotch, though not very thoroughly . An awkward silence ensued that seemed to last for hours. She finally sat down on the rock about 5 feet away and stared intently at the pool.

The silence was almost physically painful, so I started to say something glib and probably stupid. Instead, I heard myself apologizing and asking for her understanding and forgiveness. It must have been the right thing to say, because she visibly relaxed and looked into my face.

“My name’s padmini, but please call me padu”, she said in a soft voice. ”

Padu… Now that’s appropriate.

“I’m shailendra, and I’m very glad to finally meet you. Sorry it’s been in such a messy way”, I said. Immediately regretted the “appropriate” bit, but she didn’t ask for clarification.

“Yes, I knew your name already, oh, I liked the way my name sounded from her lips! A shiver of pleasure ran up my spine, and I realized I was indeed falling for her The thought that she must have been similarly attracted to me (otherwise she’d not have come to the pool) never even entered my mind. She said nothing for a long time, and then chuckled “I thought you r a dumb guy. Guess I was right”.

We laughed together at this and the tension lessened a bit more. Seizing the moment, I asked her why she seemed so aloof at work. “Oh, that’s just a front I put up to keep the guys away”.

” Well, it sure has worked, but why do you want to do that?”, I asked. “Ummm…I’d rather not talk about it”, she said with a deep sigh, and then I noticed tears beginning to roll down her cheeks.I wanted badly to hug her and comfort her, but my t-shirt would have fallen off and left me exposed. I didn’t want to think about sex while she was crying.

“Well, maybe I should tell you; i’ve had some bad experiences with men… No, not rape or anything like that…in high school I was sort of plain looking and shy, and the few boys I dated were only interested in sex. They never wanted to know me as a person, and the closest they’d get to being romantic was a few obligatory kisses before getting inside of me. They didn’t care about my pleasure at all, and left me feeling frustrated and used. My hips are too big, my bust too small, nose not straight enough…. I just don’t measure up, I guess”.After a while I looked her in the eye and said

“Maybe you just dated the wrong guys. We’re not all like that… I’m certainly not that way”. She returned my gaze for a moment, then looked shyly away and said

“No, I didn’t think you would be. . I’ve watched you for a long time but was always afraid to show any sign of interest. I haven’t had a date in years, and I don’t know how to act with men any more”. For the moment I had no thought of sex; I was caught up in pure romance. Her next question put me back in sex mode:

“When you saw me….ummm…touching myself…were you shocked? I must have looked so wicked. What did you think of me?”. She was unable to look at me as she said this, and her lip trembled a bit. I considered my answer for a while;

“It was the most beautiful and arousing thing i’ve ever seen in my life. You looked so natural, like you belong here. What were you thinking?.”

“About you”, she said in a small voice. “I was imagining it was you touching me. I couldn’t believe it when I saw you watching, and now I wish… I wish you hadn’t left”. A powerful stirring in my groin brought me back to the present, and I looked down to see my excitement becoming quite visible beneath the thin t-shirt. She followed my gaze, and gave a soft sigh when she saw what was happening. “Am I the cause of that?”, she asked, a rhetorical question if ever I heard one.We both stared as if hypnotized as my cock became fully erect and the head slowly appeared above the t-shirt edge. I instinctively started to cover myself, but she said

“No, please… I’ve never really seen one in the light, and never this big”. At any rate, I liked the sound of it, and I slowly pulled the t-shirt away. Her new-found boldness encouraged me, too, so I said”Why don’t you take a closer look, then?”.

She sat down beside me, staring all the more at my rigid pole.”Isn’t that uncomfortable?”, she asked with a smile.”Well, there are ways to make it go away. They take a little time and effort, but I think I can promise you’ll find them well worth it”, I said with only half a smile. I could see her nipples also becoming erect through the thin material of her bikini, and I imagined that she was getting a little wet. Her hair was in a ponytail, and I made our first contact by undoing it and smoothing it out until her hair looked the way it had before. Not wanting to rush things, I gently turned her away from me and began to massage her neck and shoulders gently.

Mmmmm…I like that” was all she said, but her sighs encouraged me to proceed.

I lay her face-down on the towel and began to give her a good backrub, something my wife claimed I was the absolute champ at. I used a mixture of firm kneading and soft caress, a tactic I knew was highly effective in relaxing muscles while building sexual tension. Her wonderful breasts were hidden from view, but I feasted my eyes on her ass, the one she claimed was too big. My rubbing gradually approached her hips, but I made both of us wait for that. I’d get almost there and then wander elsewhere. After a few times of this she began to moan softly and wiggle her rear every time my hands approached. Still I waited; we had all day.

“You’re a tease!” she breathed, and I answered that I was also teasing myself.

Finally I slid my hands under the bikini bottoms and slowly pulled them down as she raised her hips to assist me. Her lovely ass was fully exposed to my eyes and hands. I enjoyed the sight for a moment, and noticed a hint of her natural scent. My head began to swim as I softly caressed each firm cheek. No pretense of massage remained as I bent down to kiss the gorgeous globes.My tongue traced a slow line along the juncture of hip and thigh and she squirmed. As I neared the cleft she groaned and tried to turn over to give me better access.”No, no…not yet”, I said as I continued my oral caresses.

I worked my way down her inner thigh until it began to tickle, and then reversed course until I was at the back of her neck. Her hands came around and unfastened the top, and I took advantage of this by licking my way down from her shoulder blade to the side of her breast, again preventing her from turning over. Quite a bit of her breast was accessible though the nipple was buried in the towel. I licked and kissed what I could reach, and she began to wiggle her rear with impatience.

I responded by laying full-length on top of her with my hard cock nestled between her cheeks. My hands probed under her until they found her full breasts, and I alternated between kissing her neck and nibbling her ear. She really began to squirm and moan at that, and I enjoyed the friction of her cheeks against my cock.

“Better be careful”, I thought to myself. “One slip and I’d be inside her, and it’s too soon”.

I rolled over on my back, taking her with me and turning her around to face me. We had our first kiss as she lay on me, and the feel of her warm tits rubbing on my chest was the stuff of dreams. I felt my penis slip between her legs and press into her pubic hair, another dangerous situation. I rubbed my hard cock against her lips and clit a few times, and was rewarded by a groan full of expectation.

“No, not yet”, I said, but it took all my resolve to get off of her instead of taking her right then.

She made a sound of frustration, but my eager kisses put a stop to that. My hands cupped her breasts as we kissed, and they felt just as good as I had imagined. I had to taste them now! I kissed and licked my way down her face and neck, and she groaned loudly when she saw my destination. Her nipple jutted out so firmly it reminded me of my turgid cock. I approached it the same way I had her ass, teasing my way closer and closer.

It became a playful game between us…so close but not quite there…my tongue covered her entire breast in its rambling but never reached the tantalizing center. When I finally did take it into my lips she arched her back with a deep sigh and began to caress the back of my head. I rolled the firm berry between my lips, lightly caressing it with my tongue. When I took it gently between my teeth and lightly tugged she cupped her other breast in her hand and began to pet it too.

Not wanting to let it feel ignored, I kissed and sucked it too while she held it for me. This was one of the most erotic scenes I could imagine. I looked into her eyes and saw the same love there that I was feeling for her, and we kissed again, much more sweetly and tenderly this time.My tongue resumed its journey as I slowly worked my way down her body. She gasped and squirmed when I probed her navel, both because it tickled and because she knew where I’d go next. When I reached the first few golden hairs I took them between my teeth and pulled lightly. She giggled at this, but when I moved a little lower she suddenly tensed.”You don’t have to do that”, she said. Her tone of voice made it clear that she was afraid I was going to do an unpleasant duty.

“Oh, but I WANT to! Don’t you like it?”, I asked as I grazed a little lower.

“I don’t know. It’s only happened in my dreams”, she sighed. “I’m afraid you’ll think it’s gross or something”.”Far from it”, I answered as I looked at her pussy for the first time.

Sparse, downy blonde bush, with small, coral-pink lips. Like the rest of her, it looked “delicate”. Her womanly scent and the wetness of her lips and surrounding hair was further proof of her arousal.”You’re beautiful”, I said, as I worked my tongue down along the side of her lips, avoiding her clitoris for now.Finally I put my tongue between her lips directly over her vagina. Slowly I worked my way upward, tongue flicking back and forth. I ran my hands under her ass and cradled each full cheek, and as I neared her clit I could feel her muscles tense in anticipation. She was sighing softly, but as I reached her clit and began to lightly lap at it she began to moan.

“Oh, yessss…that’s so good…. Even better than I dreamed!”.

Her hands went again to the back of my head, pulling me closer to the source of her pleasure. Ever the tease, I left her clit and descended again to her opening. My fingers spread her lips as I speared my tongue as deeply as I could. So tight! I didn’t know how I was going to manage getting my cock in, but I was certainly looking forward to finding out! A finger replaced my tongue as I headed back to her clitoris. I began to lick her in earnest as my finger slowly stroked her vagina. Her flow increased, and my cheeks and chin were soon wet with it. She needn’t have worried that I’d find it “gross”: she tasted wonderful!

My tongue went into high gear, and it wasn’t long before she showed signs of approaching orgasm.”Ummm…don’t stop…I think I’m going to…yesss…i’m… Ohhh…i’ve never… Ahhh…”; this and other incoherent cries reached my ears as I urged her closer and closer.I reached up and cupped a breast, and looked her in the face as she went over the edge. Her expression of delight and surprise were something to see, making my hard cock pulse in pure lust. Again she reached for her other breast, this time making a vain attempt to suck her own nipple as she came. I almost came myself at the sight of her!

Her vagina spasmed firmly around my finger as we rode out her climax together. I licked and softly kissed her lips as she slowly released the tension in her back and legs; I knew she’d be too sensitive for me to continue stimulating her clit. My consideration for her overrode the impulse to bury my straining penis in her, so I lay next to her and hugged her tightly as she relaxed.”That was…you were… Fantastic!! I’ve never come before with anyone else, only… My fingers. Your tongue felt so good!!”, she breathed.

“Nobody else ever cared enough about my pleasure to do anything like that. Thank you for caring about me”.”No, don’t thank me; believe me when I say `was my pleasure’!”, I said, and followed it with a loving kiss. She made a sound in her throat that almost sounded like a purr. She reached out and tentatively stroked my cock, which responded with a twitch.”I think it likes you”, I said with a grin and a not-so-subtle hint that she get to know it better.”Mmmm… And I like it!! But it looks so cold and lonely.”, she responded. We both grinned at that, considering the tropical heat.

“Well, where could we warm it up?”, I asked. Her answer was nonverbal as she slowly kissed her way down my chest. She was more merciful than I, and didn’t torment me for long. Her hand cupped my scrotum as her soft tongue began winding its way up my shaft. The touch of wet tongue on rigid, almost-achingly hard penis was like ice and fire, and I waited with held breath as she approached the head.

She licked the ultra-sensitive spot just below the head, and then slowly took me between her lips. I thought I’d die right then! The sight of her innocent face engulfing my cock, her lips sliding up and down, and the feel of her velvety mouth on my gland was more exciting than anything I’d ever known! About 90 seconds of this was all I could take; I had a better place to deposit my load in mind. I pulled myself slowly from her lips, and she gave me a knowing look as my penis left her mouth.

“i’ve never done that before, either. Did I do okay?”. She knew full well she did better than okay! “You must be a natural!”, I said as I pulled her to me for a kiss.

“No, I think it’s because I love you”. It didn’t immediately register with me that she’d said that. I was looking at my wet cock and thinking it was about to get even wetter. When her words finally hit me they were like a drug.”Did you say you love me?”, I asked in disbelief.

“Yes, I do. I know it seems too soon, but i’ve been thinking about you for a long time now. I hope I haven’t scared you away”.She couldn’t look me in the eye, and I realized she was afraid I’d reject her. I said I am already married and I cannot marry u. She said that doesnot matter. I need a companion to depend upon. My heart swelled with feelings of protectiveness and love, and I hugged and kissed away all her doubts and fears. A tear of joy rolled down her cheek, and I licked it away tenderly.

All this time my cock was poking her in the bellybutton, demanding attention.

“Yeah, love is fine”, it seemed to say “but *I* need relief. Now!”

“Poor thing…it looks cold again. I have just the place for it”, she purred as she straddled my waist.”This is it!”, I thought as she guided my throbbing penis to her wet entrance. She looked me in the eyes as she slowly settled down, my cock slipping deliciously into the tightest, smoothest pussy I’d ever been in. About half-way down she stopped and began slowly to lift off. We both sighed as my cock came all the way out.

“I just wanted to do that again!” she breathed as she slid back down, this time all the way. I watched her face contort in pleasure as she began to slowly work me in and out. I couldn’t believe how velvety soft and moist she was! She fit me like the tightest glove but the friction was smooth and almost liquidy. As she speeded up I realized I couldn’t take much more of this and I regretted that I wouldn’t last long enough for her to come again. It just felt too good to resist! As I felt the urge to come grow, I was surprised to hear her gasp .”Ohhh! I’m gonna come again!! It’s sooooo good!!”.

I pulled her down so I could suck her nipples, and as I took one in my mouth she cried out as her climax seized her. Amazingly, I was able to hold off from coming myself as she rode me while her vagina clenched and massaged my cock with her orgasmic contractions. Her back arched so hard I feared she’d break her spine. Finally she slumped forward in release, kissing me between ragged breaths. She knew I hadn’t come, so she made little grinding motions to keep me “interested” while she caught her breath. Boy, was I ever interested!I couldn’t resist going down on her again; her clit was even more sensitive now, I was going to make her come again, but she firmly pulled me up, saying

“It’s your turn now!”.I didn’t argue with her; I lifted her legs until her ankles rested on my shoulders and began to rub the head of my cock against her lips. We both groaned as it parted her and slid inside. The initial entry always feels so good…I had to pull out several times just to do it again. I looked down and watched myself stroke in and out slowly.I was teasing myself this time, trying to prolong our coupling, though the fire building inside me made it plain that I couldn’t delay much longer. I pulled almost clear out and made shallow strokes, so that only the head penetrated her. The sight of her lips caressing the head as it withdrew, as though they were trying to pull it back in again, was like a wet dream. I slowly ran it all the way in, using my muscle control to make it twitch inside her. She answered by contracting her pussy around me, and I lost the will to tease any longer. I began to build up speed and depth until we could hear the wet, sucking sound of our friction.”I want you to come for me, to come IN me. Fill me up with it!”, she cried.I increased my efforts to do just that. Her vagina was like a living milking machine, thirsting and drawing my come. It felt so damn good to be inside her that I wanted it to never end.”Do it, my darling! Come inside me! I want it to flood me! Oh…yes…give it to me now!”.A few more powerful thrusts and she began to come.

“Uhhh… Uhhh…yes…kiss me, darling, while we come! Oh! Oh!”.We kissed passionately as her third climax overtook her. The contractions of her vagina sent me over the edge, and I buried my cock as deeply as possible in her while the come exploded out of me like flaming liquid bullets.”Yes, yes!! I feel it! It’s so hot!” she said between kisses.

Her vagina continued to gently milk my penis, and I realized she too was still coming. I couldn’t believe how good our timing had been and how long our climaxes were lasting. I was so tired I had to rest my weight on top of her, but she didn’t seem to mind at all. As we rested and regained our breath we exchanged tender kisses.”That was wonderful! I’m sorry this couldn’t have happened sooner. So much wasted time!”, she whispered. I kissed her again and said,”Well, we’ll just have to make up for lost time”. “Ummm, yeah…lots of making up!”, she answered with a smile filled with promise.if u like this mail me at mrshailendra.

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