Erotic Vacations With Priya Masi – Part 2

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Hi, all. I am Chetan. This is the next part of the series of erotic vacations. Hope you enjoyed the first part. At the end of the first part, a person with a flashlight caught us while we were about to have sex on the beach. So this is a continuation from there.

The man came running towards us while we were standing there afraid. He looked like a security guard. He was a middle-aged man, not very tall and medium build.

Security: What are you two doing here?

We both looked towards each other.

Chetan: We were just roaming around, and we reached here.

Security: And what were you doing when I saw both of you?

Chetan: Nothing, we were just sitting and chatting.

Security: (a bit louder voice) Don’t lie. I gave great eyesight. I know what both of you were doing.

We both remained silent.

Security: Accept it. This is private property. You committed two crimes. One is trespassing, and the other we all know what you both were up to.

Chetan: But we did nothing. What proof do you have?

Security: I saw it with my eyes. I am the eyewitness. I am the proof. So now come on, follow me. I have to take you to the owner.

The situation seemed really tense. And the guard was not letting us say anything. Then suddenly, masi took charge.

Priya: So you saw us here on the ground having sex?

Since masi was speaking so confidently and saying everything directly, the security guard hesitated a bit.

Security: Yes.

Priya: So, what did you see? (Saying this, masi went close to the guard and roamed around her as he spoke)

Security: I saw you both kneel down, and you both were half-naked. And the boy was behind you.

Priya: So you saw me naked. How did you feel? (Saying this, masi touched the man’s crotch over his pants and caressed it a bit.)

Security: Well, I felt good. But you are going to feel much better.

Saying this, the security suddenly handcuffed masi’s hand that was on his crotch. Masi was trying to seduce that man and scare him away, but it backfired.

Chetan: What are you doing?

Security: As I told, I have to take you to the owner. See, you have two choices. Either I call the police, or you come with me to the owner, and he decides what to do.

We were scared now as we both had lied at our homes about this vacation. If police come, then everyone at our homes will come to know about it. So we decided to go to the owner, and we followed the guy. Masi was still handcuffed. While I walked behind them.

We reached the owner’s mansion. It was huge and beautiful. The owner seemed to be wealthy. The security guard took us inside, and we followed him. There were many rooms in his mansion. Then we reached the central room, which was kind of a hall room. It had a tall ceiling.

We entered the hall. In front of us, two men were sitting, one was Indian, and the other seemed to be African. They were both dressed in a suit. I think they were having some kind of business meeting.

There was booze on the table. And a servant was standing by their side. As we entered, the owner looked towards us and didn’t say anything. Then the security guard spoke.

Security: Sir, these two trespassed on your property, and they were indulging in physical activity when I caught them.

Indian (owner): What physical activity?

Security: Sir, they were having sex.

Chetan: No, Sir, we didn’t have sex. Yes, we unknowingly trespassed your property, but we were just sitting there.

Owner: Hmmm. Boy, this man us working for me for more than 10 years and has guarded my place well. And you? I don’t even know you for more than 10 minutes. Whom do you think I should believe?

Chetan: Sir, you should believe the truth. I am telling the truth. Please, Sir, sorry. Forgive us.

Security: Oh, so you are talking about truth. Sir, this woman here tried to seduce me. She even touched my private parts and asked me how did I feel when I saw her naked.

We both didn’t know how to react. Masi was constantly looking down since we entered the mansion. And I was tensed as to what will the owner do.

Owner: Oh, is it? So how did you feel when you saw her naked. Answer her.

Security: (a bit shy) Sir, please don’t involve me in this. I was just doing my duty.

Owner: Oh, don’t be shy, to tell the truth.

We were awestruck hearing this conversation. They were having fun ridiculing us. We can’t do anything as we were on their property, and we did commit a crime.

Security: Sir, what to tell? I just lost my senses seeing this lady naked. Though I was standing at a distance, I was still mesmerized.

I got angry by how the security guard was speaking about my Priya masi, but I controlled myself. Otherwise, I would have just hit that guy.

Owner: Oh, is it? If you were mesmerized from a distance, then how would it feel like seeing it close. (Laughed). Madam, can you come forward here in the middle.

Masi looked towards me as if asking me what to do.

Owner: Don’t be afraid, ma’am. Just come in the middle.

Masi hesitated but took small steps forward and stood there in the middle, still keeping her face down. She stood there for a while, and the owner was looking at her continuously but didn’t say anything for long. Finally, he spoke.

Owner: So ma’am, be honest. Is the security guard telling the truth? Were you two involved in some kind of activity as he was saying?

Priya: (after a pause in feeble voice) Yes…

Owner: So, what were you exactly doing? Please explain to me in detail.

Masi remained silent and didn’t say anything.

Owner: Come on, speak up. Don’t be shy. Well, you were not shy while doing it.

Priya: We were about to have intercourse.

Owner: I told you, ma’am, to explain to me in detail to know how serious the crime was.

Priya:(sobbing) Sir, I was kneeling facing the ocean, and Chetan was behind me. Our pants were down, and we were about to have sex. But then your security guard caught us, and we didn’t do it. This is the whole truth.

Owner: Oh, ma’am, please don’t cry. Raju, bring some water for ma’am.

After drinking water, masi remained white and wiped the drops of tears.

Owner: Okay, so now tell me about the other incident that followed. The one in which you were touching the security guard.

Priya: Well, my intention was not that. I was just trying to scare him away.

Owner: Scare him away by touching him there?

Priya: I thought if I seduce him, he will be frightened and run away.

Owner: Oh, so that was the plan. You didn’t hesitate before touching this male part.

Masi remained silent as she didn’t know what to say. At the time she did it, she was horny and didn’t think much before doing it. But when said so loud, this does sound a little awkward.

Owner: Okay, I see you feel guilty. But ma’am, you both have committed more than one crime. Trespassing, being nude, and indulge in sexual activity out there in the open. Well, I can’t leave you like this. I think I should call the police.

Priya: No, please don’t call the police. Please, we don’t want to be caught. Please, we will pay you any amount of money. Please leave us.

Seeing Priya masi begging, the owner knew that if the police came, we would be in great danger.

Owner: Okay, I won’t call the police, but you both need to be taught a lesson.

The owner remained silent and begin to think of something.

Owner: Surendra, you said that you were mesmerized. So let’s see if you were telling the truth or not. That’s the only thing that needs to be proved. Ma’am, can you turn around and open your hot pants.

Everyone in the room was shocked. The owner was telling masi to strip down. I lost my patience. I was about to charge towards the owner and hit him in the face. But the security guard held me. And then he handcuffed my hands to one of the bars attached to the wall. Now I can’t move at all. But I kept shouting.

Chetan: No, masi, please don’t do it. Let them call the police. We will figure it out.

Owner: Masi? Is she your masi? (Laughed). I thought you had a thing for an old lady, and you both were just a couple. But things get more interesting now. You both are in an incestuous relationship. (Again laughed). Wow, a horny masi. Sounds erotic.

Chetan: Don’t use such words for her.

Owner: Oh, you are shouting so much. You are spoiling the mood. Surendra, please tape his mouth.

The security guard then brought a tape. I resisted, but he successfully applied tape on my mouth. I was there in the corner, standing helpless while they were trying to take advantage of my Priya masi.

Owner: Now, everything is under control. So ma’am, would you like to prove what the guard said. You having a mesmerizing ass.

Masi looked towards me as if asking what she should do. But at the same time, we had no choice but to do as the owner said.

Masi: Sorry, Chetan. (Turning towards the owner) Sir, I will do it.

Priya masi turned around, facing the back towards the owner. She unbuttoned her hot pants and stopped. She was gathering the courage to pull down her pants in a room full of strangers, whose eyes were stuck at her ass.

I could see her face. I felt pity for her. She closed her eyes and pulled down her pants, and she was there standing in her bikini bottom and top. While the whole audience enjoyed the show.

Owner: Oh, wow. I don’t know what to say. It’s much more than I thought. Ma’am, you really have a nice ass. Amazing.

Masi didn’t react. She just kept her eyes closed. While everyone in the room had a bulge in their pants. After a few more seconds of looking at my Masi’s ass. The owner spoke.

Owner: Ma’am, I want to know how thick is your ass. Well, let’s check it out. Raju, come here and smack our guest’s ass.

Again everyone was shocked in the room, including Raju. She kept looking at the owner for a while. The owner then forced him to go near Masi. Priya masi did not like a bit of it. But still, she remained quiet and said nothing.

The servant stood behind masi and was afraid. The owner ordered to hit masi. The servant was hesitating and gave a small pat on masi’s ass.

Owner: What is this? Don’t you have any power in you? Hit her hard.

The servant then spanked hard. The sound of the servant’s hand striking masi’s thick ass echoed all around the room. Even a slight moan came out from masi’s mouth. The servant had hit her really hard, and she was feeling the pain.

Owner: Wow, what a sound. The quality of sound proves that you have a nice ass, ma’am. Now hit the other ass cheek as well.

The servant again spanked masi on the other side of her ass, and again the sound echoed, and masi moaned.

Owner: Surely, ma’am, you really have a great ass. Now, Raju, you can go back to your position.

After that, Priya masi turned around facing the owner. I could see her ass. It was all red. It must be burning back there for her. The servant had really hit her hard.

Owner: Now, ma’am, this was the punishment for trespassing. I think you have learned your lesson.

Priya: Yes, Sir. (Still looking down). Can we go now?

Owner: Well, who told you that you can go now? You still need to be punished for the other two crimes. Being naked in public places and indulgence in sexual activity outdoors.

Priya: Sir, please forgive us. You had your fun. Now leave us. (Masi was joining hands in front of the owner).

Owner: Ma’am, I am sorry. I will have to punish you. For your next punishment, ma’am, can you please open your top?

Surprisingly masi didn’t say anything and followed what he asked for. She opened her top and dropped it on the ground. Now Priya masi was standing there in a bikini with her red ass.

Owner: Wow, ma’am, you have an awesome pair. And the bikini is covering very little part of it. You were wearing this at the beach. You are quite bold. But ma’am, this is not your next punishment.

Owner: For the next crime, you were naked in a public place, so you have to lose the rest of your clothes. But just not like that. Raju, bring scissors and cut ma’am bikini.

Priya: But Sir, what will I wear afterward. Please don’t cut it. I will open it for you, but please don’t cut my bikini.

Owner: You didn’t hesitate before being naked earlier. So it’s a lesson for you. Raju, please do, as I said.

Raju then brought a pair of scissors and cut down the bikini top first. Masi immediately covered her boobs with her hand. Then he cut the bikini bottom, and it fell on the ground. Now masi was stark naked. She covered her boobs with one hand while with the other, she covered her pussy.

I could see her naked ass. Though masi was not enjoying a bit of it. Seeing masi naked also had an effect on my cock. I don’t know why, but it was becoming a bit hard.

Owner: Oh, ma’am, what a nice body you have. Why hide it. Reveal your beauty and let us unfortunate appreciate it.

Masi hesitated in removing her hands. So the owner acted as if he is calling the police, seeing which masi immediately removed both her hands and stood there completely naked.

Everyone in the room was gazing at her body. Her boobs being the prime attraction. Followed by her clean-shaven pussy. The African was rubbing his cock over his pants.

Owner: Wow, ma’am, what a treat. I really liked your body. Isn’t it amazing, Tomo? (asking his African guest)

Tomo: (in African accent) Yeah, sir. It’s great. Haven’t seen such beauty ever.

Owner: Then go see it from close. You are our guest. You have the right to enjoy it.

Tomo then got up from his seat and walked towards masi. He checked out masi from all angles and was moving around her. She even slightly touched her ass while he was standing at her back. With the look on his face, you can say he was really impressed by masi. But the bulge in his pants was about to tear.

Owner: So ma’am, now for your third crime. As you were involved in sexual activity. Tomo, why don’t you take out your tool and give it in her hand. I think she will take great care of it.

Tomo didn’t wait a sec. He opened his pants and pulled down his underpants, releasing his long, black thick dick. I don’t know the exact length, but it was surely 10+. She took masi’s hand and kept it on his erect dick. Masi grabbed his dick but didn’t do anything.

Owner: Come on, ma’am, you know what to do.

Masi saw the huge cock in his hand and slowly started to rub it. Her hand was moving along the shaft from base to top and back to the base. She continued doing it slowly. The servant and security could be seen rubbing their respective cocks over their pants. That Tomo guy was enjoying the hand job by masi.

Tomo: Oh, ma’am, you are doing it so nicely. Please do it a bit faster.

Saying this, he lay a hand on masi’s back and moving it along. Then he placed his hands on masi’s naked ass and started massaging it. In reaction to this, masi increased her fapping speed. That guy started moaning. Be it Indian or African, Priya masi’s magic can work on anyone.

After a while, Tomo stopped masi. He held her hand and removed it from his cock. He went behind masi put his hand around her neck. He grabbed masi by the neck and placed his cock on masi’s pussy. Yes, he was about to fuck masi.

And before anyone could react, he inserted his humongous cock inside masi’s tight pussy. Masi gave a loud scream, as this was the first time she was taking such a huge African cock inside her. Tomo started pushing his cock in and out of masi’s pussy.

Masi kept moaning loudly as she was in pain. But after a while, masi’s moan sounded a bit of both pleasure and pain. She had started enjoying it. She even yelled, “Tomo… Tomo…Yes.”

Tomo’s one hand was on masi’s neck, choking her. The other was on masi’s clit, rubbing it, giving her extra pleasure while he fucked her from behind. Tomo’s stamina was great. He kept fucking masi for long. I don’t know why but seeing masi get fucked like this made a tent in my pants.

I wanted to relax my cock, too, as others in the room were doing except the owner. He was just enjoying the show wiling whiskey. Masi was almost out of energy, and she was now not moaning also. Tomo increased his speed of fucking as he was about to cum.

He released all his cum inside masi’s pussy. As soon as he came, he left masi, and she didn’t have any strength to stand and fell down. I could see semen flowing out of masi’s pussy while she lay there on the floor lifeless. I wanted to help masi but couldn’t.

After a while, she regained energy and sat up. While the owner and Tomo still sitting in front.

Owner: Wow, ma’am, I didn’t expect this kind of show today. You performed really well, and so did Tomo.

Priya: (Breathing heavily) Sir, can we leave now.

Owner: Ummm… Your all punishments are over for every crime you did. But there is one thing left. Remember, you touched my guard’s cock. (After a pause). So now, since you teased him, you also need to please him. But not only him, but you also have to please Raju too. That’s it. After that, you can go.

Priya: But Sir, I didn’t mean to tease him. It was just to scare him away.

Owner: Ma’am, you have gone through so much. You wouldn’t want it to go in vain. So why not do it and then you are free to go. Come, you both come in front of ma’am with your erect dicks and let ma’am relieve you.

Masi didn’t argue. She was sitting down there on the floor. Surendra and Raju, both with a glow on their faces, went near masi and stood in front of them.

Owner: Now, ma’am, open their pants, and please them with your hands simultaneously.

The excitement in both of their faces could clearly be seen. Masi unbuttoned both of their pants and pulled it down, along with their undergarments. Though both of their cocks were not so big and average size, Surendra’s cock was a bit thicker. Masi grabbed both the cocks and started giving them a handjob.

She was using both her hands for the handjob. She started moving them fast from beginning itself to finish all this fast and go home. Seeing both of their facial expression, it felt like they were in heaven.

Soon Surendra came on masi’s face. Followed by Raju. Masi’s face and upper part of her body were covered in cum. Then the owner ordered to bring a wet towel for masi. She cleaned her body and wore her clothes.

Owner: Well, ma’am, it was a pleasant evening. You can go now. But since you are our guest, I will not let you go without any present.

One of the other servants came and handed over a gift to the owner.

Owner: Here, ma’am, take it. And now you can go. Surendra, release the boy as well. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Masi accepted the present, and we came out of the mansion. We were returning to our hotel. Priya masi and I were walking side by side, but she didn’t say anything. We were just walking quietly. I then stopped masi by holding her hand and asked her how she was.

Chetan: Masi, please say something. Are you okay?

Priya:(in normal voice) Yeah, I am okay. Nothing happened to me.

Chetan: The owner was very wicked. He took advantage of you. And that African, what to say about him.

Priya: The owner did the right thing. We were on his property, so he punished us. And that African well… He was good.

Chetan: What do you mean by good? What are you saying?

Priya: I am saying that I enjoyed it. I always had a fantasy to be fucked by a black cock, and today it was fulfilled.

Chetan: So you are saying you didn’t mind getting fucked by him.

Priya: Yes. His big thick cock was pleasurable. (Naughty smile)

Chetan: And what about the hand job to those servants and guard?

Priya: Well, we can say it was a price I had to pay to fulfill my fantasy. It was amazing

I was awestruck hearing all this. Masi enjoyed being fucked by that Tomo. I was worried that she is going through so much. Masi seemed really happy. I felt a bit jealous that she wouldn’t want me now.

Chetan: So now you won’t need me.

Priya: Why are you saying so?

Chetan: You seem to be satisfied by that African cock. What’s my timid cock in front of that mighty one.

Priya:(laughed) Oh, Chetan, don’t think like this. It was a one-time thing. I want to enjoy you every day and night. No person can take your place.

Saying this, she tried to cheer me up by rubbing my cock over my pants. I was already horny, seeing what happened inside the mansion. I grabbed masi by the waist, pulled her towards me, and started kissing her lips. While masi was still caressing my cock.

Chetan: Masi, I want to do it here.

Priya: What’s stopping you, then? They will not catch us again, and even if they do, I will like to get fucked by that African again (she winked)

Hearing this, I didn’t wait a sec. I pulled out masi’s top and pulled down her hot pants. Madi pulled down my shorts, and I opened my t-shirt. We were both totally naked, standing on someone else’s beach. Masi jumped on me and wrapped her legs around my waist and her hands around my shoulder.

We kissed each other, and our tongues were in each other’s mouth. My cock was erect and poking masi’s pussy. After a while, I properly placed my cock on masi’s pussy and, with a thrust, inserted my cock inside her pussy. She gave a moan.

I started fucking her like this. She is wrapped around my body. As my thrust intensity increased, masi’s moans got louder and louder. I kept fucking her like that till I came inside her. Then we wore our clothes and went back to our hotel rooms where we had sex three more times. We didn’t sleep that night and enjoyed our first vacation together.

The next day we checked out of the hotel, roamed a bit here and there. Then went to the airport to catch our plane back home. It was the best vacation I ever had, and for Priya masi, it was even better.

So this series ends here. I hope you liked the story. Please give your feedback at [email protected] am on hangouts too. Your genuine feedbacks are appreciated as I want to make my stories better for readers. Thank you for reading.

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