Exposed Sexy Mother In Law

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All events are fictional and any likeliness to persons past or present are coincidental

I wouldn’t say I’m in a stable marriage. My wife and I spend most our time arguing and sometimes it gets heated and words get exchanged. Sometimes those arguments end with one of us declaring that the marriage is over. Needless to say, it’s not pretty. So, it came as a bit of a shock when she told me that her mother had invited us to stay for a week.

Before I carry on let me give you a bit of background information about my wife and me.

My name is Anand. I’m 35 years old and work as Business Development Manager for a financial firm in the City of London. I try to keep myself as healthy and trim as possible and so early morning gym sessions have become a lifestyle. My working day always starts at 8:30 but could go on until 9 pm depending client requests for general paperwork. The long hours are a contributing factor towards the difficulty of the marriage as my wife believes I could be cheating…which is definitely not true.

My wife’s name is Pooja and is very beautiful and so attention from men has never been in short supply throughout life but she learned to deal with it very elegantly. She’s 5’5”, dark brown complexion, long black hair, light brown eyes and curvy body.

My mother-in-law’s name is Meena. She is of similar and height frame as my wife and she carries the beauty of her prime years and gets a few turned heads herself. She’s in her mid-to-late 50s but carries her age very well. Unfortunately, for all the beauty her and her daughter have, they lack any compassion and empathy whatsoever. They have no quarrels about showing this too and this has become a reputation for them both so have a list of strained relations within their respective families. From this, you can imagine how Meena tries to control my marriage with her daughter.

So anyway, back to the story. My wife tells me that her mother has invited us to stay for a week as she has a week off.

‘Have you lost your mind? You know I don’t like going there. Why would I take a week off work to spend it being bored at your mum’s??’ I said
“Oh come on…maybe we need this,” says my wife

“Yeh, we can go anywhere for a holiday. I don’t consider a week at your mum’s a holiday.”

After some discussion on this…and a tiny argument I finally very reluctantly agreed to it. I told her straight away that she owes me for this and that I will collect.

“Anything…I’ll do anything. Thank you so much Anand. I’m so happy we’re going!!! I haven’t been there to stay in ages. It will be so good to see my old friends and spend a bit of time with my mum” she said
“Yes, yes ok. When’s her week off. I’ll go into work tomorrow and request the leave” I said.


Pooja had convinced me that we should leave on the Saturday so that she can maximise the time she had in her old home and meet as many of her old friends as possible. Again I wasn’t happy but to avoid any further arguments I agreed. Meena lives a good 3 hours drive from where I live so to avoid traffic, I decided that we should leave in the morning and so the Saturday we were due to go there came. As arranged we left at 9am and made our way to my in-law’s. the journey went relative smoothly and we didn’t hit much traffic which meant I go there within 2 and half hours. It was a pleasant drive because it was a clear day and the sun was out and the fact that Pooja slept through most of the journey made it that much better.

We finally arrived at Meena’s house and Pooja went straight from the car to the front door to be greeted by her mother. I stalled a bit and went to the boot to get the luggage out. As you can imagine, there were quite a few bags most of which belonged to Pooja who carried her makeup hair dryer, straightener and god knows what else. I, on the other hand, had one bag which contained enough clothes for the week plus a bit extra and the toiletries. What else would I need?
As we arrived just before 12 noon, food for lunch was already being prepared and it couldn’t have come at a better time as I was starving. I dropped the luggage in the hallway and went straight into the dining room. I thought I’ll deal with the luggage after I’ve regained some energy so left it there. As I entered the dining room, Meena greeted me and although I haven’t seen her in a while, I was definitely taken back by how beautiful she still was at her age. She must have noticed my eyes lingering over her as she quickly came closer to give a polite hug which broke my eye contact with her body.

After that awkward greeting I immediately sat down to eat and pretty much started stuffing everything on my plate and just got cracking. I was so hungry. My wife and her mother started catching up on pretty much everything and every so often I would agree with whatever my wife was explaining. It was clear to both that I wasn’t keen on being there by they didn’t say anything and I wasn’t going to impolite either. Soon the conversation moved onto my wife explaining her plans on meeting with her friends and how she had arranged to meeting a friends on different times of the week, most of which were evenings. I agreed to meet several of her friends which in total would be 2 evenings of the week. The rest of the week I planned on sleeping, going for walks and exploring the town as this is what I would have done even if I were on a real holiday.

The first night out for my wife was the evening we arrived and so I agreed to relax at her mother’s home and watch TV. My wife mentioned that her mother was due to go out too and that there was a local gym so I could go there. I agreed. Working off some frustration at the gym was a great idea. I wanted to have a good 2-hour session, come back, shower and then relax. I had the house to myself, after all.


It coming to 6 pm and my wife and Meena were getting ready to go out. I was sitting in the living room catching up with emails and watching tv. At about 6:45 both women came downstairs ready to go. My wife asked what time I was going to the gym to which I replied
‘Probably about 7 – 7:15’

‘Ok, I’ll see you when I get back?’ She said.
‘Yeah, I should be awake.’ She gave me a kiss, said bye and left.

My mother-in-law stuck around for 5 mins after and told me where I can find food and drinks if I needed and also where the towels are kept if I needed one after getting back from the gym.
‘Have a great time with your friends’ I said to her as she left.
So then I also got ready and left to go the gym. It wasn’t anything exciting. I did the normal of the mile run for warm up, supersets of Shoulders, Biceps, and Legs and then a 10 min cool-down of muscle stretching so that I’m not too sore for the days to come. I packed up my stuff and decided to have a shower at Meena’s as then I can have a bit more of a relaxing shower.

I got to my mothers-in-law and went straight to the room we were staying in. From what I could tell, I was the only one in the entire house so I decided to get undressed in the room. It was a nice room and apparently my wife’s old. Plenty of room of the King size bed that was there, fitted wardrobes and the TV that was hanging on the wall. Like I said, I got undressed in the bedroom and wrapped the towel around my waist. I then made my way to the bathroom which was down the hall. Like I said, the house seemed empty to me so walking around brazen with just a towel on didn’t seem like a big deal to me.

I got into the bathroom door, opened it and went straight in…

The sight I was presented with was pure shock…as I walked in, my mother-in-law was bent over slightly with a towel in one hand drying off one of her legs. SHE WAS COMPLETELY NAKED!!! I didn’t register what was happening initially so I absentmindedly closed the door and to my horror, the door hand caught my towel and ripped it away from my waist as the door shut. What was worse was that as I saw Meena in her nakedness, my cock start to get engorged and was on the way to rising.
I tried to cover it but there is little any man with an erect cock can do to hide it when naked.

Meena’s reaction was a pure horror, to begin with. He tried to cover herself up and in the panic, she slipped on the wet floor and fell flat on her ass with her towel falling away and her naked body was on full show. As she fell, I went to try and save her from too much of a hard fall and totally forgot about trying to cover up my fully erect cock. I kneeled over to try and help her get back up and ensure that she was ok and nothing to was badly hurt. At the same time, her face went from to the horror panic she had before to shock and her eyes were glued to my cock. It took me a minute before I realized what she was looking at.

‘Oh my…’ she said.
I bumbled on like a fool, not quite knowing where to look but eventually got hold of myself and grabbed the towel on the floor and covered her up and helped her stand up. It slipped my notice that I was still naked and that my cock was still fully erect. I put my hand on her shoulder to keep the towel from slipping again and walked her to her bedroom. As I was about to leave her (in the fastest possible time known to man) she turned around and gave me a big hug. My cock was pocking into her stomach and I couldn’t believe my mother-in-law was hugging me naked. Again, I was in a state of shock so I quickly left the room and went back into the bathroom to have a shower.

As I stepped into the shower my mind kept going over what had just happened.

‘I saw Meena naked. I can’t believe it. I saw my mother-in-law naked!’ I started to talk to myself

‘Why did she give me a hug and why a naked hug? Hold on, did I notice her staring at my cock? No it can’t be…can it? She gave me a take hug after all’

I never notice this happen initially but I started to rub my cock with the thought of my naked mother-in-law. The more I did it the more I couldn’t get the image of her name body out of my head. Eventually, after a very long shower I got out, quickly went to the room we were staying in and got changed. I didn’t leave my room for the rest of the evening and eventually fell asleep.


I woke up at around 8 am, had my shower and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen with a total apprehension. I just wanted to leave and go home. I couldn’t bear the thought of facing my mother-in-law after last night. I went into the kitchen and sat down at the table without making eye-contact with anyone, including my wife.

‘Morning babe’ Pooja says
‘Hey…you ok?’ I ask in return
‘You were asleep last night when I got back so thought I’d get into bed quietly’
‘Yeh had a good workout…must have been more drained of energy than I thought’
‘Mum got back home early yesterday too. Didn’t you spend time downstairs?’
‘Ummm….no…umm I went for a shower and then chilled in the room.’

She gave me a look of disappointment as if to say I should have put in the effort with her mother. I thought, if seeing her naked isn’t effort then I don’t know what is.

At the same time, her mother reaches over me to get something on the table but all I saw was down her baggy t-shirt and what I saw was that there was no bra and that her tits and nipples were visible for me to see. I couldn’t help myself. I took a good look at them. I then realized that I was staring and suddenly lifted my gaze to look at her…she was looking deep into my eyes and smiling.

‘Do you want help getting that from across the table?’ I ask her
‘No, son…I’ll get it’
Then she whispered in my ear
‘You just carry on looking’

Again in total shock. I couldn’t believe it! This bitch was coming to me. My mother-in-law. The mother of my wife. Didn’t she have any shame? Right then a counter conversation started in my head.
‘Hold on…if she has no shame, why the fuck should you? She wants you to look! She wants you to make her feel like she’s attractive’

It was right there, at the dining table, as we were about to start breakfast that I thought I’m going to fuck this bitch! It was decided. I didn’t have a plan…but I wasn’t going home without showing her what she’s missed.

While this life-changing decision was being made in my head, Pooja started to tell us her plans to go out with another group of friends that evening and so I pretended to listen and agreed to whatever she had to say. I wanted her to go out. I didn’t know what I was going to do but I knew I wanted her to leave.

The rest of the day went on and nothing spectacular happened. At about 4pm, Pooja started getting ready to go out and I started to thinking about what I was going to do. Everything idea was coming to do a dead-end. I was starting to get frustrated with the failed plans and time was started to run away from me.

6pm came and Pooja decided to leave. I was starting to think I’ll have to wait for another day as I couldn’t think of how I was going to fuck my mother-in-law. I just sat there for most of the evening thinking it was another waste of an evening. It was about 8pm and Meena came into the living room (she has largely avoided me for the day after breakfast and didn’t really come near after her daughter left to go out). She told me she’s going for a shower and then gave me a wink.
‘What the fuck? Did she just wink at me???’ I started the conversation in my mind again

‘Hold on…fuck it. I’ve got…why bother being coy about this. It’s time for some bold action.’ With that thought, I went up to my room and took off my clothes and wrapped a towel around my waist. I waited about 15 mins and then made straight for the bathroom. I check to see if the door was locked (which it wasn’t) and then opened the door slowly and made my way in.

Meena was in the shower cubicle and the glass panes were all steamed up and due to the noise of the shower, didn’t hear me or see me. I walked up slowly to the cubicle and then opened the door. Meena turned around with a shock and as she did, I let my towel drop so that my fully erect cock could be seen.
‘What are you doing?’ she asked

‘I think the time for talking is finished’ I said

I walked into the shower, grabbed her and pinned her against the tile wall. I could see in here eyes that she was a little scared but I could also see that was exhilarated. I went straight in and started kissing her with my tongue darting into her mouth. Immediately she responded and our tongues were dancing with eachother. At the same time, I placed my hand around the front of her sex and started finger fucking her with two fingers. I wasn’t interested in slow foreplay. I wanted her to squirm, shake, moan and become weak with pleasure. As I darted my fingers into her pussy, her let out loud moan and dropped her head back with her eyes closed. I started kiss her neck and worked my down her chest onto her nipples. I kept the pressure on with my fingers and knew it was working as her legs started to become spread wider apart for me to insert my fingers deeper. I wanted to test her tolerance to the pain factor so I started to bite her nipples and pinch her clitoris. I could tell straight away that her body was in conflict between pleasure and pain. But, I wasn’t going to let this go…I only increased the rhythm of my biting and fingers. Her breathing became laboured as she didn’t quite know how to handle the sensations her body was experiencing. Just then, her body clenched up, she placed her hands around me held me close to her as her clung onto me through her first orgasm.

After she had recovered, I held her away from me, put my hands around her legs and picked her up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around my waist but I didn’t want her to be in control of her how she clung to me…i wanted to reach her deepest depths. I wanted this bitch to know that I’ve been frustrated with her constant meddling and that she needs to pay. I lifted her legs further up so that her calves rested over my arms and had her back pinned against the wall. I made sure my cock was positioned at her pussy lips and then with one straight powerful thrust, I was fully inside her. She let out a loud scream and the sudden sensation of having a cock fill her up totally was something foreign to her.

I just started. I gave fast long strokes of my cock and was determined that it doesn’t matter how tired she gets, I was going to have my way. As I kept thrusting, I noticed that after a while, her eyes rolled back and stayed there. She had lost control of her body. All there was for her was the bliss of being fucked to orgasmic infinity. Something very primitive was starting to take over me and I started to talk really dirty

‘You like having your son-in-law’s cock in you? This is the same cock that’s been in your daughter. This is the same cock that’s fucked your daughter asshole. This is the cock that will fuck your pussy, your asshole and your mouth.’

She just didn’t reply. Her eyes were still rolled back.
I let her down eventually and quickly bent her over and then thrust my cock back in. I took a fist full of her hair and then started pounding her again. With my free hand, I start slapping her ass cheeks with force. I wanted to be deeper in her so I let go of her hair and grabbed both of her shoulders and started to push my cock further in whilst pull her back by her shoulders.
‘Aahhhhhhhhhh…that’s too deep……..ooohhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyy gggooooodddddd’

I just didn’t care. Every push forward, I withdrew and then slammed my cock back in.

I could feel my balls starting to boil.
‘I’m going to fill you up bitch. You’re going to get the same cum your daughter has swallowed so many times before’

I kept pumping, I kept slamming as much and as hard as I possibly could. I could keep my balls wanted to release but I tried to hold off for as long as possible. As the pressure built, I pull her hair even harder until she was contorted and her face was looking towards the ceiling and I quickened the pace. A few more strokes and I came as if a storm had been released. It was so intense that my whole body jerked with every spew of cum.

I held her in place so that my cum reached her deepest depths. I just couldn’t believe what had happened. I had just fucked my mother-in-law in the shower of her own house. And to top it off, I came inside her.

After some time, I relaxed my hold of her and she immediately collapsed to the ground. She was breathing heavily and her eyes were drooping as if she were about to go to sleep. I removed the handheld shower and showered her down a little to ensure she is warm and then I lifted her up as if I were picking up a child. She clung to my shoulders and nuzzled her face into my neck. I switch off the shower, grabbed the towel from the bathroom radiator and draped it over her. Slowly I walked to her room and then carefully placed her down on the bed. As she was still wet I tried to dry her off as much as possible. She didn’t say a word to me the whole time. Slowly I got down to her waist and hips and started wiped the water away and then I got to her pussy. I started drying around it but she winced every time I went near it.

‘It’s sore…’ she said

As I was drying her off my cock started to get hard again…I couldn’t believe how hot this bitch was making me. She saw that I was getting aroused again. She looked deep into my eyes
‘Don’t worry…you can have me anytime in whatever way you want from now on’

Feeling sorry for the punishment her pussy received, I started to leave her room so that I could myself get dried and changed. I got to as far as the door and that’s when my mother-in-law decided to say
‘She cheating on you…’

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