Hello, readers, my name is Rustamjaani ([email protected])
As I mentioned briefly in my first Submission ( titled cuckolding my beautiful wife), and a huge response, lots of emails urging me on to write about my affair with the wife of my colleague namely Deepika while I was stationed in Mumbai India by my company.
I am 35 years and work in London for a big British MNC as a manager.
I am told I am very good looking, 5.11ft tall , fit as well as sporty.
My company had taken over medium size Indian company with the view to expand our operations there. My assignment of six months was to organize it and make recommendations in order for it to fit with us.
Initially, I found working in Mumbai to be very different from London, It was so crowded and busy, and people worked at a different pace, but unknown to me there waited for me a huge compensation in the form of Deepika and some wonderful friendships.
My opposite colleague in the Indian company was Mr. Amit Kapoor. He was a senior manager and about forty years old. Being a very nice man we got on really well. spent many hours working together and within first few weeks, we became very good friends.
After a couple of weeks in Mumbai, we had a company dinner for managers and their families.
The evening was great and I was introduced to many people and their wives, which included Amits wife Deepika. She was a stunner. She was easily the best looking woman there, and I was taken in by her beauty. The best way to describe her looks is to compare her to Bollywood actress SRIDEVI she was almost her ditto copy but much fairer in colour (as I was to learn later she did modelling in her college days). She was tall.. 5.8 feet and had the same heavy build as Sridevi .
She was wearing a beautiful black colour Sari with a open back sleeveless blouse
top heavy ( very busty) and like Sridevi very curvaceous ,rounded butt and a beautiful face, long light brown hair down to her waist and lovely light brown eyes. She had a beautiful smile and very engaging personality, well educated , and very softly spoken.
It took me a couple of weeks to settle down to my new surroundings, and I and Amit became good friends, although I was his boss at work outside we were free with each other.
I met Deepika few times in the evenings at our company’s club, where she came with Amit. I use to play squash and after we three would sit together and chat long into the evening. In the beginning me and Amit would start a conversation and Deepika would join in. She was a bit shy with me, but with others she was fine. I would deliberately draw her into conversation with me and slowly she started becoming more comfortable with me but still shy. One could easily tell she was very clever , confident and well educated, in other words she had beauty and brain.
Then almost by chance few incidences happened which became pivotal in determining the course of events to come.
Amit cousin was getting married so he took a week off work, I was also invited, so I joined them at the weekend for he last bits of wedding ceremonies. I had a lovely time and as Amit was busy with arrangements Deepika looked after me, introducing me to her and Amits family members and guests.
After all the ceremonies were done , we all played musical chairs. During which I found myself behind Deepika and as the music stopped we both went for the same chair, I got their first and Deepika ended up sitting in my lap. she tried to stand up quickly, as a result she squirmed few times in my lap and I had to help her by holding onto her waist I said “ sorry about that it was an accident” …… she did not say anything but went all red in the face . She tried to avoid me for the rest of the day, our eyes did make contact few times during the day while we were chatting with some one else, it seemed she was trying to avoid my gaze.
My company car picked me up late evening and I said bye to all and thanked them for their hospitality, right at the end Deepika also came to say bye to me, she was staying a few days more so I said to her , as we both walked towards the ( Amit was busy with his relatives) car
“ I hope you are not upset with me about the incident earlier on,” she said
“we can talk about it when I get back home from here”
“so we are still friends” with a smile on her face, she said
“may be, may be not, I will think about it”
“ok I will see you when you get back”
A few days later when I was at home in the evening, Amit rang me to say they were back and hoped I had a good time and sorry for being busy and not giving me a lot more time. We chatted for few minutes than he said
“I am going for a bath and here is somebody who wants to talk to you , bye now, see you tomorrow at office”
He handed over the phone to Deepika, we had a really good conversation with few jokes thrown in and had a good laugh, and it seemed that the incident was forgotten
“you are really funny and make me laugh, and not proud of your position , and I can’t tell you are my husband’s boss”
“so you want me to be bossy”
“ no please don’t, I like the way you are”
“ sooo you like me yeah” …. she didn’t answer, immediately , perhaps realizing what she had just said, after perhaps a gap of 15 seconds she tried to wriggle out of the predicament she suddenly found herself.
“ I meant the the jolly type of person you are”
“so you don’t like me, but only my sense of humour ”
“ no that’s not what I meant, you know what I mean,” she said little frustrated
“ no I don’t know what you mean,” I said
“ you are deliberately trying to confuse me “
“ no I am not, you can only like some one’s sense of humour if you like them, don’t you think so”
“ may be” than she went quiet again , after a long gap , she said
“ seems like you want me to like you”
“ so do you” I whispered quietly and waited with baited breath for her answer
“ what about you, I know what you think of me “
“ what, “ I said
“ since the incident between you and me, these last few days I have been doing a lot of thinking”
“ about what”
“ I think Amit has finished his bath , so we have to talk about it some other time”
“ when,” I asked
“ I don’t know , don’t forget I am a married woman and a mother of a baby, I shouldn’t be talking to you like this”
“ It’s a talk between friends, that’s all”
“ no, I shouldn’t be talking in an intimate way with you, behind my husbands back”
“ Deepika sometimes things happen between people without them trying”
“ I know, “ she said “ ring me tomorrow afternoon at two I will be alone, we can talk then “
I heard her baby crying,
“ I need to feed my baby she is hungry” ( her baby Kamani was six months old and was being breast fed by Deepika).
“ you know grown men also have that sort of hunger”
I thought she will slam the phone on me and hang up. she didn’t and we both were quiet for a long time while I could hear her baby crying and Deepika breathing was heavy,
“ I think I will have to do something about your hunger, you dirty filthy man”
I was taken aback with her use of those words,
“ yes you are right I am a very dirty man” Than she said
“ I know you have been checking me out, a married woman with a young baby, aren’t you ashamed, that I am some bodies wife who is your-your friend also”
“ I know its shameful but my hunger overrides everything, besides I am only in India for a short while then I will be gone from your life”.
“ I really have to go, I will think about it and let you know” she then hung up.
I put the phone down and couldn’t believe what had just happened. It was totally un believable, that a casual fifteen minutes conversation can bring two people so much close to intimacy.
I went for a shower and watched a bit of Tv but my mind was constantly thinking of Deepika, I realized how much I wanted her body to satisfy me, and at that moment I couldn’t care about anything else. It’s a situation about which people say men think with their dicks and not the brain.
I went to sleep only to be woken up by my cell phone ringing, It was one in the morning, It was Deepika on the line
“Hi were you asleep, I cant sleep”
“ Me neither, “ I said “ what are you doing , where is Amit”
“ He is in the other room fast asleep, he took sleeping pills as the baby kept us up the night before.”
“ Guess what I am doing,” she asked
“I don’t know , you tell me”
“ I am breast feeding my Kamini,” she said
“that baby is one lucky girl”
“ yes she is “
“ I love your breasts”
“ lots of men love my breasts , they ogle me all the time , and the rest of me too”
“ I don’t blame them, I wonder what they want to do with you”
“ HaHa,” she said
“ what colour are your nipples”
“ pink and the baby has got my left breast nipple in her mouth and she is sucking away my milk”
“ wish I was there to see”
“ You have to ask Kamini if she wouldn’t mind you watching her mom feed her”
“ she won’t mind if her mom doesn’t”
“ I will ask Kamini” ………. “ She says get here 2 pm sharp, tomorrow afternoon as it is her feeding time, but you will have to send her daddy out of town for the day, as she wouldn’t like to be disturbed , she also says that uncle Rustam has to promise that he will just watch and not touch my mummy anywhere other wise she will be very upset and she won’t be his friend anymore”
“ yes tell Kamini that her uncle will be there” and ask her to tell her mom to wear black bra, as he likes this colour”
“ anything else you like her mom to wear”
“ yes please black saree she wore the first time uncle met her”
“ Kamini mummy will think about it, but she wants uncle Rustam to promise that he will not do anything which will upset her mummy”
“ Tell Kamini mummy that I promise to behave and not upset her, Please also tell Mummy that I cant wait till tomorrow”
“ see you tomorrow,” Deepika said and cut the phone
five minutes later Deepika sent me a picture where her nipple was in Kamini mouth, her face looked tiny compared to Deepika breast, it was a magnificent sight.
Next day I sent Amit out of town duty and rang Deepika at 11 am if I could come early as I cant wait. she said to come in an hour as she needs to get ready.
Part 2 will follow soon.