Hi friends, I am Swathi from Chennai. It’s been two years since I finished college and started working in a company here. I am of medium height and whitish complexion and slim. People often mention their body stats at this point. I just know that I have the basics: a flat stomach, firm breasts and well rounded buttocks.
One day as I was looking through my Facebook feed, I wondered what my best friend from college, Ashwini was upto. She lived in a different city and rarely called. So I went to her Facebook profile to see if I had missed anything. I saw a post that read: Meeting with bestie after long time! Feeling happy, with Priyanka!
Under this there was an old picture of the two of them from college hugging each other. They had large smiles on their faces. Priyanka was tall and fair while Ashwini was chubby and brownish in complexion and wore glasses.
Suddenly a chat window opened. It was Ashwini.
Ashwini: Hi!
I ignored it. I was really pissed of. Even in college while Ashwini called me her best friend, she used to hang out with Priyanka a lot and now she was calling her bestie! I was about to switch off the laptop when I got another text.
Ashwini: Hey! Why are you not replying? Are you too busy for your friend?
I shook my head. I had to give her a piece of my mind, I decided.
Me: Why don’t you go talk to Priyanka? As it is you guys are meeting without me.
Ashwini: Omg! I was about to invite you when Priyanka told me you might be busy. I am so sorry. We are meeting at Priyanka’s house on Friday. Can you make it?
She seemed sincere. I said that I would and it was fixed. It was girls night out on Friday.
At 6:30 PM on Friday, Ashwini picked me up and we drove to Priyanka’s house. It was a small apartment a few kilometres away from mine and it seemed to be empty. As we rang the doorbell Priyanka opened the door with a smile on her face.
“Guys, come on in,” she said as she ushered us in.
I went in and sat on a couch as Priyanka said, “Swathi, why are you in a saree?” I said,”Well, it’s what I wear when I am outside.”
And I had noticed that Ashwini and Priyanka were wearing light coloured t-shirts and a skirt. I simply smiled and noticed as I looked around, a carton of beer. I didn’t say anything as I didn’t want to seem like a boring person.
“What are we going to do?” I asked. Ashwini answered, “We start the night by watching an R rated movie.”
Saying this, she dimmed the light, put the AC on full and gave us each a bottle of beer and they both sat down and Priyanka switched the TV on. A movie started playing with no title or credits. It went to a scene of two foreigners french kissing.
“It’s quite cold,” said Priyanka and grabbed a blanket that was nearby and wrapped it around herself.
“I feel chilly too,” Ashwini said as she took an end of the blanket and huddled in near Priyanka. As we watched, the AC seemed to be a bit too much for me too as my nipples were hard. So I grabbed the blanket end and pulled it to accommodate myself. “I am cold too..”
As the blanket came off, I saw in the dim light of the TV something unexpected. Ashwini’s shirt was up and Priyanka’s hand was pressing on her right boob and Ashwini’s hand was inside Priyanka’s skirt. They withdrew quickly. Ashwini pushed her shirt down.
“What are you guys doing?” I asked in shock. “Is this what you are upto when I am not around? So you two have now turned into Indian lesbian girls?”
I shook my head. Priyanka said, “You are always the nerd. Your head is always buried in the book..,” her voice trailed off due to the effect of the alcohol.
“Don’t mind her, Swathi. She’s just drunk”, said Ashwini and put an arm around me.
“Great! Now you girls are together,” said Priyanka. “Let me join.”
“No!”, said Ashwini. “I am just comforting her as you upset her feelings.”
“Hey, I know what will comfort you,” Priyanka said grasping my head as I tried to wriggle away. I wasn’t a lesbian!
I couldn’t resist as the alcohol was kicking in. Priyanka yanked my head and placed it on top of her left breast. She took off the shirt and tried to press my head on to her breast. I tried to get away but she spanked me hard.
“Aw!” I said.
“Did that hurt?”asked Ashwini as she lifted up my saree and pulled down my panty. “Was this where she hit you?”
Ashwini said this and caressed my buttocks all over. Priyanka put her nipple in my mouth. It was hard. I bit it.
“Oww!” Priyanka smackied me again on my ass and said, “suck on Mama’s boobs. Don’t bite.”
I sucked as she moaned. Now Ashwini was topless and her handss were roaming inside my panties.
I was now fully into it as Ashwini got ot my pussy and rubbed it hard.
I squirmed in pelasure as Ashwini put her mouth to my pussy and sucked it. “That’s enough,” said Priyanka pulling her wet nipple out of my mouth. When I thought she was going to give me the other one, she took my head off her lap and placed it on the couch. She then sat on my face!
“Mmm,” she moaned as my nose rubbed against her asshole. She went up and down on my face until my mouth was on her asshole.
“Blluurb,” I made animal noises as I ate her asshole. Ashwini came, unbuttoned my blouse and unhooked my bra and gave my boobs a huge squeeze. I heard Priyanka laugh as something plunged into me.
It was Ashwini’s finger running in and out of my vagina as Priyanka rubbed my clitoris.
I gave a big convulsion in pleasure and Priyanka shuddered over my face as her pussy juices flowed over my neck. We had cum at the same time!
“Oh god!” I heard Priyanka scream as she convulsed repeatedly over my face in pleasure. Ashwini held her as Priyanka got off my face and we all lay on the couch breathing hard. I knew Ashwini hadn’t cummed yet so I reached over to her and started fingering her as Priyanka played with Ashwins chubby breasts.
“Yes! That’s the spot. Fuck me like a bitch!” She said as I had started fingering with three fingers.
She climaxed and leaned over Priyanka breathing hard.
“Why didn’t we call her sooner?” asked Priyanka as I too leaned on her and stroked her sweaty hair.
Priyanka turned to me and kissed me, right on the lips and as our tongues touched Ashwini joined. We sucked on each others lips exchanging saliva and the cum we had drained.
Ashwini said, “We usually start by kissing and then go hardcore.” I giggled as Priyanka rubbed the interior of my thigh and said, “You need a beginning for everything.”
We switched the TV off and lay there in each other’s arms with the sweet taste still in our mouths.