Hi ISS readers this is Ram and this story is about how I went into a sexual relationship with my mother like innocent Bhabhi, Radha. We are two brothers Murli and I and I was younger and around 18 years old my brother Murli was married to Radha Bhabhi. She was hot and sexy female from Pune. She was homely but no one would stop staring at her beautiful body.
She had huge busty boobs and lean waist and bulgy round ass. She was tall enough and also had long black hair. She was very down to earth and innocent and her face was so cute and also sexy. She was so beautiful when she smiled. My brother and Radha Bhabhi were living in Mumbai and me and my parents in Nasik as my brother was a stock broker.
We used to meet once or twice every month and I used to consider Radha Bhabhi as my mom. She was also very emotional with me and called Ram Beta. I never in my life thought that I would see my Radha Bhabhi in sexual manner until one day. The day came when I was 18 years old and had to join college in Mumbai and I moved to my brother’s apartment in Mumbai.
By that time Radha Bhabhi was around 26 years old but still called me beta. So it happened that some of my friends dropped me in Mumbai in their car. So I got down at the apartment gate and my friends were about to leave and they told me something which ignited the fire inside me. My friends told me that since now I am going to live with my Brother and Bhabhi.
They asked me to fuck my bhabhi whenever my brother was away. I was shocked at what they said because I never thought of her like that and more over she was like a mother to me. So I told them what crap you guys are talking. They told me that they know about Radha Bhabhi as they have seen her some time or the other and she is the hottest looking female on can ever get, so they asked me to take a chance sometime and fuck her.
I scolded them as they were talking very badly about my Radha Bhabhi like how huge her boobs were and how her saree sticks to her huge ass and other crap. So after that they left and I directly went to my brothers flat it was around noon and Radha Bhabhi opened the door and welcomed me inside. My friend’s words took a spell on me and right from that moment I was checking her out. She was smiling and said,
Hello Ram Beta how are you saying that she hugged me tightly. I was so uncontrollable at that moment coz I was seeing her as a hot lady more than my Bhabhi. Now she is hugging me. I was carried away by the spell and I too hugged her tightly and her warm huge boobs pressed inside my chest softly and I laid my hands over her ass unknowingly.
She did not mind and I was so close in smooching her in passion but suddenly recollected the mother sentiment and stopped but Radha Bhabhi was so innocent she was still hugging and looking in my eyes and said how was your journey I said it was fine then she asked me where were my friends I said they left. She said I should have invited them inside for juice.
I thought in mind that they would only prefer her and nothing else if they come inside her house then I said its ok don’t worry they got some other work to do then I met my brother at night that came back from office and masturbated thrice before I went to sleep. But still my mind was somewhere in between a hot and sexy figured female and a mother like bhabhi but not for long as everyday my brother left early in the morning and came back at night.
I had huge time gap to enjoy her beauty visually and like while she came out of the bathroom in towel I used to peep and try to have a good look at her wet hair neck and tightly packed boobs inside the towel and her thighs and legs which were in solid shape. I used to touch her here and there during the daily house chores, pretending as if I’m helping her and sometimes.
I used to adjust her hair while she was cooking as she can’t touch her hair while cooking as her hands were oily kind stuff. I used to draw her hair from her cheeks till her neck. I used to watch her cooking over her shoulder watching her sweaty cleavage. Sometimes I used to rest my hands on her shoulders and smelled her neck. It was such a wonderful feeling and slowly my mind moved away from mother sentiment to a sexy hot female.
She never minded while I moved around her and we also watched TV while holding hands together which itself gave me full erection multiple times. I was feeling jealous on my brother and tried to listens their bedroom sounds at night but I realized that my brother used fuck her only on Sundays when he got time and other days Radha Bhabhi’s sexiness and beauty was wasted except for me to perceive it.
She was so innocent that sometimes she came to my bed to wake me up directly from the bathroom in tightly wrapped wet towel. Many times, I was just short about to pull her into my bed to fuck her with my strong morning erection, but I could not dare to do it. I wanted a very strong emotion and reason behind doing it, because the attraction was only from one side.
She never thought about me in that manner. Moreover she used call me Ram beta and all and so how to proceed? I was the only question. My brother did not even have the slightest idea of what was running in my mind as I was waiting for a chance, I got in touch with my friends in Nasik they asked me about Radha bhabhi and how I was enjoying her and I told nothing to them, but inside my mind I wondered how true they were about my Radha Bhabhi.
So it was my birthday in 2 weeks so they told me that they would send me a present. So I gave them my full address. That was it. Those motherfuckers went online and ordered Playboy magazines with my name giving our Mumbai address. This indirectly helped me out. Radha Bhabhi checked the mails everyday and found out the Playboy magazines and directly reported the matter to my Brother.
My brother Murli was furious and scolded me very badly that day even my Bhabhi was little angry on me. She told me that am not good stuff to read. She was innocent even while scolding then I called my friends and scolded them good but it was already late, because they told me that they already ordered some other Porn DVD’s which will be delivered on my Birthday and cannot be stopped.
I was totally fucked again my bhabhi found out the DVD’s and reported it to my brother. This time my Bro kicked the shit out of me on my Birthday. He slapped me and also punched me for my friends prank on me. I did not have chance to explain since it had my name and address. I was 18 years old and not a full man enough and still dependent. I was crying like a child that morning and my brother left to office and I was in my room.
My parents called me but I did not want to talk to them so Radha bhabhi spoke but didn’t tell the issues I did. She found out that it was my birthday then she came into my room. I was calm and silent. She was so hot in that red silk saree that day and even sexier as she was little angry. She sat beside me and wished me Happy Birthday. I said thank you then she asked why I need all those nasty stuff like playboy magazines and Porn DVD’s.
I wanted to tell her that it was not my mistake but my friends played a prank on me but I lied and I told her that since I was growing to be adult, I felt to see naked female body and also to sound myself correct I told her it’s the part of nature then she told me that it’s bad and since I got beatings will I stop doing this. I told her No and she was shocked, she said Ram beta that’s wrong, your brother slapped you because this is wrong and may lead to other bad habits in future.
You should not get into this kind stuff and I did not accept. I told her no one can stop me and since bro hit me, I will surely do all kind bad activities from now. She was pleading me not to get angry in very innocent manner. I was not convinced by her. Then she asked me something. She asked me what do I want to stop getting angry and not get into such activities.
I told her that it’s very simple, that I wanted to see women naked and that’s why I wanted the porn DVD’s back. She was thinking for a while then she made an offer very innocently and out of pure love which a mother has on her child. She told me that she will not give me the DVD’s but will make my wish come true since it is my Birthday as you all guessed, even I guessed it right.
She said she will go nude in front of me for me to watch and give up the DVD’s and what a wonderful offer that was those fucking DVD’s didn’t mean shit to me. I was getting a live shoe with my sexy Radha Bhabhi whom I fantasized and masturbated since three months. I accepted her offer in awe and she stood up and locked the door. She was very emotional and also shy and also innocent. She was blinking more frequently than normal.
She set her eyes on me and he walked near my bed and first she let loose her long hair then she dropped her pallu. She then removed her blouse and un wrapped her silk red saree which was on the floor now just beside her blouse. She was standing just in bra and panty in front of me. She looked away from me and asked whether it was enough. I was shivering and so was she.
I said No and I said I wanted to see full nakedness then she smiled and tried to unhook her bra but she was not able to reach it then she asked me to help her as I approached close to Radha bhabhi standing in bra which was holding her busty boobs trying to jump out and her tight panty forming a camel toe at her pussy junction, sweet smell of her skin made my dick raise to unexpected size.
I was having full on hard erection I went to her and slowly wiped the hair to aside to her back and her unhooked her bra and dropped it on to the floor. Now Radha Bhabhi was holding her huge boobs in her hands and didn’t try to drop her panties, indirectly asking me to pull them down. I was standing to her back so I slowly pulled her panties down revealing her solid round ass cheeks.
Then I tried to grab her ass with my hands, but she pushed me onto my bed and moved little far, still holding her boobs in her hands. She said Ram beta, don’t touch me. It’s wrong I am like your mother. I am showing my naked body to you only to stop you from getting spoiled by other diversions as a Bhabhi that’s my responsibility to keep my child, Dewar safe from all bad habits and so look at me.
I am still young and also look better than all those dirty pictures you want to see saying that she removed her hands from her boobs and it was a scene to watch. Her huge busty boobs were hanging like ripe mangoes with pointed long and erect nipple. She had lean waist and huge hips. She had little hair on her pink soft pussy. Her thighs were in good shape like a model and not like regular house wife aunties and bhabhi’s who have fatty lumps on their legs.
She was a super star material and her whole body was lean except at her huge boobs and wide pear shaped hips. I was sad once I heard that but animal inside me was forcing me to grab her and fuck her and my erection was getting bad. Her slow movements and mannerisms and shyness as she stood naked in front of me made me go crazy like hell. Now I understood that, this will not happen again.
I understood that I will not ever in my life get this opportunity. So I pretended as if my erection was hurting me. It actually did but I exaggerated it in front of Radha Bhabhi. I started shouting loudly and told her that my penis is paining like hell. She asked me why. I told her because I got an erection like never before as I saw her naked. She came running to me nude and her boobs were swinging in air up and down and also towards sides.
I loved it and I was in my shorts and did not have any underwear as I just woke up that morning then she saw my erection from outside my shorts and was shocked. My dick was 7 inches and was really thick. Also I had athletes body with six packs unlike my brother Murli who had huge tummy and was fat. She said to me not to think about her sexually to stop the erection.
I told her that’s not possible because she had the best bodies I have ever seen in my life. She said it’s wrong for me to think about her and I told her to forget about it and try to help me out. A Bhabhi or mother can anything to help their children just like she stripped for me and these words worked on my innocent bhabhi. She asked me to go into the restroom and pour some water over it.
I said I can’t move and also cannot able to touch it. She asked me what to do Ram beta and she had some tears in her eyes too then I asked her to pull my shorts down and massage my dick. She said that she will do anything to relieve my pain then she pulled my shorts down, to find my huge 7 inch long and thick dick and her eyes filled with surprise. It was as if she is something she has never seen in her life.
She held my dick in her hands as I was lying on my bed and she was kneeling on the bed nude. She started rubbing the dick slowly and was really enjoying it. She asked whether I felt better and I said I was little bit better then she said beta, I never knew that men also had such huge dicks. I heard of it from my friends but this is a surprise for me and actually as a Bhabhi.
I should not do this or talk like this but trust me your dick looks really great. I asked her how about Murli dick. She said my bro just had a 5 inch dick then she asked me whether the pain was gone. I said pain will not be gone until it gets wet like water or any other thing. She said she will go and get some water. I told her not to leave me as pain may increase if she stops rubbing then she asked me what to do and I told her to use her saliva to wet my dick.
She said ok and spitted on her palm and applied it like a lube and kept on rubbing. What I wanted was her to take my huge dick in her mouth but she did not understand. Now I told her that. Spitting saliva is not sufficient and my dick needs to be submerged into the saliva. She asked how it is possible. I asked to take my dick in her mouth. She was surprised as if it was first time.
She said it’s nasty and I told her that’s the only solution then she accepted to do it. She kept on sucking my dick by dripping saliva into it. I was really feeling so nice and I was in heaven and I asked whether she did this to my bro Murli. She said no and I thought what a dick head Murli was and then as she was busy sucking my dick and I slowly rubbed her back and her ass and her boobs and nipples.
She said beta what are you doing then I told her Radha Bhabhi you are like my mother, can’t a son touch and feel her mother and if you give birth to a son in few years don’t you allow him to play with and don’t you allow him to suck your breasts? This is what I asked her and then she yes I was right then kept on sucking. I was waiting for some reaction but I didn’t come then immediately after 2 minutes.
She asked, Ram beta do you want to suck my breasts? I was laughing and jumping inside my mind. I said yes then I laid her down on bed and went on top of her. She was blowing my dick with her hands and I was sucking on her breasts like an animal. Her boobs were soft and huge with long erect nipples. I was chewing them and squeezing her breasts like anything.
She was moaning loudly as I did that and she said to me in ears that she was feeling as if she is with Murli. She closed her eyes tightly as I sucked her beautiful breasts. I whispered in her ears saying, there is no difference if it is Murli or myself as we both are brothers and same blood. So I don’t make a difference I also told her since brother is busy I will satisfy her whenever she wants. I was also fingering her cunt vigorously.
She was in ecstasy and whispered in my ears saying, so will you give me satisfaction, really then I have no problem enjoy my beauty enjoy each and every bit me. Do anything you want but give me satisfaction. She was in trance now. Then after sucking her boobs I moved down and licked her pussy out. I kept on licking her pussy and clit as I know Bhabies doesn’t want fucking but good licking.
I explored deepest parts of her pussy with my tongue and trust me it tasted so good. Radha bhabhi was completely in trance and in extreme satisfaction. She was enjoying the whole session of licking. She moaned and moaned for long and kept on moving away but I stocked my tongue onto her clit and kept on licking and then she squirted a whole lot of orgasm onto my face with a deep breath. She slightly came back to her senses.
She started saying while breathing deep, Beta no don’t do this, I think this is wrong let me go. I was not a fool to let go her and my dick veins were gusting with strongest erection I ever had. She started pushing me away, but then I pulled her legs wide and inserted my cock deep inside her in a single stroke. She moaned and took a deep breath then I wanted to tease her so I asked her whether.
I should stop and then she held my neck in her arms and pushed me towards her. So I started fucking my bhabhi. My huge dick was digging deep inside her. She was moaning the shoe time I fucked her. She was enjoying it so much. I kept on fucking while smooching her sucking her boobs, squeezing them and all. I fucked my bhabhi I different positions. She went on top of me then I fucked her in doggy style.
I made her sit on my lap so that I can suck her nipples out and chew them after 15-20 minutes I was about to cum then I asked her whether to cum inside her and she asked me not to then I asked shall I do it on the bed and spoil. She said no. Then I gave her only option. I caught her hair like I treat bitches and asked her to suck my cock for grand finale. She licked off the sticky layers on my cock clean.
I exploded a whole lot of cum on her face and inside her mouth then I cleaned my cum on her face with my pointing finger and inserted then in her mouth. She licked and sucked the cum and my finger good it was a good fuck and then she dressed up as if he knew nothing and left the room and I had the best sleep that afternoon and from that day my life took a good turn.
It was so fun to have a sex partner inside the family. I started to jump into her bed once my brother left for morning sex, then strip Radha bhabhi’s clothes off one by one while she was cooking and fuck her in the kitchen. We started roaming nude in our house and our illicit relation ended daily exactly before 30 minutes of my brother’s arrival with a good fuck and the next day again started with morning sex.