In the earlier part, I described how my friend Anil manipulated seduction of my simple wife Nina with my help. I welcome readers to send me their feedback to [email protected] It described how we created subterfuges to manipulate her thinking and get her to succumb to our machinations. Please read the first part before reading this part. In the second part, Anil narrates the story from his perspective, Please read on.
When my friend Raaj introduced me to his wife Nina in an official function, I was hypnotized by her beauty and sexiness. She was not just beautiful. She was sexy. I was completely overpowered by my desire to fuck her. What compelled this urge were the shape of her spherical full breasts (I wanted to suck them there and then, if I had half a chance), shapely buttocks, sexy eyes and most of all her pouting lips (as if waiting to be kissed). Her eyes were inviting. Her gestures were tantalizing. Her mischievously looking through a corner of her eyes told me that she understood my intentions and challenged me. I hoped I was right.
When her husband Raaj invited me to their house for a cup of tea; I met her for the second time, I shook her hand and squeezed it a bit harder than necessary to convey a subtle hint of my intentions. I told her that she was a very beautiful woman. The smile and acknowledgement she gave me at that time, made me feel that I have struck a chord in her heart and body. She responded back saying that I was very handsome too and resembled one macho film star. This was a tacit communication of her favorable opinion of my personality.
After that, the way she served me tea, bending down a tad more than necessary to let me have a glimpse of her sumptuous assets; revealed that she had understood my desire. She walked back swaggering her bums a bit more than usual for my benefit, after serving me tea; indicated her subtle hint. These signs made me dream of a day when I would have her as my sex partner. Were my dreams realistic or just dreams, only time would tell. However, unless I tried hard, I knew that they would just remain dreams.
I hoped, she was half willing or at least not repulsive to my advances. However, before I tried anything, I had to cross another important barrier to have easier access to her. I had to deal with her husband. That was very important. I had to do something about it. I thought of a devious plan.
My wife Anita was quite an eyeful. I put some of my and some of my wife’s pictures in an envelope. I had taken them during our honeymoon and later. Some of her pictures were in daring sexy poses. When I met Raaj next, whilst talking to him, I casually dropped the envelope near his feet. One of my wife’s pictures came out of the envelope. Raaj bent down to pick up the envelop and saw Anita’s pictures. He asked if he could see them. I told him to go ahead. Expressions on his face revealed that my plan could just work. I had to work on it intelligently.
My married life was getting nowhere. Anita did not tire of telling me that she was bored with our sex life. I thought of introducing a new element in the form of Raaj in our married life.
I invited Raaj to my house. I knew that Raaj would surely fall for my wife at the first sight. I wanted Raaj to crave for my wife. I wanted to give him reasons to talk about his wife. As I expected, Raaj was taken in, lock stock and barrel by my wife’s charms. To get between Sunita’s legs, I had to think and plan. This was as good a plan as I could think of. if I could pull it off, I would get what I wanted without anyone feeling short charged. However, I had to create a situation so that Raaj could meet my wife repeatedly under some specific pretext and would facilitate my easy access to his wife.
Once Raaj had boasted to me that he was an expert on fixing up domestic gadgets. This made my crooked mind work fast.
I told my wife Anita that Raaj was an expert at fixing house hold gadgets. My wife had a weakness. She couldn’t tolerate any thing not working properly in the house. There were no good mechanics or electricians nearby and she knew that I hated doing such jobs. Anita was thrilled to hear this.
Raaj saw an excellent opportunity to get closer to my wife by helping her. Raaj asked my wife Anita to call him even in the middle of the night if anything went wrong. I said that I remained out on tour often and Anita could call Raaj even in my absence without any hesitation. My wife was happy that she had a help to fix things if something went wrong. That made the ball rolling between my wife Anita and Raaj. I was happy that Raaj began frequenting my house some times in my absence and my wife was happy about it.
I told Raaj that I loved his small baby boy and would love to play with him whenever, I could. Raaj told me that he wouldn’t mind, if I went to his house at any time, even in his absence to play with his son. I had crossed an important barrier.
After that, when we met next, Raaj started talking of his wife Nina. We began to talk about our wives and Raaj admitted to me that he was really charmed by my wife Anita. Raaj then asked me the question that I was hoping he would ask me for a long time, which was “What do you think of Nina?” I told him, she was beautiful and sexy. Any man would be lucky to have her as his wife. I was happy that Raaj did not mind my calling his wife as ‘sexy”.
Gradually devil in our minds began to surface. We slowly started talking about such things as how our wives were in bed. Raaj said that his sex life was getting boring and he wouldn’t mind his wife flirting with someone he knew, provided that it did not happen behind his back. I told him something similar too. All that finally led us to the point which was upper most in our mind about sharing of our wives. I had already taken the lead by asking my wife to invite Raaj at any time even in my absence.
Raaj was ready to reciprocate. He not only permitted me to visit his house in his absence but went to the extent of offering his help to encourage his wife to entertain me, provided she was not repulsive to my advances. This was the best support I could hope to get.
I visited Raaj’s house several times when Raaj was away. I brought special items from the towns I visited on my tour. I gave them as presents to Nina. She refused initially. Later on his return, I told Raaj about it. Raaj told his wife to accept my gifts. He explained her that they were given with good intentions by his close friend. Raaj also told her that I always informed him about it.
When I met Nina next, she apologized to me for rejecting my gifts. She accepted my gifts with appreciation. I made it a point to play with her baby, particularly when she was busy in the kitchen or in house hold work. Her son became fond of me and called me good uncle. She liked it. She had no more compunction in welcoming me in her house in the absence of her husband. In fact she asked me frequently for bringing something or the other, from the market, in Raaj’s absence.
Once she told me that she wanted to climb over kitchen platform to bring a ketchup bottle down from the rack above. I offered that I could do it. I warned her that she might fall down. However, she ignored my advice and asked me to support her to climb up. I was happy to grab her body and lift her up. I told her that just in case she slipped, I would stand below to protect her from falling on the floor. She slipped and she fell right in my arms. Her plum breasts were right in my palms and I squeezed them over her blouse. That was the first time, I did it and she did not protest. On the contrary, she thanked me for saving her from falling. I was greatly pleased with the result.
I wondered if she fell deliberately to give me an opportunity to grab her and feel her body or was it an accident? I was not sure. However, I was then more confident about the success of my plan.
The second chance I got to fondle Nina’s breasts was on holi. Several people had gathered for holi celebration at a mutual friend’s house. Raaj and Nina were also there. I took Nina in a remote corner under some pretext and applied color on her face and her breasts liberally coloring her blouse and squeezing her breasts. She did offer some mild resistance initially, but finally laughed away at my mischief. I then knew, I had a fair chance of success. However, I decided not to take my chances for granted. I had to go slow, plan well and I had to execute my plan meticulously. I had to find her favor and at the same time, arouse her sexually. Only then with the help of her husband, I could see success coming my way. I was partially honest with Raaj and told him that I hugged his wife that day and colored all her body.
When Nina told her husband that I had cornered her and colored her all over her body, Raaj told Nina that he knew about it. He assured her that it was no big deal. During holi this was acceptable. Such mischief by friends during holi is an accepted norm and she should not be unduly perturbed about it.
Raaj told his wife, “I have invited Anil and his wife Anita this evening. We shall go in his car to “Hasya Kavi Sammelan” (assembly of poets). This is an all night function on the occasion of holi. Please don’t make any fuss, if I smooch you or Anil fondles his wife in our presence. Such things are ok honey. No need to fuss about it.”
Raaj invited us for the all night function. I told him that my wife Anita was away. Raaj was pleased to hear it. He said that it was even better. He told me about the talk he had with his wife. He told me, “You may try your luck with Nina today evening, provided that she does not oppose it strongly.”
When I arrived at his house, Raaj found some excuse to delay coming to my car. I asked Nina to come in and sit by my side. Raaj came later. Nina was between me and Raaj in the car. Raaj asked me about my experiences. I told them about my friend’s experience. It was a highly erotic story of a husband inviting his friend to have sex with his wife in a threesome sex. I covered it up with high sex content coated in nice words that would not offend her. She pretended not to hear it. I knew that she was aroused hearing the story. I also knew that she liked my soft approach. I could guess that, because when I brushed my elbow several times with her breasts, she ignored it.
What happened after that was described in part-1. Strongly persuaded by us, Raaj’s wife Nina had two strong pegs of gin, which loosened her up. I narrated the erotic story to arouse her desire She started talking and Raaj and Nina had an argument. I always supported Nina and gained her approval. We then moved to my flat, which was empty and I made her wear my wife’s thin and semi transparent night gown. Raaj asked her to fold up her bra panty etc. so she could use them next morning. In semi darkness, she did not notice that she almost looked naked in that gown.
By my smart acting and gentlemanly approach, I got her approval. To further stir up her emotions and gain her sympathy, I fabricated a story that I was likely to lose my job. She became emotional and wanted to console me. Raaj whispered in her ears to hug me and to show her physical intimacy. She was a bit high and confused. She sat in the bed, pulled me closer and made me lie in her lap. She caressed my head to console me. Raaj winked at me to indicate that that was the opportunity to move a step further.
I lay in her lap with my mouth close to her breasts. I nuzzled her breasts with my nose. She sat quietly. Then her husband joined me. He mouthed her breasts over the gown. She jumped and asked us not to bite hard. By not resisting us strongly, she gave us her consent by implication. Raaj gently eased off her gown down to her waist and exposed her breasts. She was then topless. She protested, but mildly. Her husband asked her to relax. She feigned helplessness. She did not then offer any resistance and accepted the fate accompli.
I was mad about Nina’s breasts. In my dreams, I had creamed out sucking and mauling her breasts many times. In the real life, that night, her husband and I sucked and squeezed her breasts one after another. She was so highly aroused that she let her husband disrobe her in my presence. Raaj placed her hand on my cock. I quickly undressed and made her see and feel my big cock.
She had seen only her husband’s cock until then. She saw that my cock was much bigger and thicker. She was fascinated by it. Egged on by her husband, she began to pump my cock. I was rock hard. Raaj made her lie on bed. Both Raaj and I began sucking her breasts. She had both our cocks in her hand and she cranked them simultaneously. She had never thought that anything like that could ever happen to her. She was enjoying her experience and new found lover in me. Raaj asked her to shed her inhibitions and enjoy both her lovers for that night.
Raaj made her lie on bed, hanging her legs on the floor. he sat on his knees between her legs on the floor. He parted her legs wider and began licking her pussy. I could see that her juices were flowing freely down her thighs. She shook uncontrollably at her husband licking her pussy. I sucked her breasts and bit her nipples and rolled my hands all over her body. I was ecstatic to say the least. My hands travelled to feel her contours and crevices. I was going crazy seeing Nina’s breasts and naked body. I had craved for a long time to see that. I explored her bare back, going down to her ass crack, poked my fingers into the crack, squeezed and pinched her buttocks.
Raaj moved away and signaled me to replace his position between his wife’s legs. Nina lay with her eyes closed on the bed surrendering completely to both of us. I knew she was thoroughly enjoying her experience and newly found freedom. I moved between her legs and began sucking her pussy lips and poking my tongue into her love hole, which I knew was also going to be mine thereafter. I was amazed to see her hole was so tiny. I wondered, how my big fat cock would finally go into her hole. Nina saw me between her legs and closed her eyes again to relish my efforts.
Nina’s husband Raaj, kept massaging her buttocks, occasionally inserting his fingers into his wife’s butt crack to arouse her further. Raaj wanted his wife being sexually aroused to a point where she would demand to be fucked by both. I could see his cock in Nina’s hand, which had grown to full length. Nina asked her husband to insert his cock in her mouth. She wanted to give her hubby a good blow job. Raaj was surprised and delighted. Obviously, his wife had not favored him with a blowjob for a long time.
As I was tongue fucking her I saw my friend Raaj mouth fucking his wife.
I began licking her juice and inserted my tongue inside her small hole and around its periphery. I vigorously licked Nina’s pussy inserting my tongue tip in and out of her hole repeatedly. She was breathing harder. She was highly ecstatic, mumbling, moaning and writhing her waist and tummy in ecstasy.
I continued to vary my rhythm, direction and pace. With my mouth I was attending to her pussy and my hand was on her breasts, squeezing them and pinching her nipples hard. I then inserted one finger into her love hole and began pumping her with my one finger. Whilst I pushed it down and pulled it back, I also simultaneously massaged her clit. I then inserted my second finger into her hole. She had a very tiny hole and two fingers were enough to fill it up.
I could not control my surprise and muttered, “You have a very small hole. How do you manage?”
Nina looked at me. She blushed but didn’t say anything. .
Raaj in the meanwhile was looming atop her with his cock in Nina’s mouth and looked as if he was ready to eat her breasts. He sucked his wife’s breasts hard. His one hand pinched her nipples, rolling them between his fingers. He sucked her boobs so hard that at one time, she cried out and said “Go slow, darling.” She could not bear the ecstasy and the orgasmic waves of sensual pleasure, both of us giving her. She began to breath heavily and moaned loudly letting out umph… hmmm… ahhh…” etc. after my sustained finger fucking for about five minutes, she let out a big sigh and had her second orgasm. Raaj and I let her relax, whilst we gently stroked our own cocks.
She told Raaj and me, “I am enjoying my two lovers so much tonight. I never knew sex can give so much enjoyment.”
She was sighing heavily and breathing hard. After sometime, she lay quietly But her energy level was far from subdued. She would have rested for about two minutes. She rose and said, “So far you have served me. Let me reciprocate.”
Nina made Raaj stand up on bed on one side of her. She gestured me to stand up on her other side. She sat in between. Our rock hard erect cocks were right in front of her face. She looked at two hard erect cocks facing her. She moved and kissed her husband’s cock and caught mine in her palm and rubbed my foreskin. I had quite a few large drops of pre-cum o my cock head and spread around the long stem of my rod.
Raaj asked her to kiss my cock. She kept kissing both our cocks one by one. She seemed to be impressed with my big cock. She must be wondering how it would feel to have my cock deep inside her pussy later. She kept looking at my cock and kept shagging it. She mouthed her hubby’s cock, whilst she shagged mine with her hand. Raaj pumped his cock into her mouth for some time. Then he gently withdrew his cock from Nina’s mouth and gestured her to deep throat mine.
She looked at her husband as if she was not sure that he did really ask her to do it, wanting to be doubly sure. Raaj nodded his head and pushed her mouth onto my hard rod. Nina gripped her hubby’s cock and shagged it fast. She rolled her tongue all over my cock and gently took my cock in her mouth. She sucked on it and pumped her head to and fro. I could not imagine my pleasure. My dream was coming true so soon. She sucked my cock so beautifully that I was afraid that I was about to come in her mouth. I caught her head and grabbed her beautiful, loose, freely flying hair. I started fucking her mouth fast.
I was awe struck at her expertise in getting mouth fiucked. As I increased my pace of fucking her mouth, she lubricated my rod and gripped it with her lips so hard that I was ready to cum in her mouth. Raaj was also on the edge, as his wife stroked his cock with greater pace. I could see that, from the way Raaj convulsed his body.
I gently pushed her head away. She realized, I was about to eject. She rolled her index finger and her thumb around my hard cock and shagged it at high speed, whilst keeping it close to her face. She was then cranking both our cocks very fast. With a huge “aaahhh….” A huge fountain of my sperm jetted out of my cock head. The hot and huge flow of sperm sprayed all over Nina’s face, chest and body. Some of it fell on her lips and she slurped it with her tongue.
Almost simultaneously, Raaj let out a big sigh saying, “Honey pump faster, I am coming too…..” Raaj convulsed for a while and spread all his cum on Nina’s breasts. I bent down on Nina’s boobs and began to slurp Raaj’s cum at the same time sucking her breasts and stretching her nipples. The scene was so erotic for all of us. Nina was swallowing my sperm, where as I swallowed Raaj’s. Raaj bent down and kissed his wife on her lips tasting some of my cum.
Raaj and I collapsed on bed and lay there trying to get our breath back. Nina rolled over to Raaj and asked, “Tired? There is a long way to go. You two have made me horny.”
Raaj said, “Only for a few moments, darling.”
I said, “Of course there is a long way to go Nina bhabhi. I am ready and I am sure so is Raaj.” I got up and brought tissue paper to clean her up, deliberately taking time to wipe cum off her breasts to the amusement of both Nina and her husband Raaj. I just could not have enough of her lovely breasts. Her breasts were even more beautiful and sexier than I had dreamed.
Nina had shed her inhibitions. She looked at our flaccid cocks and said, “This will not do for me. I want you hard again; and I know how to do it”
She asked us both to stand up once again. She bent down on her knees and leveled her face in line with our half erect cocks. She looked at my cock and said, “You are really big. Even flaccid you are quite big and good enough for me. However, I want more Let me harden you up. She licked mushroom head of my cock and rolled her tongue over my rod repeatedly. I just could not control my arousal. Touch of her tongue on the mushroom head of my cock was enough to drive my hormones racing into the veins through the length of my rod. I was getting harder by the second.
She pushed her mouth onto the head of my cock and began to suck it as if she wanted to swallow whole of me through my cock. As she sucked, my rod hardened and became rock hard in no time. She began to deep throat me. I began to pump my hard rod in her mouth and began to fuck her mouth.
She was simultaneously shagging her husband’s semi erect cock also. She withdrew her mouth from my rock hard cock and took Raaj’s cock into her mouth. I was fully erect. She was preparing us for a long session of fucking. She wanted us to be fully erect. As I watched Raaj’s cock getting harder and assuming its full length in no time. She then had two rock hard cocks, one in her hand and other in her mouth.
I was seeing Nina in high state of arousal. She was horny with our sexual activities and I knew that she wanted to be fucked hard.
As soon as Raaj was fully erect, she lay down on bed and asked him to come on top of her. Raaj hesitated. He wanted me to be the first that night to fuck her. Nina knew her husband’s desire. Actually, I suspected that she was very keen to have me fuck her first. However, I knew that she wanted to give her husband the first opportunity, to avoid any misunderstanding later.
Nina whispered something in her husband’s ears. Raaj replied to her loudly, “You may enjoy with Anil as much as you like, as long as you do not cheat on me. I request you to be open and free and enjoy with us.”
Nina heard this and stretched her arms inviting me into them. Our two bodies pressed hard with nothing between them. I could feel my rock hard lund poking her tummy and abdomen.
She turned her head towards Raaj and told him, “I knew your friend’s intentions were malicious, from the start. The way he looked at me when I saw him the first time. When he squeezed my hand hard and looked at my cleavage lustily, I was sure. But what I didn’t realize was that you had a hand in making him seduce me. Now that you have removed my shackles, don’t blame me if I go berserk.”
Raaj replied, “Go right ahead.”
Raaj addressed his wife, “Darling, you have made my day. Today I have felt that I really had loving sex with you. This was possible because of Anil. It was also because of your accepting my request for enjoying two males much against your inhibitions. I cannot express my happiness and gratitude adequately.”
Niina moved over between Raaj and me. She took my hand and her hubby’s hand and placed them on her breasts and said, “On this night, I want both of you to swear that you will keep this as a complete secret between three of us. Even Anil’s wife must not know, unless she joins us later. It is very important for me as a house wife and mother.”
I bent and kissed her briefly and said, “I swear bhabhi, you will always my respected sister in law and I shall not let anyone have a whiff of it.”
I did not want to give away this opportunity to drive my dream girl to experience such an ecstasy that she would want to do this again and again with me. Before I finally fucked her, I wanted her to have repeated orgasms. I wanted Raaj also to see how my presence heightened her sexual capacity.
Once again I inserted my one finger into her pussy hole. I knew she was completely vulnerable to finger fucking. I began to push it in and pull it back simultaneously lubricating the periphery of her labia. I massaged her ‘G’ spot deftly. Like most women, she was very sensitive to her clit area. I massaged it with all the skills at my command to drive her to a height, she might never have reached. She experienced my finger entering into her love hole again. She was going crazy with my deft touch on her most sensitive spots compounded by finger fucking.
I saw Nina’s body shaking and trembling uncontrollably. My finger fucking proved to be the biggest and the most explosive erotic foreplay experience for her. I knew she would reach her peak again any time.
Aroused grossly by second round of finger fucking; Nina started grinding her hips on bed with “ooomphh… ooohhh…” etc. . Raaj bent and kissed her mouth, her boobs, her navel, neck and everywhere else on upper parts of her body. I saw him massaging her boobs like never before. She was shaking in excitement not being able to control her body. I was intent on finger fucking her very rapidly. She kept saying “Anil… what are you doing? I cannot control myself. Please stop this… No! No! No! please don’t stop… Please fuck me…. Please fuck me…. Raaj… Please fuck me. Come on top….”
She kept shaking on the bed with her waist and hips rising and falling on the bed with each surge in her orgasmic wave!! She cried, “Oh Raaj!! Oh Anil!! I cannot hold myself! Hold me please!!! Hold me tight!! I am coming!!! Come on… fuck me…. Don’t torture me like this… Ahhh… Sigh….” Moaning repeatedly, she had her third orgasm that night. All this while, Raaj was completely shell shocked of what he was witnessing. whilst sucking her breasts and poking her butts. He must have been amazed at his wife’s capability to orgasm so frequently. I was surprised too. I had thought of her as a non responsive woman, who was sexually passive.
I wanted to kiss her juicy lips. I moved to her side and lowered my face on her. She opened her eyes and looked at me right in her face. She gently parted her lips. I placed my lips down on her lips. I had that kiss, which I shall never forget. It was not just a kiss. It was an expression of exchange of messages of lust. She kissed me back with great enthusiasm.
She wanted me to tongue fuck her. perhaps that was the signal for me to fuck her actually. I always desired to kiss her juicy lips hard, whilst squeezing her breasts and holding her in my arms to bring her tightly close to me. I was surprised to see her sucking my tongue out of my mouth and sucking and swallowing my saliva with gusto. whenever I wanted.
Whilst kissing me, Nina was playing with my testicles. She was fascinated to see my big testicles in comparison to her hubby’s. She displayed such intense desire to arouse me. She knew how to sensually titillate her mate for ultimate pleasure. I didn’t know if her husband had enjoyed this aspect of his wife.
Whilst we were engaged in the kiss, she whispered in my ears, “Anil, don’t torture me anymore. Fuck me. I want your cock inside me.”
Nina made me mount atop her. I bent and kissed her breasts. I sucked her breast and bit her nipple hard. Nina shuddered. I moved my head further up and kissed her lips. I rested my lips on her lips and sucked on them. she looked into my face and whispered in my ears, “Anil, I always liked you.
Raaj constantly asked me to agree for inviting another male in our bed with us. At that time, I decided that if that becomes unavoidable, it will be only you who will share me with my hubby. If anybody has to, I shall only be seduced by you. In our kitchen I fell on you knowing very well that you will catch me. I wanted to feel you and I wanted you to feel me. My hubby is the one who constantly pushed me to come closer to you and to overlook your advances. I was happy that he did.”
I pressed my finger on her lips and said, “This is not the time to talk. Let us enjoy together.”
Nina smiled. She spread her legs apart, raised her knees and caught my arm to make me move in position between her legs. I wanted to tease my lover of that night. I wanted her to beg me to fuck her. I mounted on top of her and catching my hard rod, I rubbed my cock on her pussy lips for several seconds. Her pussy was over flowing with her juices. I could see her juice shining on her pussy lips.
As I positioned my cock on Nina’s pussy lips, suddenly she caught my cock in her hand. She rubbed it repeatedly on her pussy lips to lubricate it liberally. I realized that she was concerned at the prospect of my big cock entering her small hole. I looked at her. her eye brows were stretched in concern. I bent once again to kiss her when she again whispered in my ears, “Anil, Please push it in slowly. Don’t force it in.”
With her palm guiding my cock; I gradually entered her the first time pushing in gently and pulling back and then doing this several times, not going deeper; allowing my and Nina’s pre-cum to lubricate the tip of my long shaft at the entrance of Nina’s tiny hole.
Nina’s eye brows were raised in consternation as my cock entered her hole gradually deeper.My cock was almost 7 inches long and much thicker than her husband’s.
I nodded my head and whispered back, “Don’t worry. I shall be extra careful” Nina smiled and after rubbing finally my cock several times on her pussy lips and centering it at the centre of her love hole, she made me push it in.”
As I entered her, Nina looked at her husband apologetically, perhaps seeking his permission. Raj bent forward, kissed her forehead and nodded his consent. Nina asked her husband to place a pillow beneath her hips. She was ready to be fucked well and truly by the person whom she had secretly desired.. I penetrated her slowly. I gradually started pumping motion in and out of her pussy hole. I experienced extra pressure on the fore skin of my cock. Walls of Nina’s passage gripped my cock so tight that I felt as if her pussy did not want my cock to leave her passage. .
Nina felt some pain as her entrance and her passage had to expand quite a lot to accommodate my big and long cock. I could see this from twitching of her eyebrows and from moistness in her eyes.
As the pain gradually subsided; Nina started moving her body in rhythm with me. She raised her hips to facilitate me push in deeper and withdrew to let him draw his cock back easily. At this point, there was nothing in this world for Nina and me except our bodies enjoying each other’s intimacy. The tightness of her pussy gave both of us fantastic pleasure. I went deeper and deeper into Nina’s pussy with my each stroke. I saw Raaj watched my hips going up and down. He appeared amazed at my cock repeatedly coming out shining from his wife’s pussy hole and suddenly disappearing into it in a fraction of a second.
As I fucked Nina; I let out humphs!! and ohhhhs!! Nina seemed to relish the new sensation deep in her body as could be seen from her expressions. She moaned almost regularly. After initial pain, Nina enjoyed the reciprocating motion of my cock into her body. She clutched my waist and squeezed my buttocks helping me in my fucking motion.
I had both her breasts in my hands and fondled and squeezed them hard; occasionally pinching her nipples. When I released Nina’s breasts from my palms to support my body on bed; her breasts bounced up and down or sideways depending on how we maneuvered our bodies. I could see that Raaj was highly aroused seeing his lovely and faithful wife being lovingly but powerfully pummeled by his close friend. For him it was a fantasy fulfilled after a long time of hidden desire for this to happen. I was happy that Nina also enjoyed it thoroughly.
The I saw Raaj extend his hand and encircled his fingers around my reciprocating shaft. I could see a feeling of glee on his face. He started tickling Nina’s pussy by massaging her pussy’s lips and pressing a part of her pussy lip skin onto my reciprocating cock. Nina experienced the sensation and looked at him smiling with labored expressions whilst constantly being hammered by me. Her whole body from tip to toe was moving up and down, wobbling and moving in rhythm with my strokes Her hair was disheveled.
I increased my pumping motion and Nina matched me stroke by stroke. She rose and dropped her ass rhythmically as I pumped her. She began moaning. I heard her say, “God, Anil!! What a great fuck you are!! Please fuck me the whole night. Hey! Raaj, please don’t mind. This was what you wanted, wasn’t it? Anil is a great fucker. You are also not bad. I love this. Please keep banging me.”
I could sense a trace of jealousy on Raaj’s face. Was he thinking that his wife was going to crave for me to fuck her daily at his cost? I could understand his situation and I had to clear his doubts. I slowed down and whilst leaving my cock inside Nina’s pussy, I pulled Raaj and embraced him. I said, “Raaj, I even now consider Nina as my bhabhi. I have no right over her. I thank you for sharing her with me.”
Raaj smiled and patted my back and said, “I have no doubt about your sensibility. But I want you to fuck her hard and let her enjoy your cock and your intimacy. You also enjoy her well.” He looked at his wife and said, “Nina, enjoy him as much as you can and let him enjoy you fully. I am enjoying seeing you fucking each other. I am waiting for my turn also.”
Nina was aroused by my hard yet artistic fucking. I maneuvered my long shaft inside her passage such as to sensitize her erotically at different spots in her passage. She kept encouraging me to fuck her harder. I had then better holding capacity, because I had discharged a little while ago. I kept pumping She was going through a phase of sensual high. She looked so beautiful with her eyes closed and a trace of subtle smile on her face as she experienced my shaft going into nooks and corners of her body, where her hubby’s cock had not reached. The red dot on her forehead and her hair spread on her face increased her sexiness.
She caught her husband’s hand in her hand and held it tight to seek his mental support. She looked at him occasionally to check if he was ok with what was going on. Raaj kept stroking her hand and squeezed it occasionally to express his excitement. He seemed pleased to see his wife getting real hard fucking. That was his fantasy fulfilled.
Our love making lasted for about ten minutes. I stopped and made Nina sit up, leaving my cock fully embedded in her. I took her in my lap and made her jump up and down. Nina was raising her body up and down and I moved in reverse first then into her. This was a new position and she loved it. Raaj kept watching his wife enjoying her new found lover. I could understand his feelings. This was a metamorphosis for his wife. His conservative and homely wife had turned in to a horny woman enjoying another male.
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My Friend And I Seduced My Wife – Part 2