The day I had been looking forward to has arrived and I am ready for the game night. It has been more than 5 months since our doctor advised Vasanthi and me not to have any intercourse. Even after my boy was born, we were still advised to wait another 3 months before we engaged ourselves in bed.
Doctor: The normal waiting period is around 4 to 6 weeks, Karim. But I suggest you both wait a little longer for 3 months atleast. I want Vasanthi to be fully healthy before she takes you in again.
The doctor winked at me with a smile. This was 2 months earlier. We were there for the monthly checkup. Vasanthi had given birth to our handsome boy a month back.
I eagerly took her to the checkup, hoping the doctor would give me the go-ahead to start tasting Vasanthi again. But now she has asked me to wait for an additional 2 months.
Me: This is criminal. The doctor has something against me. That’s why she isn’t allowing us to do it.
I was venting my frustrations to Vasanthi on our ride back home.
Vasanthi: Might be she wants you only for herself, haha.
She giggled. Vasanthi had made it a habit to tease me with the doctor during our visits. She told me that the doctor had thrown various hints that she wanted. But I have failed to notice it, or I have chosen to ignore it.
I had brushed off Vasanthi’s theory as utter nonsense. The doctor is a voluptuous woman, but I had no interest in her.
Vasanthi: Anyways, you will have Gowri for dinner, right. She will keep you occupied, my love.
Me: She is great, my love. But I want you so badly. I miss our nights of lovemaking.
Vasanthi: Awwww, soon, my love. Just 2 more months. After that, even if the doctor advises not to do anything, we will ignore her.
Me: Really?
Vasanthi: Yes. Why don’t you go ahead and fix a date for our union so that we can be more prepared?
Me: What about Feb 14, Valentine’s day? We will go for a good dinner and then stay up all night.
Vasanthi: That sounds lovely. But just a minor tweak in the plan. We will have dinner at home.
Me: Why, my love?
Vasanthi: You will see.
Gowri: What did the doctor say, Ayya?
Gowri asked me hesitantly that night after our daily session.
Me: She has asked us to wait for two more months, Gowri.
Gowri: Would you stop coming to me once you and Amma…?
Me: Cha, no. I will start having two dinners.
Gowri’s face turned bright with her smile once I said that. She kissed me passionately, and after that, I returned to my room.
Two months later
Me: I will be coming home by 6 pm. Be ready for me, my love. And Happy Valentines’ day.
I kissed Vasanthi and the baby boy and left for the office. Today is the day I have been looking forward to all these months. Valentine’s day is here to make my dream come true.
I somehow wanted to skip office but I couldn’t due to an important meeting. My whole day was filled with thoughts of how I would spend my time that night with my love. I rushed home as soon as the office ended.
Gowri was the one who opened the door. My little boy was sleeping nestled between her arms.
Me: Where is Amma?
Gowri: Amma is getting ready. She will take some time. She had told you to use my room to get refreshed and ready. She asked you to be patient, and you will be duly rewarded for your patience. I will be staying at Meera Amma’s place for the night. I am taking this young man with me too. Have a lovely night, Ayya.
Gowri kissed me and left with my boy. If Vasanthi had given such specific instructions to Gowri, then she must be planning something. I was thinking of what it might be while taking a shower and getting ready. I came out primed and ready to go.
The dining table was filled with dishes with a scented candle in the middle. The lights were dimly lit. Next to the table was my love, standing smiling at me. She was wearing a black see-through saree with a lacy bra of the same color. Her hair was free-flowing.
The saree barely covered her assets. My jaw dropped seeing her, and I pounced on her. She stopped me when I did that.
Vasanthi: First dinner, my love. Please sit.
I smiled at her. I trusted she had something great for the night. We both had a sumptuous dinner. The table was filled with food types which are natural aphrodisiacs. I understood she had wanted me all night. I wasn’t complaining.
After dinner, she took me to our room. The room was filled with candles. The aroma was intoxicating. The bed was filled with flowers.
Vasanthi: How do you like the room?
Me: It is beautiful, my love.
Vasanthi: We are going to mess up each part of this room tonight. Anyways are you ready for a game?
Me: What game?
Vasanthi smiled and pulled out a cardboard box. From inside it, she took out a board game. She spread the board on the bed and sat next to it. From where I stood, it looked like snakes and ladders. I asked her
Me: Is that ‘snake and ladder’?
Vasanthi: Not really. Come and have a closer look.
The game looked similar to snakes and ladders. But the numbers until 50 were there with some sort of a mark at every 10 points.
Vasanthi: The rules of the game are simple. Each of us will roll the dice in turns. The person who rolls 6 can roll the dice again. There is a checkpoint at every 10th number.
Vasanthi: The person who crosses the checkpoint can draw a reward card. There are a total of 5 reward cards, one for each checkpoint. The person who draws the reward card can make the other person do one activity out of three, which is mentioned in the card. First-person to reach the end wins.
Vasanthi was all smiles when she said this. This is no ordinary game. This is a sex battle.
Vasanthi: Are you ready?
Me: Ready to win? Yes.
Vasanthi: Oh, so much confidence. Why don’t you start the game?
I rolled the dice and got a 2.
Vasanthi: Is that the best you can do?
She rolled a six.
Vasanthi: Yes, this is what I am talking about.
She rolled again and this time got a 3.
Vasanthi: So close to the checkpoint.
I rolled the dice. To my luck, I got 6 from the first roll and 5 from the next.
Me: Hahahaha. Me, first.
I drew the card of the first checkpoint. It was titled ‘TALK.’ There were three activities listed there of which I can ask Vasanthi to do one.
Ask your opponent what they would like to try with you and why (or)
Ask your opponent any question, and they must answer with the truth (or)
Ask your opponent what their wildest fantasy is for you.
I chose task 3 and read it out loud. She giggled.
Vasanthi: I want to see you with many other women. You should have more partners. I want my hubby to fuck many other women to submission. They should feel jealous that I get to be your wife and not them. I also want to watch you enjoy them. I know for sure that you complain too. Am I right?
I don’t know why but a tremendous amount of joy erupted inside me. To think that my love wants me to fuck other women aroused me even more. I blew her a kiss in the air, to which she reciprocated.
Next was her turn, and she rolled a 4. She drew the ‘Talk’ card this time as she crossed the checkpoint. She chose the first activity and asked me the same.
Me: I would like to fuck you on a boat. I imagine us having heaven of a night surrounded only by the ocean around us. Have the stars as a ceiling while I fuck this beautiful moon. I would like to try that with you.
Vasanthi’s face was slowly turning red. She was imagining what I was describing, I guess. It was my turn to roll the dice now. I rolled a 4 and moved to 17. She got a 5 from her turn and moved to 18.
I only got a 1 in my next turn while she got a 3. It was her turn to draw the second reward card. The card was titled ‘STRIP,’ but I had no idea the 3 activities in it.
Reading the card, Vasanthi gave a naughty smile. She had chosen the activity that she wanted me to do and read it out loud.
Vasanthi: The activity I have chosen for you is “Your opponent must take off two pieces of clothing of your choice. Then they must go into the kitchen and eat one item of food. It is your mission to french kiss them until you have figured out what they ate. If you can’t figure it out, then your opponent gets to spank you five times.”
Vasanthi: I think it’s more activity for both of us than just you. What do I make you remove? I want you to remove your tee and shorts. You have to be in your innerwear.
I did as per her command. Now it’s my turn to go and eat something in the kitchen. I ate an orange and came back to our room.
Vasanthi: Wow, that was fast. Come here.
We both started french kissing. She was exploring my mouth with her tongue. She was so eager to win the round to avoid getting spanked, I guess. But she kept on kissing me like there was no tomorrow.
I had no idea what was taking her so long to find out that it was orange as it was very easy to guess. But I wasn’t complaining. After what seemed like an eternity, we let go of each other.
Me: Did you find out what I ate?
Vasanthi: Yes. Its apple.
Me: What? Really? Did you taste an apple in my mouth?
Vasanthi: Yes, I did. Did I guess wrong? If I was wrong, then you should be spanking me 5 times.
She chuckled. I understood that she had lied intentionally to get spanked from me.
Me: Okay, come to papa for your punishment.
I made her bend over and spanked her hard 5 times over her ass. A huge moan from her followed every spank. Next, it was my turn to roll the dice. I got 2 sixes and a 4 which took me to 34.
Me: Haha. Now I get to draw two reward cards. Get ready, love.
I first drew the ‘STRIP’ card for crossing the second checkpoint. The other two activities, apart from the one that Vasanthi gave me, were,
Your opponent must slowly strip off two pieces of clothing while describing in detail what they want to with your body using as naughty language as they dare (or)
Your opponent must go outside the front door and remove two pieces of their clothing. But it would be no fun if they could run back inside immediately, right? So before they are allowed to return to safety, you must slowly count to ten.
Me: I know what activity you need to do.
I read out the last activity loud.
Vasanthi: I can’t do that, dear.
Me: Dare is a dare.
Vasanthi: You seriously can’t expect me to do that, my love. I will do any other thing you ask me to do.
She pleaded to me.
Me: Okay. You can do the activity here, but you need to strip 3 pieces of clothing instead of two. And it will be chosen by me. Is that fine?
Vasanthi: Yes, yes.
Me: I want you to remove your bra, petticoat, and panty. But the saree should stay intact.
Vasanthi: Sure.
I was eagerly awaiting the show that was going to happen in front of me. Vasanthi first set her pallu aside to take out her bra. Her huge melons popped out, finally free from being trapped all this while. She put the pallu back in its place.
But since it’s a see-through saree, I could see her melons even then. It was oozing out small droplets of milk due to her being too aroused. She took out the fold that’s holding the saree in petticoat and removed the petticoat and panty while still holding on to the saree.
Me: Very good. Shall we continue playing?
Vasanthi: Yes, please.
I drew my third reward card. It was titled ‘CUDDLE’ with 3 activities listed as usual.
Think of a specific place on your body, and then let your opponent kiss, lick, or bite different spots until they find the one you are thinking of. Any clothes in the way may be temporarily removed but must be put back on again when they hit the bullseye. (or)
Enjoy a 5-minute full body massage lying on either your stomach or back. (or)
Your opponent has 2 minutes to figure out a way to make you as aroused as possible using only their mouth but without removing any clothes.
Me: Haha. This is interesting. You are going to love it.
I read the first activity aloud for her to do it.
Vasanthi: Okay, think of a spot.
The spot I finalized was the nape of my neck.
Me: Let me set the timer for you to start.
As soon as the time started, Vasanthi grabbed me and removed my inners.
Me: Hey, what are you doing?
Vasanthi: I am allowed to remove your clothes as per the activity, dear.
She wildly started kissing, sucking, licking, and biting all over my body. Often she came close to my nape of the neck. But being possessed by desire, she was more concentrated on the frontal side of my body. I was at the peak of my arousal. The 5 minutes was up without her finding the right spot.
Me: You lost my love.
I said while wearing my inners again.
Vasanthi: What’s the spot that you thought of?
Me: The nape of my neck.
Vasanthi: Oh shit, I missed. Let’s continue with the game. It’s my turn now.
Vasanthi rolled a 5 and moved to 26. I only got a 1 in my turn. Vasanthi next got a 6 and a 2, which moved her to 34. It was her turn to draw the ‘CUDDLE’ card. She read out the last activity loud for me to do it. I have to arouse her to the highest within just 2 minutes using just my mouth.
Me: That’s easy.
Saying this, I went near her. Vasanthi has some erogenous spots in her body, of which I am very well aware by now. I went straight to her neck, ears, navel, and hips. Since I wasn’t allowed to remove the clothes, I had to abandon all other spots. So I focused on these.
Vasanthi: Ah. Yes. My love.
Vasanthi was enjoying everything that I was doing for her. The two minutes ran way faster than usual.
Me: Were you aroused as much as possible, darling?
Vasanthi: Yes, my love.
She bent her head down in shyness. I took the dice as it was my turn. I again got a 1 only. I was at 36 while Vasanthi was at 34.
Vasanthi: Ha. Someone is running out of luck.
Me: But I am still ahead of you by 2 places.
Vasanthi: Not for long.
She rolled the dice and got a 6. She again got a 6.
Me: What the fuck is happening?
She rolled the third time and got a 6 again.
Vasanthi: Haha. I have won the game, my love. To top it all, I can draw 2 reward cards while you get to draw none.
She was overjoyed. She was jumping around celebrating her victory. Her boobs were jiggling and bouncing inside her saree.
Me: Alright, alright. Can you please draw the card now?
She drew the card for the 4th checkpoint first. It was titled ‘Naked and Hot.’
Vasanthi: Actually, as per this card rule, we both need to be naked.
Me: Why don’t we help each other?
I said to try and get my hands on her. She understood my intention.
Vasanthi: No, you remove yours, and I will remove mine, mister.
We both took our own leisure time to remove our dresses. Vasanthi was oozing juices from her boobs and pussy. We were both high on lust, but we controlled to enjoy the game to the fullest.
Vasanthi: I have chosen the activity.
Me: Before that, can you please read out all the activities out loud. I am curious to know the options.
Vasanthi: Of course.
Invite your opponent to have 3 minutes of doggy style sex. (Or)
Ask your opponent to treat you with 3 minutes of oral sex by sitting either on their face or chest. (Or)
Wear a blindfold and invite your opponent to play with your private regions using 3 different objects. You should guess the objects.
I got more aroused hearing the activities. My heart was beating fast in anticipation of what Vasanthi had chosen.
Me: What are you choosing?
Vasanthi: I am choosing the 3rd one.
I took a kerchief to blindfold her and ran to the kitchen. I took out a bar of chocolate, a jar of honey and took out a feather from my cupboard. I came back to the bedroom and laid Vasanthi on the bed.
Me: Are you ready?
Vasanthi: Yes.
She hissed. I took out the feather and gently caressed her pussy with it.
There were goosebumps all over her body as I continued the act. She was shaking. Just as she was about to come, I stopped my act.
Me: Did you find out what it is?
Vasanthi: Yes. It was a feather.
She whispered in a hoarse voice. Next, I took out the honey and poured it over her boobs. The honey got mixed with the milk already oozing out of her melons. I started tasting it with my mouth. I was sucking and licking her boobs to my heart’s content. I gave her a deep kiss on her lips.
Me: Now I hope you have guessed what this one is too.
Vasanthi: Yes. Yes. It was honey, right?
Me: Absolutely. Now time for the next object.
I widened her legs to have access to her honey pot. It was glistening with all her juices. I broke the chocolate bar into half and slowly inserted it in her pussy. The heat of her pussy was melting the chocolate. It was a glorious sight. I slurped on her pussy. I started tongue fucking her.
Vasanthi: Yes, that’s the spot, darling. Take it.
I was tongue fucking her vigorously, but again I stopped when I felt she was about to come.
Vasanthi: Oh my love. Why did you stop? Give it to me. Go on.
Me: Nope. First, guess what the object is, and then we are moving to the next reward card.
Vasanthi: Oh, for God’s sake, please take me. I want you now. Please.
It was so good watching her plead. But I stick to my plan. I wanted to explore the final reward card.
Me: Nope, my love. Guess the object, and let’s move on.
Vasanthi: It was chocolate!
Me: Yes, very good. Now come, let’s read out the next card.
Vasanthi: Fuck off, you dumbo.
She shouted while removing the blindfold and getting up. I was full of laughter, knowing full well she wanted me very badly.
The next reward card was titled ‘CLIMAX.’ She threw the card at me and said.
Vasanthi: I am giving you a gift now. You can choose the activity that you want to do out of those three.
I quickly scanned through the card.
Use plenty of lubricant or massage oil and give your opponent a massage with a happy ending. When done, it is their turn to make you happy. (Or)
Set a timer for 20 minutes and try to bring each other to as many Near climax experiences as possible. Once the timer ends, then it is allowed to climax. (Or)
From now on, your opponent’s only mission is to make you both climax. How they do, it is up to them.
I chose the second activity and read it out loud. I set the timer to 20 minutes. As soon as I did it, Vasanthi grabbed me and pushed me on the bed. She grabbed my penis so hard that I shouted out of pain. She spat on it and started giving me a blowjob.
Every time I was nearing my climax, Vasanthi would slow down. She was punishing me for what I did a few minutes back. I grabbed her head and took her up to me, and started kissing her madly. Every time we kissed, it would be slow and sensual.
But this was different. We were both passionate and rough. We rolled over without stopping our kiss. She grabbed my penis and inserted it into her vagina.
Vasanthi: My pussy had been on fire, anticipating your penis. Fuck me, my love.
I started fucking her slowly. We both didn’t want to come anytime soon.
Vasanthi: Fuck me, love. Yes. Fuck me. Take me. I am all yours for eternity. Fuck me like you are fucking a bitch. Enjoy me.
Me: Yes, my love. I am fucking you.
We both were nearing our climax. I slowed down. I removed my penis. I turned her around and kept her in a bent shape. Her chubby ass was in front of me. I smacked it once.
I rubbed my penis in her pussy and started fucking her doggy style. I grabbed hold of her melons by bending over a bit. I was kissing all over her back while I continued fucking.
Vasanthi: Aah, it’s so good. I love you. You are the best.
Her moans were getting higher and higher. The timer started to ring. I thanked God as it was getting so tough not to release after a day full of arousal. I started fucking her more vigorously. I was so close to coming. I shouted out.
Me: I am going to come, my love. I can’t hold it back any longer.
Vasanthi: Yes. Let’s come together.
Our fuck was at the highest speed.
Me: I am coming.
We both came at the same time. I have never released such a load. Vasanthi was pouring and pouring. The bed was filled with our juices. We both were completely drained of energy. We lay hugging each other.
Me: I think it was the best sex we have ever had, my love.
Vasanthi: Yes, I agree. I never thought the game would test us so intensely. Did you like it?
Me: I thoroughly enjoyed it. Let’s play more in the future.
We went to sleep after exploring each other the whole night with love, lust, and other games.