An Evening With The Boss In His Cabin

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I was 27. My parents had been busy inviting all kinds of proposals for me and were in a state of despair as no Kundali matched mine. I joined a small company near my house to keep myself distracted. I am not very pretty but I have long thick hair which attracted attention. I knew that I carried a good hour glass figure with ample chest which fitted any traditional dress on me well. I was not for casuals as I come from an orthodox family. I normally wore well-shaped suits, a few matching glass bangles and liked plaited hair. On special occasions, my mother forced me to wear sarees.

I met my super boss only after a week of joining. He was a man in his late thirties, dark but handsome. The first thing that you would notice would be elegantly greying hair and the cut of his beard. He visited only two days a week as he lived quite far away managing his other businesses.

That day was the pooja at home and I had taken a leave. I was busy in the preparations the whole night without sleeping a blink. I was called at around 6:45 pm by my manager as he could not find a document. I cursed. He had needed some relevant information regarding sales and it was under me! Since he promised that it would take only a few minutes my brother agreed to drop me in the office and pick me up once I was done. I had no time to change and I went to office in my saree, jhumkis, all clinging glass bangles and flowers in my hair. My manager was an elderly guy. I did not find him in his seat when I entered the second floor. I saw light in my super boss’s cabin.

I logged in to my computer to find the exact file location. My manager asked me to hand over the details to my boss and left. I was furious. He had left it entirely on me and left for the day. I waited for the files to load resting my face on my palm. I found the file and knocked at my boss’s cabin door. When I heard his voice, I entered. There was surprise in his eyes to see me in a different shape.

He asked why I was there and I told him the reason. He apologized for the trouble and thanked me. I was very uncomfortable as he ran his eyes all over my saree covered body. He said I could leave now. With a deep sigh, I thanked him and went back to my seat to call my brother. To my utter disappointment, his phone was not ringing. I opened the small balcony door. No luck. Perhaps he had left his phone inside the bedroom. As I turned from the balcony my boss appeared.

“You are still here? I would have just locked you in.”, he asked.

“Sorry! I was trying to call my bro to pick me up.” The evening wind blew heavily and I found it hard to hold my saree in place.

“Did you get through to him?”

“No. its not ringing.” The door began to close on me and I caught it. The saree blew away revealing a considerable part of tummy and chest. I walked in nervously and turned to close the door.

Suddenly, I felt his breath on my bare back and turned to find him very close to me. I jumped.

“I will drop you home if that is ok with you.”

“No, its fine”, and I tried to walk past him when his strong arms caught me around and pulled me towards him. I screamed. My cell phone fell on to the floor and broke in to two pieces.

“Don’t scream.” With that, he pulled back and pressed me against the door. His whole body pressed against me.

I was shocked. “You have so many hidden secrets there. Let me see them once.” I tried to pull away and struggled in his grip. He shoved his hand behind my neck in to my hair and put his mouth on me. I was nothing before him. His right hand went to the saree folds to grab my exposed tummy and waist. I tried to cry loudly and my voice choked inside me. “See, if you don’t co-operate I will tear your clothes to pieces and leave you naked here. If you don’t fuss we can part peacefully.”

He caught both my hands and began to kiss my neck. I cringed and he paid no heed to it. “Are you going to remove you saree or you want me to?” His eyes twinkled. He freed my right hand and I removed my pins. Instantly, he threw them away. He brought his lips back on to mine sucking at them ignoring the saltiness from my tears. He lifted me, I howling in a cracked voice and put my down on his carpet. Greedily, he removed my pallu and then began to unhook my blouse. I shut my eyes tightly as he lowered his head to kiss the exposed mount of my breasts. I was no longer resisting. I found his hungry lips and stubble all over my delicate bosom.

Without effort he unhooked my bra and took my bare breasts in both hands. In the next minute, one of them was inside his hot mouth. He pulled at my erect nipples with his lips noisily. I listened to his moans not able to believe that this was happening to me.

While his mouth remained busy, his hand unpleeted my saree from waist and untied my skirt. His fingers slipped under my panty and I writhed. He got up and pulled my skirt and saree away to rip my panties. “You bastard…” I cried as he unbuttoned his shirt and pulled down his trousers. I saw the petrifying bulge and turned my face away. He parted the hair to find my inner folds. My virgin skin groaned. “Are you married? Have you been touched here before?”

“Nooooooooooo.” He muffled me with his mouth. His face frantically explored more of my full breasts. I could only gasp when he inserted two fingers in to my now oozing vagina. The feeling was overwhelming.

He parted my trembling legs squeezing my supple inner thighs. “Keep me near your hole”, he commanded. I did so obediently with trembling fingers. He pressed himself gently and I opened my mouth in pain. He kissed my neck as he thrust more. Before his final thrust he covered my mouth to muffle my scream. He was fully inside me and his whole body crushing mine. He pulled himself in and out holding my hips. “Don’t just lay there. Move your hips.”, he shouted at me. Then he climaxed in to me with a groan. When he lifted his head I realised I was embracing his body tightly. He did not pull away until every drop of him was inside me. He kissed me for a few seconds and then lowered his voice and said calmly. “Now go, wash and get dressed.”

I got up to find the carpet scattered of the flowers from my hair and drops of our fluids. As I inserted the neat pleats of my saree in to my skirt, he picked the crushed petals and asked, “Are you ready to go home now?” I jumped in my seat. I opened my eyes wide to see my boss standing with a stack of papers and the door keys in his hand.

Afterword: Forced sex is a heinous crime. Any man who commits it is a coward! Just enjoy the story and forget all about it 🙂

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