The most beautiful and unforgettable moment in life is the first romance, comprising of shyness, happiness,curiosity, satisfaction so on.. That feel cannot be explained in words available in dictionary. Sex is enjoyed at the fullest when done as a part of love not as a part of work is my point of view and my belief. That beautiful moment was experienced by me was recently with my partner who is as sweet as a fruit, as beautiful as a flower. Myself a guy with different point of view and different way of approach for love and relationships.
It was few months back I joined a company as designer after my academics, basically I am shy and likes to be with people understanding and respecting my thoughts. As my professional days have started slowly, interacting with people also increased and started to enjoying the company with people’s slowly. After my job got permanent I was looking for a rented house in locality near my office so that I can get rid of traveling.
After reference of my friend I got a house near the office and professional life has started at the fullest. As the days went I was getting introduced to the neighbors in the locality and was helping them in small household works. All the neighbors are dignified, well qualified,well educated and open minded. All were at the age between 28 to 40.
To be specific one lady was interesting, charming, friendly with all. No one misunderstood because of her friendly behaviour and were respecting her and her family a lot. As days passed on me and her became friends started to talk each other on professional topics and very less on personal topics. Later I came to know that she was also a professional from the same domain which I work, in fact a senior.
After the birth of her child she has left the job to take care of the child. Discussion was going on some professional topics very often. Her husband also knew that we used to talk, chat very often and exchanged our phone numbers.he had no negative remarks on his mind as he knew about her wife and her character.Things were going on casually until one incident in which both of our opinions changed and we were thinking of going one step ahead in relationship. The incident was on the day of their marriage anniversary, on that day she had worn the dress gifted to her by her husband on behalf of the occasion.
On that there was a small party to celebrate the moment and we were enjoying each other’s company. The moment she came out of the room after her dressing with the dress changed my opinion. She was looking like a barbie Doll in that dress. Dress is none other than SAREE. Whatever dress they were but the romantic feel given by the SAREE cannot be given by any other modern dress. On seeing her in the SAREE my point of view got changed and was in confusion to take the relationship to the new level or not.
During the party she was observed by all the people present in the party including females there were showers of praise for her and her husband for selecting the dress. During the party we used to have eye contact differently, I had lust in my eyes for her, I was not sure about her point if view on the looks she gave me. We had some soft little touches during the party often while walking here and there and used to enjoy the smoothness of her body, it was as same as touching a flower.
As the time went on party got over and guest started to leave one by one by giving their appreciation for the couple and the party. When all left we were left with the work of cleaning the house, as we started to clean the house we had frequent touches which she took casually and did not mind anything about it. After cleaning up the mess I was ready to leave and greeted them with a good bye, soon her husband halted me and told me to have dinner and go a bit late after discussing some topics.
As we had dinner we discussed the topics about our personal life and shared our childhood memories and so on, in between the dinner my leg was touching her and by accidentally and I used to take it out, as it would lead to negative impression on me in her mind. After dinner her husband went to washbasin to clean his hand, in the meantime we had some eye to eye contact with some smile and naughty childhood memories, as her husband approaches we were casual at our topic.
After the dinner I was about to leave, they suddenly called me and handed over a small gift box to me which was a surprise for me, even tough I refused I was forced to take the gift. I went home relaxed a bit and opened the gift which they gave me, in fact it was the thing that introduced me into the beautiful world of romance. The gift was none other than a WATCH and a LETTER. The content in the letter was led to me to a state of shock, surprise and happy.
The situation was very sensitive, I have to maintain good relationship and also I have to keep her happy by going against my life rules. Half the world problems and confusion would be solved easily if the women expresses her feelings.
I had one week to reply to that question in the letter and act accordingly. The question was in the letter was ” Will you be the only other person in my life to have me ?”.
She was the queen of heart for many guys, her beauty her smoothness is skin can make any person to cross the line. For the first time in my life I am thinking of crossing that line in a way that it should be made memorable to both of us, as now I have conquered the “queen of hearts”mind and heart.
Second part of this story is the most interesting and romantic part which needs some time to write. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Do let me you opinions and comments to [email protected]
Everything Is For A Cause