Dating My Daughter – Part 8

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Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next.

Elena was about to masturbate herself but she had to because Amy was already at the door. Elena got up and unlocked the door.

Amy told everything that happened to her last night. She told Elena about how Lucas behaved. Elena was pretty shocked and upset about it. She decided to break up with Lucas and to focus on something else.

Elena helped Amy by getting Amy to work as a secretary at her dad’s office. Amy was excited to work with her father. Elena also bought a sexy secretary outfit for Amy to wear.

Amy changed into a sexy secretary outfit. Oh my God! She’s looking hot. It was a black color top. It’s backless and covers only till her belly. The buttons start just below her boobs.

Yes! That’s right her cleavage is exposed completely. Just the front of the boobs is covered. We could see some side boobs exposed. At the bottom, she’s wearing a mini skirt with stocking till her thighs.

Amy: How do I look?
Elena: My God! Your dad is going to have a heart attack when he sees you! Let me see. Turn around.

Amy: What?
Elena: Turn around. I want to see something.

She turned around. Elena was standing right behind Amy.

Elena: Hmm. I think you have something on your shoulder.
Amy: What?
Elena: Stay still.

Elena was impressed by Amy’s ass. She was getting naughty and grabbed Amy’s boobs from behind.

Amy: What are you doing, Elena?

Elena continued to press Amy’s boobs from behind. She was feeling those huge tits of Amy with her tiny hands.

Elena: I just want to know if the outfit fits you well. It seems like it’s perfect for you!
Amy: Shut up! Let me go, Elena! It’s not funny.
Elena: All right. All right.

Amy: I have to go, Elena. I hope he likes the outfit.
Elena: I’m sure he’s going to love it!

Amy: See you in a few hours.
Elena: Good luck.
Amy: Thanks!

(Conversation from Aafi’s perspective)

I reached the office on time. I bumped into the CEO of the company. As always she was complaining about firing me if keep coming late and stuff. What a bitch!

After an early meeting in the conference room, I headed to my office. As I was about to enter there was a voice from behind.

Georgina: Good morning handsome!
Me: Morning Georgina!

She’s my secretary and she sits right opposite my office. Oh, and she is a really hot lady with blonde hair. She’s wearing a black full sleeve shirt but she has exposed her cleavage fully. She has a very huge boobs. Her size is 40-30-38. Yeah, huge boobs, curvy waist, and a nice busty ass.

Georgina: How was the meeting?
Me: Boring as usual. What’s the schedule today?
Georgina: Well. Let’s see. You have to create a sales report for the company today. And hand it over to Maria.

Me: Fantastic.
Georgina: And you have dinner tonight.
Me: Dinner?
Georgina: Yes. With me.

Me: What?
Georgina: Pick me up at 9:00 pm?
Me: Georgina, stop it! I’m your boss.

Georgina: All right, all right! I’m free tonight in case you change your mind.
Me: You know what would happen if Maria saw you flirting.

Georgina: I don’t care what that bitch thinks. She thinks she’s too good for us, because she’s the owner’s daughter. Fuck her! Besides, you’re a good guy and you’re single. So…

Me: Georgina, let’s focus on work, okay?
Georgina: Right! Sorry.
Me: I’m going to need to…
Georgina: Already did!

Me: The sales book?
Georgina: Yes.
Me: Wow!
Georgina: You’re welcome.

Me: Did I ever tell you that you’re the best secretary in the world?
Georgina: Now, who’s the one flirting?
Me: You’re the best, Georgina.

I didn’t realize this but my eyes were staring at her cleavage. Gosh! Those are very huge melons.

Georgina: I know. I know. Hey! Eyes up here, handsome!
Me: Sorry. Now if you excuse me I have to create a report for that bitch.
Georgina: That’s the spirit!
Me: See ya!

I was in my office. There are the sales book and my laptop on the table. Wow! Georgina has done most of the job. She’s so smart. She’s always one step ahead of everything. And she’s always covering for me when I fuck up.

Maybe I should invite her to dinner. That’s it! I’m going to tell her. After all, she’s really cute and I wouldn’t mind.

Amy: Hi!
Me: Hi! Can I help… Amy?
Amy: Hey!
Me: What are you doing here?

Amy: Surprise!
Me: How did you…
Amy: Find the place?
Me: Yes!

Amy: Elena told me. She spoke to your secretary. Well, Elena told her about me and how much I would love to visit you at work.
Me: She spoke with Georgina?

Amy: Is that your secretary’s name?
Me: Yes.
Amy: Then yes.

Me: Well. She didn’t tell me. But. How did Elena know about this place anyway?

Amy: There was a business card of this place in your apartment. She saw the phone number and the address. I asked her to make the call. I’m too shy and hate talking to strangers on the phone.

Me: Really?
Amy: Yeah.
Me: Well. This is a huge surprise.

Amy: Listen, dad. I know you might be busy so. I can go if you want.
Me: Of course not honey. Now that you’re here and that you’re dressed like that. I could use your help.

Amy: Really?
Me: Yes! You’ll be my personal secretary today. What do you say?
Amy: Yes! I’d love that!
Me: Good.

Amy was ready to work as my personal assistant. But before I could give her work, I just noticed how hot she was looking.

Me: Wow!
Amy: What?
Me: You look.
Amy: Is it too much?

Me: Honey. You look amazing!
Amy: Oh thank you, daddy. I am glad you liked it.
Me: Would you like to have a cup of coffee, honey?
Amy: Of course, daddy.

We went to the coffee machine and got ourselves coffee. We were back in my office. We sat around the table facing each other while we sipped our cups. Gosh! She sat with her legs folded. That stocking was looking good on her.

Me: Any plans for tonight?
Amy: No. Not really. I guess I’ll stay with Elena at the hotel tonight.
Me: Oh, did you tell her?
Amy: Yes, I did.

Me:  How did she take the news?
Amy: I don’t know. She seemed fine to me. I’ll have to see tonight. What about you? What are you going to do tonight?
Me: Actually, Georgina invited me to dinner tonight.

Amy: Really?
Me: Yeah.
Amy: And what did you tell her?
Me: I haven’t given her an answer yet. I think I’m going to accept the invitation.

Amy: Oh. Okay. Well. I think it’s a good idea. I mean. Yes. It’s a good idea.
Me: Are you okay, honey? You’re not making any sense.
Amy: I’m fine, I’m fine! Can we talk about something else, please?
Me: Okay.

Amy: Dad. Could you tell me a little bit about your coworkers?
Me: Well. This company is not so big. So I kinda know most people here. The ones I’m always in contact with are. Martin, he’s been my friend for a long time. He takes care of the sales of the company. We used to go bowling together.

Amy: I’d love to go bowling with you daddy
Me: Well. Maybe we could arrange something for tomorrow.
Amy: Yeah, that’d be great!

Me: Anyway. Then, there’s Georgina. She’s been here for almost 10 years. She started working here when she was 18 years old. Just like you. She is super smart, and she always gets things done. I don’t know what I would do without her.

Amy: She sounds nice.
Me: And finally. Maria. She’s the chairman’s daughter. The owner of the company. So she’s been promoted to CEO.
Amy: So she’s your boss.

Me: Exactly. She likes to have these meetings where she talks, talks and talks. They always put me to sleep.
Amy: Wow! It sounds boring!
Me: And that’s pretty much it. Now you are my new secretary!

Amy: Unfortunately, not for long.
Me: Yeah.
Amy: I’m going to miss all this, dad!

Me: Me too, honey. Okay, enough chit chat. Let’s get to work. My boss is going to kill me if she sees me doing nothing!
Amy: All right!

Amy was looking around at my office. There’s a wooden rack on the sidewall with lots of books, plants and some art on the top of the rack. Amy asked me to lift her so that she could grab some of the statues of animals that are up there.

I lifted her in my arms by grabbing her legs. Shit! My face was just below her butt. She’s wearing a short skirt. Oh shit! I accidentally looked up. Her panties and her pussy shape was visible to me. I got nervous and lost my balance.

Amy: Daddy!

My ass fell on the table behind us. Fortunately, Amy fell on my lap. I caught her just in time. My back was hurt a bit. Oh shit! Amy was sitting on my cock.

Me: Honey! Get up, please!
Amy: Yes. I’m sorry, daddy.

She somehow managed to get up quickly.

Amy: That was embarrassing. Thanks for catching me. I think I hurt you though.
Me: Oh it’s nothing honey. You owe me a massage, that’s all.
Amy: Oh. Okay.

Me: Honey I need you to help me with something.
Amy: Okay. What is it, daddy?
Me: I have to create a sales report.
Amy: A what?

Me: A list of all the sales the company has had during the last year.
Amy: Oh…
Me: I have to show it to my boss this afternoon or she’s going to fire me.

Amy: Oh. And what can I do for you, daddy?
Me: See that sales book?
Amy: Yes.

Me: I’m going to need you to type on the computer what is in the sales book. Think you can do that? It’s not much, we’re going through a rough time so there are not many sales listed in the book.

Amy: Okay. Yes, I think I can do that.
Me: Great! I’ll talk to my coworker and I’ll be back in a few minutes. Please don’t break anything.
Amy: I won’t daddy. Don’t worry.

I went to Martin’s office. He’s a very good friend and my colleague. He warned me about the early morning meeting which we had today.

Me: Hey man!
Martin: What’s up, Aafi!
Me: Thanks so much for the heads up, Martin.
Martin: No problem my man. What are friends for, right?

Me: For a moment, I thought you were sending me your usual porn images. But I’m glad that wasn’t the case this time.
Martin: Speaking of porn. I’ve just sent you a video of these two blondes. You have to watch it. It’s amazing!

Me: Well. I didn’t receive it and I have my phone right here!
Martin: I didn’t send it to your phone. I sent it to your laptop.
Me: What? My daughter is using my laptop! Are you kidding me?
Martin: Why is she using your laptop?

Me: She’s helping me with the sales report! Oh my God, Martin. I have to go before she sees it!
Martin: All right! Hurry up, my man!

Me: And please try to convince Maria not to fire me.
Martin: I’ll try, but you know how Maria is.
Me: I know. Thanks.

Meanwhile, Amy was working on my computer.

Amy: Okay. I’m almost finished.

Suddenly there’s a new email message pop up on the screen.

Amy: What is this? Should I open it? I’ll just keep working. It’s dad’s personal email so.

I rushed back to my office to try and stop Amy from seeing that message.

Me: Honey, let me use the computer, please!
Amy: But daddy, the report.
Me: Did you read any new messages from my email?

Amy: No. I didn’t. Why? Was it something important?
Me: Oh no, honey. It was just spam, don’t worry about it.

Fuck! That was close! Fortunately, she didn’t open the message.

Me: You can keep doing what you were doing.
Amy: I finished.
Me: You did?
Amy: Yeah…

Me: How did you?
Amy: I took a picture of each page with my phone, and then used a screenshot reader to extract the text.
Me: What the… You’re a genius!

I kissed her on her lips in excitement.

Me: I have to tell Georgina about this.

I asked Georgina to come in.

Me: Look at that, Georgina. She did it in like 15 minutes.
Georgina: Really?
Me: Yes! She’s a genius!
Georgina: Wow! You’re smarter than I am.

Amy: It was nothing.
Georgina: How did you know about this technique?
Amy: I’m kind of a computer nerd.

Me: She loves computers too.
Georgina: I do! I guess we will be getting along very well.

Georgina left after appreciating Amy.

Me: Thanks for helping me out with the report honey. I owe you big time! I couldn’t have done it in time without you.
Amy: Thanks, dad.

Me: All right. I think I can give Maria a report now. After that, we will be on our way home. What do you say?
Amy: Sounds good daddy!
Me: I’ll be back in a minute, just wait here.

Amy: Dad…Before you go.
Me: What is it, honey?
Amy: I know you said you were going to accept Georgina’s invitation to have dinner tonight.

Me: Yes?
Amy: Could you please cancel the date?
Me: What?

Amy: I was hoping you and I could have dinner tonight. These may be the last few days that we will have together. So…
Me: Honey? I’ll have dinner with you tonight.
Amy: Really?

Me: Yes! I was having my doubts about tonight. And you are the most important person to me. How can I say no to you?
Amy: Thanks so much! I promise you won’t regret it.

She was very happy about that. I went and reported to Georgina.

Me: Please give this to Maria once she is back.
Georgina: Okay handsome! So… Dinner tonight?
Me: I’m sorry Georgina. I have plans.
Georgina: Oh…

Me: I promised my daughter I’ll spend the night with her. She’s going back home very soon and I might not see her again.
Georgina: I understand.
Me: I’m sorry.

Georgina: You have nothing to apologize for!
Me: Have a nice evening Georgina.
Georgina: You too Aafi. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Amy and I left the office. I dropped her to the hotel and headed home. I was eagerly waiting for our dinner date tonight.

Meanwhile, in the office, Georgina was clearing things out of my office.

Georgina: Jesus! Aafi forgot to shut down his computer again! His daughter is really pretty. Her boobs are so big!

Georgina was getting horny thinking about Amy’s boobs. Her left hand was on her right boob while she was checking out my computer.

Georgina: They are almost like mine, and she’s just a kid! I shouldn’t think about that of my boss’s daughter.

Georgina accidentally opened the porn file which Martin sent.

Georgina: What is this? Oh my God! Porn?

There’s a porn video of two blonde girls. The girls are having lesbian sex. One girl is fucking the other girl’s pussy with a pink dildo. The girl getting fucked is fingering the other with her left hand. They are kissing and playing with their tongues. Gosh! That was a really hot scene.

Georgina: So, Aafi likes blondes after all. If Maria saw this, she’s going to fire him for sure. God, this video clip is awesome!

She was horny. She unbuttoned her shirt and exposed her right boob completely. Gosh! That is a huge boob and it has a very big nipple. She’s massaging it with her left hand while watching the porn video. She was fully into the hot video.

Suddenly Maria called Georgina from her office.

Maria: Georgina, where are you?
Georgina: Oh shit!
Maria: We’re about to close now!
Georgina: Fuck!

She quickly covered her boob and closed everything. She went to Maria’s office.

Let me stop here, I will continue in the next part. More parts to come. Keep looking for this space to know what happens next. Please send me your feedback through email or hangout at [email protected]

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