Part 9
Both of them wake up at around 1PM, and go for lunch, they do enjoy good simple lunch, and sit and start chatting again, Ganesh first thanks Gayu for a wonderful bath she gave, he had always missed after his mom stopped giving bath to him. Gayu tells that, since you said you missed it I just wanted to give you a good bath like giving to a young kid, but I had not realised that you were a grown up kid. Gayu asks Ganesh, whether did he have sex with anyone before? He says know this was my first time, and the most memorable time in my life, he kisses Gayu and says Anni thank you very much for such an wonderful gift, I was not sure how you would react when I came into you room and start licking your pussy, I was so excited anxious at the same, so I had to take the risk, again Anni thank you very much for accepting my love, and showing me the heaven. I really don’t know how to thank you, I wish one fine day I will get a wife who is as open minded, understanding and passionate like you.
Ganesh says Anni please ask me whatever you want I can give you with in my means whenever you want, because Anni you have been my first lover, will remain my most favourite ever after I get married, Gayu teases him saying all that you are saying is only because I allowed you to have sex with me, I know you want to enjoy more, after some time you will simply forget me, Ganesh says Anni I promise on whatever you want me to promise on I will always be indebted to you for the love affection you have shown to me & the greatest gift you have given me by giving me bath and bringing back my old good memories and also giving such an wonderful memorable 1st time experience. Gayu without your own knowledge you have already given me gift, not only giving your virginity but also more than that. However I will take gift from you at the right time, but don’t tell anyone about what happened between us.
Ganesh wanted to have one more round of love making but, Gayu refuses saying any time Parlour owner (Rashida Madam) & her assistant (Nashida) may come to make his another dream come true.
So they sit and watch some movie on the tv. Though Rashida and Nashida were supposed to come by around 4pm, they turn up at 3PM, Gayu welcomes them home, serves some light snacks & tea to them. Gayu asks them to proceed them to covert Ganesh in to Nisha. Rashida takes Ganesh to his mother bed room, asks him to remove all the cloths, takes him to the bath room, gives him a good shower bath, washes his hair, and body with aromatic soap. She also acts very professional by not making any move sexually. After the bath she dries him and brings him to the room, by that time Nashida had taken out all the material they had brought and spread them neatly on the bed. Meanwhile Gayu goes and takes a nap in her room.
First Nashida gives Ganesh a panty to wear which is smooth and soft a very good fabric red in colour, than she puts a padded bra which is already stuffed with soft but firm material. Than Rashida and Naishda start making up Ganesh, one of them spends all the time on the face, while other applies nail polish for all the 20 fingers (hand and feet), puts a leg chain, face is nicely made up, without any excess make up, with mild red lipstick, right eyebrow, Kajal, brush on, golden facial, etc., once the complete make up is done, than they ask him to stand up, they are happy to see the boy who has turned out to be beautiful girl, they then help Ganesh wear blouse, red petticoat & drape him the red saree with flower print. Ganesh really looks very beautiful. They put the bangles to match the saree. And a neck chain, with ear hanging, which could be clipped on. They put a designer bindi over his forehead.
Once dressing complete, they put the wig over his head which is firmly secured, and the hair is let loose in beautiful way.
They again look at Ganesh, both Rashida & Nashida are happy with their handy work of changing Ganesh to Nisha. They did slip on the shoe over his feet, holding his hand make him walk up and down few times for him to get balance and proper female walking style. Once they feel confident that he passes off as a girl, they bring him in front of the full length mirror and show him. Ganesh is unable to recognise himself feels very shy and excited. For the first time Rashida shows emotion and hugs kisses him and kisses on his lips for fraction of few seconds, than opens the door and brings him out of the room. It would around 5PM by that time, Gayu was in kitchen and preparing tea for all, the time Nisha walks in along with Rashida and Nashida, Gayu also walks towards dining hall with tea cups in a tray.
Gayu is dumb struck seeing Ganesh in new avatar. She congratulates Rashida & Nashida for the great job they have done. She asks Ganesh whether is he happy of realising his dream, he says is really thrilled and excited about what has happened, he walks the way he was trained by the ladies towards Gayu, suddenly bends down and touches the feet of Gayu, says Anni I am extremely thankful to you. He then stands up and kisses her cheek saying thanks.
They all sit down have tea. Rashida tells Gayu to come to the room so that she will make her up for going for the movie. Gayu is also given a light make up, she also wears a saree. Rashida & Nashida also get ready for going out. Ganesh is too anxious about walking out as a girl, all the three assure him not to worry, they leave by 5.30PM to a movie theatre which is sparsely crowded as the movie is an old one, only some young couple here and there would be sitting in the theatre, it is obvious no one has really come to see the movie but to enjoy some intimacy and privacy is a dark cool environment.
They also choose a row where there are no people either in front or back row, Ganesh is made to sit in a corner seat, next to him Rahida, next to her Nashida & next Gayu, in about 10 mins movie starts, while Gayu and Ganesh starts watching the movie, Rashida takes Ganesh’s hand in her hand hold it and starts massaging the same, she also leans towards Ganesh and keeps her head over his shoulder, almost the same this is done by Nashida to Gayu, the only difference would be Rashida head will be over right shoulder of Ganesh, whereas Nashida head will be over left shoulder of Gayu.
A little later Rashida makes Ganesh to keep his head over her breast, and she slowly moves her hand over his thighs and starts massaging Ganesh’s thighs, his sunni starts getting harder, he needs to adjust his sunni inside the panty, he starts shuffling not knowing how to go about it, Rashida realising that by holding his sunni in her hand she adjusts it to give him comfort but does not take out her hand starts rubbing it, she also moves her saree pallu, opens her blouse button, she would not be wearing the bra, takes out a nipple and gives it Ganesh to suck it. She glances towards Nashida to see what is happening, on the other side Nashida is kissing the neck of Gayu whose eyes is still fixed over the movie, Nashida has moved the saree up of Gayu and has inserted her hand under the panty and slowing rubbing and teasing Gayu’s pussy lips.
This slow action goes on for next 40 mins, with in that time Gayu shivers at least two times and all her panty would have become wet. Ganesh also comes to the verge of ejaculating but Rashida ensures that he does not cum. It is almost interval time. Gayu says that she is not enjoying the movie, if all of them agree the can leave. All of them would be in the same condition, leave the movie hall at the interval time, they go to a nice restaurant and have dinner, there are many people who ogle at these 4 beautiful girls, specially they are attracted towards Ganesh and Gayu.
Even the waiters look as them as if they want to rape all of them, all the 4 enjoy the attention of the men around, they discuss about it and giggle like typical girls. They leave the restaurant, Rashida drives them to Gayu’s home. Since it was almost 9.30PM Gayu asks if they wish they can stay back and leave it the morning. Even Rashida and Nashida wish the same. They thank Gayu for being kind. Gayu says that you have done such a good job I am thankful to you.
They decide that Rashida and Ganesh will sleep in his mother’s room, where as Gayu and Nashida will sleep in the other room. Once in the room Rashida immediately hugs Ganesh and starts kissing him all over, then she removes his saree, blouse, petticoat, give him a transparent night gown again of a red colour to wear, she herself removes her dress and over she wears a fully front open transparent black night gown.
After changing the dress, she takes him to the other room to show him to the other two persons, there she sees that both of them also have changed to night gowns, Nashida wearing simple yellow flower print night gown, where as Gayu has changed ot black and white night gown.
Gayu really likes the taste of Rashida in dress selection that would have done for Ganesh. Once again she thanks her for the same. Ganesh Goes to Gayu kisses her good night and he goes back to the other room with Rashida.
There again Rashida starts kissing Ganesh and procced to make love to him for next one hour.
In the other room Gayu & Nashida sit next to each other leaning on the bed head and starts talking. Nashida leans towards Gayu and kisses her neck, then cheek, forehead, nose, eyes, and moves her lips and starts kissing her, while doing so Nashida starts playing with Gayu’s nipples with his fingers, Gayu just enjoys all the attention she gets from Nashida. Who then moves mouth over Gayu’s nipples and moves hand over her pussy and starts massaging. This goes on for over 30 mins, throughout Gayu is more of a passive person not taking any action at all. Now Nashida moves over to Gayu’s pussy and starts licking her pussy by just sliding her panty down, however throughout this Nashida’s pussy or tits are not accessable to Gayu, once Nashida starts licking Gayu’s pussy she again starts shivering and start cumming.
At this time Gayu is massaing Nashida’s buttocks, but unable to access her pussy. Now Gayu want to go into 69 position, she turns around Nashida and pulls down Nashida panty down, she is shocked ot see an errect sunni instead of a pussy.
Nashida comes over next to Gayu, kisses on her mouth, while continuing to play with Gayu’s pussy with finger, says that he is actually Naseer son of Rashida, but after his father left them 10 years back, to support her self Rashida started the parlour, and she wanted an assistant, she could afford to hire any assisant so she converted naseer to Nashida as naseer was not good in studies and was able to pick up art of parlour work, they continued the same, but till date no one knows about the secret. Gayu is the 1st one to come to know about it, request her not to tell anyone. Gayu assure him that she will not tell any one.
Now Gayu and nashida goes on 69 and they enjoy it slowly and without any hurry. Nashida urf Naseer is such a great lover he is able to make her enjoy and orgasm many times. Finally he mounts over Gayu, teases her by rubbing the his sunni over her pussy, after lot of pleading by her he puts his sunni in her pussy and starts rotating it instead of making piston motion, though again his sunni is only 5” long and 2 ½ “ thick ie smaller than her FIL, he is able to give full statisfaction to Gayu, who enjoys the love making thoroughly well.
After about an hour of love making he cums inside her, she with her both legs clinches his to her not allowing him to remove his sunni, the sprem goes deep inside her pussy and stats shrinking. Slowly it shrinks to the extant it almost comes out the pussy. At this time she allows him to roll over her side and sleep next to her. Gayu asks where did Naseer learn such a great act of love making, he says it was all taught by her mom. Now many of her mom’s friend too enjoy sex with him along with his mom (including that of Suguna aunty). Her mom’s friend’s think that Nashida is an assitant hired by Rashida. Till date no one knows that Nashida and Naseer are same. They some how been able to maintain this secret.
They actually had never planned to reveal this secret to even Gayu, but yesterday while doing waxing, massaging to Ganesh, Nashida had enquired the reason he is getting all this done, Ganesh mentioned that he used to dressed by his sister when he was young & he missed this after his mom told him not to dress like that, he also mentioned that he used to be bathed by his mom till he started getting erection, after that she had stopped bathing him. Ganesh had casually mentioned this Gayu who arranged for his cross dressing. After lot of soft pursing Ganesh did confess that he had crush on his mom, sister & now developed crush on Gayu.
Rashida & Naseer also knew that Suguna had fantasy of making love to her son, since she had seen his dick till almost he mature. Now that both them knew the interest of the famiily, they decided that Rashida should reduce Ganesh and rekindle his passion for his mom, and Naseer should seduce Gayu and get her passion for helping Ganesh realise his fantasy.
Gayu smiles and tell she will try her best, but take time for that to happen. Ganesh after lot of love making doses off, she comes over to the other room to see that Naseer and Gayu still are awake, she comes and kisses Naseer on her mouth, and asks whether he has spilled the bean to Gayu, he says Gayu is a very nice open minded lovely girl who has accepted incest, and also has assured she will try help realise Ganesh’s incest dream.
Rashida kisses Gayu, saying thanks for her understanding and accepting the relasionships, and squeezes her tits and rubs her pussy, says bye and leave the room. While leaving she says that one day if Gayu is willing she want to make love to Gayu along with her son. Gayu just smiles and say good night.
Next day morning when Ganesh wakes up he sees that next to him Rashida is sleeping and next to Rashida a boy is sleeping, he gets scared, but Rashida says it is Nashida urf Naseer her son, she explains the whole thing and says that both of them having been having incest relation for some time, and they appreciate Ganesh incest fantasy, they will help him to realise the same. After breakfast Rashida and her son leave. Thanking Gayu and Ganesh.
Next 3 days Ganesh enjoys all the female dress when maid is not around and both Gayu and Ganesh enjoy love life like newly wed couple. Ganesh thanks many times to Gayu for all the favour she had done and leaves for hostel as his classes are about to start and mess also would have opened. Gayu packs lot of snacks for a week for him to enjoy some homely food at hostel.
Gayu’s Journey In Her Life – Part 9