Hello Readers. Linga again, back! This is the continuation from the previous sex story. The previous part of the sex story is available on top.
Assuming that the story so far has impressed you, I will continue the next instalment of this sex story.
My coordinates, if you are interested in connecting with me, or even wanting an experience with me is available at: Yahoo!: [email protected] (only on chats as I don’t check yahoo mails) and Hangouts at: [email protected] and skype at: [email protected] If you are interested in writing your story through me, that is also welcome. Of course, due credit will be shared.
Sridevi and I started getting along really well. Our conversations we witty and also easy going. Nothing like a good conversation that can really bring two people together. Soon, in the short span of time, we started getting acquainted with each other’s interests, hobbies, extra-curricular activities, our outlook in life and pretty much mostly everything except some of our darkest secrets.
Once the rapport was struck between the two of us, I was curious to explore the next level. Of course, who wouldn’t? 😉
Slowly, I started steering my conversation towards the ulterior motive. Yes, you all understood right. What other motive can I have when I am going to post this experience at this site?
Let me present our yahoo conversations as a dialog. I will try and keep it as detailed as possible, but at the same time, you all need to understand that this conversation did not happen immediately. It took around 10-12 weeks after our first conversation. Most of our conversation till now, were, unsurprisingly,straight and normal.
Linga (L): It has been very nice talking to you all these days. But I am still curious
Sridevi (S): Curious of what Linga?
L: I am unable to comprehend your presence in this dating site!
S: hmm… Why are you unable to comprehend it?
L: I can feel that you want to get even more intimate, but you are hesitating…
At this point, there was silence at the other end. I was a little apprehensive that Sridevi may not talk to me afterwards. But then, I need not have worried
S: Is Linga your original name? Or is it for chats like these?
Linga: It is not my original name Sridevi. This is my online avatar. I will tell you my name if we meet. Till then, feel free to call me as Linga. It would be better that way.
S: Okay Linga. I appreciate your honesty. Are you a Brahmin? I’m sorry to ask this question. But the name sounded too Brahminish!
L: Yes, I am a Brahmin, by birth. But by my karma (my work), I would not qualify as a Brahmin. What about you?
S: Yes, I am a Brahmin too Linga.
L: Is your original name also Sridevi?
S: No. But for now, let us be Sridevi and Linga respectively.
L: As you know, I’m divorced and single and am looking for something to spice up my life.
S: Sorry to hear about your divorce Linga. It is really painful. The separation and the loneliness.
L: That’s okay Sridevi. I have gotten over it these days. Though, the loneliness part is a difficult monster to deal with. I hope to get over it someday, though.
S: I hope you do get over it.
L: Thanks Sridevi.
S: You are talking very sensibly. Very matured. I like that trait of yours very much.
L: Thank you Sridevi.
S: I would also like to tell you one more thing Linga. I am with my daughter at my house alone. I would prefer to have that privacy. I mean, I would not want any trouble of any kind in future. That is why I am a little hesitating.
L: You have my assurance Sridevi.
S: And if I decide to cut off the relationship any time, would it be possible?
L: Very much. I would not want you or your family disturbed.
S: I believe that from you Linga. Amongst all the chatters I have met online, all of them were just interested in mere sex. Not only that, they wanted just a you-bang-me-and-I-want-to-get-banged-by-you kind of sex. I don’t like that.
L: Only when we feel comfortable with each other, we can be friends, otherwise, it definitely becomes difficult as a friendship between untrusting souls can never happen. If you have any other suggestions, I am willing to listen.
S: At the moment, nothing. But let us see how our relationship builds
L: Great
S: What is your occupation?
L: I am a software professional. How about you?
S: I am a housewife. Where are you working?
L: I am working at XXXXX (masked due to privacy reasons) as an YYYY. Where does your husband work?
S: AAAA (masked due to privacy reasons) as a BBBB.
L: Great. Seems to be in a pretty high position only
S: So are you too Linga
L: What is your kid’s age?
S: She is 15. Will be turning 16 shortly
L: Great. What is her name?
S: Sravya (Changed due to privacy reasons).
JL: Nice name dear
S: Thanks Linga. I have started trusting you these days. I know I have not met you. But I feel that you can be trusted. So, I am telling you this.
L: Go on Sridevi.
S: I have started feeling very lonely these days. My husband being in the marketing profession, keeps travelling often these days. But there is no way that I am able to vent out my feelings anywhere.
L: Sridevi, you are missing someone to talk to at all these days? What about your lady friends?
S: Not just missing him Linga. Something more than that. I am missing the connection with him these days.
L: Oh my dear Sridevi. Sorry to hear about this. I would love to help you get out of that lonely feeling. Tell me, how can I help you?
S: hmm…
L: Sridevi, can I ask you a direct question?
S: Sure.
L: Promise you will not get offended? And promise you will continue chatting with me, if you don’t like the question and will not cut me off?
S: I promise Linga. Ask me. I am here to chat as I am feeling lonely. So I will not cut you off.
L: How long is it that you had had an intimate sex?
S: Linga!
L: Tell me honestly Sridevi
S: More than 15 months.
L: Oh My God! No wonder you are feeling lonely and missing the physical connection.
S: you said you are divorced. How are you managing Linga?
L: Me? Hmm…
S: Be honest Linga. I was open. And I expect the same from you too.
L: Yes Sridevi. I understand. And I will be honest also.
L: I don’t have any girlfriends as it is for a real meet up. I chat with some of my friends online in Yahoo, Skype and Hangouts. We just help each other.
S: Just text chat?
L: No. Video chats. And voice chats. But it always starts with a few text chats. That’s when we understand what the turn-ons are for each other.
S: will just chatting help?
L: No. But that’s at least something instead of nothing. 😀
S: Hmmm…
S: Can I ask you a personal question Linga?
L: Go ahead Sridevi
S: Do you masturbate?
L: Yes, I do Sridevi. Our chats are usually for masturbating only. What about you? Do you masturbate?
S: Yes, I do dear.
L: What is your frequency Sridevi?
S: Means?
L: How often do you masturbate?
S: Almost Daily. You Linga?
L: Almost 2-5 times a day. Depends on my mood and the chatter
S: OMG! You are one hell of a horny guy
L: You can say that.
Thus began our conversation on the subject we really wanted to. I will post the continuation of this in the next part of the sex story. Feel free to pass your comments. I can be reached on Yahoo at [email protected] or in Hangouts at: [email protected] or in skype at [email protected]