This is a kind of web series with real names. You will read the affairs between couples and their family members. In this part, I am building up the story. So, you may not encounter many sex scenes in this part. It’s an erotic story which you will enjoy.
Bangalore is one rocking city, a city of million dreams, pubs nightlife and the most exciting ones are when we have got someone by our side. If you are not lucky, then no worries, just keep the doors open – as someone said, an opportunity is a bitch! And in this story, you will be finding many doors open!
Vasu is one party-maniac, alcoholic, and a big-time womanizer. Apparently, he switches to a different rented house and keeps moving on. No, not because he didn’t pay the rent in time, but because he leaves behind an unfaithful wife of the house owner.
So, this time, he settles down in an apartment with a nice city view and quite near to his office and no woman to screw. He is a team lead struggling on a project with literally a deadline of “Day after tomorrow.” To sum up, he has a few morons in his team, but to cover his ass, he has got the most talented girl as one of his teammates. Her name is Tanu.
To describe her, she is pretty much beautiful with brains, quite a rare combination these days. She is hot as hell, and just dressed in a normal churidar, she can turn the heads of many in the alley. Apparently, she is unmarried, single, and most sought for marriage by the boys of her community.
The hell with atrocities, which girls living here, still have to undergo for the drama of community marriages. She has kept her virginity intact, tightly sealed for the boy who she is supposed to marry.
Boss: Vasu..Vasuuuu, damn you man, sleeping on my project?
Vasu: Sir, good morning. Sleeping on the project really makes sense as I was literally working the whole night on this project.
Boss: I can see that. Are you going to prove that I am a moron standing in front of you?
Vasu: Trust me, sir, I am on it. We are totally ready with the launch.
Boss: Do you see that guy in my cabin? He is after me for the last 3 days and I don’t have one fucking excuse left. Who is going to handle him? You douchebag?
Tanu: Sir, (here comes Tanuja Misss) it’s ready. We can actually launch this project. I have run a few bug tests and this time, it’s going to be another benchmark.
Boss: Good, then let’s meet in 1 hour. Be ready with your presentation. I want this to be over.
Vasu: Yes sir, it’s ready. Just some rearrangements of data.
Boss: Get that fucking presentation in 1 hour in the conference room. Do you get it?
Vasu: Yes sir, I will.
Tanu: You owe me one, Vasu.
Vasu: Gosh, you just saved my ass, let’s hurry.
The presentation goes well. Everyone was impressed. Boss was happy. The customer was happy, and Vasu was thirsty. After all, that hard work doesn’t he deserve some booze?!
At the Pub:
Vasu (on-call): Hey Tanu, what are you doing in your pajamas? You should have come tonight.
Tanu: Loud music you know, is not my cup of tea. I don’t fancy that stuff. Besides, I am in no mood to drive you home after you are drunk. I am in the middle of a movie so enjoy yourself and don’t call me back.
Vasu: Screw you, my friend. Fine, enjoy. Catch you tomorrow. Good night.
Tanu: Yup, see you, good night.
While sipping through his chilled beer, Vasu catches a guy looking like a nerd sitting alone and kind of lost. But, wait, who is that guy?
Vasu: Hey bro, are you Tej?
Tej: Yup, sorry, have we met before?
Vasu: Oh good god! You are the Sai Teja. You don’t know me, but I have seen you before. I mean I was there at one conference, and you were presenting. You are a geek. I bet you are not here because you like it in here. I mean guys as you chill in their homes, lol.
Tej: Ohh nothing like that. I like it here but I am kind of new to the city. I was in California all these years and now I am back here.
Vasu: Ohh great, well my friend ditched me tonight and I was kind of bored. Would you mind if I have a drink?
Tej: Hey bro, I am being clear with you. I am no gay. I mean no offense.
Vasu: What? Lol, nothing like that, you are new and alone just like me. My friend, she is just like you with all those brains, so I feel connected. I am into women I have a score of 250.
Tej: 250?
Vasu: Ya, you heard me right – 250 pussies.
Tej: Ha..ha..ha, have you been fucking the whole year?
Vasu: Please don’t blame them. It’s totally my fault you know. Girls can’t take such a playboy like me.
Lunch Box:
Vasu: Aaaah come on, darling. Let me taste your insides. Ummmm, your husband is so lucky. I should admit it.. aah..Sheetal goes down now.
Sheetal: My hubby is a 3 inches guy. Vasu, only you can satisfy me, you shouldn’t have left the house.. aaah.. aaah.. oooh peee.. peee peee.. peee.. peee.. peeee.. peee.
Vasu: Yaa.. what.. what the hell? Why are you vibrating on my dick and moaning like my alarm?
Oh! screw it, it was a dream. I miss you Sheetal very much. Thursday morning is one more day to go before Friday and it’s a hope for every IT guy that tomorrow is Friday again and then party!
At the office:
Vasu: Hey guys, wats up? Bharat is the quotation ready?
Bharath: Yes boss, it’s there on your desk.
Vasu: Sunil, our proposal for the product? Let’s finish it today till the boss finds me again!
Sunil: Ya, but frankly, I am not satisfied with the idea. I don’t know if the customer will like these add-ons.
Vasu: That you leave to me. You know how I can make them buy even bullshit. I met that guy Sai Teja last night at the pub. He is so cool.
Sunil: I heard about him, a strategic guy, and cool?
Vasu: Forget it, you won’t get a lead like me okay. Now, get back to your work, tiny dick.
Tanu: It seems like someone’s ass was burning today early morning.
Vasu: What me? Naah, I like that guy Tej. He was cool. In fact he is a total nerd like you. I invited him for lunch with us today.
Tanu: Lol, wow, seriously? I thought you were screwing only girls all these days. At least, you could have put a message that he is coming for lunch. Look at me, how I am dressed? I am looking like total garbage, today.
Vasu: Naah, you are sexy as hell and I am sure that your NERDY instincts will connect with each other.
Tanu: Screw you. Just a reminder that I need a little upgrade here for my workstation for the new project.
Vasu: Ya, last time the security guys found bizarre porn history on your laptop. At least use VPN or something that others cannot see what you are browsing.
I had to cover your tiny little ass, and next time, I will be kicked out for sure. And coming to the upgrade, we don’t have the sanctions for funds yet, so for the time being just focus on basic modules.
Tanu: Oh, I owe you for that, but seriously it wasn’t me browsing porn.
Divya: Gosh, is this the way to speak to a woman in this office? Tanu, why don’t you complain about him to the women’s cell?
Tanu: Look he is my friend, and we talk all sort of shit. You take care of your lead. I know that pervert is eyeing on me these days and I won’t complain to the women’s cell. I will tell Vasu if he tries to scratch me again!
The chemistry between Tanu and Vasu was clear as they save each other’s ass. Tanu was more focused on work than gossip, Vasu was always fond of Tanu in a way which can’t be explained, but yes, even if Tanu is the last woman on earth, he wouldn’t want to screw her for sure!
At the Food Court:
Tanu: I am nervous Vasu, is my face looking sleepy?
Vasu: Calm down, it’s just a formal meet, not a matrimonial meet.
Vasu: Aaah, here he comes. Hi Tej, I am glad you are here today with us.
Tej: Come on guys, don’t be formal.
Vasu: Meet my life savior, the developer in my team, Tanuja.
Tej: Oh sorry, I didn’t know we have a lady with us. My bad manners. So, how are you, Ms. Tanu?
Tanu: Now, who is being formal! Ha ha ha.
Tanu: I am good Tej, call me just Tanu. I googled a lot of stuff about you, and it’s an honor to have lunch with you, seriously! I have read about your article on gibberish.. gibberish..gibberish.
Tej: Ya, that gibberish.. gibberish.. gibberish. I always wanted to do something like that gibberish..gibberish.. gibberish.
Vasu (obviously it was Greek and Latin when two nerds are speaking with each other): Guys, I am starving. Let’s eat, save your gibberish. I am ordering an MC burger and some biriyani for you Tanu. What about you Tej?
Tej: Oh, you don’t have to. I have my lunch box. I cook!
Tanu (admiring him totally): Wow, your wife is so lucky.
Tej: Oh me, no, no, no. I am not married yet and neither I am in any relationship.
Vasu: Please continue eating your shit. Ya, cool. Guys, I have three passes for Friday night. Let’s celebrate our friendship. You are welcome to our clan if you are interested.
Tanu: You just need any reason to booze.
Tej: Well, I really like you guys. I am happy hanging around with you guys. So, the pub then on Friday night.
Tanu: Wow, great. I too like pubs a lot.
Vasu (shocked): Since when?
Tanu: Since now (shoves a big chunk of burger in Vasu’s mouth). Eat your stuff now and don’t think too much.
Tej: You guys are really funny. I like that.