Part 12
As all three of them walk out of the bath room after finishing bath, Gayu again asked reason for loss of weight, growth of hair all over, Suguna said that you know I always want to explore new things and I am adventurous. And you know your FIL is also ready for anything. We had heard a place about 300 KMS from here in the middle on the outskirts of Srishailam, where there is 250 acres of completely protected area with barricade where only people through referral contact only can enter.
Normally people have to book an year in advance, through your FIL influence we were able to get there with short notice. We had been told not to talk about the place to anyone, and we should not carry any expensive things there, especially no Gold, or any such ornament, no lap top, no mobile, even if we carry every thing has to be left in the car properly locked and kept.
We reached there by around 11AM, there was a security, who upon identifying ourselves, allowed our car inside and asked us to park the car, he said we should walk through what looked like a cave, and a person will receive you. He also instructed not to carry any thing like purse, money, mobile, laptop, absolutely nothing except the dress what we are wearing, he also asked to remove any ornament and leave it in the car lock it hand over the key to him. We could see few more cars parked there.
We followed the instruction and went through what looked like cave, just about 25feet, we reached the other end of the cave, where there was another couple who did not wear any cloth but had covered themselves with some flowers, leaves, grass etc., they welcomed us, asked us to remove all our cloths and just feel comfortable with our nudity, they also gave us flower garland to cover our selves, they also asked us to remove our shoe and chappal, in that place they gave us some kind of foot ware which could wear, the foot wear was made out of dry grass, it was more like we tying putting dry grass around out feet. Once we did all that they made us walk for about an hour.
During the walk they told us that in this “Back to Nature” place one no is suppose to use any artificially or machine made item through out their stay. The guest will be shown various places around the place like caves, bamboo houses or huts built out of natural resources available with in the “Back to Nature” resort. There is no electricity, no water pump, nothing in the whole place, even the food will be fruits, vegetables, tender coconut, etc., whichever are grown with in the 250 acres territory of that place. You will not see many people around, at any given time there will be only 10 couples in the whole place. Suguna though is adventurous was getting little worried, the lady host find out that told Suguna not to worry, with in no time you will get adjusted to the nature.
As they walked past a dog came near them, lady host introduced the Dog as tony, she said now on till they leave the place Tony will be their guide, body guard, friend, will take care of their needs. So now 4 people and the dog started walking deeper in to the forest, in about 50 feet they found a coconut tree, the man host immediately climbed up the trea and brought down about 20 coconuts, he said now on whenever u feel thirsty you can open the tender coconut and drink it. He skillfully without using any machine made tools he using some sharp stone and opened the tender coconut and gave it Suguna and shankar to drink, after drinking they felt relaxed.
In between they saw some cave where they could rest, and some hut and some bamboo house, all made by the host couple and guest who had visited the place. Hosts told Suguna & Shankar, that with in next few days they can learn to build the hut. They came across one of the big hut where they all sat down, there were some fruits kept that place, orange, moosmabi, jamoon fruits were there, all of them ate some fruits. Now it was around 2PM, they all lied down on the grass bed on the floor for some time, due to heat and due to walking they fell asleep, after about an hour of sleep, the host woke up guest, again they started walking further, they could hear the sound of water flow, and water falling,
After about 15 minutes of walking they reached what looked like a small lake, the lake could not have been bigger than a 5000 ft in though it was not exactly in a round shape and the water to the lake was coming from a fall from small cliff, the cliff was not more than 8 feet height, in the water fall was not huge, It was more like water falling from a bigger tap, what was amazing though was the water was crystal clean and beautiful to look at with lot of pebbles at the bottom, the lake was not deeper than 3 feet at place. Hosts tell the guest if they wish to attend the natures call, they should do so before entering the water, that too at least 50 feet away from the water body, so that their human waste will not mingle with the water body even if it rains & even when they are inside the water body if they feel like passing urine or stools immediately they should move away from the water body. Any amount water they can drink from the small water falls which is pure, hygienic & has medicinal properties as the water flows though the slops, where there are plants, certain type of earth, lime etc, in the path of the water coming to that falls, and also get filtered. No one gets sick by drinking that, rather they feel fresh.
Guest move away 50 feet away from the water body there is a small stream flowing down, they pass their waste away from the stream, and wash and come back to the water body, by that time host already sitting fully naked in the water body enjoy the coolness, also they see two more couple sitting at different end of the lake, both Suguna & Shankar also enter in to the water body, which is cool and refreshing.
They sit down in the lake without getting drowned. Slow movement of water flow, coolness of the water, shadow from the trees, chirping of the birds, in such silent atmosphere makes them feels so refreshing. It is almost around 4PM, host say that in about an hour and half it will start getting darker so they will move out of the water body towards some place where they can rest till morning, host also mention for the 1st 3 days they will stay with them, and afterwards they can be on their own exploring the whole place which is full of trees, plants shrubs, medicinal plants, etc, they say there are at least 50 various fruits, and vegetables available in that area, there are cows, goats, dogs, peacocks, 15 types of birds, various types of butterfly, rabbits, squirrels, etc., in that area, but the host have ensured that there are no wild animals in that place.
Then they make a funny sound with a flute kind of a instrument, they they move up the stream climb up a small hillock, and come closer to a big hut, which would be around 400 sq ft ie a square hut of 20ft by 20ft. it is around 5PM, sky is getting orange in colour, cool breeze could be felt, the host using stones and dry grass create a fire, and pick up the dry tweaks fallen in near by, and grass and also some dried up cow-dung, and create a bigger fire, they also pull out a pot and pan kind of vessels made out of mud and bring it, put them on the make shift mud stoves where fire is put under, they pour water stored in bamboo pipes in to the pot and pan, then they cut with their hand various vegetables and put them in the bowl, they also boil some eggs in the pan which they kept in the house, they make some kind of grill and fishes vegetables, chicken are being burnt on low fire being cooked directly under fire by the host. Suguna and Shankar, sit on a platform created by wood pieces and hay, and watch all this amazingly.
In about next 30 mins 4 more couples walk towards the hut, all of them are completely nude, none of them are wearing any cloth except a flower garland around their neck and similar garland around the waste which runs down just below their private parts. All of them sit on some makeshift stools around the fire, a dog sits next them, and few more dogs are wondering around. Some goats are also wondering around there, peacocks could be seen wandering around, along with hens, cocks, rabbits, deer, etc., it was as if all of them were in a sitting ancient place which was many centuries old, where these kinds of scenes were explained in stories, in the settings of a Rishi ashrama, only difference was there were no rishis or no religious ceremony taking place. Beautiful aroma starts coming out as the vegetables starts getting cooked.
Few guests also come in to help host for cooking. Host go and get some bowls made of plantain leaves and other leaves, they pour some soup out of the pot where vegetables are getting cooked with some crudely made spoons, they start serving the soup. It tastes totally different from whatever the food they had tasted so far, it is neither sweet nor spicy nor salty nor bitter but does taste good, as all of them were hungry they start enjoying it better.
Suguna and Shankar notice that no one formally gets introduced to anyone, they just sit and enjoy the aroma of the food, sound of the forest, cool breeze from the air. Once all of them have soup, host pick up some kind of crude instruments like drum, and start playing that and start dancing with slow steps, they invite other 5 couples including suguna & shankar, ask them to pick up similar drum instruments, and ask them to join the beat and dance, it is quite slow that it is not difficult for any of them to match the beat of the host, and the foot steps of dance, however slowly the beat sound becomes faster and foot also starts matching with that, the host beautiful keep changing the rhythm of the beats in the instrument, and their foot steps, this goes on for about an hour and now it has become quite dark, only the fire is keeping the place lit, along with the faint moon light.
After dancing and playing music for about an hour, they all sit down and start having the cooked vegetables, fruits, boiled eggs, roasted fish and roasted chicken, not all of them take fish or chicken or egg, some of them stick to fruits and vegetables, even the lady hosts sticks to vegetarian. After eating food lady host goes and brings a goat with her she lies down and take the goat’s nipples in her mouth and starts sucking the milk directly from Goats nipples, she calls suguna and come and try that, Suguna though little hesitant she does try it, she like the raw fresh milk directly from the goat’s nipples and enjoys it.
Others whoever feel like drinking the milk does enjoy it, Goats don’t harm any one or try to kick any one. One by one the four couples leave the place, a dog follows each of them, they carry a wood with fire to get some light for their way back to their chosen night shelter.
Host says that tonight or for next night suguna and Shankar can stay in the big hut where normally hosts stay. Host again start dancing togeather and start hugging and kissing are now in a romantic mood and start their foreplay, they encourage suguna and shankar also to do the same, this goes on for 15 mins and than both the host remove whatever they had covered them sleves with like flowers, grass etc, and become fully nude, lie down on they put some dried animal skins over the hay, and and start with sucking each other in 69, and then male host comes over lady host and starts fucking him.
Suguna is mesmerized by the love act of their host and starts just copying whatever host are doing. After the host cums inside the lady host, he rolls over to the side. Meanwhile shankar also has cum inside suguna and rolled over to her side, Lady host sees that Shankar is having a big erection, she asks suguna whether she can take shankar’s sunni and enjoy, suguna says yes, First, lady host sucks shankar’s sunni,
Then she sits over his sunni and starts fucking him when haplessly Suguna watches her hubby getting fucked by beautiful lady. Watching all this male host’s sunni has again become firm, he request suguna whether she can suck him off, taking permission from Shankar he gives his sunni to suguna to suck it. They end their orgy, and go inside the hut and lie down fall as sleep, It would be just 8pm actually at that time, due to lot of physical activity and sex they have a sound long sleep and wake up with sunlight falling on their face, and cocks cuckcooo sound.
They go to the near by stream and freshen up there, Suguna and Shankar are given a neem tweak for brushing their teeth with soft end of the tweak.
Next day also they walk around the whole forest area, they watch animals making love, they drink fresh cow milk, eat fruits and vegetables through out the day, evening they come to the lake take bath and evening they again come to the big hut for dinner, dance & this time all the couples, host have sex in front of each other but they stick to their partners, later they go to their own places, Suguna enjoys love making session with the male host.
For next one week they learn how to build the hut, bamboo house, and how to make cloth out of grass, hay, leaves, flowers. Also they learn to milk the cow, goat, and to cook in the fire. They swap with other two couples, who are much younger then suguna and Shankar.
Hosts say they need the money to buy more land so that they can accommodate more such people. Host say they have been charging Rs.10000.00 per day for the couples coming there, they don’t take more than 10 couples at any given time, they have some regular customers, add only new couples only when they get good recommendation from their regular customers, in fact the host are highly qualified doctors, who had a good practice and their kids are abroad, they 40 & 45 were fed up with the urban life and started this “back to nature” farm for like minded people. In “back to nature” form, no machine made items are allowed, which included cloths, metal items, plastic etc. whoever visited their farm have become happier, healthier and lover of nature.
Gayu’s Journey In Her Life – Part 12