Father And Daughter Share A Hotel Room

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This is a continuation of my previous story, “Father and Daughter share a Sleeper”. Different from your usual story and a bit longer. You can leave your feedback at [email protected]


Amit and Bojo had to return to their sleepers much sooner than they wanted. During the booting of Naresh, they were busy placating and calming her. They closed the window looking outside and drew the curtains, but even then, every time the burly man screamed, this girl trembled all over. After a while she became jittery and started shivering due to AC. They turned it down, and asked her about her favorite food, but by then the show was over. With the luggage safely in back, they were sent back to their seats.

“Damn man, I missed it.” Bojo wanted to check out the show but he didn’t trust the girl alone with Amit.

“Likewise” Neither did Amit trust Bojo. So they sat with her while right behind the curtains, while the burly man was being turned into mincemeat. Everyone left that berth alone after that. Even when Sikar came in the middle of the night, and the double sleeper emptied, no one volunteered to occupy it. Seeing their chance Amit and Bojo swung their bags up above. It put them right at visual equivalent with the girl’s berth. Unfortunately the blinds were still closed. The road deteriorated as the night went on and they worried about the possibilities of the burly man having a large useless trunk related accident.

“Not that I’d wish that on the poor bastard.” Amit conceded.

“Not even to a culprit?” Bojo argued. Amit shook his head.

“You think they made him lick gravel if he had just fucked the girl? They found her id for an exam, shows the seal’s name as father.” Amit replied.

“Wait, when did you learn this?” Bojo asked.

“Pay attention to the exposition.” Amit shrugged.

Bojo disregarded him and tried to get some sleep. They had a longer day ahead. While the girl would certainly get off at Jaipur, they were bound to Kota. They had just started 12th standard, and were looking for a new hostel the next day.

Priya cried by herself the whole night. She did not give the exam on Sunday. When they reached Jaipur, a police vehicle arrived. Her father was taken away first, and she was taken in another jeep. She was told to wait on a bench while her father was taken to the jail doctor.

Around noon, her father was brought back around. He was patched up, left arm in a sling and his head wrapped in white dressing. His right eye was swollen shut, so he walked gingerly in his poor depth perception. Their bags were handed back and Naresh turned and motioned to leave.

“They let you go?” She enquired.

“I paid them off.” Naresh murmured, his voice still slurred from last night. He could feel several teeth loosened from their place. Broken, mottled blue veins shined through his cheeks, the color had drained from his face, replaced by bluish yellow blotches. He tried to avoid talking, his tongue was bitten and chewed up multiple times.

“Thank god.” She grabbed his hand, “I thought they arrested you.”

“There is no formal charge for our case, especially because you’re a fully grown woman. Only with a child it is a criminal offense.” Naresh rambled, but now he saw tears well up in her eyes. She hugged him, pressing the dressing at his chest a bit too much for his tolerance.

“I’m sorry they did this to you because of me.” Naresh was ordering a cab on his phone.

“Don’t worry about me.” He kissed her forehead.


The next few hours vanished in haze. Priya found herself removing Naresh’s shirt in their hotel room, while he now admired her unashamed. It was the first time someone had eyed her so intensely. Her father’s big black eyes bore into every inch of her skin. Naresh laughed when she sighed at seeing his cock. He had managed to protect it, despite getting beaten in every other organ. That bloke who joined the farts kept trying to grab it though. He had never spent a night so ashamed, even when stole money from his father and got caught. But here he was, shamelessly getting undressed.

“I think you should study.” Naresh suggested.

“Fuck that” Priya drew close and removed her top. “Let’s go away. Where no one knows us, and start again.” She had a firm grip on his cock and it was hard already. Naresh’s hands went behind her and lifted her top automatically. Maybe she is right, Naresh thought. What is there behind for me. A nagging wife. A failed son. A barely sane old mother. And all the debts, liabilities and responsibilities. Never in his living experience of over half a century, has a more desirable woman asked to elope with him. Fuck the consequences. How many years might he be left with. Still…

“Priya it’s not like that. Didn’t you see that people recognize us father and daughter.” Naresh unhooked her bra and revealed the godly melons everyone he knew salivates about. Last night was not an aberration, just a continuation of the trend. He’s not known for being a good businessman or an important member of the community, he was rather known as the knobhead who produced the town’s best pair of tits and face. Jocks and nerds passed in front of his house often, sighing, studying the name plate, hanging around to catch a glimpse. They often stopped and looked up to her window. Thankfully it was not easily accessible, otherwise Naresh suspected that some idiot would’ve tried to break in.

He pulled her breasts closer, the perfect pink nipples standing in unison. He suckled each one a few times and then mashed his face in and cried. His hands roamed around her ass, undoing her salwar. She hadn’t worn any panties this time and his fingers slipped right in her pussy. He was surprised to find her awfully wet. She waited no more and grabbed his hand, lowering herself onto the cock. When his tip went in, Naresh groaned for a while, his pain ebbing away and mixing with the sweet pleasure emanating from her pussy. His eyes rolled in their sockets as he went deeper and deeper in her. He shut them, trying to think of all the crap in the world so that he wouldn’t come immediately. Finally, he was completely inside her, and they lay together without moving for a while. Priya lightly kissed him on the lips and he returned it by gently bucking his cock in her pussy. He also forgot about the bad things that had happened the last day.

Someone else had not forgotten them though, the boy at the desk who checked them in. He might be barely over 20 and had a thin, wispy mustache on his lips, but he couldn’t take his eyes off either of them. He had seen some weird customers but it was the first time he had seen a fairy check in with a mangled beast, who he suspected to be an uncle. His face was badly adjusted, but he could still see the similarities. The girl paid him no attention so the boy eyed up the deflated and oozing ogre with her. Man if he had been 20 years younger, he might’ve thought they’d run away together. Maybe that’s it, this guy ran away with his niece and got beaten up along the way.

He put them up in a ‘special’ suite, the ogre didn’t even noticed and signed wherever he was ordered to. If this unholy union had to happen in Moonlight hotel, he had to have eyes on it. The ‘special’ rooms were bugged, cameras fitted behind dressing room mirrors, storing live feed to a hard disk in the store room. The boy switched to channel 203 and he found what he had expected. He adjusted the timer and noted when they started fondling each other. He noted the time on the back of a hotel card and played on.
The guy could not move a lot, but the girl was very helpful, sucking him off, riding him, kissing him, then suck some more. The boy who was arbitrarily named as Ahmed by his employer when he was 5, took out his cock. He wasn’t even Muslim. He was often excluded from religious activities because no really believed his name to be Ahmed Kumar. Still he tugged on, at the same rhythm as the lucky uncle, who seemed to have committed great deeds for 108 lives and was getting it back in one.

This wasn’t the first time they’d recorded someone, but the new rooms had new cameras and the couple didn’t believe in turning off the dim lights. This girl was better than all the cows he had seen put together. He can’t just leave her like this, she deserves special attention. Ahmed pulled out his phone while jacking off and began to browse through the contacts. Who should be trustworthy enough to call in such a sensitive information.
Just then, the cleaner boy walked in the store room. Ahmed put his cock away and turned off the screen in a haste. The cleaner ran up to him and began to curse.

“Malik is searching you everywhere and you’re sitting here jacking off literally. Go in the office, he wants to fire you.” The cleaner smirked and tried to turn on the screen. Ahmed kept him away and locked the computer, mouthing ‘fuck you’ as he left.

Malik wasn’t even in the office. The boy went in and looked around. Finding no one, he sat down on the reclining chair. His mind began to race at the possibilities of what he was missing out on. Surely he could later see the recording. The hair on his back stood up, while his cock became erect remembering the video.

Someone grabbed him by the neck and he heard a raspy voice, “Why are you fucking around?”

Ahmed tried to turn his neck, but Malik kept a firm grip, “Who the fuck is supposed to be minding the customer?” He squeezed the neck to stress his point.

“Sir, please, sir, “ Ahmed prattled, “Please let me go. I had only gone to the toilet.”

Malik smacked the back of his head in a hard slap, “I was just there in the bogs. Don’t you fucking lie to me.”

Ahmed turned around, and was relieved to see that the anger was only being feigned in voice. Malik seemed in a jovial mood, and was grinning ear to ear.

“Ramu told me you have good news?” Malik tied his hands behind his back, trying to look authoritative. “Go on.”

“Sir his real name is not….” Ahmed began but Malik cut him off, “I don’t care about his name. Don’t be a sour cunt, you know I find out the good news eventually.”

“Sir there is…” Ahmed began but fumbled at words to describe. He initially had thought the boobs looked nice and big due to the camera angle. But no matter how the girl was fucked, her tits held firm, nipples so hard, he could make it out in the pixel haze.

“A situation I presume.” Malik added in support, “And which room is this situation evolving in?”


Malik paused and scrunched up his face, trying to remember. “We have live feed?” he asked. As soon as Ahmed nodded, Malik pushed him out of the way and barged towards the store room. He hurried towards the back, and saw the sweeper boy trying password combinations.

“Fuck off Ramu” he growled, but held out a 10 rs note which the kid grabbed and ran off. Malik logged into the computer and brought up the cameras. The boy was right. Diwali and Eid had come together. A total bombshell was shagging an atomic atrocity sprawled over the king sized bed. The fella had dressing and bandages on, and still couldn’t resist fucking this babe. Who would?

“Who indeed.” Malik murmured, his cock growing in his pants already. Ahmed crawled back into the room and stood beside him.

“Sir I was thinking…..” Ahmed began, but Malik cut him off, “to blackmail them. Me too.”

“Saw this guy up close. I reckon they’re related.” Ahmed said. Malik turned to face him, to see if this turd is lying again. He bent and looked at the pixels hard, trying to see the ill-formed face of this man.

“Man, this one looks like a real ugly bastard. How’d he get so lucky?” Malik turned towards Ahmed, “How could you ever think they are related. She is probably a college student and that’s her sugar daddy.”

“I have never seen a girl fuck a sugar daddy like that.” Ahmed said. He was right, in 10 minutes Malik had not seen the guy move at all. The girl was doing everything, kissing him, sucking him off, riding him, kissing again. He saw the ogre move his head a couple of time, otherwise he could’ve been dead as well. The girl didn’t seem to care. She’d shag him regardless.

“What were the names he gave?” Malik asked.

“Phony obviously.” Ahmed replied, “I have a theory that this guy eloped with his niece and is here on the run after getting beaten for stealing her.”

Malik could not control himself anymore. He had to have that girl, his cock was beginning to pain. He stood up, barking orders, “Back this up. Make several copies. I’m going to bathroom. When I come back, I’ll need the video in a USB.”

“But why?” Ahmed called out, as Malik hurried towards the door.

“For dramatic effect.”


Ahmed hid behind the giant pot near the stairs. Malik held up the USB in his hand and mentally rehearsed dialogue. When he came back, he saw that the old codger was up finally, Ahmed informed him, the chick supposedly wanting doggy style. That was enough, they saved the video up to that point and transferred it into the USB. The fucking was getting intense, they hurried outside. As they approached the door to 203, the moaning emanating from the room became louder.

“Just knock” Ahmed mouthed but Malik ignored him. He raised his fist and pounded on the door three times. The moaning stopped. Ahmed and Malik waited for a while but no one opened the door. Malik pounded again and called out. Still no movement. Finally, he sent Ahmed to get the duplicate key, while screaming threats about calling the police.

The door opened and this big slobby moose peered over him. “Yes, what do you want?” Naresh squinted in the dim lights.

Malik stepped in without being invited. Naresh was taken aback, he was wearing pants and shirt but Priya was just holding the sheets in front of her breasts.

“I was informed by my clerk that you did not give any id for your names. I am sorry to disturb you but it is hotel policy to ensure proper ID within 3 hours of check-in.” Malik said. Ahmed had returned, he was appalled at never being informed of such important rule. He opened his mouth but Malik silenced him with a glare.

“So what am I supposed to do? You intrude on my privacy?” Naresh asked.

“Sir we just want your ID to corroborate our register.” Malik said, “It wouldn’t be so urgent if we hadn’t received a warning from police.”

Naresh weighed up this man. What does he want? Does he know too? What’s he getting at?

“About what?” Naresh enquired.

“That a disfigured man might be on the run with a younger relative, eloping with her out of the state.” Malik said. Naresh felt like his blood froze over. How did this man know what he was thinking? Did he really get it from the police, Naresh had paid a handsome bribe to the inspector there. He looked around to Priya. She seemed pale, her eyes were big with fear again.

She sensed it, but her father couldn’t. All they are doing is lull him into idle banter, while they prepare the trap. Not that they looked menacing or anything. One was the young boy from desk. The other was some bearded man in his early 30s. They hadn’t entered the room to get perfect ID, probably don’t even care about it, but they sense a vulnerability and the whole 22 yards available to exploit it. The desk boy eyed her up over the covers, becoming hard at the mere sight of her cleavage.

“Look man, what do you want?” Naresh said, “I’m injured and tired, I need to rest. I’ll give you my ID tomorrow morning first thing. I can’t find it right now in this mess.”

Ahmed sensed the balance tilting and stepped forward and produced the USB. Malik smirked and received it. He turned towards Naresh and showed it to him, stepped aside and went towards the TV.

“Where’s the remote?” Malik asked, fitting the USB in its slot. The room was in disarray and he couldn’t send Ahmed towards the bed just yet. Malik used the buttons on the TV to navigate to the USB folder, ending up on a single video.

“Ahmed, shut the door.” Malik said, “Uncle, please take a seat.” He pressed play.
Priya’s worst fear came through. When the video started it was a reflection of her, sucking her father. Naresh shrieked in rage and charged towards Malik, who jumped behind and produced a blade.

“Don’t worry sir. It’s not a big problem.” Malik grinned while the video played in the dim lights. The audio was very low so he went to the TV and turned the volume up to 100. Now they could hear Naresh groaning as well. They watched for a while in silence, anyone outside might infer that the fucking had resumed.

“I’ll kill you.” Naresh hissed. Ahmed was scared since Malik brought out the knife, but now he saw the reason. The ugly burly man could smash skulls with his bare hands if he wanted to. Malik must’ve brought it for protection.

“Ahmed, bring some water for Sir.” Malik said, standing beside the TV as if giving a presentation. The water jug was near the bed, but when Ahmed came near, Priya pulled away, settling in a corner on the bed.

“Don’t worry mam.” Ahmed said but realized that he wouldn’t trust himself either. He held a glass of water in front of Naresh who looked to throw it in his face, but slowly drank it all.

“Now, we are all calm and composed.” Malik began, the girl on TV riding a dead bear. “It is obvious that you two are related and are in trouble with the law. Fear not, I don’t like the law either. However you’re currently enjoying our Executive suites which also film footage for your own protection.”

Naresh scoffed, Ahmed sat on the other edge of the bed, casting furtive glances at the babe in the sheets nearby. He wished Malik would get rid of the old fart now. He wanted to ride this babe.

“So when we see this young lady being violated by a potentially dangerous, injured, infected relative, we were worried. And then I found out that you hadn’t even submitted proper ID.” Malik said.

“What do you want?” Priya spoke this time, her voice trembling and wet.

“Nothing more than your time, mam.” Ahmed spoke up, “the same as you spend with your father.” Naresh gasped. He was enjoying this room for so long, but now he couldn’t breathe here. Malik sensed it, and spoke, “Since you are such a valuable customer, we suggest an easy way out of this. We would be so kind to do two noble things for you. First, we will give you an extra room, so that you can recover from your wounds easily.”

Naresh was trembling with rage. He was half tempted to go up and punch this sissy boy. He’s not gonna use that knife. But Priya sensed her even before he realized it himself.

“Don’t do anything stupid, Papa.” She begged, “They already dragged you half to death. They obviously wanna fuck me.”

“No mam,” Ahmed looked hurt, “In fact we want to show you a better time than your father can in his condition.”

“Yes.” Malik said, “Second was that if Miss ……” he raised his eyebrows towards the young lady.


“If miss Priya is as enthusiastic in bed with us as she is with you, then you don’t need to worry about the video. It won’t ever go to anyone other than us four.” Malik finished.

“Yeah, and I’m supposed to take your word for that?” Naresh asked.

“Yes, I’m afraid so.” Malik said, “See, you have poor leverage. We promise to be gentle with your daughter, if you find her harmed, you can sue us.” He laughed at his own joke.
“Take him to 601,” he produced a key, holding it towards Ahmed, “and lock him.”

“Don’t worry sir,” Ahmed said, “it’s for your own safety, just please don’t break anything, or we have a policy.”

“Yeah. A bone for each item you break.” Malik made up another rule, “We choose the bones.”

“Does the boner count?” Ahmed asked.

“Fuck off” Malik motioned him to take the old fart away, handing Ahmed the knife.

“Let’s go uncle. Show’s over, tune in next week.” Ahmed booted his ass in confidence, Naresh jumped up with a start and looked towards Priya.

“You go Papa, I’ll be fine.” She tried to sound reassuring but seemed closer to crying.

“Bye uncle.” Malik waved as Ahmed led Naresh away at knifepoint. Malik closed the door behind him. He turned around towards Priya.

“Sorry about that unpleasantness.” He started walking towards the bed, undoing his kurta. “We recognize you as a special guest and just want to show you a good time.” He sat on the bed, bare-chested. Priya withdrew further in the corner. Malik filled a glass of water for her. Turning back, he snuck up to her and held the glass in front of her.

“Now, you don’t have to worry about anything. I’ll show you the best time anyone ever has.” Malik held the glass up to her lips. She pursed her lips shut and tried to shift away.
“Please” Malik mouthed. She looked at him closely for the first time. A dark beard under the high cheekbones, covering his jutting jaw. His nose was like an arrow pointing towards her bosom. His black beetle eyes twinkled in the dim lights.

She opened her lips to let the water in. Malik handed her the glass and smiled. She finished it and handed it back to him. He turned around and put it away. She already felt better. The tension in her body was ebbing away. She threw away the covers and extended her body, feeling pleasure flowing into her body.

Malik was stunned to see her uncovered boobs. Ahmed had unearthed a real gem. He’d let the kid ride her when he was done himself. Priya sprawled in front of him, a smile spreading across her face. She was shaven down there. Malik buried his face among her boobs, sending his hand to roam across her abdomen, towards the pussy. Touching that perfect orifice, his finger slipped inside very easily. She was very wet as Malik had interrupted them during the final stages. Presently, he sucked her nipples which seemed to inflate like popcorns upon the slightest stimulation. Priya had shut her eyes, she was being overwhelmed with pleasure. There must have been something in the water, she kept thinking. But the thought was now getting away. She felt like she had been submerged in a pool of chocolate, and someone was fondling her and sucking nipples. She pulled his head into her boobs, Malik delighted with her response. He went to reach for his pants when the bell rang. Must be that idiot Ahmed.

Malik tried to get up but Priya wouldn’t let him go. She had found the button of his pants and was undoing it. Malik tried to reach for his phone, but she grabbed his cock and his erection grew under her touch. He managed to grab his phone and dialed Ahmed while keeping Priya content with kisses while it rang.

“Hello, sir.” The voice crackled in his ears.

“Is that you outside?” Malik barked.

“Sir, I just wanted to discuss….” Ahmed began, but Malik cut him off, “Give me two hours. Go handle the desk.”

He clicked off and threw it across the bed, where it slid and fell off the bed with a thud. Malik noticed but didn’t care, how could he when he watched the tip of his cock disappear in Priya’s mouth. He was glad that the powder still worked. He had taken out the packet while he took off his kurta, placing it on the bed before she could spot it. He put what was left of it in the water. Might have been too much. This chick will remain crazy for a few hours, he can take an hour’s break in between with Ahmed waiting on the bench.

Malik threw his head back and groaned in pleasure as Priya licked his cock clean, bobbing her head up and down. He wanted to see her pussy as well. He tapped her and she looked up, those big, puffy eyes making his cock grow more than he ever imagined, in her mouth.

“I want to eat you as well.” He took out his cock and laid across her facing her thighs. Priya resumed sucking him as soon as he got in position, Malik delved his tongue between her thighs as well. His nose knocked against the pussy lips and the scent mad him even harder. He was fucking her face, her boobs pressing against his abdomen, cutting the blood off his upper body. He felt dizzy, all the blood pumped into his cock, and he darted his tongue into the perfect orifice.

She was tasty, dripping wet, Malik lapped up her sweet nectar. Priya buckled her hips against his face, she felt like the tongue at her pussy was sucking and dissolving her mind. Malik was already coming in her mouth. She enjoyed it though, and closed her mouth around the tip, drinking it all in. Malik felt embarrassed and increased his licking to make up for it.

Ahmed had still not moved from the door, his ear was pressed against the door, but he heard very little except sucking and slurping sounds. He decided to return to the store room. He hoped Malik would not keep her all to himself. Ahmed rued that he did not do it alone before the pesky cleaner told Malik. But maybe he couldn’t have done it all by himself. He was surprised when Malik flashed the knife, he hadn’t seen it for a while. Even though Ahmed had to lead the uncle away, but Malik had talked him out of the room.

He turned towards Ahmed a few times, sometimes pleading, sometimes threatening. Ahmed pointed the knife closer and he’d shut up. Locking him in was the easiest part. Ahmed entered the store room and closed the door behind him. The pesky rat wasn’t at the computer, so he must be outside. Ahmed put in the password and resumed watching channel 203. Malik had thrown the covers away and was engaged in an intense 69 with the girl. Ahmed unzipped his pants and took out his cock. He started tugging himself, but remembered that he shouldn’t blow his load before he is called up. He imagined if he should impregnate the girl. Then she’d have no choice but to live with him. They’d make a good family. Hopefully, Malik didn’t do the same first.


The strainer looks ancient, its mesh indistinguishable from the tea leaves that have passed through over the years. Ahmed opens his mouth to complain, but decides otherwise. Where else would they go? Thank God that he had found the stop, there were no autos available, so they had to walk a fair bit. The shopkeeper was alert, his eyes darting off to the TV placed in the top right corner.

The sitcom played off color on to the Chinese TV, its logo almost vanished where once capital letters were indented.
Ahmed looked around, a few half-asleep passengers waited on the benches, trying to follow the narrative, just to stay alert. Priya had nodded off though, clutching her handbag over her burgeoning belly. Probably she was just tired from the walk, I should have known that we had gotten off too early, Ahmed cursed himself. He picked up two glasses and walked back to the bench. Placing them on the stool, he took the seat beside her.

She wakes up and rubs her eyes. Ahmed blows on her tea, trying to cool it enough for her to hold. Priya picks up the other glass, ignoring Ahmed’s outstretched hand, who sheepishly began to sip on the glass he had been cooling. He scanned her face while she watched the sitcom, blowing an absent-minded puff every now and then. His eyes dart down her cleavage, her boobs had always been bigger than average, but now they hung enormous, the way you’d think of God’s as big.

Ahmed puts an arm around her, lightly touching her breast, his hand dwarfed in comparison. She quietly sips her tea, ignoring his hand creeping under her dupatta, nails digging in her boobs, tweaking her nipple. Ahmed was enjoying himself a bit too much, pretending to look for something in her handbag, while his hand slipped further down her cleavage. She couldn’t wear her bras anymore, and Ahmed took full advantage of it. He cupped her boobs, squeezing them alternately. Priya writhed in her spot, trying to avoid the scene Ahmed was making in public.

Ahmed realized it as well, noting that the shopkeeper had stopped caring about the sitcom, instead casting furtive glances towards them. Ahmed removes his hand immediately, fishing in the handbag instead, he grabs a piece of paper and pretends to read it. It’s the ticket, but he couldn’t remember buying it, maybe Priya had bought it beforehand. Ahmed puts it in his pocket and finishes his tea. He rises and waits for Priya to finish her tea, who’s sipping at a snail pace. Ahmed leaves his glass on the stool, and walks up to the shopkeeper. Ahmed holds out the money, but the shopkeeper dithers, eyeing him with suspicion. He accepts the note regardless, give back the change and returns to watching the sitcom.

Ahmed keeps the change, placing it along with the ticket in his wallet. He hears the low guttural growl of a rickety engine, piercing the silence, a pair of lights growing on the horizon. Priya is off her feet, and starts walking briskly towards the lights. Ahmed hurries off, stuffing the wallet back in, thinking that Priya shouldn’t be walking so fast in her condition.

The lights grow bigger, and now he can see the metal frame, Priya walking straight between the headlights. Ahmed jogs quickly, catching her arm, which goes limp on contact. Priya stops, her shoulders droop and she follows Ahmed quietly to the side of the road. The growl grows louder, the bus draws close, slowing and shuddering to a halt in front of the shop. Ahmed walks back to the stop, tugging Priya at her arms who seems to be lagging behind. They are the last to board the bus which is still half empty. Ahmed shows the conductor his ticket which catches him by surprise. He puts away his machine and sits back down in the seat near the door.

Most of the passengers are sleeping, and the ones who got on seem even more exhausted. Ahmed leads Priya towards the back of the bus, sitting in the penultimate seat. The engine grumbles into life and the bus lurches forward like a drunk. Priya grabs the railing in front to balance herself, but Ahmed is already helping her with it. His hands are all over her, she withdraws into a corner, looking forward, but no one seemed to be paying attention.

Ahmed grabs her hand and places it on the growing bulge in his pants. Ahmed wants her to open his zip, but he can sense her hesitancy. Maybe this isn’t the right place, but everyone else is asleep, he thought. No one is gonna turn around and look, Ahmed whispers in her ears, tweaking her nipples hard, catching the drops of thick fluid seeping out of her boobs.

Priya shifts in her seat, removing her hand from Ahmed’s crotch, but this just encourages him more. She feels a chill travel down her spine, but it’s just Ahmed’s hand slipping towards her buttcrack. His fingers slip in, probing for the opening, between the hair and the puffy mounds of flesh. The road is getting worse, and it didn’t help that they had sat near the back. Priya felt every pebble under the tires, the rattling and clanking was getting on her nerves. Ahmed wasn’t concerned though, he found the hole and hastily slipped a finger in.

There was an audible gasp but since no one seemed to notice, Ahmed slips another finger in. Getting a good fastball grip on, Ahmed finger fucked her, noting that she already seemed wet when he entered her. His cock was straining against his pants, Ahmed felt tempted to make her sit in his lap. Priya had closed her eyes though, head resting against the seat, resigned to whatever happens. She looks asleep, almost peaceful, Ahmed thought, fingering faster than ever.

Priya was growing uncomfortable, Ahmed’s nails dug in her flesh, he wasn’t inconsiderately rough, but the stutters and lurches of the bus added to her misery. She just wished to drift off to sleep, it had been a long weekend. Ahmed interpreted her drooping eyes as a sign of pleasure, inserting another finger inside.

Her gasp echoed inside the bus as it passed over a heinous patch on the road. Ahmed shot his head up, worrying that someone might have woken up. A few people were indeed looking back towards their seat, he froze over realizing that his fingers were getting wet. His hand seemed to be trapped in a half-cut mushy vegetable. He looked up and saw Priya sobbing.

“Don’t pee on my hand.” Ahmed hissed, but her face was dissolving in tears. A few passengers stood up in their seats, the Conductor turned his head around and yawned. Ahmed tried to pull his hand out, his fingers were being contorted at impossible angles, he felt his own eyes water in pain. The conductor stood up and walked towards their seat. A couple of young fellows joined him as well.

Ahmed began to panic, Priya was openly crying, tears more hysterical than he had ever seen. He gawped at the advancing men, they could see his hand beneath her. They stood puzzled, somewhere between anger and surprise. The boy was trying to say something, a pained expression on his pale face.

“Is your wife okay?” the conductor asked. Ahmed squinted through his tears, their faces were hazy, mired in shadow cast by the tube light above. Everyone is looking towards us, he felt unable to speak. His hand had been aware of a new sensation for a while but his brain refused to accept it.

Priya was delirious, moaning in what surely seemed to be pain. Ahmed flicked his index finger, a tuft of hair twirled around it. He looked down at her crotch, the salwar was ruined with her pee. Ahmed felt the tuft unfurl and now he felt a lot of them. That was it, feeling that thick round ball of hair around his hand, he felt his own pants grow warm with water.

The conductor tried to catch him as he wailed and twisted his hand, grabbing the railing over the aisle trying to pull himself out.

Priya shrieked, eyes wild open in horror, legs flailing over the seat, she watched the bus grow dimmer, the voices of the men distant. She looked down for a moment, that dragged on for too long, a thick red fluid colored his arm. Her salwar was down to ankles, streaks of blood pouring down her thick thighs. Forget this nightmare, she heard a voice whisper, and went to sleep.


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