Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next.
I took a cab to my office. Maria was in the lobby talking to Georgina. She saw me coming and she was not happy. She questioned why I was late. I explained everything that happened yesterday and how I ended up in the hospital.
She then calmed herself and then asked about me and Amy’s condition. She took pity looking at my tired body and granted me the rest of the week off. Maria had some work so she left. I went to talk to my hot secretary Georgina. She was pretty concerned about me. She tried to invite me and Amy for dinner.
Georgina: Actually, if you’re not doing anything tonight. Maybe you can come around to my apartment and I can make you dinner? You can bring Amy as well if you like?
Me: The doctor recommended me not to stay up late. I promised my daughter to remain at home with her tonight and spend some time with her tomorrow.
Georgina: Oh, I see…
Me: But if it is okay with you, I’m pretty sure we’re free the day after tomorrow.
Georgina: That would be perfect! I’ll be sure to cook you and Amy one of my special dishes! I promise that you won’t regret it! Come over around 7 o’clock.
Me: We’ll be there! See you the day after tomorrow Georgina!
Georgina: Bye.
I left the office and headed to the cafe to meet Amy and Elena. I was at the cafe. Damn it! I’m late as usual. I looked around for Amy. There they are! Sitting at the table on the side. The table is next to the wall, so only three chairs fit in.
Amy and Elena were sitting opposite to each other. I joined them in between. Amy is on my right and Elena on my left.
Me: Hi girls!
Amy: Hi Daddy!
Elena: Hi Aafi!
Me: Sorry I’m late, I had to have a chat with the boss Maria.
Amy: So? Did it work?
Me: Yes! She gave me the rest of the week off.
Amy: Awesome!
Elena: Congrats!
Elena was looking upset. She told Amy about how she accidentally told Lucas about our date at the restaurant. Amy was not mad. She was pretty calm about it. Amy went to use the restroom.
Elena: She loves you, you know?
Me: Really?
Elena: She was so worried about you when you were in the hospital. Amy said she wouldn’t know what she would do without you!
Me: She said that?
Elena: I don’t know what I’d do without you either Aafi.
Suddenly she kept her hand on my thigh. I felt nice, so I kept my hand above hers.
Me: You are forward, aren’t you?
Elena: Yes!
Me: I like that in a girl. But maybe we should get to know each other a bit better first, shall we?
Elena: I’m counting on that!
Me: So, Elena. Don’t you feel bad about hitting on your best friend’s dad with her so close by?
Elena: Not at all. If I see something I like, I go after it.
She again kept her hand on my thigh. Wow! This kid doesn’t mess around.
Me: Oh yeah, and what else do you like?
Elena: Guys tell me all the time that I’m a real tease. What do you think?
Me: Well maybe we should get together sometime and you can show me exactly how true that is!
Elena: I’m looking forward to it already.
Me: Damn, I never knew you felt this way, Elena!
Elena: There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me Aafi. But I’m sure you’re going to have fun finding out!
Me: Let’s keep this to ourselves for now and discuss it more later.
Elena: Okay.
Amy ordered our coffee while she was returning from the washroom. We continued chatting while sipping on our coffee. The girls told me about how there was still one more year of high school for them, unlike other countries.
I cheered them up by offering to let them help settle in my place if the girls decided to move here after high school.
Me: Amy and you can stay here for college. I can help you apply for work. Elena. This is of course if you girls end up moving out here!
Elena: I’m sure Amy and I will highly consider it.
Me: So what are your plans this afternoon girls?
Elena: Well since it’s Jen’s day off, I’m going to go hang out with her. We’ll probably do some shopping at the mall. You wanna come with Amy?
Amy: Actually, I think I’ll go back to Dad’s apartment and make sure that he spends a relaxed evening.
We were ready to leave. Amy and I headed to my apartment and Elena went to visit her friend Jen. Meanwhile, at Jen’s home, she’s eagerly waiting for Elena to arrive.
Jen: Ok, I’ve got drinks, a good movie and all the house chores are done.
Jen: Oh she’s here! I’m coming!
Jen opens the door.
Jen: Hey Elena glad you could make it! Welcome!
They both hugged each other.
Elena: Hey! Thanks, Jen! Glad to be here.
Jen: Come in, come in, you look great by the way!
Elena: Thank you, you’re looking fine yourself too.
Jen is wearing a blue color dress with a transparent silver coat on top. She has brown hair. Her dress was just till her thighs. Elena was wearing a green color sleeveless t-shirt and mini shorts.
Jen: Please, have a seat.
Elena: So, how was your day? I take it you enjoyed your day off?
Jen: Well, I tried to enjoy it but mom had other plans for me. She was like… “Great, a day off? Now you can finally help around the house for a change.”
Elena: Oh, that bad, huh?
Jen: Yeah. So, I stole some wine from the fridge while she was taking a nap.
Elena: Great! Let’s open it up!
Jen: It’s on the desk.
Elena: I see.
Jen: I’ll go grab some glasses.
Elena: No need!
Elena started drinking wine directly from the bottle.
Jen: Elena! What are you doing?
Elena: What? Your turn.
She handed over the bottle to Jen after taking a sip.
Jen: Wow, this wine is pretty tasty.
Elena: Hey, leave some for me as well!
Jen: Sorry, but it’s a really good wine! What’s up, girl?
Elena: Did you hear what happened last night?
Jen: No. What?
Elena: Lucas punched Aafi at the restaurant.
Jen: No way!
Elena: I swear… That asshole…
Jen: I can’t believe it… But why?
Elena: Amy told me he groped her the other night.
Jen: Jesus!
Elena: Aafi punched him and security took him out… I guess he was looking to get revenge…
Jen: Lucas seemed like such a nice guy…
Elena: He’s kinda crazy…
Jen: What happened after that?
Elena: Amy and her father spent the night at the hospital.
Jen: Oh my God. Is he alright?
Elena: Yeah, he’s fine. The three of us just had coffee a few hours ago.
Jen: Thank God.
The girls were sipping the bottle turn by turn.
Elena: It was my fault. I told Lucas that they were at the restaurant.
Jen: I’m guessing Amy’s dad is mad at you?
Elena: He said he’s not mad at me anymore. I don’t know. I’m going to have to make it up to him, that’s for sure.
Jen: How about a panda?
Elena: A what?
Jen: A panda! You know. A cute stuffed panda bear.
Elena: You’re already drunk, aren’t you?
Jen: What? I love pandas!
Elena: God, I’m going to miss you.
Jen: Yeah, I’m gonna miss you too, and Amy. Hell, even Aafi.
Elena: Aafi is not going anywhere, you know. Maybe I’ll come back on my own to visit you and Aafi.
Jen: Aafi?
Elena: Yes, I’ll come back and I’ll go on dates with him. I mean, he takes such good care of Amy. I want someone to take care of me like that too.
Jen: You can’t come back and date him.
Elena: Why not?
Jen: Because I’ll be already dating him!
Elena: Then we can both date him. I don’t think Aafi would mind having two hot girls with him.
Jen: Giving kisses and hugging him. I’m kinda jealous of Amy.
Elena: Yes, but… We can do stuff with him that daughter would never do! We can have sex with him. God, I would love to have him inside of me.
Jen: Oh my God, Elena! We are way too young for him.
Elena: I know, I know. Still, it’s fun to dream, right?
Jen: Have you had sex since you got here? A fun outgoing girl like you?
Elena: Nah, there was Lucas, but as I said, he was a total douche.
Jen: Yeah.
Elena: Can I ask you a question, Jen?
Jen: Sure.
Elena: You’re still a virgin, aren’t you?
Jen: What? That’s none of your business!
Jen: Are you a virgin?
Elena: Nope. You?
Jen: Well. Leave the bottle on the desk. That’s enough drinking.
Elena: All right. But, why?
Jen: Why? What?
Elena: Why are you still a virgin?
Jen: I don’t know.
Elena: I don’t understand. You’re cute, fun and gorgeous. How come you’ve never had a boyfriend?
Jen: I never had the time and anybody piqued my interest.
Elena: Do you at least masturbate?
Jen: Oh my God. Elena!
Elena: What?
Jen: I do masturbate. Like maybe once a week.
Elena: I see.
Jen: That’s weird? Is it too much?
Elena: No, it’s just. Compared to me. I try to do it at least once a day.
Jen: Wow, once a day.
Elena: Do you like to put stuff inside you as well?
Jen: Stuff? No, Elena. I just told you I’m a virgin. I only rub my clit, that’s it.
Elena: That’s not enough Jen, trust me. Even if you put something inside you, you’re still a virgin. But at least it won’t hurt that much the first time.
Jen: Isn’t that part of the first time. Making it feel awkward and painful.
Elena: What are you talking about? No Jen. The first time should be awesome.
Jen: What should I do then?
Elena: Do you have a toy or something?
Jen: I don’t. But my mom has a dildo.
Elena: Awesome! Where is it?
Jen: It’s in her room. I’ll go get it.
Elena: Okay.
Jen brought the dildo from her mom’s room. Wow! It was huge and very thick. The girls couldn’t even hold it fully in their hands. It’s a golden color with a bigger dick head.
Jen: Here it is!
Elena: Wow! That thing is huge! I wonder if it will fit. Are you sure your mom isn’t a BBC lover?
Jen: BBC?
Elena: Never mind, let’s get started, shall we?
Jen: Start what?
Elena: Your training of course!
Jen: No way, I like you but I’m not going to do that with you. Besides, that will never fit!
Elena: Relax, we aren’t going to do anything with your mom’s dildo.
Jen: Yet? Elena, what do you mean?
Elena: Come on. Stand over here.
Jen stood up opposite to Elena.
Jen: I can barely walk.
Elena: You’re as drunk as I am! Now, close your eyes.
Jen: Okay. (I’m super drunk. I wonder what Elena’s gonna do.)
Jen closed her eyes. Elena kissed Jen on her lips. Jen opened her eyes in shock.
Jen: What are you doing? Stop!
Elena: Come on, let’s have some fun!
Jen: I don’t like girls.
Elena: So? You have to learn how to kiss properly. And I am your teacher, remember?
Jen: Yes.
Elena: Do you want to have a boyfriend or not?
Jen: I guess.
Elena: Then let’s do this.
Jen: How?
Elena: How what?
Jen: How should I kiss someone?
Elena: Like this.
Elena kissed Jen again. This time Jen didn’t resist. There was a lot of tongue action involved.
Elena: Honestly, not that bad. But you need to twirl a little less with your tongue. Just take it slow.
Jen: Like this?
Jen was slowly using her tongue and they both were licking each other’s tongue.
Elena: That’s good. You’re a quick learner. (I wonder how she would react if I did this)
Elena stopped kissing and touched Jen’s boobs with her hands.
Elena: Wow! They are so soft.
Jen: Elena! You’re drunk!
Elena: Can you show them to me?
Jen: (I’ll show her my boobs, let’s see how far this goes.) Alright. Here goes…
Jen took her coat off and then pulled her clothes down. She was completely naked from the top. She has tiny little boobs like size 30. Nothing compared to Amy. But boobs are boobs tiny or not.
Jen: So, what do you think?
Elena: Wow, they look amazing.
Elena was now feeling the naked tits of Jen with her hands.
Elena: I’m jealous of the guy who will get to play with them.
Jen: You really think so?
Elena: Me neither, but I think you’ve learned enough for today. The lesson is over.
Jen: But I was just beginning to like it.
Elena: What kind of teacher would I be if I didn’t give you homework?
Jen: Homework?
Elena: Yes, homework. Your first assignment is to get more comfortable with your own body. You said you only rub your clit when you masturbate right?
Jen: That’s true.
Elena: Well, from now on, you’re going to insert your fingers or a pen or whatever. Trust me, it’ll feel good. Now put some clothes on before your mom gets home.
Jen: Okay.
Jen pulled her dress back up.
Elena: Well, I guess I should be going. It was nice seeing you, Jen.
Jen: Not so fast.
Elena: What?
Jen: I’d like to see your boobs.
Elena: Come again?
Jen: You heard me.
Elena: Yes, but I want you to order me!
Jen: Elena.
Elena: Yes?
Jen: Take off your top, now.
Elena: That’s better.
Elena took her top off. She’s naked from the top. She has small boobs too but better than Jen’s. They were around 32 size. She has pointy nipples.
Jen: (Wow! Elena has such magnificent boobs. They’re a little bigger than mine and so perky too!)
Elena: Well! Happy?
Jen: Not quite.
Elena: You want more? You didn’t show me your vagina.
Jen: Not that.
Elena: Then what?
Jen: We should send a topless picture of you to Amy.
Elena: Nice idea! You’re learning already!
Elena handed her phone to Jen to click her nude pic.
Elena: I want to have that picture.
Jen: Hold on a minute. Done!
Elena: All right! Now, send it to Amy!
Jen: Sure. (I’ll send it to Amy’s Dad. This is going to be very interesting.)
Jen sent the pic to me instead of Amy.
Jen: So, do you and Amy do this too?
Elena: No, I would love to, but she’s just too pure. You are curious about sexual stuff. But Amy is…
Jen: I think I know what you mean. She has that innocent girl-next-door vibe. At least I have a great teacher who wants to teach me all the secrets of being a good girlfriend.
Elena: I think we’re going to have lots of teacher-student meetings together.
Elena went back to the hotel. Jen was alone in her home.
Jen: And she’s gone. Elena is always thinking about sex. I should do what she says. I’ll start with my favorite pen tomorrow. I won’t try mom’s dildo. That thing could break my… shit! Where’s mom’s dildo?
Elena managed to sneak that huge golden dildo without letting Jen know anything about it.
Let me stop here, I will continue in the next part. More parts to come. Keep looking for this space to know what happens next. Please send me your feedback through email or hangout at [email protected]