Hello i m a student currently pursuing my b.tech frm ranchi. I m going to narrate one of my several fantasies about my aunty meenu she’s 40 yrs old a mother of 3 kids but still i feel attracted to her. I dont get it but she is not a beauty queen rather she resembles every typical married indian housewife.big boobs ,round ass,black marks under her eyes & stressed out due to household work.she has a lovely face & her smile is electric.she has been my first love. Meenu is the wife of a colleague of my father we met when i and her eldest daughter were enrolled in class 10 in same school.meenu aunty was my mothers frnd & used to come home almost daily.hence we were quite familiar with each other.i started lusting 4 her as my biological cycle went on.i had my share of wet dreams of her. 1 day both our families went 4 a picnic.in the car we were sitting next to each other.her body was rubbing against mine.her skin was smooth as milk. I being just a horny teenager got aroused .my 6.5″dick started making a pole in my wrinkle free trousers.on the trip she was wearing a black saree with the pallu taken in bengali style . Hence her boobs were well covered but still thinking about those melons was driving me crazy. Finally i had some respite as we reached the spot .while getting out of our fiat i intentionally let my cock rub her ass. She gave me an”i cant get u” look and i got flummoxed.however in picnic we decided to play tug of war. I my brother & meenu aunty was on this side & my mother aunty’s children on other.she held me tightly catching my waist .i let the rope go &as a result i fell on her with she below me i stayed there for a while & then got up.then we started to play dumb charades the game went on for quite a while & then it was final tie.
She got to enact the movie “romeo & juliet” & i guessed it correctly we won and in the heat of the moment she got excited and hugged me as we won. I knew somewhere deep within myself that she did it intentionally.we then sat down for a meal & all this time she & i exchanged naughty looks & cunning smiles.i think she got excited on thinking about sex with a teenager who was her best friends son the picnic got over but or fun had just begun she again sat next 2 me in the car & kept her hand on my thighs she started tickling me i also slid my hand on her waist and made slow movements we both could feel heat flowing through our bodies.also this time she let her pallu slip again & again showing me her tits.they looked so soft & milky then whenever a jerk came she acted like falling on me.her smell was driving me crazy. I thought of kissing her that very moment but i controlled myself.then when we came back we all said goodbye she hugged me and gave me a peck on the cheek i knew that she had given me consent a fire was burning there too.that night i want of imagining having sex with her at all public places i could think of i had sex with her in a bus at a coffee shop in my school playground at her house at my house in front of her husband …………everywhere.i knew picnic had ended but a new affair had begun rest of the story how i made love to her in next pert till then bye- bye.bricks & bouquets are most welcome my email id is [email protected]