The Desire – Part 2 (Ex-Lovers’ Confession)

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I suggest you read the first part of the story in order to know the characters.

I and my ex-gf both looked at each other. Realizing what we have done, we tried to separate us but our hearts had some other intentions.

I took off my hands from her so did she, we moved backed a little but our minds were still in that moment of mutual consent.

I opened the car draw and took out the cigarette pack and walked towards the shores. I tried to light the cigarette but the sea winds made it really hard. I quit trying and just watched towards the sea.

A few minutes later..

“We should go.” I heard Roja’s voice.

I turned my head, she was equally worried. The kiss had wiped out her baby pink lip gloss on her lips. Her eyes were expressing equally awkwardness. I got up and walked towards her, she backed a little. I sensed she was feeling uncomfortable. I felt offended.

“Your lips were on my lips first.” I told and walked towards the car.

After five minutes, she came and sat at the back seat. I adjusted the mirror, she was in her dilemma. The next few kms, an awkward silence of realization remained between us.

Suddenly, I felt un-breathable inside the car recalling the kiss we had. It was not just a random kiss that I can forget. Yes, I got carried away with the flow but she initiated the kiss and what was bothering me was I enjoyed it and she did participate equally.

I stopped the car and went to freshen up without uttering a word. When I returned, Roja was sitting at the front seat. She was looking like a doll, maybe another reason which forced me not to stop the kiss. I sat on the driver’s seat and looked at her curiously.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to..” she took a deep breath “We need to talk.” She gazed into my eyes. I gave a nod to have the talk. She turned her body towards me and without a blink started talking.

“We just carried away and lost control of our mind.” She tried to explain the situation with her narrative. I was feeling the same but actually, she just wanted to avoid what happened.

I looked toward the road and again gave a nod keeping quiet, agreeing with her. She knew I wasn’t agreeing with her. She kept looking at me but I didn’t respond to any of her silent questions. It drove her crazy.

“Don’t keep quiet, say something. I know you will be jumping in joy inside, kissing your ex and judging how desperate she is.” Her screaming eventually turned to mumbling, she looked towards road.

Meanwhile, I stopped the car on the side and turned towards her; damn she was looking so cute; her fair skin had turned red just like the old days. The long black untied hair on her fair cheeks was even making her more attractive. But she had accused me of something which hit badly to my ego.

“Don’t try to put this all on me. You left me and you are talking about judging.” My tone increased. She responded to my tone with an angry look. I calmed myself and took a breath.

“I never thought our path will cross like this. I was excited to meet you. The knowledge of knowing that you are divorced drove my excitement even crazier.” I noticed she was responding to my words; her anger was wearing off.

“You have even turned more beautiful than earlier. The past history between us, it was overpowered me and I couldn’t resist those lips.”

My eyes were on her lips while my mouth was answering her. Her lips were shivering; maybe my words ignited something in her. She slowly turned her face towards me, I stopped talking.

“Why did you stop?” her voice expressed she was not surprised but aroused by my revelations.

Before I could say more, she drew her face towards mine and in no time her lips were again on my lips. I lifted her grabbing her ass and made her sit on my lap. Her back was facing the road. Our lips were still on each other; her hands were holding my face. But while making her sit on my laps, her back got hit by the steering wheel.

“Ahhh..” she looked at me angrily

“Sorry..” I bend forward a little to get to the liver under the seat to slide it back to make space to sit comfortably on my lap.

While bending, my left hand was on her waist holding her in order to give back support to her body and my lips were touching her stomach. I slid the seat back but my face was still touching her stomach. I could see her bare waist from her high slit kurti.

I slid my right hand inside her kurti to touch her bare stomach, her navel. I slid her kurti and her bare milky-skinned stomach drove me impatient. I kissed her navel and put my tongue inside her navel, making it wet.

“Hmmm..” I heard her soft moan. She held my hair and dragged my face away from her. She looked me in steamy eyes.

“You are hot,” I spoke spontaneously.

“Really..” She showed faith in my praising by giving a wide smile and again she took control of me putting her lips on mine. My hands tried her luck to go inside her pants to touch her naked bottom. She smacked my hand while kissing. She broke the kiss.

“Not this soon..” Her voice has turned sexy and with a little resistance from her kurti, she took it off.

I was seeing my ex-girlfriend in her black inner for the first time. Yeah, we never had taken any step further than kissing when we were together.

She was looking like any guy’s darkest fantasy. She started unbuttoning my shirt while my hands touched her bareback and slid passionately from her neck to waist. The time I unhooked her bra, she held my hand.

“Patience tiger..” She started kissing my chest while her left hand pressed against her chest in order to hold her hanging bra. I lifted her face.

“Are you sure..” I asked impatiently.

“Are you?” she replied with a question.

“Here?” I asked again.

“Your wish..” She took off her bra. My eyes popped out and mouth fell open seeing her half nude for the first time. She had maintained her body soundly. Her assets were not saggy and neither firm. It was like witnessing something so beautiful for the first time.

“Do you want to touch?” She guided my hands towards her half nude body, slowly putting them on her smooth lumps.

My touch made her moan. Her moan in no time ignited a fire inside me. She bit her lower lip when I squeezed them. Both of our hearts were pounding like hell. We both were feeling it, the seamless touching, eye gazing only poured fuel to the burning desire inside us.

She fell upon me, crushing her breasts on my bare chest. I felt her body heat; she was warm like hot iron, all I needed was to hammer her to mould her into the streamy action happening between us; fulfilling both of our desire.

I hugged her like a mother protecting her child. She liked the tightness of my hands which was slowly taking control over her body. She looked at me; her eyes expressed a thousand words revealing her hidden side. In simple words, my ex-girlfriend was getting turned on with each second and moves we were forwarding with.

Her lips again attacked my lips and started to act vigorously over my lips. Her hands took control of my face while my hands were controlling her upper body. This time, her tongue had stated its tricks inside my mouth.

In the meantime, my hands were aroused enough to go inside her pants. She didn’t resist, her pants were tight, my hands were struggling to go inside but they were failing miserably. She was noticing it but she was in the mood to take a break from the french kissing.

My struggle made her giggle. Suddenly, my ex-girlfriend broke the kiss and rose vertically sitting on my abdomen. She was smiling on my helplessness, of my hands defeat to get into her pants.

My eyes expressed nothing but she knew what I was aching. She unbuttoned her jeans and unzipped it, prompting my hands to do the rest. She adjusted her bottom putting exactly on my overgrown bulge inside my pants. She smiled looking me while feeling my manhood over my pants by sliding back and forth her ass.

My ex-girlfriend again took control of my face and her lips were on mine. My hands slid through her back and without any hurdle, they went inside her underwear, touching her bare ass. They were even softer than her breasts.

My hands started enjoying squeezing and pampering my ex-girlfriend’s ass cheeks like a kid’s cheeks. During this, my fingers slid inside her crack, eventually touching the holy grail of her body. She was wet and ready to engulf my manhood.

“Remove your hands from there, you naughty” she pushed my hand while giving a slutty smile. I smiled back and dragged her pants down with force.

Suddenly, I heard some noise as if someone was calling me. I came to sense, I looked around; I was still sitting on the beach with my cigarette packet.

I looked around and realized I was day-dreaming but the bulge was still intact. I tried to adjust it but to my bad luck, my eyes caught Roja was watching at a distance. Perhaps, she had walked down to have a talk about our earlier actions but after seeing me in that position, she turned her face in shock and walked towards the car.

I followed her. No surprise, she went to the back seat, I sat on the front and like a driver, I looked back to have her permission to drive. Why did I do that, I do not know!! It was stupid.

“What, aren’t you done enough without permission?” her words penetrated like bullets to my core.

“Excuse me, without your permission?” My eyes questioned her accusation. She wasn’t able to reply; she knew the kissing was mutual.

My ex-girlfriend asked me to drop her at the nearest taxi stand and I did. She got off and took the taxi. She didn’t even look back and left. I was confused if meeting my ex Roja was a good idea or a bad one. But one thing for sure, I was still mesmerized by the kiss.

A couple of days past none of us tried to contact each other but not a single day lest when I didn’t bother to remind her. I wasn’t sure if it was our old love taking rebirth or an unexpected grown sexual attraction. Whatever it was, I was driven crazy with each passing day, unable to be in contact with her.

I tried to message her and even tried to call her but every time I was left disappointed. It didn’t take me long to understand; she was avoiding me but I kept trying shamelessly to contact her. And one day finally she picked the phone.

“What?” She was pissed off. I knew if I don’t handle this so awaited conversation carefully things may go south closing all the doors to her, to Roja.

“How are you? Are you okay?” I initiated a conversation but she was really not in the mood.

“I’m bye and don’t call me again.” She replied firmly.

“Okay, I won’t but at least listen to me what I want to tell..” I tried my best to continue the conversation. She was silent on the other side.

“I want to apologize for that day. I really didn’t know things will happen like this. I’m not going to irritate you ever again calling or messaging you repeatedly. That’s it. I guess it all happened because it was never off the table between us, only dusted over the years. Don’t deny you felt nothing..” while replying, this I was anxious about what will she say hearing me.

“I felt nothing. The kiss yes I didn’t resist but that doesn’t mean I have grown something for you. Don’t ask me why I didn’t resist the kiss. Just try to forget that moment, that will be better for you.” She went silent after her firm replying voice turned into a caring one.

“Did you like it?” I asked very anxiously but she didn’t answer. Gathering some courage, I again repeated the question.

“Will you cut the chase and come to the point about what you really need?” my ex-girlfriend asked firmly.

I got troubled with her sudden unexpected question. But I was not in any mood to back off.

“I have been thinking about you lately. I want to be very honest with what I am about to tell you. I really loved the kiss we had. I could still feel the taste of your lips on me. I really don’t know if these are old feelings or something new arousing me. I just want to continue it with you.” I poured my mind out.

“Are you out of your mind? I can’t do this. I opened up about my past and you are giving it back to me this way. I’m a divorcee; I can’t do what you are asking for. It’s immoral. And with my past experience, I don’t want to be in any new relationship or dig into my past. I don’t want to drag you into this either. Just let it be how it is. Keeping distance will be good for us.” she replied.

“It’s not immoral to have some happiness in life. We both liked it. You don’t want any relation kind of thing fine with me. Let it be on your way how you wanted it to be, Roja. Just don’t let it go which gave you a little happiness after so much time. I will be there for you when you need me. You know you can trust me. Just think peacefully, I am sure you will find a way.”

Saying this, I cut the phone because I knew she will convince me not to engage in something like this, especially with her. She didn’t call back but I was sure she would one day. A few days past, I was hardly able to keep my patience but I have to because it was her decision to take without any of my interference. And finally one day my luck clicked.

I got a WhatsApp notification. It was her, she had asked me to meet. I replied to her affirmatively. And as scheduled, we met at the place we decided. Unlike the previous time, my ex-girlfriend was wearing more casually, a simple black color salwar kameez.

She was sitting quietly with a coffee mug, searching for something on her phone. I walked towards her.

“Hey, how long you have been here?” I asked while pointing the waiter to take my order. She looked me for some time raising her eyes up and waited until I sat before her.

“You are an asshole..” She said angrily, I was shocked and looked around if anyone’s attention had drawn to our table.

“What?!” I asked astounded with her referring to me.

“What do you think I’m a slut?” her voice again got loud and angrier.

I sensed where this conversation will head if I don’t act quickly, resisting her words and clearing her doubts.

“Shut up.. stop referring yourself that. I didn’t think about you anything. I expressed myself that day what my heart wants. If you don’t feel the same way it’s fine by me, I will leave. But denying what your heart won’t bring you any happiness.” I replied firmly.

She kept looking at me how confident I was with my words. My order arrived. I took a sip and looked at her; my confident eyes dominated her confused ones.

“I don’t know if I should cross the barrier. You are a guy, it’s easy for you. I’m a girl and a divorcee; do you understand what I’m saying what’s my dilemma is?” She turned her face in sadness and uncertainty biting her nails. I don’t know how I found her cute in that situation.

“Look, you can trust me, I understand your dilemma and aware of your concerns. We can find a way.” I held her hand giving her assurance. She looked me with the same dilemma but this time with a little trust. She didn’t try to take her hand away from my hands which confirmed she had put a step forward.

“What do you suggest?” She asked curiously to know what I really have in my mind. I took a long breath.

“We can keep a low profile. Our friends, relatives don’t need to know about us. You don’t want to be in anything serious, I will always respect that. You will lead what we are going to have between us. The day you decide we should stop it, I will leave without a question.” I put trust in my words.

“Promise me nobody will ever know. No pictures, no messages, no recordings. We will call over selves to meet only.” She stared at me.

“Only to meet?” I tried to be light the conversation.

“I am serious..” She said firmly. I realized all she wanted was an affirmative agreement to her words without any condition.

“Okay, as you say I agree,” I said she wanted to hear. We both finished our coffee and stood to take off. While leaving we both exchanged some smiling, confirming our agreement. I was excited and sure she was. I gave her a hug while leaving and guided my mouth to her ear.

“What did you mean by only to meet? Aren’t we planning to do something else?” I whispered naughtily near her ear.

She pushed me giving a shy smile and walked ahead. I followed her with the same question. She didn’t react went to the Ola cab she booked.

“You didn’t reply to me, Roja..” I tried for the last time to entice something.

“What you want me to reply?” She raised her eyebrow playing innocent.

“Don’t you know?” I asked and she came towards me. She was inches apart from me. We were looking like a couple madly in love. We gazed for some time and out of nowhere she grabbed my manhood.

“Don’t you trust me?” She asked squeezing it. I felt pain and pleasure at the same time. I expressed my pain by squeezing my eyes and opening my mouth without a voice.

“Yeah.. I trust you..” I replied in a broken voice experiencing the pain she was causing me.

“I couldn’t hear you, baby. Can you be a little louder?” She asked sultrily squeezing harder. I was unable to breathe now.

“I trust you..leave it..please” I replied in a breath.

“You don’t have any idea what I’m planning to do, it’s mere a picture only.” Saying it she left my manhood and sat inside the cab. I was relieved. I saw her asking me to come near her. I went. She asked me to bring my ear close to her, I did.

“The bulge I witnessed that day on the beach seemed big compared to what I felt today. I hope it doesn’t disappoint me when the day comes…” She whispered. I turned towards her and gave a slaying smile.

“Trust me.. it won’t..” saying this, I put my lips on her.


Stay tuned to the next part. Your comments, especially the emails really encourage me to write. You can contact me on [email protected]

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