The D Day!
Hi, this is [email protected] writing the story of wife swapping. Your comments and feedbacks are welcome.
It is a long wait. And it was stressful too. We have been waiting for this day the whole time. It is the day we have planned for dating. It is the day myself and my wife planed to date another like minded couple. Yes we are into couple swapping and this is the first time we are trying to do it. We are waiting for the partner couple to come to our home.
Let me introduce us in more detail. I am Madhav and my wife is Radhika. We are happily married couple in the mid 40’s and we don’t have any children yet. It is not that we didn’t want to. But it didn’t work out even after some treatment. Now we have decided to live our life alone, with only passion to bind us together. We are lecturers in the same college. We always had an exciting sex life, in which we had sex almost daily, where we tried lot of poses etc. As we got matured in our sex life we started doing roll plays, and started doing it in all places in our home. We roll played teaching at home, mother-son feeding, boss-subordinate plays and any other common situations that excited us. While her school uniform roll (in white shirt and marron midi-skirt, bought just for this), and her blouse and munde dressings are my favourites, we used to play others too. We even progressed to fondle in public places like theatres where no one would see.
When life was going like this smoothly, we thought of moving into another phase of life/sex. The Couple swap!. The idea came not instantaneously. It was slowly building up in us as an inevitable next step. We were so open to each other in sharing our thoughts about the sexy curves of our colleagues or our students or relatives. And we found it very exciting when we discussed about how it would be to have sex with these people. We used to describe their structure when we used to have sex. It is then that I realized how much I get aroused by these descriptions. That gave me wonderful climaxes which I haven’t experienced before.
It is then that I first talked my mind to my wife. I confessed about my desire to fuck another person other than her. I confessed my desire to explore someone other than my wife. And to my relief my wife was very much understanding. She was compassionate, as well as equally erotic at heart. She also echoed my thoughts saying that she would love to see herself too in such a situation. That set the ball rolling. As we are both well respected people and have dignified life, we choose to approach this fantasy in a careful manner. We knew that it is difficult to involve in sex with people we already knew. So we ruled out that option. We went the internet way. It involved almost 8 months effort, filtering out singles, rounding to 3-4 couples, getting used to the selected two couples for 3 months before dropping out one and getting to the next level with the other. Finally we came this far.
The selected couple is a living together couple from the new generation, in their twenties. Both working in IT companies and having a luxury and happy life. I wondered if we would have had this courage in our young days to venture out like this. We got in touch with them for the first time, some 6 months before. We had initially ruled them out as we didn’t feel them to be genuine. But they came popping up again and again to chat around and get acquainted. We video chatted once without showing our face. It showed that they are genuine couples. It took some time for us to get convinced that we could, may be, meet up and get acquitted in the next level. That set up our first meeting in a restaurant where we for the first time saw each others face. They where a joyal couple, carefree and talked a lot. We showed our details and they showed their ID cards. We confirmed each others real identity and status in the real world. After the meeting we thought a lot and decided that we can go ahead and have a meeting in private. We decided to meet in my house as we are staying alone. And there we are waiting for them to arrive.
I forgot to describe the couples we met. They are basically Kandanga’s and fare in color. His name is Rahul and she is Jyothi. The lady has an exceptionally hot figure and knows how to show it off very well. She is young and looked like yesteryear actress mohini in her young days. She had come in a plain T-shirt and tight jeans. Her tight t-shirt showed her huge out of proportion boobs very prominently. I was eyeing it every now and then. Whereas my wife was in her hot black party wear saree and she seduced the young guy in that. But when I say this, don’t think that we haven’t seen each others body before. Infact we had watched each other naked through web cam where we fondled our wife’s and showed off our tool. That watching was what accelerated our desire to meet each other in person. In that show, it gave me a chance to see her naked from her neck to her thighs.
Her pink nipples in the background of her whitish fleshy boobs. Her well curved body lines, her perfect navel, the small line of pubic hairs dotting below it which grew into bush around her beautiful pussy. Her thick thighs which were whiter than milk was sensuously grinding against each other. Her partner rubbed her nipples for my sake. Though that web cam chat lasted only half hour or so, it had lasting impressions on both of us. I was dumbstruck by his wife and he has fallen for my wife too.
I still have the vivid images of her in my mind. Today I am going to meet her again. That chap had requested my wife to be in saree for the day. From my side I was too shy to tell her what to wear for me. So I left it to her choice. And that in a way was exciting for me because I was left guessing. I was ready for her in my white veshty with nothing underneath. It gave my little boy the freedom which is dangerous as well as exciting. So I need to tame my boy to not being too excited and show off my hard on. We didn’t have to wait long for the calling bell to ring. When it rang I opened up cautiously. And there is the young couple.
The guy is in jeans and white shirt. And my hot girl is in a skirt and a plain T-shirt similar to the one she wore last time. This time too she was hot as usual. Her Tees are very tight and showing off while her skirt just reached above her ankle. She was in high heal shoes, and some good perfume radiated from her. They had come in a sedan car. They had an elite feeling around them.
I felt that our life styles are entirely different. We are conservative spending, simple and less assuming people. Whereas this couple had an air of confidence around them. A feeling of being elite. I gave a formal shake hand to him and invited them inside. My wife was dressed in see through black saree with matching low cut blouse. She when dressed up in saree always reminded me of yester year actress Srividya, in her prime body structure. That much sensual she was looking that day before him. I could see the chap weighing my wife’s body parts with his eyes.
After the formal introduction I offered something to drink for them. But they politely refused. May be they didn’t want to get cheated with some medicated drink. So I told them that they can relax around a bit till they feel comfortable. Saying this I turned on TV and tuned to film songs channel. My wife came and sat on the hand of my sofa set. Her heavy buttocks swelled outwards giving a pleasant sight for the chap. I sensuously grabbed my wife by her hips and made her sit closer to me. All the while I checked out the watery mouthed chap. I felt myself to be more daring and authoritative when it mattered.
I wanted to make the night interesting for all of us. So I have to make the moves. I asked my wife “may be you can give the remote to him, so that he can select the channel he wish for”. Saying this I gave the remote to my wife. She leaned forward to get up. Her boobs heaved and strained on to her blouse leaving a lasting impression on the saree. She was about to go to him when I stoped her. I told her “you should go to him, but not like this. You should shed your inhibition and go”. Everyone including my wife didn’t understood what I was talking about. I continued “You should shed your inhibition, by taking off your saree and go”. Everyone got tense. Everyone knew what is going to follow. My wife was surprised by my boldness and ideas. She must have thought I might have been planning for this quiet long. But this came to me instantaneously.
There was a moment of pose from everyone. My wife looked at Rahul and then Jyothi. None said anything. Rahul had the face of lot of expectation. Then my wife broke the silence. She slowly put down the remote. Then she faced the guy and then elegantly pulled off her pallu. Making it fall on the floor. Then she tucked out the other end of the saree from her belly and unwound her entire saree and dropped it on the carpeted floor. She was now only in her black blouse with low neck and matching petticoat. Then she looked at me as if this is what I wanted. I nodded in approval. She leaned down and took the remote.
In that pose she could not have done anything to hide her magnificent boobs or the cleavage popping out of the top of her blouse. She gave that darshan only for a moment. Then she straightened up with remote in her hand and went two steps near to Rahul. Then she again leaned forward keeping the remote on her two hands, as if on a tray. Rahul was sitting there with his whole body stiff. From my point of view I couldn’t see how my wife looked for him. But I could guess that he is now enjoying the cleavage in close quarters.
I watched Jyothi, and I could see that she is not actually watching my wife, but the expression of her husband. It is evident that she is excited by the open jaw look of her partner. She doesn’t seam to be jealous at all. It took some time for rahul to come back to his sense. He slowly took the remote in his hands. My wife turned back to come and sit by my side. Here again I intervened. I told my wife “Radhika, I think you can sit on the sofa hand by Rahul’s side”. She looked at me in half bewilderment. But I know that she must be wet inside. She looked at Rahul as if to check if he has any objection and then at Jyothi. Jyothi gave the go ahead nod. My wife turned around, showing of her magnificent buttocks to her visitors and admirers. She gave all indications to rahul that she is going to sit down by his lap on the sofa hand.
Then she slowly lowered her buttocks on to the sofa hand, with her fleshy sides thrusting against rahul’s hands. I can see that the whole length of his hand is in the warmth of her buttocks. I know that my wife must be feeling his hand and must be quiet excited about it. But there was a tense atmosphere between them. I wanted that to be broken. I said, “aree yar, be comfortable and relax yourself. Atleast rahul, u should make sure that my wife doesn’t fall off in tension. Hold her firmly by her waist.”.
This time rahul became more sporty and comfortable with my instructions. He took his hand behind my wife between the sofa, and held her by her hips. His entire palm spread out on her naked plumb hip. I could see from my wife’s thankful expression that she is enjoying the session thoroughly. She took her right arm behind rahul’s head to hold on to the sofa for further support. “Yeah this looked much more comfortable”, I said. “Now my wife, give rahul his welcome kiss”. My wife looked at Jyothi for approval where as Jyothi was just looking eagerly in anticipation. So my wife brought her face closer to rahul and then gave him a quick peck like kiss on his lips, which was barely enough for any of us.
I felt my wife was playing around my lines to build up the heat slowly. While she kissed her boobs crushed on to rahul’s chest for a moment. That should have brought in a shock wave on rahul. He was now holding my wife more firmly with his hands that her plumb flesh was protruding between his fingers. I told “Are yar, what sort of kiss was that. Give him a much more warm welcome. May be you should first take off his t-shirt, so that you will be more comfortable and he can be more free with you.”. My wife looked at rahul.
He was game for it as he volunteered to take off his t-shirt himself. He untucked his t-shirt and rolled it over his body. My wife helped him from there, taking over the t-shirt roll in her hands and tucking it over his head. In the process my wife did have some close proximity with his muscular naked body. She should have felt the aroma of his body and its built. She took off the t-shirt and kept it on the teapoy. Now both of them are ready for the action. But unlike last time, my wife was hesitant to start this time. I told her “don’t shy at this point, we are all eagerly waiting for it”.
She then lowered her head bringing closer to his. She brought her left hand on to his right chest as a support in the process. Her right hand was now more or less resting on his naked shoulders than the sofa’s backside. Now it looked like he is engulfed in her hands. And then it was done. She after inhaling a deep breath went on to kiss him on his lips. It was not just a kiss between the lips, but also an embrace between the two bodies, where her boobs crushed on to his manly hard chest as if to test which will take the beating. And it was not just a kiss like last time.
This time my wife was sucking the life out of him, sucking his lips in the process. While her right hand moved to hold his head from behind, her other hand was fixed on to his chest, digging her nail on it. His hands were relatively unfixed as his one hand moved around her hips to her buttocks half, while his other hand traced all its way to my wife’s belly. As the kiss progressed his hands were settled down on to her belly navel as well as her buttocks, holding her there. While my wife’s hands were relatively unmoved, her boobs were tightly crushed on to his chest. Their kiss would have lasted for few moments till my wife broke from the embrace. By that time she was partly on the sofa and partly on his lap. They both looked at me as if for my feedback. I lauded them thoroughly. At this point Rahul asked his partner to go to my side and give me the best company.
This was what I wanted to hear. I wanted to let them offer themselves instead of me going and asking for his wife. I was overjoyed, though I didn’t express it outside. Finally I am getting the moment of my life time. Jyothi stood up from her couch and walked towards my side. She stopped in front of me as if waiting for my orders. I didn’t go for any orders, I just took her hands and made her sit on my lap. Her plumb bottom perfectly cushioned my lap.
Her young skin and light weight were moments to cherish. For this moment only I was dressed in munde (veshti) with nothing underneath. I wanted to give my little boy a perfect treat of sandwich between her ass with bare minimum clothes between us. And there my cock is enjoying the treat by becoming hard on. I felt like she was naked with just her skirt to hide it. But I learned later that she did have panties though a thin nice one. Though she had felt my hardon she didn’t express any surprise. Infact she even wiggled her ass a bit on my lap so that my thing got a nice grind on. Now that she was set on my lap, I looked at my wife. They where watching us while they where still in embrace. I told them “You people carry on with your fun, while let us try to start one our own”. I said that with a wink at Jyothi.
Rahul then gripped my wife once again by her waist for another round of kiss which he is to initiate this time. I left them to their world with the eagerness of a kid ready to explore his toy. Now my rock hard tool was nicely fitting against her ass crack. I wondered how I managed to hide any erection all this while. I asked her “how do u like to start with”. She answered “It shall be how you choose”. I was happy. I asked “shall I feel u first”. She nodded in agreement. So for the first time I touched her hips, pressed on it with my one hand, while my other hand ran over her T-shirt all the way from navel to the mid riff between her boobs.
Then I cupped her left boob from over her t-shirt by the swipe of my hand. It was the world’s best feelings around. It was soo soft, smooth yet rigid and silky that I wondered if she wore any bra at all. But here too I had learned later that she was offcourse wearing a bra, but was a laced one and seamless. It was new to me, compared to my wife’s regular bra made of hard fabric with pointed nipple cups and thick straps. I gauged the weight of her boobs, which found to be quiet heavy for a girl of her age and without kid. My observation on aunties, ladies, and girls around me had given me the conclusion that women firstly put on some flesh on their boobs after marriage, when their husbands start kneading with their boobs. In cases where women have pre martial affairs (like one lecturer in my college, or the school girl next door), this can happen before marriage too. Secondly women put on weight on their boobs when the start to breast feed their kids (breast feeding for longer period means heavier boobs).
Ok, back to my story, I pampered and kneaded her boobs for some time while she squiggled in ecstasy on my lap. It became difficult for me to bear the agony of my cock which wanted to be free with her ass. I decided to go to the next level. I asked her “would you mind if I loosen myself a bit more”. Though she didn’t understood what I was intending to, she nodded positively. I then untucked my veshti and spread out the loose ends and tried to spread out entire veshti from my lap. All this while she was still seated over me. I successfully did it making myself naked on my lap. Now just her short skirt is separating my cock from the two half watermelons which is her buttocks. I slowly dragged the skirt up over her knees to her waist line, exposing her wonder thighs in the process. It was bit difficult to free her under legs and buttocks.
But I managed to pull over her entire skirt and let it lay around her waist line. And there I got the result. My long cock was resting right against her ass cheeks with the head end extending to the creek between her thighs. I was overwhelmed. I could feel the heat of her legs on my lap. Though she was wearing panties, the negligible thin panties made not much difference to my feel.
I just moved her ass a bit over my lap, grinding my cock in the process. She too seamed to have liked the heat of my mass, for she squeezed my cock by her thunder thighs, trying to take in my cock head between her thighs. I took it as an open signal. I tried to thrust more of my cock between her thighs. And my cock head went right inside between her tight thighs. She opened and closed her legs, squeezing my cock in the process. I felt overwhelmed that I took her in my hands and shifted her closer to me. Now her buttocks touched my belly, while her thunder thighs was right over my cock. There was no further explanation needed for my cock as it slide in-between her thighs exposing its head over the top. My shining cock head lay open for the first time for her eyes to watch. I watched in satisfaction as her first response was to touch and feel it with her hands. A small drop of pre-cum came at the tip of my cock. She spread it all over my cock head, and then playfully took her skirt end and flunked it over my cock, hiding it in the process. I watched her as she rubbed the material on my cock head to dry it out. But contrary to what she intended the rubbing only increased my pleasure points bringing out more pre cum from it.
In ecstasy I took her in my hands once again and started moving her up and down on my lap, gliding my cock between her thighs in the process. My cock got exposed again as she moved up the skirt. Each time when I pushed, my cock head came out of her thighs gleaming in the light. I wished I had applied some oil on my little boy. Not that it was lack of any lubricant, but just that it would have been even more shining and presentable in front of her eyes. Meanwhile I stole a look at my wife and rahul. They were busy in their world. Rahul was still kissing my wife, with lip locked and tongue exploring each others mouth. I doubted if my wife had kissed me this passionately before. She is now more or less in his lap and sitting in side ways direction. Her one hand was still strongly holding his head from behind while they kissed. Her other hand to my excitement was rubbing and stroking on his huge erection over his jeans pants. That means she is really in the mood. His hand was busy exploring her fleshy boobs through her blouse. I wondered why her blouse is still on her despite the amount of attention its contents got from him. He was mauling it thoroughly like a dough of maida. His other hand I couldn’t see, and probably is massaging her buttocks.
Bringing my attention back to my prized possession, I dug my hand under her t-shirt and brought it to knead her boobs over her bra. It was great to feel her hard nipples through the fine silk fabric of her bra. I involuntarily had started fucking her thighs again by moving my hips. I decided to bring my cock closer to her pussy window. It was then that my cock first rubbed on to her thin panties fabric. I could go any further only with her consent. I asked her “Can I move further on? Is it safe?”. She nodded that I can move ahead. So I brought down my hand, and got hold of her panties from side. Then I dragged it all the way down her legs raising her buttocks and legs in the process. Her panties rolled into a tiny lump which I tossed on to the sofa. I intended to keep it as a sovereign if she allows me to. There now my dick is actually touching her door to heaven. The mating point is hidden from view only by the curtain of her skirt. I tugged her t-shirt too and removed it over her head with a little help from her through her raised arm.
Though my first attention should have gone to her boobs, some how my attention went to her raised arms. I got attracted to her clean shaven arm pit and immediately brought my face close to it and inhaled a deep breath inhaling her perfumed aroma. It felt great. From that view point I saw her pendant just hovering over her laced bra containing her firm boobs. I brought my hands behind her and untied her bra to reveal her magnificent unsagging boobs. I kneaded it and massaged it. Unlike my previous chat sessions where I got only to see it, here I was seeing and feeling it in live. Now she is sitting naked over me in just her skirt, which somehow I didn’t feel like removing.
My cock is already knocking at her pussy doors. So I raised her and used my one hand to guide my tool’s head to the inside world of her pussy. My cock head only barely entered her pussy chamber and I could already feel the warmth and wetness inside it. I lowered her slowly as I watched her ecstatic expression. I couldn’t have asked for more cooperation from her. She was giving herself fully in just over 1 hrs time that we met. I looked at the other pair for a second. They have surprisingly progressed a lot more than they were before. Rahul was lying on the carpeted floor in front of their sofa, while my wife is mounted over him. He had his pants taken off, while I am not sure of his underwear as my wife is over him. Normally that should be off too in this condition. My wife is mounted over him with legs apart and buttocks raised upwards while she kissed him intensively. Looks like she hasn’t put him ‘in’ yet. Their kissing was as intense as it was before.
It was then that I realized that myself and jyothi still didn’t have our first kiss yet. I had already started moving my hips slowly, putting my cock inside her chamber. I told Jyothi “I forgot to give u my welcome kiss”. Saying that I held her head and gave a long unobstructed French kiss taking her tongue in mine. That was the first time that I had kissed anyone other than my wife. I did have intercourse with another lady other than my wife before, but not a kiss. So this is my third women whom I have fucked and second women to have kissed. The other lady that I fucked was my senior professor and guide when I had just joined the college as lecturer. Infact she was the lady who took my virginity and she did it on purpose too. To get a child through me in her childless married life. Though I fell to her intentions unknowingly, I enjoyed it and thanked her all my life time. She since then moved to another city college and we had no further contacts after that. Though me and my wife were free birds and told everything to each other, this part alone I haven’t told my wife till now.
Back to Jyothi, she showed me doors to heaven and I was riding her. Or rather she was riding on me, sitting on top of me. She was sitting with her back to me while I held on her boobs and rode along. I wished to hug her while we did it. So I made her turn around on my lap and we did it facing each other and in tight embrace. She rocked on my lap while I reciprocated hers. It went in perfect tandem for some time until I felt cum started building up inside me. “Shall I cum in you” I asked her in her ears. She just only made noises giving indications that she is ready for it. Looked like she too is in for a climax. I decided not to delay any more and trusted my cock deep in her. It didn’t took us much time to come to that inevitable climax where I shot like a fountain inside her. It took several moments for me to settle down. We were both sweated like hell and our breaths took some time to calm down. But we were still in embrace and she was on top of me.
I gave a glance at my wife. And what I saw there was my exhausted wife lying on top of the flattened rahul. Looks like they both had their pleasure plays and it was rather quicker than ours. We lay like that for some more minutes, until Jyothi began to put on her T-shirt. She didn’t care about her bra or panties which I cornered and kept it under the teapoy. I intend to ask her for permission to keep it in my custody as a sovereign. My wife too stood up and adjusted her dress. Surprisingly rahul hasn’t undone her dress. May be he likes it this way. So my wife didn’t have to do anything much to clean herself, or dress herself. Even a panties was not needed to be put on as she is not used to wearing one even at office. She says wearing panties is not comfortable with all the saree layers and the petticoat. She prefer to go without one and not only her, but also most of the elder ladies wearing saree do that only. She says it aids them when they feel like quickly going to loo. Funnily I felt it actually aids them when they are quickly doing ‘it’ with someone. They can just do it, finish it, and get going as if nothing happened.
Hmmm, coming back to the story, the night was still young for us. Our earlier agreed plan was that if everything goes well, they will stay overnight. So I wished to make them as comfortable as possible. As rahul was zipping his pants, I gave him one white lungi. I said “Here, take this. This will be more comfortable for you as night progress”. From his look I could see that he is not used to wearing lungis. But still he took my offer and turned around to change over. I wondered how long he can keep himself shy. Meanwhile my wife, like any other housewife, declared that it is dinner time. She said “I will go and heat up food to be served on table. Meanwhile you people watch the TV”. Saying that she took one thorthemunde (thin bath towel) to use as pallu and another to use as a cover to her black petticoat and then went to kitchen. This was typical of her at home when she uses thorthemunde over her regular dress so that it doesn’t get dirtied. We sat in the living room while some film songs are being played over in the TV. I asked rahul “ Why don’t you go and join Radhika in the kitchen. She loves being cared while at work”. Rahul looked hesitant. But I encouraged him. “This is a good chance to get more comfortable with her. You need not be shy on these matters”. His wife too encouraged him. “Go and have a good time helping yourself”, she told with a smile. She continued “Meanwhile will go to loo and get refreshed”.
Like a good homemaker, I got up and gently pushed rahul towards kitchen while I showed Jyothi the way to restroom. Rahul walked towards kitchen bare chested and in lungi which he clumsy wore. “Make sure you entertain my wife thoroughly. I will come and inspect later” I joked at him in double meaning. He smiled back and went inside kitchen. I lead Jyothi to the bedroom where the bathroom is. I told her “you can use this bedroom as well as the bathroom at your will. My wife had told that you can use any of the dress in this cupboard over here. Saying this I opened and showed her the cupboard that kept all our wonderful private time dresses like her school dress, skirt and top, wardrobe, nightee, negligee, etc. She touched one pair of short skirt and asked, “Does your wife wear all this to work?”. I said “No, no, this is only for foreplay in which my wife wears it to arouse in me the feelings of a short skirted lady student in our college. When they come around in provoking dress, I would have felt like sapping them, but thanks to my wife who posed for me in such dress to relieve me.”. Jyothi smiled at me. Just then only she saw other dresses like swim suit, school dress etc. She didn’t make any other queries. Then I gave her privacy and went out and closed the door.
I went back to the living room with lot of anticipation. I was wondering what might be going on between rahul and my wife. There is a glass panel between kitchen and living room where show piece items are kept in the living room side. Through the showcase, between the decorative items I could see both of them if I watch intensively. I could see that rahul was in some animated discussion with Radhika while she is sitting down and scrapping coconut. I could only here her murmuring voice across, and his voice was very soft to be distinguishable. I wondered why she is scrapping coconut now, considering she had already prepared everything. May be she would have forgotten something. I noticed that my wife is not wearing the pallu of thorthe that she used a while ago. May be she might have decided to seduce rahul once again with her deep cleavage in motion.
And she seamed to have succeeded in it, for I could see rahul’s intense gaze at her from right in front of her. Though he was talking, he couldn’t take his eyes of her shaking double B’s. I see him move from that point towards her side. From their animated discussion it seam to be like he was offering his help in scrapping. And he made the move, the first from his side. He pulled her up. How he pulled her up was the most exciting part for me. He pulled up my wife by putting both his hand under her hands, catching her by her armpit. In the process he would have got a good feel of her voluptuous side boobs too. I was getting hardon. She got up under his caring hands, putting all her weight in his hands.
He sat down and started scrapping. While he scrapped, wife talked to him. I felt like I am sneaking on them. But it didn’t matter to me then. Jyothi is still in the room, and how best can I spend my time than watching some soft action. He has finished scrapping and gave the bowl to wife. She took it and was turning around when her ass hit the granite corner of the kitchen platform. “Ouch” she let out a sound massaging her plumb ass for a second. That granite corner is notorious for several attack on my wife’s butt before. With a pained face she took the bowl and poured the coconut scrap on to another bowl containing some food item. Rahul was watching her, or rather her cleavage most of the time.
When she turned he gave his glance at her protruding ass which is covered in white thorthe. I felt his hands trembled. He was saying something to my wife for which she was responding in negative. Without having any idea on what they are discussing upon, I watched with bated breath. I could see him insisting, to which she finally seamed to have scumbled. I saw her turning around and leaning over the kitchen platform. Her buttocks was projected out into the air like a hot air balloon. For a moment it struck me as to what is going to happen. Rahul’s trembling hand reached up to her buttocks where the granite had hit her early. He is trying to massage it in disguise of relieving the pain. Both of them knew it is not just a care for their external pain. Rather it is going to be care for their internal needs. I could see her expression changing as rahul gently patted her left half buttocks ball. His black hand made contrasting figure on her white thorthe over the petticoat. She was bended backwards thrusting her buttocks to the maximum into his waiting hands.
She miserably tried to continue her work too by putting food bowl into the microwave and switching it on. But I can see that she too is trembling from the hands on her buttocks. Unable to stand on her legs due to ecstasy, she leaned on the microwave enjoying the massage. She was bought back to sense only by the finishing beep from the microwave. She gently took rahul’s hand and stopped it from massaging any further. Think she told she has some more work to do. As he watched, she took out the dish and started stirring it with a spoon. Rahul was watching her from behind. He was standing there in just his munde (veshti) and with nothing else underneath it. For I could see his erection making its mark over his munde. It should be huge enough to satisfy my wife again and again. He walked towards her. Looks like he is in the intention of hugging her from behind. And that is exactly what happened. He hugged her taking his hands under hers and holding her by her belly. He grinded his erect cock on her taut ass. His cock should be rightly fitting into her ass creak. I felt god created everything so perfectly that he even gave this nicely shaped grove on ladies back to fit in a man’s cock so nicely.
They where gelling in so perfectly, when I heard some sounds from the bedroom. Looks like Jyothi is ready to come out. I didn’t want her to see me prying on her husband. So I quickly went back to sit and watch TV. Soon Jyothi came out, and she was in nice bathrobe of my wife. IT had a lace around the waist which is the only thing which stops this bathrobe from opening up. I could see some wet spots on the robe caused by her wet body after bath. I felt excited at heart. I greeted her and told her that we can join our partners in the kitchen. As we walked towards kitchen I was in expectation as to what they would be doing now. Perhaps they would have gone on to doing it again. But I was in for a surprise as I found my wife quite busy working in the kitchen while rahul was sitting on the kitchen platform idling with some spoon. Cheaters, I felt. I knew what they where doing a few minutes before. Yet they are acting like nothing happened. Probably they had heard our voices and didn’t want to give the impression that they started without us. Hmm, I also felt that they still have some inhibitions, especially Rahul. He hasn’t yet opened and seen my wife’s boobs, or that matter her pussy. It is time for me to teach them a lesson.
I came around shouting “arey, u too are still n your dress ah. I thought u would have already shed them off and started on another round”. I turned at my wife and told “my wife, will u do as I say. This rahul seams to be of very shy in nature. It is our responsibility to take him out of it. For that will you be ready to do anything I say”. She didn’t have any clue as to what I was up to. But she nodded in agreement. “Then you take off your blouse. Let him be comfortable with your fleshy presence”. Though she never had any inhibitions in taking off her clothes when we are alone, in the presence of others she seamed bit hesitant. “Rahul, can you help her out in it”, I asked rahul. Though he was tense and trembling a bit, he didn’t miss the chance. He came near my wife, and attempted unhooking her first hook. She neither protested nor helped and just stood there waiting to be deflowered. He seamed to be unnecessarily taking the pain to not to touch her body while he undid the hook. Soon he undid all the 3 hooks to open up her beautiful cleavage and fleshy boobs for the first time. Looks like he is even eager to roll of her blouse for exploring more of her naked body. She raised her hands while he took off the blouse through her arm touching her arm pit intentionally or unintentionally. I think he had a crush for her arm pit. Hmm, now my wife is standing there stark naked in just her bra and petticoat. She didn’t try to hide anything. I told rahul “While my wife is in this condition, if you don’t attend to her body that will be a big injustice to her beautiful body”.
Rahul understood what I meant. He surprised us all by going into an intense spell of submission. A submission to his desires which he had penned up in himself. He kneeled down in front of my wife as if to worship her body. He brought his face over her navel and started sucking it intensively. He held her hips while he tongued her navel. My wife held her head high in pleasure. Her one hand held his head firmly from behind while the other hand held on to the kitchen platform for support. He was slowly working it up over her belly, reaching up to her underboobs covered in bra. Then he took a circumventing route to the side without touching her boobs. He raised her right arm which is now naked in just her bra straps and started smelling and licking her underarm. Yes, my intuition was right. He had a fetish for arm pits, just like me. My wife had her eyes closed while we watched them. He still has his face over her arm pit while his hand mounted her boobs for the first time. He was massaging and crushing her boobs while she raised herself and sat on the kitchen platform. He was taking his hand inside her bra trying to pinch her nipples. In ecstasy my wife brought her hands behind to unhook her bra, arching herself to the front in the process. Her bra falls apart and for the first time her magnificent boobs which resembled ripe Banganpalli mangoes became visible. At that moment I felt my wife is the most voluptuous lady I have ever seen in my life. He kneaded her left nipples with his fingers, while his mouth sucked on to the other nipple taking as much of her boobs in his mouth.
The whole scene was sensuous and provoking that naturally I turned to my fuck girl. She too was watching them rather intensively. Her gown looked ready to fall down at nod of my fingers. I pulled her close to me. Her firm boobs crushed over my chest under her soft gown. I felt my hard chest melting under her soft melon . I pulled her knot to untie the gown. Then I slid it from her shoulder. And there she became completely naked before me. Her pure white naked skin came visible to my eyes. Her body could double as a perfect model for any sculpture to create his master piece. Such was the curves and mounts which was ample and perfectly sized. Her nipples were pink in color and stiff. Her cleavage was deep and inviting. Her boobs were sag free and firm. Her face was pure white with dark red lips opening and closing in expectation. Her body still has the wetness all over her body from her bath. I felt like she is a mermaid from see lying in my hands. For a moment I felt I saw the most voluptuous lady in my life. You people might be thinking how can I, in a matter of few minutes give two different ladies the same title as the most voluptuous girl. Well in my opinion any number of girls can be the most voluptuous lady in the world depending on the taste of the person who is judging and the particular distinction of the girls in their asset. For example a person might be interested in huge boobs, or rounded but, or it could even be nice cleavage, navel or hips, or long hair and red lips, which can give him an inclination to such ladies. Similarly one girl can be voluptuous by her big boobs, while the other by her deep cleavage, while an entirely different genre girl can be considered voluptuous by her hand skills alone.
Back to the story, I went around sucking her nipples while grappling her other boobs with my hand. Down her body there is a nice small mount of hair on her pussy which looked perfectly trimmed. My one hand went down there. And then I raised her in my arm and made her lie down on the kitchen table. My intention was to go for another straight round fucking. I untied my lungi making myself naked and showing my tool to her. This time I plan to fuck her in missionary pose on top of the table. I inserted my tool inside her with little bit of help from her. I felt her to be lot more wet this time. May be because she just finished her bath. It felt great and hot and gripping. And she reciprocated nicely to me which resulted in few minutes of intense banging. We were building up into climax when she locked me up in her legs. We climaxed together once again in full content. I lay on top of her exhausted. I could here sound of my wife and rahul hissing, which took another few minutes to stop. Looked like they made it on the floor once again.
We quickly cleaned up the mess and wowed not to fuck again until we had our dinner. Except for rahul none of us felt any hurry to dress up. I wore the lungi alone ignoring the shirt, while jyothi moved into a short skirt and top after discussion with my wife. Infact this marron short skirt and white shirt was the school uniform bought for my wife. It reminded me of actress nayanthara in school uniform in one of her songs. My cock was ready for another action which I had to suppress for the time being. My wife too didn’t go any less. She didn’t get dressed up, and instead took an apron and wore it. She was wearing apron with nothing underneath. Only her front part is covered in the apron that too with the cleavages shown and part of boobs pushing out from sides. The side and the back are completely open for the prying eyes giving a sensuous look. Her big mango boobs were clearly visible from the side except for the tits, while her back, ass creak and buttocks lay open for everyone to endeavour. She had a mischievous smile in her face while looking at rahul, as if challenging if he can resist the sight. But I didn’t want him to pen up his feelings again. If myself and Jyothi was not there at that moment, rahul would have fucked her then and there like that for hours. I gave him break by making him cup my wife’s breast from the side slit in my first open chance. My wife acted being angry at me and indicated not to make another attempt at her till the dinner is over. And she shook her ass around and went about heating the dishes once again.
Standing there and looking at my wife’s naked ass and ass creak juggling out there I felt rahul wont be able to resist for long. I decided to give them some private time together so that he can feel around if dares to. With that in mind, myself and Jyothi retired to the dining room in waiting for dinner. Fortunately dinner didn’t take too long, and I could obviously see a smile in rahul’s face. Probably he got a chance to jacky her naked ass crack and fondle the boobs once more. Soon we finished our dinner. We were quick to reach our master bedroom. It can let 3 people lie down comfortable while it can accommodate 4 with some adjustments. But for us two person at a time on bed is enough as the other two person will always be on top of their fucking pair.
Soon we went for a group sex where my dream of being fucked by a college going girl in school dress was full filled. That too while my wife is on my side. We both was lying on the bed holding our hands together while rahul and Jyothi mounted on us. It was like we were letting the young people play around and get experienced through us. Night was still young for us as we experimented more with our school uniform, apron, saree, swim suit, etc. It was a night to remember and definitely a night to follow more.
Hope you all have liked this story. For any comments and feedback, write to me at [email protected] Women who wanted to chat to me can put in a mail at this id.