Fucking Neighbour Aunty In Guwahati

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Hi Again. This is Raj from Guwahati again with my Second story. Thanks to all for the emails to my first story. Well this incident happened around year 1999. I was19 years of age at that time but had already had sex a number of times with another lady who taught me all about sex; Which I will narrate some other time. Coming back to this incident, A few months later, a new family had come to stay near us on rent. They were 4 in the family. The man, his wife, a boy and a girl. The man had started a small shop at the nearby junction. The boy was about 6 years younger than me but we were friends as he looked up to me. The daughter was in class 3 or 4 I guess. The lady was very young(32) as she was married off at an early age. She used to sometimes help my mom in the household chores. I used to call her aunty (Khuri in my local language).

I was deprived of sex for a few months and was getting really horny. Slowly, I started to take notice of this aunty and wondered if I could get her to bed. Days passed and I started to look at her more often and sometimes stare at her. She noticed this change in me. But she did nothing to encourage or discourage me. There was no change in her behavior. Then one day, I was alone at home and she came in to clean the utensils as she sometimes used to come and do when my mom would ask of her. She started washing the dishes at the back of my house and I went and stood in the kitchen from where I could look at her through the back door. She noticed it but said nothing. After some time, I saw her coming towards the kitchen and I quickly moved to the next room and lied on the bed and pretended to be studying. She came in the room and asked – Do you want to study or something else? Her voice was straight. There was no hint of whether she wanted me to do something or if she was angry with me. I was not expecting this..i just looked at her and smiled. She stood there for a few seconds without any emotions on her face and went back to her work. I was damn scared at that time. But she didn’t tell anyone.

But slowly after that day, things changed. Now I used to stare at her but she would not mind. She also used to stay a bit longer after completing her work watching television with me. There was not much talk between us. She also used to look back at me sometimes when I am staring at her. But with no smile and no expressions. So I was really not sure of her mind. But as days passed, I started to gain confidence that she wants it too. Then one day, as usual, mom asked me to call her and get the dishes done as mom was going to be late from work and our regular maid was on vacation. I was very happy that day because after so many days, I was getting a chance to stay alone with her.

After college, I went to her house and checked to find that she was not well and had a slight fever. I asked her if she could do the dishes. She asked if mom was coming late. I said yes. Then she said – “Oh…in that case I should get the dishes done or else your mom will face problem after coming from work.” I was hoping for it but was not sure if she will agree. Her son was also there at their house at that time. So I came back and waited for her to come as I sensed that this was my golden day. She came and straight away went to do the dishes. I was waiting in the drawing room with anticipation. She had just finished the dishes and had come to the drawing room when the door bell rang. I jumped and checked and found a distant relative at the door. He came in and sat for some time but I managed to send him off with a lot of difficulty. All this time, aunty was standing in the drawing room and watching tv. After sending this relative off, I closed the gate and came back to our door and entered the house. I was thinking what should I do now. I decided that as she is staying longer than is needed and she knows we are alone in the house and she also knows that I am interested in her, so she must be willing to take the next step. So I went inside and closed the door.

She was standing near the door. I just went behind her and tried to embrace her. The moment I did so, she jumped and started pushing me away and said what are you doing??? She was stern in her voice and pushed me very strongly. But I didn’t let her go. She said all sorts of things like – This is not right. I am your aunty and aunty is like a mother. This will spoil your studies etc. But I held her firmly. And kissed on her back and neck and tried to hold her boobs. She resisted with all the force she had. I took her to the sofa and made her sit on my lap. Finally when it looked like she is not willing to go ahead, I told her that I will let you go if you let me suck your boobs once. After contemplating for a moment she agreed and took out one of her milky breasts from under her blouse. I sucked it for a second but before I could start enjoying it, she jumped from my lap and ran to the door. I didn’t stop her again as I wouldn’t force a lady if she is not willing. She went out of the door and I was frustrated. But not scared as I was sure she wouldn’t tell anyone.

After about 10 minutes, she knocks on my door again. I open it and she stood outside the door and said – “My safety pin has dropped here” and pointed to our carpet. I searched for it and returned it to her. She took it and said – “what is this that you are doing? It will spoil you. You should concentrate on your studies” and stood for some more time and left. I felt really cheated as she didn’t stop my advances earlier and she kind of encouraged me by staying a lot of time alone with me in our house. But now she is behaving like a Sati Savitri. Anyway, nothing more happened that day. From next day she reduced her visits to our house. She would only come when others in my family are around and that too rarely. Things went on like this for some months.

After my exams, I started spending most of the day time alone at home. During this time, I started to see her again as she stayed next to our house. I would sit near the window of our drawing room and open the curtains and keep looking at their house and compound. She would come out of her house at times for household work. Sometimes she used to walk towards their backyard for fetching water from a tube well. And I would be staring at her. She noticed but didn’t say anything. Once I even flashed my dick to her through the window. Still no reaction. Days passed and then one day I was walking my dog and saw her standing near the gate of her compound. I said hi and asked how she is. She said -“I am good. How r u?” I said I was good too. I inquired other things like about her husband and son and all. And returned to my home. Next day I saw her again and smiled at her. This went on for 3 days. I didn’t want to take any step from my side again. So I didn’t try anything. On the fourth day, while talking, she suddenly asked me – “You must be seeing the scene of that day in front of your eyes daily”. I was shocked but kept my cool and replied – “yes off course. Don’t you also remember it?” she didn’t reply. Small talks like this started and I started to go to their house for something or the other. And talked with her on different things. During one of the talks, I asked her why they didn’t have a baby after the second child? She said she has had operation to stop more kids. More days passed without much happening as chance was grim of me finding a right time to advance.

Then one day, in the afternoon, around 11, I just casually strolled outside their compound. I peeked from the top of the wall and saw her standing right there under the shade of a tree.

Me:- What are you doing?
She:- just having some fresh air.
Me:- where is Jitu(her Son’s name) and Majoni( her daughter)
She:- Jitu has gone to his uncle’s place for 2 days and Majoni is in school.
Me:- When is uncle coming for lunch?
She:- around 2 PM. Why do you ask?
Me:- (Smiling in a lustful way) shall I come in?
She:- What for?
Me:- Don’t you know for what??
She:- No. No need.
Me:- (With a smile). Let me come. Nothing will happen.

Saying this, I opened the gate and entered their compound and went straight near her.

Me:- I have come in already.(and smiled at her)
She:- No; won’t happen.
Me:- Why not? Don’t you want it? Come lets go inside the house.
She:- No.
Me:- Why?
She:- I am afraid.
Me:- What for??
She:- Don’t you know why??
Me:- But you said you have done operation to stop child birth already?
She:- yes; but still.
Me:- Don’t worry…nothing will happen.
She:- If someone comes to know, it will be a big problem.
Me:- If I don’t tell anyone and if you don’t tell anyone, then how will someone else come to know? It will be a secret between two of us.

She was still reluctant so I said –
Me:- I am going inside your house. You come in. (And I went in. Her house had two rooms. I sat on the bed on the front room and waited for her. She came in after 2 minutes).

She:- This is not right. You shouldn’t have come. What if someone comes to know?
Me:- Don’t worry. Nothing wrong will happen. Come and sit here first.

I asked her to come and sit near me. She came and sat near me on the bed. I kept my right hand around her shoulder and said – “nothing will happen. We will enjoy and have fun. I want you so much.” saying this, I started embracing her in the sitting position itself. She said :- “No No…Don’t do this. What are you doing?” But I hugged her and made her to stand up. And hugged her properly. She kept on saying No but didn’t push me away or stop me. I hugged her and caught hold of her butts and pressed her on me. I started to kiss her face and neck and then turned her around and held her from behind. This time, I caught her by her waist and started rubbing my dick over on her ass. She was wearing a blue saree and I was in jeans and t-shirt. I rubbed my erect cock on her ass and slowly moved my hands from her waist to her belly and upward slowly till I reached her tits. The moment I touched them, I became mad. I just pressed them hard and started licking and biting on her neck from behind and sides of her neck and shoulder. Also gave her a few bites on her shoulder and neck. She was holding my hands with her hand but not resisting in any way. She just kept saying – “what are you doing?” stressing on the word ‘You’. I still remember the way she was saying this. It was like she wanted to blame me for this in her heart so that she is guilt free. She tried to sound like I am forcing her. And that turned me on more.

I knelled down and put my face on her ass over the saree and bit her there softly. Then I turned her again and this time sniffed and kissed her pussy over the saree. Pressed her butts a few more times and then stood up and looked into her eyes.

Her eyes were deep and beautiful and so inviting. She didn’t smile even then. I made her to sit on the bed.
She: – what are you doing?
Me:- Nothing will happen, just relax. And sit.

I then laid her on the bed while her legs were hanging on the edge. I slept on her and started licking sides of the neck again. She just held my arms strongly and moved her head to a side giving me more access to her neck and earlobes. My hands came down to her boobs and started playing with the nipples. After a few seconds, I got up and opened my zip and took out my dick which was rock hard. She kept looking at it. Then I caught hold of her saree and pulled it up to reveal the sexy thighs and then the pussy. She had no panties on. She had slight hair on her pussy which I loved. I thought of sniffing and kissing the pussy more but I needed to hurry as we had less time. So I slept over her with my dick touching somewhere near her chut. She kept on looking at me but didn’t protest. But kept on murmuring – “what are you doing?”. I waited on her top as I wanted her to take it in herself. Looked into her eyes with a question and motioned her with my eyes to take it in. I still remember that scene. She took her left hand down and in between us and took hold of my dick and slowly put it at the entrance. Then she embraced me and pulled me in. My dick went in slowly like a hot knife going into a bowl of butter. At that point I knew that I had won the battle finally. She made a sound like – hshhhhhh (The sound that you make when pulling the air in). I pulled it out slightly and pushed it in again and again and again but didn’t pull the whole dick out. Slowly I increased the thrust and started taking out the whole dick and putting it inside but maintained a slow rhythm. After some strokes, I thought of a different position which I had seen in many Porn films and which was my fav. So I asked her to take up her legs on the bed and lay straight. I shifted towards her left and held her close and pulled her on top of me. All this time my cock was inside her. The moment I pulled her up. She tried to slowly get up may be to position herself correctly but I pulled her down again. And she rammed into me.

She smiled for the first time. I held her tight and with one hand caught one of her legs and pulled her knee towards my waist. Did the same with the other leg and let her sit on me like kneeling. She got the idea and started to move to and fro. This was heaven. I kept looking at her and she was shying away but continued her movements. Slowly she gained speed and held my hand. I couldn’t see her pussy now as her saree was covering it and my dick was inside her through my Zip. She kept on increasing the speed and started moaning in low voice like “umh…umh…umh…umh” with each push. I held her waist and pulled her more. At one point she sat straight and started to ram me really hard and fast. I felt the tension building inside me. In 2 minutes, she slowed her movements and fell on my chest. With one hand she was clutching my hair and the other encircling my neck. Her forehead was on my forehead. I bit her cheek and asked her – Hoi gol? ( are you done). She nodded in a yes. As she had stopped her movements for a couple of minutes while resting on me, I got relaxed and ready to pound again. I straightened her legs and rolled below me and started my slow thrust again. She was clutching my shirt with one hand and holding my arm with the other. She opened her legs really wide so I could push my whole length in. I laid completely on her and held her neck and started to pound really fast and hard. She started moaning again like – “shhh shhh shhh” and pulled her legs up and held me by my waist with her legs. I kept on ramming her for lot of time till I was covered in sweat. And at last, I let go…

When she sensed that I have cum, she said – “Utha”(get up). But I had not completely cummed yet so I said – “Robo, mur huwai nai”(wait..I am not done yet.) I rammed her a few more times and finally was satisfied and laid on her. She held me very close and hard. We were panting very heavily. I got up from her and smiled. She brought her eyes down with shyness and smiled. I just caressed her hair and kissed her eyes and cheeks and pumped her tits a few more time before getting down from her and the bed. She immediately covered her pussy with the saree and got down from the bed and helped me in getting my dress right. She also brushed my hair with her fingers all the time with a lovely smile. I said bye and she hugged me one more time. She checked outside and I left her home. This was the beginning of a long relationship. Soon she started to come to our house frequently and helped my mom in household work like before. I enjoyed a lot with her in different positions and in different places. Once I even fucked her in the open backyard of her house in the evening. It was dark then but not pitch dark. I fucked her standing and then bend her over. What’s interesting is I went there by jumping the fence and not through the gate. I also licked her pussy that day and she gave me a BJ. And it was all in the open just behind a thin line of bushes. We could have got caught if a car or bike had come and the light fall on us. But that’s what makes it more exciting I guess. I f ladies around Guwahati want to catch up for casual friendship and sex, send me a mail at [email protected] yahoo.co.in. Secrecy wanted. Till then, bye!!

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