It is continual learning about the behavior and expectations of women. I constantly question my level of winning them. Few of my trials or actions have failed mercilessly. There are few women whom I see in my daily life and wish to share my love with them. Some dont even look; some will throw cheap look; luckily some will look but will turn back if I look at them. I believed that the time and situation plays a vital role in bringing us together besides our ingenious attempts.
The traveling is my best companion and made me realize about the environment. It teaches me how to grow with this world by observing the various kind of people and incidents. Notably, I possess somewhat good memory in observing these things and act accordingly.
I have peculiar interest in mature women than the curvy girls. I still wonder the reason behind this and these women makes me crazy. At all possible instances, I look for the opportunity to establish a consensual relationship with the woman out of feelings for each other. It is absolutely mad in pushing the woman who dont have interest in us or who is already tuned by someone. This will obviously backfire and the concept of relationship cannot be expected in these cases which might lead to problems for the involved persons.
Once during my travel through train, I noticed this woman who might be in her early 40s. She looked great with four earrings in each ear and simple neck chain with top-knot hairstyle. She did not wore mangalsutra or bichiya to identify the marital status. Perhaps, she was living alone. She was medium in height with melonous boobs and fleshy ass which were covered by simple traditional cotton saree. She was sitting near the window and was waving her sight always outside throughout the journey which seems to be completely unhappy with the happenings in the train. This could also be due to the fact that a man sitting across her was constantly ogling at her.
I was having different opinions and not sure of approaching her. As the train was reaching the destination, I decided to be double cautious and not to offend her to feel bad. As the passengers were leaving the platform, I just followed her outside the station without none noticing me. When the people were scattered and walking at some distance, I fastened and walked close to her with my mobile phone in hand pretending to be in call. As I crossed her parallely, I asked her a route to nearby shopping mall which was clearly visible at the sight. She stared at the question and answered in negative to walk further. She seems to be arrogant and did not created any scene at the spot.
I was confused and slowed down to watch her. She did not reacted any further and was walking continuously to reach the main road to catch the road transport. Without any decisive result, I was in dilemma and then concluded in still pursuing her.
After couple of minutes, she got into a share-auto and I too went in without hesitation. Luckily, I sat right in front of her with other passengers nearby us. She noticed me and pretended to neglect my presence. I made my mind and prepared to move as this would be perfect situation to gain her confidence. As the other passengers were ignorant of my motives, I started sighting her constantly and made some actions to get attention of her. She slowly started understanding and our eyes met sometimes. She thought of ignoring me and acted normally by adjusting her hair and belongings.
She was prepared to get down of the share-auto and understood that her stop is the next. When the share-auto stopped, I too got-down slowly after her. Taking advantage of the less crowded place, I approached her again and asked whether I can talk with her for few minutes.
She seems to be prepared for this and did not bothered much of my question. Nevertheless, she looked puzzled and asked who I am and what I want in normal way. I responded that I like her and want to be a nice friend of her. She was hesitant and replied that she dont know me and the friendship is not possible. In the middle of the road, this discussion took place for few minutes and I tried convincing her in all possible ways. She was very stubborn and finally asked for my mobile number so that she will call me later. I was finally glad that atleast I was able to win to some extent.
After noting my mobile number, I requested her to call for sure and not to ignore me as stranger. Then, she left the place by walk and I took another share-auto to return back, hoping that she will call sometime later.
Days passed on, then weeks and finally two months. Since then, there was no contact from her and I felt of losing her. Just to break the situation, she got my mobile number and left on that day. I was into normal lifestyle and started concentrating on other things. On another fateful day, I came to saw her in the same railway station. When I walked towards her to introduce myself again, she recognized me with good memory and smiled back. I was questioning her about the statement given to call me.
She remained silent and then replied that she was in dilemma always in calling me. I had to re-play all the remarks that I made the previous day and convinced her again to an extent. This time, I pushed a little and got her mobile number. Without second thoughts, she gave her mobile number and told that she is on the way to the hospital to see her mother. I wanted to make the bond stronger and requested to accompany her without disturbing.
We seated next to each other in the train journey of around 20 minutes and spoke about the incidents that took place on that day. She gave brief introduction about her and verified my loyalty towards her. Though it was short journey, we were busy talking and our body touched sideways at times. I thought of success and pretended to be ignorant of these happenings. When we got down at the railway station, we chatted for few minutes and I ensured that I will call her later in the day. She did not protested and accepted gladly, provided that she will ignore if someone is near her at that time.
At the end of the day, I called her and she picked it up after ensuring no one is around in the home. After some silly talk, I was direct in asking about the relationship with her and ensured that I will respect the response whatsoever. She thought for a while and ensured whether I will be good to her and remain loyal. She nodded finally and I was really happy in hearing those words. I promised her about her safety and make her happy in all possible ways that I can. Towards the end of the chat, we planned for a tamil movie in the nearby area after having lunch together. I even made the online reservations in the theater for us and waited for the moment.
The next day, I called her to confirm about the timings and got frustrated that she did not picked my calls after lot of trials. I was wondering and assumed that she is surrounded by people at home. Sadly, I made my mind and went for the movie alone hoping that she will call back later and join the movie with me in the middle. But, the situation prevailed and she neither called back nor arrived. In the upcoming days, I called her few times but every attempt went in vain and she never attended my calls.
After a week, a man attended the call from her mobile number and asked about me. I replied like a stranger and asked about someone else, pretended to be calling my friend. He answered vile with cunning laugh and disconnected the call. I was devastated about these proceedings and accepted my failure finally. She seems to be in relationship with someone already, though not confirmed and gracefully ignored me in the situations. I was indeed jealous of that guy who has won this wonderful woman already and furious about myself.
In the next couple of days, I was thinking about these things constantly and retrospected myself. I was on the right track in approaching her and establishing the relationship. But, the result was not in my favor as she was already won by someone else. Sometimes, I do imagine myself with her but I will have to move on with grief. It was quite a lesson to me in understanding the emotions of women. I consoled myself by remembering that the success is just postponed!!!
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Cupid Story – Lesson Learnt In Seduction Of Housewife