Hello everyone, my name is Subhash Kumar. And before everything to start I don’t want to give away a lot of details like everyone does. Simply to put together I’m slim and doesn’t have a long penis (4.5 inch). This is my first story I’m going to write and it will be a little amateurish because I’ve never wrote anything online except on my personal blog. All I can promise is reality and not like many fake stories we see. This is about a period of time during my sexual maturity. I’m 27 now and it was back in 2000 and I was going to describe a series of events happened in my life.
Frankly speaking, I don’t exactly remember how old I was when I had my first erection but I clearly remember some instances that turned into fantasies now. We are a joint family and our house consists of my grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, sister, me, brother, 2 uncles(babai/chacha), their wives and their kids. My dad’s youngest brother got married and this new person came to the family. Everyone’s behavior is different because of the new person and it was really good that they’re accepting her. As a kid I was very much into national geography, discovery and animal planet channels, reading books and watching movies other than studying and playing. I was and is still known as the most intelligent kid in the whole family so I used to get a special attention and also jealousy among the family.
So coming to the story, I was watching discovery and they started a new program on child birth. As in every Indian society the program is censored and didn’t show the ‘real’ process. So after the show I discussed this topic with my new aunt in the house.
Me: You know, today I learnt how a child is born.
Aunt: I see you are intelligent and everyone likes you.
She is shy because of the new environment and also with the weird topic I brought in. Since she called me intelligent I wanted to talk about this topic and started telling her about the child birth.
Me: You see, a child comes out from the anus and I started giggling. (Imagine our childish language and rawness in the smile)
Aunt: (With a lot of smile) hahahaha no you’re wrong it’s not from anus but from another part.
I was sure it was from anus because I saw it in many animal videos so I argued it with her for some time. Then my grandma came in and joined the funny discussion because my aunt kept laughing a lot and I didn’t understand why she’s laughing.
After a few days it was during Vinayaka Chaturdhi (Ganesh chaturdhi) and everyone is busy preparing things. I woke up and had to oil my body and take head-bath with soapnut juice called (kunkudu kaya in Telugu). It burns a lot if it falls in eyes so someone should help me oil my body and do the whole process.
We have 4 bathrooms in the house including an open platform next to the well. Usually that’s where I bath but since this takes a long time they took me to a different bathroom. As usual my grandma came into the bathroom and applied oil all over my body. Since I’m a child, it’s all normal to have no clothes and while she was applying oil to my body I was looking at her breasts. They were moving and shaking and I forgot what was happening in front of me.
Grandma: What are you thinking ra my hero (Em aalochisthunnav ra bangaram)
Me: Grandma, don’t you leak milk if you shake them so much?
Grandma: hahaha you’re such an innocent kid. Why would I have any milk? (Paalu naku enduku untayi ra?)
Me: Because these are milk storage parts and we can drink milk from them.
Grandma: Hahaha how do you know all of these ra kannaiya?
She moved to my back and started applying oil there.
Me: Because I’ve seen it on discovery tv and they said all mammals give milk from these bags.
She started laughing loudly and I asked why is she laughing.
Grandma: Because of your innocence and the words you’re using.
Me: Grandma I’m not wrong, may be you don’t know about them.
Grandma: Hahaha I really pity you ra kannaiya, you will learn the truth later in life.
I was confused and felt failed because I saw it on tv and since grandma was not educated I thought she didn’t know.
Me: Grandma, you’re not educated so you don’t know anything about them. Let me tell you about them.
Grandma came to my front lower portion and applying oil now.
Grandma: Ok dear tell me what you know and I will learn from you. (Just because she don’t want to see me lose and also want to see what I know)
Me: They are milk bags female mammals get and they give milk like cows. So just like cows, we need to pull the penis like thing they have in the front.
By now she almost sat down on the floor laughing when she heard “penis like things on the front”.
Grandma: Hahahaha Arey silly, they are not penis like things, they’re called nipples and babies suck them to get milk. And I don’t get milk at this age because I can’t get children now.
Me: Ohh until now I thought you can give milk too. Then why are they huge if you can’t give milk?
Grandma: Kannaiya you will be a wonderful husband in future if you know all these.
I smiled and then she pinched my penis. Then she said she has to pee and went closer to the bathroom hole for peeing. She lifted her saree, her petticoat and started peeing. I saw her buttocks and then heard water flow. So I went closer to see her pee. (Imagine the whole situation folks, how funny it would be). I went next to her and bent down to see how pee is coming out. She was surprised first and laughed while peeing which made me laugh as well. I kept looking and touched my penis in confusion. She’s done peeing and flushed some water.
Grandma: Why are you looking like that?
Me: Grandma, you don’t have a penis like me. I guess since you don’t get babies you also don’t have a penis and it’s gone.
Grandma laughed again loudly and I guess people outside the bathroom heard her laughing. Then someone knocked the door and it was my aunt.
Aunt: Aunty (Athaya garu), someone is calling for you to start with puja.
Grandma: Ok, let me wash my feet and come there. Can you help Subbu complete his bath?
Aunt: Ok sure
She looked at me and I smiled at her while closing my penis with my hands. Grandma left and aunt entered the bathroom and closed the door. I have already had enough of the funny talk and now aunt entered the bathroom.
She asked me what’s all the laughing in the bathroom. I told her in my innocent way that I was teaching grandma about humand body. She asked me what it is about and I said I taught grandma about milk bags and she taught me about nipples. Aunt laughed a lot when she heard my funny language. Then I said I will teach you as well if you don’t know. Then she smiled at me and said don’t shy away, open your hands, I’m your aunt and you’re a kid. I smiled and opened my hands while she slowly lifted her saree and pushed it into her belly.
Me: So aunty, those milk bags will get milk if you can have children and you should not call these parts as penis like things, they’re called nipples.
While saying nipples I touched my aunt nipple. Aunt laughed a lot and she almost had tears in her eyes while laughing. Then she asked what else he taught her grandma. I was so happy that she want to learn and jumped in air with my little penis hanging. She smiled and pinched on my penis again. That was totally new to me because it is the first time she’s bathing me and touched my penis.
Then aunty asked if she can apply soapnut juice on my head. I said yes and sat on a stool. Aunt bent in front of me and started mixing the juice for lather. I saw a huge cleavage and told her that her milk jugs are very big and beautiful. She laughed at me and said I’m not only intelligent I’m also naughty.
Me: So aunty do you get milk?
Aunt: Not now Subbu, I should have a baby to get milk.
Me: When are you having a baby?
She started applying soapnut juice and I continued talking to her.
Aunt: Me and uncle are trying for a baby and will soon have one.
I was so excited and jumped as soon as I heard this. Since I closed my eyes, I hit her and told her that I really want to have a small baby in the house.
Aunt: Defintiely subbu, wait for a year and you can play with the baby.
Me: And you can give milk as well right?
Aunt: Yes subbu, that’s what the baby drinks.
Me: Aunty, you should promise me that you will show me how milk comes magically from these milk bags.
Aunty laughed and got hold of my nose and moved it side to side. Like we usually do it to loved ones. I opened my eyes to see and found an amazing thing in front of my eyes. Imagine how you would feel if you see huge cream coloured boobies right in your face and you’re standing naked. Since I jumped before and hit her, she removed her saree and in jacket and petticoat. I smiled and asked her-
Me: Aunty why did you take off your saree? Do you want to take shower with me?
Aunt: Haha no! It got wet and I don’t want all the oil on my saree, so I took it off.
Meanwhile some juice fell in my eyes and I cried ‘it’s burning’. Then she moved quickly and washed my face and told me to close my eyes while pouring water. But who would leave such a situation to view boobs in front of our eyes. I closed my eyes and with all these tension in me, I wanted to pee.
Me: Aunty I want to pee now
Aunty: Ok do it
Me: It will fall on you, so take me to the other end of the room.
She took me there and I started peeing and meanwhile I remembered what happened with grandma while she was peeing.
Me: Aunty do you know, grandma don’t have penis like me. She lost it not because she can’t have babies now.
Aunty laughed a lot and hit me slowly on my butt at my naughty talk. When I was done she took me back to the seat and started applying soap to my body now. Since I didn’t get any reply from her about penis question I asked her whether she also don’t have a penis and that’s why she don’t have a baby now. She broke into laughter and said females won’t have penis and it’s only for males.
Aunt: I thought you’re intelligent but how come you don’t know this simple thing.
I thought I lost in front of her and said I knew it but forgot about it. She laughed at my innocence and then I said another thing I saw.
Me: Aunty you know, grandma also has hair at the peeing place (I didn’t knew the right words at that age).
Aunty: Yeah, everyone will get hair when they become bigger.
Me: Aunty, I also got bigger but don’t have any hair. Is that a problem?
Aunt: No subbu, you’re still small and see your penis is very small. You will get hair when your penis will get bigger.
Me: Aunty my penis got bigger once and I didn’t know why it happened. Then I get a feeling to pee.
Aunt: Smiled at me and said that means you will get bigger soon.
I smiled and said thank you aunty, you’re my favourite and not like other aunty. Other aunty never bathed me and you’re the only one other than mom and grandma. She pulled my cheeks and while rubbing soap she came to my penis. She applied soap and for the first time I felt it is amazing. I threw my body soap on her while smiling. She got angry and said I shouldn’t do it because she has to take shower now. Then she thought for a while and said she will take shower with me.
Me: You don’t have another towel here aunty.
Aunt: That’s ok I will use my saree.
Saying that she started removing her blouse. I was there standing naked and my heart started beating like Siva Mani’s drums. I kept looking at her like a dog looking for food. She removed her blouse and I can see wonderful globes in front of me with big brown protruding nipples. I was looking at them with my jaw dropped and amused because this is the first time I saw a semi-nude female body closely. She saw my eyes and felt shy I guess, so instead of taking shower she took her saree and wrapped it around her whole body.
Then she came and completed the rest of my bath and started drying my head. While she was doing it, I looked at her boobs and they were juggling to the sides and with all this movement her saree got loose. Her left boob came out and started moving outside the saree, she thought my face is covered with towel and didn’t care covering her boob. I guess she was in a hurry to complete everything because it’s getting late. I don’t know how I got the courage but I held her nipple in my hand and she went back a little. She was surprised and taken back at my act. I thought she was angry but she giggled and said, there is no milk in it.
So I took the advantage and pulled the other nipple now. She giggled again and said it’s tickling her and I’m very naughty but I should get ready soon for the puja. When she was drying my penis and balls she took extra attention and care for them and smiled at me. I said “from now onwards I want you for my oil bath and not grandma because I like your nipples”. She smiled and kissed my forehead and I hugged her and kissed her tummy above the navel. Now when I think about the incident I wish I kissed her boobs or her nipples but since I was a child still I had some innocence.
Days continued and I was one day watching movies and came across HBO or AXN which I don’t remember right now (sorry folks). But still I remember the whole scene as if it happened yesterday.
A couple were traveling in a car and it’s raining heavily. They got stuck in the middle of a road and actually the actress was mad with the guy in the driver seat. I guess it was not her boyfriend/husband for sure and she ordered him to check what happened. He got down, totally drenched in the rain only to find that the car’s front 2 tires were struck in the mud. Then this lady got down and suddenly her whole dress became wet and transparent. She’s got huge boobies and that gave me a totally different sensation to the whole situation. She tried to cover herself from rain and also tried to help with moving the car.
While working to lift the car her shirt tore open and her bra trapped milk jars were out. It’s such a fantastic feeling that I can’t explain and it gave me my first erection like feeling I remember. I couldn’t understand what happened to me and my aunt walked into the room. Luckily the scene was over and it followed a normal scene but I was in a confused state of mind as to what happened.
The next thing I saw was my aunt’s boobs! I didn’t know why I looked at them but I never even knew this is called sexual attraction. Everything is happening without my notice and my aunt asked me what’s going on and I’m looking confused. I have no answer but I said I have to pee and moved away. When I think about it now, I’m sure she didn’t notice anything because my penis is very small at that time.
I want to tell more about my experiences. I’m sorry if people expected sex in this. This is life and reality won’t give you straight away opportunities. It takes time and after a lot of experiences we will come across real sex. I have many more such experiences in life with grandma, cousin sister, relatives, aunty next door and her daughters, colleagues at work in Canada, in trains, close encounter during 2 of my flights, once during my bus journey etc. Even though I had a lot of encounters I had sex only with a few people because I’m very selective. I don’t know if people will encourage me to write if it has no sex in it. If you like what you read please get back to me with suggestions and expectations and I will add more of my experiences. You can reach me at [email protected]