By : Forualwys
I am not introducing anyone here…folks are left to liberty of thinking whether this is true or fantasy…This is bit lengthy and have patience as patience always pays.
Small Suggestion…Visualize the characters and put yourself in my place and experience the feeling.
This all began with a train which got delayed of about 5 hours due to heavy rains, finally after a boring wait the train has finally arrived but due to the delay the train instead of halting for 10 minutes, the train started 5 minutes before and people had very little time to board the train.
Fortunately there was no one left at the platform as everyone were hurry in settling down and retire to sleep.
Out of curiosity and rare chance of traveling via train, I kind of developed a childish act of looking into the passengers’ sheet and check if there are any young girls in the compartment. I could find few but could not find anyone interesting by their names.
Finally at the time of start of my journey back from my tour, I was looking out at the place to which I may not come back again so wanted to have a final look at the place and was standing at the doorway…at this moment a miracle similar to movies a girl who was a princess was running to wards the train to get on to it as she was a bit late. She was running hard and was very determined not to miss the train…seeing this I extended my hand to give a support and help her to get on to the train.
Even at that very moment, she was hesitant to catch my hand but she was left with no option, if she wanted to get on to the train then she has to catch my hand and she did the same…I pulled her into the compartment and she was in…Unlike in movies, i moved myself aside so that she can be comfortable…she then went in and wanting to enjoy the nature, I stood at the door way for some more time.
After about 15-20 mins, I came back to my place to be surprised to see that the same girl on the berth beside mine and she was reading some fat novel. I climbed onto my berth and was about to sleep but could not sleep as the light was on. So I checked around to see if anyone is using the light but she was the only one so asked her whether she really want to read the book at this late hour, for which she replied that she is feeling sleepy but want to complete the book as she is going to be in hostel and might not get time to read these kinds of books there due to heavy college work.
As reply, I said “I cannot sleep if the light is on, can you please switch it off”
She:- “I would switch it off in sometime”
Me:- “Okay, pls do it fast as I have to go to office tomorrow morning and publish a report”
She:- “Are you working?”
Me:- “Yes”
She:- “You don’t look like you are working, I thought you are also studying in college”
This startled me as these kinds of words are shot by men toward women when they want to impress her. I thought she is innocent so replied plainly.
Me:- “I am working and recently completed college”
She: – “Nice to hear that”
There was some silence and I was trying hard to sleep but all my efforts went in vein due to light. After sometime covering all my eyes, I was slipping into sleep which was again disturbed by the same girl.
She:- “Hey, by the way…thank you for helping me to get on to train”
With this all my sleep got disturbed and once my sleep is disturbed then I would not get sleep again for about 2 hrs, it’s kind of habit due to my odd office timings.
Me:- “It’s okay, no problem…helping is in my nature :)”
Now I started making conversation with her as I was not feeling sleepy and wanted to pass sometime, by this time she was done with her book and was about to sleep.
Me:- “What college are you studying?”
She: – “St Mary’s women’s college and what about you…where are you working?”
Me:- “In Lasso Constructions Ltd as a business development officer.”
She got curious when I said business development officer and she started asking more questions and was getting involved in the conversation.
She:- “Business Development Officer, That is big position and how did u get into to this position?”
Me:- “The Company is a niche player and is planning to expand its base in different area’s an sent me to investigate and find suitable area’s for development”
Now by this statement I kind of tried to impress her with my complex talk…she was confused.
She:- “Hey your professional talk is too much for me to take in…”
For this I explained her about my nature of work. Then I remembered that we never exchanged names and asked her for name…she gave her and I gave mine and then we started talking on different topics…
During all our conversation I was observing her body language, she had become comfortable. Now we moved to the doorway of the compartment as we didn’t want to wake others up with our talk. She was shivering due to cold air to which I shared my blanket wrapped around me…Now we both were in the same blanket and were sitting at the doorway.
With all our conversation, I came to know that she is from a rich back ground but wanted to enjoy the life so even though she could go abroad but she opted for local universities but due to their parent’s condition, she had to join a women’s college only. She is good in studies and was very jovial and wanted to enjoy the life to fullest.
We only talked about common stuff…never talked about hot topics…When I felt it was going out of line…I changed the topic…
Like this we became close and were like friends for ever…
Finally our destination came and we got down the train and parted our ways in the opposite directions. While I was saying last good bye to her…she came close held my both hands…and said that the time with me was the best time she ever had…even though she was feeling sleepy at the starting…but during the conversion she never felt the sleep and she lost track of time till the train was reaching the station.
I was happy to hear that…and was proud of myself and this confirmed to me that “I am a good at talking” which my friend always used to say and I always never believed them. When I was lost in thoughts…I was shocked with what happened to me…She came to my cheeks and gave a sweet kiss…this was the most beautiful moment and the feeling was very new and the most sweetest that I have experienced all my life.
I froze with that act of her, by the time I recovered myself she was gone and was no where to be found in the station…even though i have got her number, mail and other details I still wanted to see her that time, did not have a clue what to do but wanted to see her.
Probably this is what people call infatuation or love. I ignored the fact that I am in love and convinced myself telling that she is modern and all this is common in metros.
The next part follows based on feedback and comments
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