Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next.
I joined Koko, who was waiting outside the showers. I saw Amy coming towards us. Thank god! She didn’t notice that Koko and I just had a quickie in the shower.
I was admiring her beautiful body while she walked towards us. Oh no, I was getting hard again seeing her hot body. I quickly ran into the shower cabin to hide my hard-on and to cool off a bit. Koko noticed the hard-on while I was running into the cabin.
Amy: Why did he run off?
Koko: He was having trouble down there. It’s the polite thing to do in these cases, according to the nudist etiquette. You know, when boys have accidental erections.
Amy: Accidental?
Koko: Hahaha, you are really naive, aren’t you? Yes, sometimes they happen just by chance, and boys cannot control them. It must be really bothersome for guys like your dad when you think about it.
Amy: Oh, so that’s why.
Koko: Well, either that, or he was really happy to see us.
Suddenly Amy covered her face in embarrassment.
Koko: (oh shit, maybe that was a bit too much!) Hey Amy, I was just joking! Anyway, I really need to leave now. Let me know through email about which concert you are attending, and I will get you the VIP passes. It was a pleasure meeting you! Mwah!
Suddenly Koko kissed Amy on her lips. Amy did not see that coming. Her eyes were wide open in shock. Koko left, and Amy was still thinking about what just happened. She was touching her lips with her fingers where Koko kissed.
Amy: (Wow! Koko. Koko kissed me! On my mouth! Is that even normal? I mean, she’s a girl. But this was Koko! Oh god. Elena won’t ever believe me if I told her!)
Finally, my dick was soft again. God, that was really embarrassing. Hope Amy didn’t freak out.
Amy: There you are, daddy! Koko just left.
Me: Did everything go well?
Amy: Yeah! Can we go back to the normal beach?
Suddenly her happy face vanished. She was so happy a few seconds ago. Weird.
Me: Is everything ok?
Amy: It’s just. Now that Koko is gone, I don’t feel so comfortable here anymore.
Me: Oh, I see. Why don’t we stay for a bit longer? This is a really nice place – so much cleaner than the normal beach. Besides, there’s no one around – just that ugly old lady. This might be our last time together at a beach.
Amy: Well, I guess we could stay for a bit longer. But let’s go somewhere no one can see us.
We found a spot where there were some beach chairs, and no one was around us at that time. Amy got comfortable lying on the beach chair. She doesn’t look so confident now that Koko is gone. Maybe it was a bad idea to insist on staying longer.
Me: Do you want to go, honey? I know you’re doing this for me.
Amy: No! I want to stay. It’s just. It’s not your fault that I’m too…
Me: Too what? Too shy?
I thought giving her a massage would relax her a bit. So I started massaging her thighs while I talked to her. She liked what I was doing.
Me: Honey, you’re perfect the way you are!
Amy: It’s hard for me, you know? Even though Koko said being shy is something normal. And that I’ll eventually overcome it. She told me she couldn’t even talk with boys when she was my age!
Me: You can talk to me, right?
Amy: Yeah, but it’s different. You’re my dad!
My hands were now massaging her belly.
Me: But I’m a boy too, haha! Doesn’t that count? Honey, being shy is not a bad thing. I love the way you are right now. I hope that you’ll never change.
Amy: Thanks, dad.
I moved behind her chair and started massaging her boobs. I think this will make her feel better. Damn! I’m getting hard again.
Amy: Dad, look over there! There’s someone else on the beach now!
Me: Oh, you are right. There is a couple under that parasol.
Amy: When did they arrive?
Me: No idea. I guess we were having too much fun here and didn’t notice.
Amy: What do we do now?
Me: What do you mean?
Amy: Are you serious? I’ve got no top on! There is a guy there and I feel I’d still be a little embarrassed around other people, you know, topless.
Oh, that’s right. I guess I got too used to seeing her naked boobs. I didn’t think about how she feels around other guys.
Me: Well darling, to be fair. If that couple has been there for some time, they may have already seen your bare breasts. Ok. Let me think.
I could bring her a towel to cover her body, but then again, I really wish that Amy became a bit more confident with her body. She is too insecure about her figure. There really is no danger here anyway, is there? It might be good if she lost a bit of her shyness.
Me: I have an idea! Let me massaged your back. That way, they won’t be able to see your boobs.
Amy turned and slept on her stomach. I started massaging her back. She’s so tense. I moved my hands towards her butt and started massaging her cute ass.
Me: Honey, listen. I think that the best solution here is the simplest one. We should just get out of here and return to where we left our things. We should just act normal like it’s no big deal.
Amy: What? You mean, like this?
Me: Well. Yes. I think you are worrying too much about it. We are on a nudist beach sweetheart. People here are used to seeing some skin.
Amy: But I’m not used to showing it to anyone. I mean, apart from you.
Me: Honey, I assure you that those people won’t even notice you if you just act natural. Come on then. I’ll be there too, right beside you. You don’t have to worry. Hey, don’t be so awkward! It will only backfire on you, and you’ll end up attracting unwanted attention. Come on, give me your hand.
Finally, she gave in. Amy and I started walking on the beach casually. Amy took my advice and tried to act normal. I don’t regret my choice at all. Amy needs to gain more confidence. If someone else happens to take a peek, then so be it.
Amy: This is not that bad, actually, dad. That couple is not even looking at us. That guy just looked here. Only for a moment, though. He didn’t seem to care all that much. You were right. As always!
We headed towards the normal beach and got dressed. It was more relief to me than Amy because of my hard-on.
Me: Did you have fun with Koko?
Amy: Fun? Dad, meeting her was like one of my biggest dreams ever! And I realized that, all thanks to you! Speaking of which. I haven’t thanked you properly yet!
She hugged me tightly.
Amy: Thank you. I always wanted to meet Koko, and you made my dream come true!
I grabbed her ass with my left hand while hugging her. Amy put her left on my butt.
Me: Hey!
Amy: What? I can touch too, right?
Me: I suppose so.
Amy: Gosh, I like this place. Can I hug you some more?
Me: Sure, princess. Anytime you want. I like holding you close too.
Amy’s stomach growls.
Me: It’s almost noon. Let’s find something to eat! I don’t want my baby to starve. And we could also go and grab your lingerie set with the voucher we won in the Cupid Night.
Amy: Oh, yes! I almost forgot! Let’s do that too!
Meanwhile, at Graham and Olivia’s home, Graham was alone as Olivia was still out.
Graham: Fuck! I’m so bored. Olivia went to the beach and never said when she’d be back. I should watch some porn while I wait.
Suddenly Olivia was back from the beach.
Graham: Hi, darling! I was about to watch some TV. I’m feeling better now. Besides, I was really bored in bed without you.
Olivia: Haha, well, I’m here now.
Graham: How was the beach?
Olivia: Boring. I think going alone is not as fun as when I go with you.
Graham: Honey. We need to talk about Aafi.
Olivia: Oh, yes. I saw him at the beach today. He was with Amy. I think they were heading towards the nudist beach.
Graham: Wow! That’s good. I mean, Amy is starting to lose her shyness, right?
Olivia: Yeah, I think so too. But I think she was more curious about the singer. Anyway, they asked me about you, and I told them that you weren’t feeling well.
Graham: oh, they asked about me? They are so nice, aren’t they?
Olivia: Yes. Too bad, you don’t like Amy. We could have been a fantastic swingers couple!
Graham: honey, I told you before. I’m not really attracted to Amy.
Olivia: Why not? She’s super cute!
Graham: She is. But she’s too young. Too small.
Olivia: Her boobs and ass are not small, you know?
Graham: Hahaha, you’re right. But I’m not into petite girls. Besides, I don’t think they’re into incest.
Olivia: oh!
Graham: most people are not like you and me, Olivia. They find incest. Well, wrong. So we have to be very careful who we tell our secret to. It’d be best if we don’t tell anyone about our affairs. Olivia. Are you listening to me?
Olivia: Oh, yes, dad. It’s just. I told one of the ladies at the beach that you and I were, you know…
Graham: No, I don’t. What did you say to her, Olivia? What lady?
Olivia: The one who is always near the spot where we go to have sex. I told her that you’re my father and that we go there to fuck behind the rocks.
Graham: What? Why did you tell her that?
Olivia: She saw us having sex! And she’s started asking me stuff. She asked about you, and I didn’t know what to say!
Graham: damn it! They’re going to kick us out of the nudist beach.
Olivia: Why would they do that? We love each other. They will understand.
Graham: see. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. Most people don’t respect incest relationships. To them, we’re just freaks. That’s why we have to keep it secret.
Olivia: I’m sorry, dad. You’re right. I shouldn’t have told her that.
Graham: Please don’t tell Aafi that we’re having sex.
Olivia: I won’t, I promise.
Olivia went and sat next to Graham.
Olivia: Are you mad at me?
Graham: I’m not mad, honey. I could never be mad at you. I love you.
Olivia: aw, I love you too, dad.
Then things were getting heated. Graham started removing Olivia’s clothes, and they ended up having sex on the couch. After some time, Olivia heads to the kitchen to get things ready for dinner as she invited Amy and me to her house tonight.
Back to us, we headed to the clothing store to get the lingerie first.
Girl: Can I help you?
Me: Yes, please. I have a voucher to use in this store for lingerie.
They went to the lingerie section to choose from. I was in the lobby. The salesgirl was showing Amy some collections.
Girl: So this is your first time buying sexy lingerie, I take it?
Amy: I really wouldn’t know where to start!
Girl: What we’ll do is pick out two options. One that is casual but also somewhat alluring. The other a bit more risque, that will get your boyfriend’s heart racing! How does that sound?
Amy: (I wonder if I should tell her that he’s not my boyfriend? However, if I do that, then I might not get to see this other outfit. No, I’ll just roll with it.) Yep, I like that idea.
Girl: Ok, first, we have this two-piece, white satin lace pajamas, top, and bottom. And secondly, this really popular number. So have the sheer see-through top, the black thing, and silk stockings. What do you think?
Amy: (oh my! That looks really racy! I don’t know if daddy would want to see me in that, would he?) Umm, it’s nice too.
Girl: I understand, you’re a little hesitant. But before you decide, why don’t you try both on? And you can show your boyfriend each set if you want?
Amy headed to the changing room. The girl came to the lobby to fetch me.
Girl: Excuse me, sir? Your girlfriend is asking for you in the change room. She wants you to help her decide which outfit you like best.
Oh boy, I can only imagine what she’s chosen. I headed to the change room.
Me: Honey, I’m here!
Amy: I’m ready, daddy, come in! So, what do you think?
Me: Wow! Very nice, sweetheart.
She’s wearing white casual lingerie. It’s lacy and is transparent most of the places. It has a small skirt-like bottom. Her cleavage is visible through the transparent lace. She turned around to flaunt her ass. I never imagined she’d look so sexy.
Amy: I like this one. It feels really good for me, and I’m sure it will be really comfortable to sleep in too! I have one other to try on. Turn around please. I want it to be a surprise!
She started changing once I turned around. She took some time.
Amy: Alright, daddy. You can turn around now.
I turned back. Oh my god! Wow! I’m speechless. She’s wearing a completely see-through black lingerie. It’s a full sleeve and covers everything at the top, but it’s see-through.
So basically, I could see everything. Her nipples were looking so sexy. She’s wearing a thong in bottom and stocking till her thighs.
Amy: So, what do you think? You don’t like it, do you?
Me: I love it, sweetheart!
Amy: Really? You don’t think it’s too much?
Me: Not at all, honey. I was just surprised at the point that I didn’t know what to say right away. But that was only because I didn’t know the best way to tell you how incredibly gorgeous you look. You never cease to amaze your old man!
Amy: Thank you, daddy. You don’t know how great that makes me feel to hear you say that. I thought I’d be getting the white one, but now I’m not so sure. Which one do you think I should get?
Me: Honestly, I think you should go with black lingerie. You just looked so adorable that it would be hard to take my eyes off of you when you wear it!
After getting the black lingerie, we both headed to buy the camera as she wanted to give me that as a gift. The sales guy said that there are two cameras, one a cheap one and another expensive with good quality.
So she asked the sales guy to take a few pictures of her in the studio room from both the cameras to compare. Amy asked me to stay back in the lobby. Amy and the guy went to the next room to click the pics.
Amy liked the pics from the expensive camera. The cheap camera was 100 dollars, and the expensive one was 500 dollars. So she decided to go with the cheap camera as she couldn’t afford the other one.
Guy: I see that you really want the expensive one, but you couldn’t afford it. I’ll tell you what we could do a deal.
Amy: What kind of deal?
Guy: I’ll take a few more pictures of you, and you just be you. Depending on how happy I am, I’ll drop the price a bit. What do you say?
Amy: Ok.
The guy clicked few pics in some poses.
Guy: Now, lower your top, please.
Amy: Lower. My top? What?
Guy: Yes, nothing too sexual, dear. Just think of it as a bikini top.
Amy got really offended, hearing that. She was really angry.
Amy: What are you talking about? You know what? Forget it! We won’t be buying anything from you.
Guy: Wait! I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. Please forgive me.
Amy: I won’t forgive you. I’ll tell my boyfriend about this!
Guy: Wait! Don’t tell your boyfriend. Let me make it up to you! How about this? I’ll give you the expensive camera at the price of the cheap one, and we’ll forget all about this. What do you say?
Amy: Hmmm. Ok.
Guy: Thanks, young lady. Sorry for being a perv.
They came back to meet me.
Me: I was about to go looking for you.
Amy: No need, I’m here now. And look what I got. The Cybershot!
Me: Wow, that’s amazing. Are you sure it isn’t expensive?
Amy: Nope! The shop assistant gave me a huge discount!
We had a very light lunch as we were going to Olivia’s place for early dinner before we leave for our home tonight. We headed to the hotel after lunch to pack our stuff. I went to take a quick shower. Amy was thinking about the events of the day.
Amy: (What a day so far! I still can’t believe I got to meet Koko! I guess I have to thank dad who is always there for me. I’m going to miss him.)
She was in deep thoughts.
Amy: (he was still willing to take his shorts off so we could stay with Koko. And then I got to see his. No, Amy, don’t think about it. I should get changed)
Her clothes were drying in the bathroom.
Amy: (ok, calm down Amy! I’ll just sneak into the bathroom and grab my clothes. I’m sure dad won’t notice me, as he will in the glass shower cabin.)
She sneaked inside slowly without making a noise. She glanced towards the glass cabin while she grabbed her clothes. She saw my dick standing rock hard while showered without noticing her.
Amy: (What is that! Look at the size of that thing. But how? It looks even bigger than it did down at the beach! But that can’t be. Is that even normal? Shit! I’ve got to get out of here. He’s finishing his shower.)
She was trying to grab her clothes but couldn’t take her eyes off of my cock.
Amy: (The longer I look at it, the more I get that warm tingly sensation that I felt earlier, down in my. And my nipples, there are so stiff!)
She touched her nipples.
Amy: (They’re never usually like this. Damn it, Amy! What’s wrong with me? I’m fantasizing about my father! I can’t do that! I have to get out of here! Now!)
She finally managed to get out of the bathroom. We pack our stuff and headed to Olivia’s home in the evening with our luggage. Olivia and Graham invited us in.
Graham: Hey, folks, right on time!
Me: Evening, Graham. Evening Olivia.
Olivia: Hi, guys! Hi Amy!
Amy: Hi, Olivia. Hi Graham. You have a really nice home here! Thanks for inviting us, by the way.
Graham: I should be thanking you both. I’m still not feeling a hundred percent so. I appreciate you guys coming over, instead of us going out for dinner in town.
Me: Well, Amy and I couldn’t refuse. Especially after everything you and Olivia have done for us.
Olivia: Don’t mention it!
Me: We got a bottle of wine before heading here.
Graham: Thanks, looks like a good year as well!
We headed to the dinner table. It was a rectangle table with 2 chairs on either side of the table. Amy and I sat opposite each other. Olivia was on my right, and Graham was sitting opposite to Olivia.
Amy: This is a really good meal, Olivia!
Olivia: Thank you! I made it, especially for you guys. Dad has turned me into one hell of a cook!
Graham: Well, you’re a good student. She’s learned a lot from listening to her father.
Olivia: what about you, Amy? Has your dad taught a few things in the kitchen?
Amy: I’m still learning. But he seems to know quite a lot when it comes to meal preparation.
Olivia: Well. Maybe he could show me a thing or two that I may not have seen before. More wine, everyone?
We had another round of wine. Olivia turned her face towards me and looked me in the eyes. Suddenly, she touched my right leg with her left foot. Was that Olivia’s foot I felt against my ankle? Surely it was an accident.
Olivia teasingly touched my thigh with her left hand. Oh my, what is she doing? She must be drunk, or maybe I just see things. But why would she do this with her father so close to us? I can’t let Amy see this, she’d get so upset with me. But like always, I was thinking with my dick and flirted back.
Graham: I’ll go get the desserts. Olivia, can you get the empty plates and join me in the kitchen?
Olivia: Sure thing, dad.
They both left. Amy and I were left alone.
Amy: that was such a good meal, dad. I’ll have to learn how to make it for you.
Me: That’d be great, sweetheart. Are you having fun?
Amy: I always have fun with you, dad! It could be the wine talking, but I so wanna kiss you right now.
I didn’t care and gave her a kiss.
Amy: Dad, what are you doing?
Me: What? I wanted to kiss you.
Amy: But what if they come?
Me: Relax, honey, they’re too busy in the kitchen right now.
Amy: I guess you’re right. Another kiss?
We had another deep and passionate kiss. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Graham and Olivia were having a conversation.
Graham: So, how’s it all going, honey? Do you think Aafi seems interested in you?
Olivia: I have a good feeling about this, dad. I’m sure he’s keen on me.
Graham: But what about Amy. How are you going to distract her?
Olivia: I have an idea. She seems to be a bit of lightweight with wine. And I think I know how to keep Aafi focused on me without realizing his daughter is getting too drunk.
Graham: I hope it all works out. Look I won’t get in the way. So I’m going to tell them I’m still not well and I’ll be going back to bed. I’ll let them know shortly. Have fun, my angel.
They came back with desserts.
Amy: Oh, wow, that was such a great chocolate mousse!
Olivia: Glad you liked it.
Me: Oh, look at the time. I don’t mean to sound rude, but Amy and I should really get going.
Olivia: Is that it? Come on! You won’t miss the flight if you stay for a few more minutes. Please!
Olivia pressed my thigh again with her left hand.
Graham: Sorry to say this, but I’m going to call it a night. This flu is still getting better of me. And I’d hate to get either of you sick before you leave. But please, hang around for a bit longer. Keep my daughter company?
Me: Yeah, we can do that.
Graham: Maybe Olivia and I can come to visit you on our next holiday?
Me: That would be nice. Just drop me a line.
Olivia: Go get some rest, daddy!
Graham left to go to his bedroom upstairs.
Amy: I hope he’s alright?
Olivia: Want to watch some TV? There’s a Koko concert right now. It’s not live but…
Amy: Really? Can we watch it?
Olivia: of course, sweetie!
I went to take a leak and joined the girls on the sofa in the living room. They were watching TV. Olivia sat on the right corner, Amy was in the middle, and I was on the left of Amy.
Olivia: I really appreciate you both coming over. It’s good to have some company.
Me: Well, you’ve been such a good host. I’m not sure how to repay you?
Olivia: How about a kiss?
Me: What? Right here, but what about…?
Amy was asleep while sitting.
Olivia: Look, she’s dozed off. She’s not so great when it comes to alcohol, I take it?
Me: I guess you could say that.
Olivia: So. Just one. Soft. Kiss.
I didn’t think much and kissed Olivia on her lips. She had sweet lip gloss on. We french kissed with tongue action. Gosh! She tastes like dessert. Man, that was hot. I’m starting to feel dizzy. Did that really just happen??
Olivia: Mwah! Are you ok?
Me: Yes.
I don’t know if I could resist Olivia’s seductive ways. Oh geez, what is she about to d.? Wow! Olivia removed her top. She was topless and naked. Her nipples were already hard.
Me: What about Graham?
Olivia: Don’t worry about my dad. He’s probably watching porn.
She got and kneeled in front of me. Amy was sitting right next to us but still asleep. Olivia’s breasts were just in front of my knees.
Olivia: Besides, you seem real tense, and maybe I can help you with it.
She unzipped my pants and pulled them down without finishing her words. My 10-inch hard cock sprang out and was pointing to the roof.
Olivia: Oh, my god! I knew you were big, but…Your cock is huge!
Me: Olivia, I…
Olivia: Shhh. Don’t worry about her. Just relax, and let me take care of everything.
Oh shit! Olivia started licking my cock head. This can’t really be happening! But man do her lips feel good around my cock.
Olivia: I can barely fit you in my mouth!
She started sucking my cock head and slowly started taking my cock deeper into her mouth. She could only manage to take half of my dick in.
Me: Oh, Olivia.
Olivia: You like that? I’ll go faster!
She started blowing my cock faster.
Me: You don’t know how much I’ve needed this.
Olivia: Do you wanna fuck me then?
Me: Oh, hell, yes!
Olivia: Alright, then, let’s go to the bathroom. We might wake your daughter up if we do it here.
We headed to the bathroom. It was pretty big and spacious.
Me: Nice bathroom, Olivia.
Olivia: Thanks Aafi. I like to keep it clean. And the good thing is that it’s pretty far from the living room and it’s soundproof. I’ll be able to scream and moan all I want in here.
Me: Scream?
Olivia: oh yeah. Your dick is a monster. I can’t wait to sit on it. To be honest, I’ve never been fucked by a dick of that size. I don’t know how much I’ll be able to take in. But I’m sure you’re going to make me cum several times.
Me: I’ll do my best!
Olivia: By the way. You have a condom, right?
Me: A condom?
Olivia: Yes, sorry, Aafi, but I don’t know you well enough to have sex without protection. Besides, there’s no way I’m taking out that dick once it’s inside me. And I don’t want to get pregnant yet.
Me: Oh, I see. No worries. I always carry a condom in my wallet.
Olivia: Great! Let’s have some fun then!
We started kissing and licking each other. I took off her shorts. She has a very neat and clean pussy.
Me: Wow! You are really beautiful, Olivia.
Olivia: Thanks Aafi. Now come and sit on the toilet. I want to ride you!
Me: Yes, ma’am!
I sat on the toilet and put the condom on my dick. Oh god! Olivia seems to know what she’s doing. I’ll try not to cum too soon.
Olivia: Ready, Aafi?
Me: Yes! Hop on!
She sat on top of me and kept my dick near her pussy. She sat on my cock and let gravity take care of it. Oh my! My whole cock was inside her pussy. She was in pain for a little while.
Me: Are you ok, Olivia?
Olivia: You’re so big, Aafi.
Me: Do you think you can handle it?
Olivia: Oh, yeah love! You sit tight and enjoy it!
She started riding my cock. Her hands were resting on my thighs. She was fucking me like a cowgirl. Her boobs were jumping in circles. She was moaning with her eyes closed.
Olivia: (Damn! His dick feels bigger than I expected! I’ve never felt something like this before. I just want to fuck him all night long!)
Wow! She’s riding me at a very good pace. She’s amazing! She definitely knows how to ride a cock! I wonder where she got all this experience from.? As far as I understood, she didn’t have a boyfriend. Oh god! I don’t think I’ll be able to resist any longer.
Olivia: Fuck me, Aafi! Fuck me hard! Oh! I’m cumming! Oh god!
Olivia’s body jerked, and she was experiencing an intense orgasm. I started biting her nipples.
Olivia: Oh, you naughty boy! I liked that!
Me: I was counting on it!
I continued to push my dick inside her pussy.
Olivia: You don’t waste any time, do you?
Me: I hope you’re ready for another round.
Olivia: Of course!
We started fucking again. Shit! I can’t take it anymore!
Me: Olivia! I’m about to cum!
Olivia: Ok. I am cumming too.
I orgasmed and shot my load.
Olivia: I can feel the condom expanding! So warm. Geez! All right, let’s take a quick shower together before your daughter wakes up. I’m so sweaty right now.
We both had a quick shower and cleaned ourselves.
Olivia: wow! That was fantastic, Aafi! Next time you come here, I’ll rent us a hotel room so we can fuck all night long! Maybe I’ll let you cum inside me, without a condom.
Me: I’m looking forward to it, Olivia. You’re amazing!
Olivia: Ok, let’s go back before Amy notices we’re not there.
That was a great farewell dinner prepared by Olivia.
Let me stop here, I will continue in the next part. More parts to come. Keep looking for this space to know what happens next. Please send me your feedback through email or hangout at [email protected]