Hello ISS readers. I am back with a new series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is another fantasy fictional story.
So here is how it begins. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years.
She’s lived abroad most of her life so I didn’t get to watch her grow up from a young age, through to her early teen years. Now that Amy has turned 19, she contacted me and told me she was coming to this country for a vacation.
She asked me if we two could spend some time together. I said, “YES.”
Now she’s coming to my place. We two are going to have a ‘father-daughter’ date. She’s excited to see me again after all these years.
Me: Okay Aafi, calm down! Calm down! I know you haven’t seen your daughter in years, but there’s no reason to be so nervous. Well, maybe there is. I don’t know what she looks like! Last time I saw her was when she was a kid.
Me: Maybe she’s becoming a bad girl. Maybe she’s into drugs. Maybe. Why am I talking to myself? She’s my daughter! I’m sure she’s become a nice and beautiful girl. And I certainly hope she’s as excited as I am to have this date. Anyway, I should prepare the food before she…
Before I could finish my sentence, the doorbell.
Me: Fuck! She’s here! I knew I should have made lunch earlier. Now she’s going to think I’m a lazy ass.
The doorbell rang again.
Me: Coming!
Let’s hope she likes the place. Fuck! I’m so nervous!
I went to the door to answer it. I opened the door. A young girl is standing in front of me. She looked young and beautiful.
Me: Yes? Can I help you?
What a beautiful girl
Amy: Excuse me, sir. I’m looking for Aafi.
Me: Yes, it’s me.
Amy: Hi! It’s me. Amy. Your daughter.
Me: Amy? Oh my God! I’m so sorry for being so rude Amy! I haven’t seen you in almost a decade! I thought you were some random girl trying to sell me something.
Amy: It’s all right!
Gosh! She’s really beautiful. She’s wearing a red color tight t-shirt. I could see her boobs shape. They were looking really big. At the bottom, she’s wearing jeans shorts. She has red lipstick and her eyes were shining with black eyeliner.
She’s got blonde hair which is tied behind with a band. Her hair is pretty long, touching her butt.
Me: Please, please, come in Amy.
Amy: Thanks, dad.
I shut the door once she was in. We were still standing near the door.
Me: Wow! I don’t know what to say right now!
Amy: Hahaha, me neither! I’m so nervous!
Me: Me too! God! Amy, you look amazing! I can’t believe it!
Amy: Thanks, dad. You look amazing too!
Me: I missed you, Amy, hug your daddy.
Amy: Yeah! I missed you too Dad!
Me: I know it’s been a long time since we last saw each other. But I’m glad you’re finally here! I’m super excited to spend some time with my daughter.
She buried her self into my arms.
Amy: Me too, dad!
Me: I’ve missed you so much, baby girl!
After a long hug, we let go of each other.
Amy: Dad, I’m sorry for not keeping in touch over the past few years. I know you wanted to see me sooner.
Me: I should have called honey. I’m sorry. Things were difficult when you left the country. I didn’t know what to do. And then years passed by. I thought you’d hate me if I called after so many years of no contact.
Amy: Dad? Why would I hate you for that? It would have been amazing to have talked with you sooner.
Me: I know.
Amy: Well, look at the positive side. Now that I’m an adult I can do whatever I want. And right now, I want to be here with you.
Me: Aww me too honey! You’re here and that’s all that matters. Hug daddy.
We hugged each other again.
Me: All right, why don’t we sit on the sofa, I’d love to know more about you.
Amy: Okay
As soon as we enter the door, there’s a living room. There’s a sofa on the right and an LED TV on the opposite wall of the sofa. To the right of the sofa, there’s an open bathroom. On the right next to the bathroom, there’s an open kitchen.
On the left side of the TV is the door to the bedroom. I was living in this house alone. I made Amy sit towards my right. We were facing each other.
Me: God! You have such beautiful blue eyes. You look a lot like your mother when she was young, only prettier.
Amy: Aww thanks, Dad! You really know how to make a girl blush.
Me: How’s Mom doing?
Amy: Oh she’s all right. She spends all day with her boyfriend, Brad.
Me: I see. Does she talk about me?
Amy: Sometimes. Although she says that she’s happy now and that Brad is a better father than you’ll ever be.
Me: She’s right, honey. She wasn’t happy with me when we were together. I think I should have taken care of our relationship better. But I’ve changed. I’m a different person now. I’m going to prove to you that I can be a good father, you’ll see.
Amy: Dad, I believe you. That’s why I came here today.
Me: All right, I don’t want to ruin the date. Let’s talk about something else.
Amy: Okay
Me: Did you come alone, honey?
Amy: Oh no. I came with my best friend, Elena. We’re staying in a lovely hotel near the airport.
Me: Oh that’s nice! Maybe the three of us should hang out someday.
Amy: Yeah, that would be awesome!
Me: I’ve rented a couple of movies. Do you want to watch one?
Amy: Sure Dad, I’d love to. What have you got?
Me: How about a romantic movie? You seem like a girl who loves romance, am I right?
Amy: Yeah. I guess I’m a romantic girl. I hope that’s okay with you.
Me: Of course honey. Love is a very important part of our lives.
Amy: Thanks for saying that, Dad. All right! Let’s watch a movie!
We were watching the movie with a lot of interest. I was checking out Amy to see if she was into it. Amy seems to be enjoying the movie. I wonder what would happen if I try to hug her.
I slowly slipped my right hand around her neck and moved it next to Amy’s right hand. Great, she didn’t say anything. She’s so beautiful. I forgot about the movie and kept staring at her face.
Me: Honey.
Amy: Yeah?
Me: Mwah!
I kissed her on her cheeks. She was a bit surprised by that.
Amy: What was that for?
Me: Ohh you know. The movie. Your beautiful face. I had to kiss you.
Amy: Haha, let’s watch the rest of the movie, okay?
Me: Sure honey.
The movie was over after an hour. It was really good.
Me: So, what do you think? Did you like it?
Amy: I loved it! It really makes you miss your loved ones. Luckily, I’m with the man I missed the most right here.
Me: Oh, honey, I missed you too.
Amy: Let’s do something else, dad. I don’t want to get too sentimental.
Me: Okay. Why don’t I show you around my house?
Amy: Sure. Dad. Actually. Before continuing with our date.
Me: Yes?
Amy: Can I use the bathroom for a minute?
Me: Oh, sure honey. This way.
Amy: Thanks, dad.
I took her to the bathroom which is next to the sofa
Amy: Hmmm.
Me: What’s wrong honey?
Amy: Dad! Where’s the door?
Me: The door?
Amy: Yeah. The bathroom door. Where is it?
Me: Actually. There’s no bathroom door.
Amy: What? Dad! How can you live in a place that has no bathroom door?
Me: Well, I’m living alone so it’s not a big deal for me. Besides rent is cheap so. I’m not complaining. Besides. It’s not that bad. It has a really nice shower.
Amy: But, what if you wanted to invite someone over, like a girl, for example.
Me: Like you?
Amy: Exactly. Like me. Or a girlfriend I don’t know.
Me: I’ll just wait far from the door.
Amy: There’s no door!
Me: You know what I mean, honey.
Amy: Geez! Anyway, you can go now, just don’t peek.
Me: I won’t honey, I promise.
Amy: All right. I’ll see you in a minute
I was just waiting outside the bathroom. She came out after a couple of minutes.
Me: So, is everything okay?
Amy: Yup! Your bathroom is really nice. I mean. It doesn’t have a door, but overall I think it’s okay. Nice shower by the way!
Me: Thanks, honey. See, I told you it wasn’t that bad.
Amy: All right! Let’s continue with our date.
Let me stop here, I will continue in the next part. I know there’s not much in it. It’s just the beginning, you will get to see more fun in the coming parts. I hope you enjoyed it. More parts to come.
Keep looking for this space to know what happens next. Please send me your feedback through email or hangout at [email protected]