Kishen’s life-changing Discovery – Part 17

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Thanks to Manoj sir, Kishen was cured of feeling guilty over consensual incest. Kishen couldn’t feel more blessed and luckier at the life that fate bestowed upon him. He’d often have a quickie with his mom, Savi, after returning from college.

He’d spend every night either with Savi, Usha aunty or Deepti aunty, taking turns. Sometimes, their husbands would join in, too, for steamy threesomes. But sometimes, they preferred beer and TV over sex. Kishen couldn’t understand why anyone with a dick would choose any other indulgence over a pussy.

Kishen could sense the ladies weren’t always in the mood. Like most people, their sexual urges were diluted by their chores/jobs/responsibilities. Besides, there are other cocks they’d love to prioritise. Kishen had to respect their choice, mood, preference, space, and privacy.

As days passed, Kishen could see the honeymoon phase coming to a close. Some days, even Kishen too found himself not looking forward to sex. He was occupied by classes, projects and exams. He could now understand the situational aversion of uncles’ dicks to the aunties’ pussies.

Ever since the circle dispersed, Kishen couldn’t indulge with Neetu or GeetaMa. They didn’t visit Usha that often. He’d be in classes whenever they visited, or they’d be not in the mood. That’s not to say they weren’t excited to meet him.

Still, he longed to indulge with them, at least as a change from the regular options he had. He longed much more for crossovers between the members of the circle. Sadly, he learned that their moods and availability aligning is probably rarer than the orbital alignment of the planets.

He dearly missed the orgy setting in which he was introduced into the circle. In the dry days, Kishen, like most men in the circle, found respite in the aroma of used panties. Whenever he’d masturbate sniffing one of the panties, his mind would gratefully appreciate the ingenuity of the pantie-box game.

Then, his fantasies would run wild with realistically infeasible crossovers. It included his friends, their mothers, his teachers, other hotties and women he knew. Living such a life, Kishen wanted more.

Two months and a semester examination passed. It had been about three weeks since Kishen got any action. He’d not seen any of his childhood buddies (Tariq, Deepak and Karthik) since the day Tariq revealed to him his juicy secret (part 2).

On the Sunday after the exams, the friends decided to catch up. Kishen wanted so much to tell Tariq about how his life went from sexually null to sexually full. He was sure Tariq would seek an update. But he didn’t know what he’d say or how much he’d not reveal to protect his circle’s privacy.

“If only the circle, especially Mom and Usha aunty, trusted Tariq as much as I did,” Kishen contemplated, looking at the mirror. He’d just finished taking a bath and wore nothing but the bath towel around his waist.

Just then, Savi entered the room.

“Ma…what is it?” asked a mildly surprised Kishen. It was unlike her to enter without knocking.

“Are you going somewhere?”

“I told you. I’m going to meet my friends,” says Kishen. He notices she, too, is all dressed up in a simple but sleeveless kurthi.

“Are you also going out, ma?” Kishen asks. He notices her fresh make-up, highlighted by red glossy lips and damp hair, indicating she just bathed.

“I am just going to the market and do some shopping and roaming,” says Savi. She comes closer to Kishen with a horny look. He could smell her perfume.

“What is it, ma?” Kishen asks, as her face is just centimetres away from his.

“You tell me ‘what it is’, Kishen,” she says sarcastically.

Understanding his mother’s undertone, he replies, “Yes, ma, even I’m horny. It’s been more than three weeks. I’ve been busy but eagerly waiting. Tell you what…tonight we can rock.”

“I can’t wait till tonight,” says Savi. She instantly grabs and removes the towel covering his privates and kneels facing his pee-pee. She impatiently begins licking it.

“Ma! You’re going to ruin your make-up.” Kishen says, surprised by the unexpected BJ.

“I don’t care. I want to feel your dick bulging in my mouth,” she says as she engulfs with her mouth the whole of his flaccid pee-pee. She wraps her hands around Kishen’s waist. Locking his hips in position, she pushes her face against his groin.

He could feel her coarse armpit touching either side of his thighs. He finds it difficult to balance. Soon enough, her mouth couldn’t keep the whole of her son’s fully erect dick. As his spit-wet sloppy cock bulged out her mouth, she began to bob her head on it.

Her hands simultaneously knead his butt cheeks. Lost in pleasure, Kishen’s hand involuntarily grabbed her head by her damp hair and commended to head-fuck his mom. Just as the two were beginning to sync their to-and-fro, Savi abruptly stopped in her tracks and stood up.

“What happened, ma?” asked a confused Kishen.

“Let’s continue at night or after we’re back. I don’t want to ruin my make-up,” says Savi with a teasing smile.

“What the hell! Then why did you even start in the first place? And your make-up has already started to get messy. Your lipstick is already smudged.”

“I can touch that up.”

“This is not fair, ma!”

“Sorry, beta, I just wanted to give you a taste of what awaits you tonight. So that you don’t waste up all your energy hanging out with your friends.” Savi says. She picked up Kishen’s towel, which was on the floor.

“Now go! I’ll be waiting. Maybe your father might also join.” she added as she wiped his pee-pee and groin off the fluids and left the room.

Kishen knew he was rather late. He quickly dressed up and left to meet his buddies Tariq, Deepak, and Karthik. For the young men, coming together and playing cricket on the ground felt like a reunion of sorts. After an exciting match, they sat under the shade of a tree lining the ground, just like old times.

Staring at the ground, they each reminisce about their unions there as children, teenagers, and now young adults. Kishen noticed how Deepak and Tariq acted a bit more close and friendly with each other. “Would something have transpired? Did Tariq manage to get him into his circle?” he wondered (part 2).

Kishen could also sense some peculiarity in the way Tariq often looked at him and smiled subtly. It showed that he, too, was keen to know any other development that may have happened on Kishen’s side.

“It’s been quite a while since we all met,” says Karthik.

The other three nod in agreement.

“I guess as time passes, we drift apart more,” Karthik adds.

“True. From studying at the same school, we’ve come to study at different colleges. Soon we will all be working at different places. And then life happens. Our attitudes change,” Kishen says. He took a cigarette from his sling back and lit it up.

“Whoa…when did you start smoking?” asks an astonished Karthik.


“Aren’t you afraid of your parents finding out?” asks Karthik.

“Well…they kinda know.”

“What?!? How?” asks Tariq.

“They smelled it on me…” lies Kishen.


“…and nothing.”

“I find that hard to believe. Savi aunty may have said something,” inquires Tariq.

“She just told me not to get addicted to it,” Kishen lies again.

“But she literally took us classes about the risks of addiction and all when we were young boys. How could you blatantly disobey her?” asks Deepak.

“It’s not disobeying. She did her duty of educating us. The choice has always been ours. She believes parenting, especially parental strictness, has to reduce as children grow.” Kishen responds.

“Good for you. If it were my mom, she would have killed me by now. And my whole family would’ve smelled it on me before her,” says Karthik.

“Yep, my mom is pretty liberal and progressive,” Kishen replies, passing a momentary subtle smile and looking at Tariq.

“Lucky you. My mom is so conservative and religious. She thinks I’m still a kid. I wish she got better educated and didn’t grow up to become so traditional. I sometimes even wish she remarried,” says Karthik. “Even Hema aunty (Deepak’s mother) is pretty chill, right Deepak?” he asks Deepak.

“Yep, one of the most chill women I know,” says Tariq before Deepak can answer. Deepak chuckles. Kishen notices. His suspicions grow.

“What about Fidah Aunty? Is she still pretty strict? Or did she, too, become lenient?” Karthik asks Tariq.

“Well, as you know, she’s always reserved. But off late, we’ve become pretty close and open with one another.” Tariq responds.

“Yeah, Fidah aunty is also pretty chill nowadays,” Deepak chimes in, agreeing with Tariq.

“Really? How do you know?” asks Kishen in a rather suspicious tone.

“I’ve recently met her a couple of times,”


“What do you mean ‘where’? At her house, with Tariq.”

“Oh ok,” says Kishen, and looks at Tariq who gives him a now-you-know smile. Deepak notices and smiles, too.

Unaware of the other three’s smile-only gestures, Karthik says, “I’ve always got an aura of strictness around Fidah aunty, especially when she’s outside wearing that fully covering black clothing.”

“It’s called a Niqab,” says Tariq.

“Right…I forgot. But whenever I met her in your house, too, even without the Niqab, she’s been pretty reserved. You know, looking at the reserved way she adjusts her scarf, especially around guests. I don’t mean to say she is not welcoming,” says Karthik.

“Yeah, its an Islam thing,” responds Tariq.

“Well, my mother also wraps her saree pallu over her head most of the time. Especially after Pa passed,” says Karthik. “You can call it a Hindu thing. Being a widow and all.”

“I know…” says Tariq.

“Its been long since our mothers caught up with each other also, right?” Karthik says. Deepak and Tariq momentarily glance at each other and say nothing. Kishen notices. “Thanks to our friendship since childhood, our mothers have become good friends, too,” Kishen adds.

Karthik responds, “Yeah. And my mother really looks up to your moms. Especially Savi aunty. She is like an inspirational figure to her. Even though mumma is a bit older than them, she considers your moms more experienced as they’re educated, working and all. She’s been meeting up with Savi aunty recently. Sometimes, I hear them speaking on the phone and talking about meetings. I think they may be meeting today, from what I overheard.”

“Is it? I don’t know.” Kishen says.

“Why do you wish Maya aunty remarried?” Tariq asks Karthik.

“I can see the loneliness in her, man! She misses Pa a lot. She is slowly losing herself, raising me and Didi. With only her tailoring job to make ends meet, mumma is really struggling.”

“I can relate. As you all know, abba left us to live with his mistress. Ammi struggled to get a divorce, move out to an apartment with me and my sister, and land a job. Altaf mama, her brother, has been our only support. But she never wanted to get married again even though her parents and extended family pressured her.” says Tariq.  “So, even though you may want Maya aunty to remarry, maybe it’s not something she’d want.”

“You can’t relate, bro. See, Fidah aunty moved to an apartment with you and your sister. That’s the key point. You all have the privacy of your home. We live in a joint-family house that can barely accommodate one nuclear family. She’s the only widow in the house and is often, one way or the other, reminded about it. Not to mention the endless chores and responsibilities she has to bear. We don’t get any privacy. She can’t even cry out loud. I’m sometimes forced to hope that she remarries a gentleman. He would hopefully rescue her from her plight, even if that might mean she has to stay away from me and Didi,” explains Karthik. “But unfortunately, she is too devout a wife to remarry.”

“So, your joint family don’t support you at all?” asks Kishen.

“The family support is there. But there are also occasional disagreements and minor altercations. Privacy and personal space are so fucking essential to regain composure if not anything else.” Karthik says. “Didi and I can’t wait to get a job and rescue mumma away from there.”

“So, maybe she needs privacy and not remarriage,” opines Kishen.

“Yes, and marrying could hopefully give her some privacy,” responds Karthik.

“Privacy and more, if you know what I mean,” jokes Deepak with a naughty wink.

“You’re right. She is missing sex, too,” Karthik agrees.

“How do you know?” asks Deepak.

“Who wouldn’t want sex, man?” responds Karthik. “Besides, me and Didi used to hear Pa and Mumma making out. Now all we hear is her weeps in the middle of the night.”

Thinking of what to ask Karthik to divert his mind from getting emotional, Kishen exclaims, “So, how do you manage to masturbate without any privacy?

“Seriously, bro!”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so indifferent.”

Karthik chuckles at Kishen realising how poorly timed, dum-witted his query was. But thanks to that, he was able to pick himself up from going emotional.

He responds, “For me, masturbating is like a stealth mission. Daytime, I get 15 minutes of alone time when I return home early from college. Mumma and Didi are not yet home. And most of the time, I don’t get that also. I have to lie on the floor and shag because our only bed is pretty squeaky. I can’t get myself to shag in our shanty bathroom.”

“Holy shit!” the other three exclaims in unison.

“So, you can’t shag and drift to peaceful sleep at night?” asks a baffled Kishen.

“I can only do it when I can afford to sleep in my bed someday. Where I currently stay, I can’t even turn my body while sleeping without touching Didi or Ma and get awkward awakenings.” Karthik responds.

“ca..can you tell us what kind of awkward awakening?” asks a curious Deepak.

“I can’t bro. It’s a little personal,” responds Karthik. The other three get more curious and borderline horny at his response.

“I can understand, bro. But look, we’re all adults now and best friends. I’m sure we’re all capable of handling adult talk without taking offence or being judgmental,” says Tariq. “Right guys?” he asks Kishen and Deepak. They nod.

“So, no need to feel hesitant or apologise to crack adult shit or discuss it, even if it may be about our moms or sisters or anyone. But if, in case, any of us feel anyone among us is crossing the line with the adult comments, we should make it known politely, and it will stop. Agree?” he asks them.

The other three nods tactfully.

“Besides, what is the use of us being best friends if we can’t put it to good use? We should be comfortable sharing our secrets so that we can support each other. As it is, men in our society are taught to bottle things up and live a stressful life. Sharing is caring!” declares Tariq.

The other three nod in full agreement.

“So, Karthi, if you don’t mind sharing. What kind of awkward awakenings do you guys experience?” asks Tariq.

Less hesitant to share, Karthik says, “ Well, it can get pretty awkward when you wake up and realise that your hands were on or under your mom’s breasts or that your elder sister’s right thigh was on you all night. Mom and Didi are kinda used to seeing my morning wood,” says Karthik.

“Has that awkwardness ever led to horniness?” asks Tariq.

“No, never.”

“Never?!? Sure?” probes Kishen.

“What do you even mean by that?” asks Karthik, rather annoyed.

“Karthi, what Kishen is trying to ask is that, on one side, you’re horny because you can’t masturbate as you wish. And on the other side, your mom is pretty sex-starved too, like anybody, even our moms, possibly. He was just wondering how you guys controlled sexual feelings,” clarifies Tariq.

Karthik responds, “Well, we all get horny. Sometimes, I can feel it coming from Mumma or Didi. I guess they would probably sense it on me, too.”

With eyes wide open, the other three ask: And?!?

“Well, I’m sure I will never get sexual with Didi, no matter how touchy-touchy and playful we can get.”

“But you get horny for Maya aunty?” Deepak asks curiously.

“No, I wouldn’t call it horniness,” replies Karthik.

The other three: Then what on earth would you call it?

“I don’t know how to say it. And you will think I’m a pervert, which I’m not,” says Karthik. He pauses for a while, thinking how to present his response. He then says, “The son in me would never get incestuous with my mom. But the man in me sometimes would want to satisfy the sex-starved woman in my mother. Trust me, to me, it’s more about her loneliness than my horniness.”

The other three take moments to process what Karthik just confessed and look at each other in spicy astonishment.

“I can understand, bro. Thinking of how horny I get, I used to also wonder about Ammi’s sexual desires. Even I used to wish someone fucked her.” confesses Tariq.

“I can’t believe you just said you wish someone fucked your mom,” says Karthik with a chuckle.

“Well, that’s sort of what you think too, right?” responds Tariq with a chuckle.

“Yes, I guess,” Karthik says, looking down. “But at least Fidah aunty has the privacy of her room to masturbate if she wants. My mother doesn’t even have that,” he adds.

Kishen and Deepak are amazed at how expertly Tariq made Karthik comfortable talking about his family personals without getting offended or hesitant. They rightly assumed that Tariq learned to speak the way he did from none other than Raj’s uncle.” (Deepak’s dad, the psychologist.) (Part 2)

“Why would you say you will never feel horny towards Shalini Didi?” Kishen asks Karthik.

“You are asking as if it’s normal to feel horny towards one’s sister, and that too elder sister,” Karthik says.

“Well, she not that older to you. Just by one year or so, right? And you both are more like buddies,” says Tariq.

“That’s exactly why I don’t feel anything towards her. If anything, the awkward situations made Didi and me close. From initial awkwardness to laughing over it and then actually talking about it, we became pretty close. Nowadays, we openly talk about sex, share secrets, etc. She knows my kinks. I know about her fantasies. We talk a lot at night before we sleep. In fact, we whisper with our faces centimetres away from each other so that mumma doesn’t hear us.”

The other three: “Wow!”

“Can I then ask you why you two didn’t decide to upgrade your closeness to something like mutual masturbation, for example?” asks Kishen.

“Because I simply can’t think of anything remotely sexual with her,” responds Karthik.

“Why didn’t such a friendly rapport develop between you and Maya aunty then?” asks Tariq.

“Age-related reservations, I guess. Initially I used to sleep on the bed, and Mumma and Didi used to sleep on the floor. Mumma didn’t see it appropriate that me and Didi sleep together. Then, when Mumma began getting back pain from sleeping on the floor, she started sleeping on the bed with me. Things then started getting awkward between us, and she asked me to sleep on the floor alone. For a while she and Didi slept together on the bed. But I think it got awkward between Mom and Didi, too. So, eventually she decided to let me and Didi sleep on the floor. She sleeps alone on the bed nowadays. So, more awkwardness happened with Didi. Which led to us being very close.” explains Karthik.

“What personal stuff has Shalini Didi shared with you?” asks Deepak.

“I can’t say that, as that will be breaking her trust,” responds Karthik.

“You don’t have to be specific. But can you say something that may be generic to young women like her?” asks Tariq.

Thinking for a few seconds, Karthik says, “She tells me about how she gets a lot of hits from guys. Females have it so motherfucking easy. But she says that even though I am younger than her. She’d still not do anything sexual with anyone without my permission. I am the man of our family now. She sees it like a sister allowing her brother to be protective of her. Besides, given our family situation, she is desperate to finish her studies and get a job first. She isn’t really looking for marriage or a relationship. She wants us to move to a decent house first. She keeps herself distracted with studies and kabbadi,” clarifies Karthik.

The other three: Kabbadi?!?

“Yes, she’s more like a tomboy now. You all probably won’t recognise her now with her boy-cut hairstyle and athletic body,” says Karthik.

“I want to ask something. But I’m afraid that will make you angry,” says Deepak.

“I know it has to be something pervy. Ask. I won’t mind.”

“So, hypothetically speaking, if, say, Tariq and I expressed to Maya aunty and Shalini Didi an interest in mingling with them, and they agreed, would you stop us?”

Karthik was taken aback for a moment. He responded, “I guess I can’t stop them. But in reality, it will never happen because Mumma is ultra-conservative and religious to the point that she thinks it’s a sin to even look at another man. And Shalini Didi would seek my permission if at all she ever wants to indulge with you. But I know she wouldn’t be interested because other priorities drive her,” clarifies Karthik.

“What if, say, a woman offered you sex?” Tariq asks Karthik.

“Ha ha, never going to happen. We men got it so motherfucking hard. And there is no hope for guys like me who don’t fit the appearance of a stereotypical macho male.” responds Karthik.

“Maybe true, but you didn’t answer my question,” says Tariq.

“Well, in that case, I will have to get the permission of Didi, as a younger brother. Kinda like the reciprocating of what she’d do when offered sex,” responds Karthik.

“That’s a really beautiful bother-sister relation,” commends Tariq.

Karthik smiles. But the other three sense a little worry in his eyes.

“What’s wrong?” asks Tariq.

“I think I may have shared a little too much. Please don’t judge me. I am not a mother-fucker-minded pervert,” clarifies Karthik. His judgmental words—relating motherfucking to perversion triggers Kishen’s guilt (Part 15).

Tariq responds to Karthik, “Don’t worry, bro. We’ve known each other since childhood. And I know where you’re coming from. There was a time when I, too, wished ammi didn’t have to live a sex-starved life. That’s why I unknowingly joked that day that Deepak hit on her. (part 1)”

“Ha ha… you made Deepak angry as fuck that day.” Karthik responds, recollecting the incident. He looks at Deepak to see if he’s cool about what’s being discussed. Deepak’s blushing.

“You don’t seem so angry now, man. What happened?” asks Karthik jokingly.

To be continued. Feedback: [email protected].

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