My Coworker Neighbour

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I work for a mighty software firm which is widely known for its antivirus products. So for almost nine years of the past decade I had lived in ‘The West’. But one day I got the news that the higher management has decided to open an office in India at last. Although it was not proposed to be opened in my home town but still getting a chance to live in my own country made me apply for a transfer. My boss at first told me to wait to see if he could do anything, but Gods were listening to my prayers. Within three months the office was established and I was all packed up for that flight back home.

Initially it was my plan to stay at home for a few days and re-join after a vacation of at least a fortnight but since the office was newly opened and I owed my bosses for sending me back here big time, so I decided ‘what the heck, let’s show them that I really deserved this relocation’. I started working right from the next day I arrived. Believe me it was not an easy task to show up at the office while suffering with jet-lag for the first few days and it was really testing my resilience. At times I even began to regret if I had done the right thing by moving here. The climate, pollution, indiscipline were few of the factors which I had forgot to take into account while making this big move. Still I was happy somewhere when I thought that finally I am not relatively that very far away from my native.

First week in the office was mostly about analyzing the new recruits whether they were any good to keep up with the reputation of the firm. Their training was about to conclude and then they were to be assigned their departments. I was the one who was responsible for assigning the teams, or making any particular recruit sit on the bench for he mistook the whole job ‘taken for granted’ and did not do well in the post training assessment. Overall I was the development teams’ provider.

At the first place I was myself not feeling well after this long distance travel and on the top of it I could not even take a break. Secondly, few of the recruits proved themselves to be really unworthy and tested my patience a lot. At times I had to control my anger by merely leaving the candidate alone and myself taking a break in which I usually went out to smoke.

So one fine day, one of the candidates, I am sure unintentionally, did make me really mad. But since this was not a school viva-voce where a teacher gets to scold a student at silly mistakes, I decided to leave the kid alone giving him time to think about what wrong he had done. I went out to smoke.

I found out I was out of cigarettes and was cursing myself for being so forgetful about buying a carton before coming to the office. Now the nearest shop where I could get one cigarette was at least a mile away and I didn’t want to leave office at the peak of work hours.

Suddenly my eyes fell upon a girl who must be aged about 25, coming towards me. She asked if I could lend her my lighter as she had forgot to bring her own. I had my lighter right in my hand and the empty carton of cigarettes in the other which she had noticed already. I said sure and lighted her. Since I had nothing to do there anymore so I decided to leave. I threw the empty pack into the trash can and began to move. Suddenly she called from behind – ‘excuse me, I notice you were here to smoke and are leaving without having a drag’. I thought – ‘wow! This girl is good in making accurate assumptions’. I turned and said – ‘True, but how did you know I didn’t smoke. She smartly answered – ‘You did not smell like smoke, yet you were having a lighter and threw an empty pack into the trash bin. With that I assume that you were here to smoke but just realized that you were carrying an empty box and had forgotten to buy one on the way to office.

I was simply amazed at how precisely she had analysed my situation. She offered me out of her own box – ‘here, please feel free to take one of mine’. Although I hate to bum these things from others but yet I was really impressed by this lady and her wits, so I decided to stay a little longer and hence took a cigarette from her pack. ‘Classic’ – it read. I was also thankful to my luck as she too used to smoke the same brand which I preferred.

So, with this, started our acquaintance. I introduced myself – ‘Amanjeet Singh’. She said – ‘Razia Hina’. ‘Lovely name’ – I complimented. She said thanks to that.

I asked – ‘do you work here?’ Which was again a stupid question to ask, since no outsiders were allowed to come to this area, which was behind the cafeteria and was meant for only those people who wished to smoke. No other person might know about it unless told about in the induction, that too after he has finished all formalities to be named on the payroll of the company. Also the ID badge is mandatory to be carried at all times while office hours. I soon realized that it was a silly thing to ask but she answered in the same calm tone. Yes, she was an employee to the same company and was a new recruit who had joined only five days ago. There was another reason why this question came out of my mouth.

She was not wearing her ID. So then I asked – ‘then why are you not wearing your ID?’ There was no explanation that she could give me. She quickly took it out and wore it around her neck, but at the same time she told me that the same rule went with me too. Actually today was the first time that I had not worn it around my neck and kept it in my pocket instead. Still rules are rules and uniform for each individual so I put it on and we both shared a smile.

So this was how I met Razia for the first time and she took me by interesting surprise. More was yet to come. Like for the next whole week we kept seeing each other in the smoking area. Coincidentally she also felt the urge to smoke at the same time when I used to visit the smoking area. Ironically the time we shared our introductions was the only time we really talked. Other times we only used to say hi or good morning; apart from other times when she used to forget her lighter and asked for light.

Nevertheless, I never got to see which was her work station or which floor was it located. Neither did I ask her about who was taking care of her training or other things. I was not really interested to know more about her at that time. I was merely satisfied with these backdoor meetings.

A month went by in a flash. Finally I took a vacation when I felt that I had had enough. Off I went for a holiday to meet my parents and family whom I hadn’t seen in years. This vacation also gave me time to use my connections to help me get a fine place to live and a conveyance of my own.

The flat which I bought was on the eighth floor. My flat number was 801. Now there were only 4 flats on each floor. Since this was the top floor very few people were interested to buy it. That was the reason why I got a good deal. Nevertheless 802 and 803 were empty and were still awaiting a buyer but 804 was occupied. Other than the fact that the real owners were based in Dubai these days and had let the flat to their relative. I came to know that she lived alone and was a working woman hailing from Ahmadabad. But I never got to see her as the times when I was moving in, usually used to be the time while she would be at work. So never mind, there’s no rush in meeting the neighbours I told to myself.

So moving on to the first day of work after vacation; once outside the flat, I called for the elevator. It came, I stepped in and as soon as the doors were about to shut I saw someone putting a foot between them. In came Razia. I was totally surprised. ‘So Razia is my neighbour’- I thought to myself and was totally sure that she might be surprised as well.

She greeted me – ‘Hi Mr Singh. What makes you come here? Do you live in the flat opposite to mine?’ Was her obvious question, to which I nodded my head in yes. She seemed excited about it, I didn’t know why. But I also was happy at some extent because that was the time when I really checked this lady out. A white top and black jean. A flat pair of footwear in the feet and anklet to adorn them. Fair complexion with a large beautiful black pair of eyes with just the right amount of liners in them. And also to mention the lips, with a hint of lipstick. That was all I could check out in those 12 seconds of the ride in the elevator. Of course I had greeted her back when she said hi to me. I wanted this checking out to be as subtle as possible because I didn’t want to make things look awkward at that time.

We both moved to different directions after coming out. But as soon as I drove off the basement I saw her standing at the front. I figured out she was waiting for me to pass through, I stopped the car. She came from the other side and knocked on the window pane. I lowered it after which she leaned and asked me if she could get a lift to the office as she had a flat tyre in her vehicle and there was no time to set it right. I gladly said yes since it was my first drive to the office from this place and I might need someone to navigate me. So it would be a help if someone like her would join me. Also her persona had started to put some effect of charm on me and wanted to interact more and more to her.

In that ride we talked about things like hometowns, college education, work experiences etc. It was then while I came to know that today was the day she was to undergo her post training assessment which was due because of the assessor being on leave. She didn’t know yet that it was me so I tried to play along a little bit.

I asked – so why isn’t your assessment done yet, isn’t there anyone else who could take care of it? She said – I don’t know, they say that there is only one person whose approval matters and he is on leave right now. Funny thing was that nobody had even told her my name so she could assume that the same person she used to smoke with was the one who gets to decide which team she would work in. I decided to keep this thing to myself for some more time.

We arrived at the shop where I usually used to buy cigarettes so I pulled over and bought a pack for myself. I asked her if she wanted anything to which she replied she already had her stuff in her purse. Still I bought a Cadbury for her as suddenly a TV commercial occurred to me in which they say ‘kuchh achha karne se pehle kuchh meetha ho jaye’. So I gave that to her and said the same line before wishing good luck. Girls really like chocolates, I don’t know what brings a crazy expression to their mind whenever there is a mention of chocolate. She giggled and said thanks while I started the car.

Finally we reached office. I signalled her to alight and move to her workstation while I park. ‘See you later then’ was all I could hear before the gate closed. I went into my cabin where I had a log waiting for me at the table, with the list of 24 candidates who were to go under my final assessment before their position in the company would be made permanent. I went through the emails, replied to a few important ones. Meanwhile I just discovered that it was the last batch of recruits for the time and the next would arrive in not less than next 2 months and then I decided to start with the process of assessment and get that over with.

One by one came in the fresh bright minds. I was surprised as they seemed to be smarter than the previous ones. Perhaps they had got a better time to prepare before they landed upon me. I was glad and it is well known that when you are feeling good about the work it barely makes you feel tired. So by lunchtime 20 candidates had made their appearance and only one of them was what I could say not so well. While having lunch I was wondering if Razia would be able to make it. Though she sounded fairly intelligent to me. I was asking myself a question whether I should be a little lenient while grading her. But then I decided that I should be honest with my liability and should be fair to my job.

After lunch she was the first candidate to be sent in. and her eyes were wide open as if what was I doing there but baby that is my job and I ought to do it. She was brilliant. Her flamboyance won it all for her. Never did I notice any reluctance in any of the answers she gave. She seemed to have sound knowledge of both in and out the book. She had been the best performer in the training module as I was told by her and also she was the topper of her class where she had graduated. She was indeed a beauty with great mind.

Later before leaving the office while I sought for a little time by myself at the smoking area, I saw her there. She was hesitating to come near me and talk about anything as I noticed that. So I called her and said don’t be nervous, you have passed, and also the fact that I am your boss doesn’t change anything between us. You’re still someone whom I meet while I smoke; moreover you are the girl next door for me.

She simply smiled and thanked me for being so kind to her and also that she needed someone to share this moment of joy. I said – ‘wait a minute, that doesn’t mean that you would be spared of the treat and mind you, it’s you who is paying.’ Tears of joy were clearly visible in her eyes and thus began our friendship.

Every day we used to step out at the same time from our flats, and reached at the office almost same time too. Only difference was, she used to commute by her own Activa and I had my own car. We came home almost together too. Casual greetings and smiles were common but we never used to bother about any personal things. Not even what both of us were about to cook for dinner. So days kept passing.

Only thing which I had developed as a habit that I always allowed her to walk ahead of me, so that I could check her ass out and that too without her noticing. but still it had never occurred to me that I would take advantage of her or would drag her to bed. She was way younger than me, I think at least 10 years. But I must admit that I had started to like her company and gradually it was obvious to come, the feeling of lust came in my mind regarding her.

One fine morning, while in the elevator she informed me that it was her birthday. So obviously I had to wish her a happy birthday. And afterwards to carry on the conversation I asked what were her plans for the evening. She was plain and said there was no plan for the time being but would see if there is anything that could change the course of day. I didn’t understand. So I asked what did it mean. She said that she had no such friends around with whom she could go around hanging and also lives alone, inferring she was bound to celebrate her birthday alone.

We reached the basement, no words said, I went to my car and she went her own way. I was still not able to decide whether her tone should be taken as sarcasm or was she really upset at being alone today. I too would have hated to stay alone on such occasion. Also my birthday too was due next week. So I decided to bring some cheer at her face. I emailed her -Ii am new in this town, and for the past few months I have barely found any time to hang out with anyone. So how about we go to someplace and enjoy a bit. PS: please delete this mail after you reply. I knew I was crossing some boundaries by allowing my subordinate to be closer to me in that manner, also the ethics of a workplace were being breached, but heck it was someone’s birthday and she needed a better treatment.

Also the lust inside me towards this beautiful girl was growing and i wanted her all for myself so I didn’t want others be involved in it. Her reply – sure, looking forward to it. Let’s plan over smoke. Let’s meet backdoor in five minutes. PS please delete this mail too. I smiled at the response and also at her enthusiasm and excitement that she exhibited, and even ignored the fact that she was sending this total casual mail to her boss.

However, I didn’t mind that. Rather I reached the place in time where we were to discuss about the plans for the evening. Her first idea came as we would go to a restaurant. To that I smirked and said – ‘Is that it? All you got for a big evening is a restaurant? What would you eat, a Thali?’ She said – ‘Fine then, I thought you’re older and may not like the idea but what the hell I had it in mind already, let’s go to a pub, if you are comfortable. I know a place, it’s nearby, and budget suitable too, plus I too have never been to such place before, why not try that tonight?

Oh God she said all that without even breathing. I couldn’t say no.

So it was decided that we would go to the pub right after signing off from the office and have a hell of a time there. And such was the excitement in both of our minds that neither of us could focus on our respective jobs after that. She met me in the parking lot and we decided that she would drive ahead and guide me to the place. I agreed and followed her.
I had entered a pub after so long and perhaps for the first time in India. It had been quite a time since I had felt such loud ambience. Yet I was in a good mood and eagerly wanted to gulp a few drinks. So did Razia. So without losing time we hit the bar and ordered drinks for ourselves. One drink after other we were getting tipsy and she was getting in a mood to dance. But I was not much of a dancer so she had to hit the floor alone.

I sat at distance watching her moving her hips and grooving to the rhythm. Her ample breasts were bouncing. And there she danced without caring about anything around her. She took a break to gulp a drink or two in between but again she went to the floor and danced along with lots of partners. All sorts of boys and girls. All of them were drunk too. Even the steward watched her and mentioned to me that she was quite a catch and has admirable moves. I don’t know what impressed him more, the drunken girl dancing or her assets that she didn’t bother to hide from others.

I turned towards him; clearly he knew that this girl was with me and thus complimenting me so I said thanks to him. He poured two drinks for me and said, these are on the house. This got me thinking that why would he give a free drink to a first time visitor but who cares so much when he is high. So I drank one and signalled Razia to come along and have it. She came, drank bottoms up and off she went again.

I could tell she was losing control of her mind with the hooting noises she was making and the actions she was doing but it was her birthday and I didn’t want to spoil it for her so I allowed her to this point but suddenly she did something embarrassing, she just lifted her top and flashed her boobs in front of a dozen people who were at the floor. That was taken in excitement by others and two or three more girls who were drunk too also followed the suit. They got rid of their tops, all of them and unclasped their bra showing all their breasts to all the people in the house. Well, what you expect from the guys then. They started to cheer them up for more. Encouraging to get rid of the jeans or skirts too. But this was noticed by the pub authorities and they sent in the bouncers to get rid of the notorious people including the girls who were behaving lewd. So in no time drunken Razia and her accomplices were kicked out of the pub. Certainly there was chaos but that was taken care of. These things keep happening at pubs and that’s the reason why they hire the bouncers.

It was evident to me that the night out is over and I now am responsible for the safety of this girl. I was drunk too but this drama had taken most of the stupor away from me. So I was nearing sobriety and could drive. But Razia, she was still in a mood to make the outside open place her dance bar. With some difficulty and little help from the gatekeepers I managed to shut her down in my car. I tipped them and left for home. Also told them that we’ll return to take the Activa back when madam is sober again.

By the time we reached home Razia was deep asleep. So I had to carry her in my lap to the elevator. Luckily it was the time when only random people walk around the corridors, otherwise people might get wrong assumptions. She was so drunk and high that she could barely speak anything or even stand. So I had to hold her and support her the whole time we were in the elevator. On our floor, I lifted her again and first unlocked my door. I seated her on the stool where I change shoes and rested her against the wall. And searched her for her keys. In that process my hand went in all her jeans pockets and I also happened to feel her ass while searching in the pockets at the rear. It felt fun and haunting at the same time. I was really turned on but this drunken girl was not good for any action at that time so I let it pass that way. I couldn’t find her key. Which meant only one thing that the key to Razia’s flat were missing, perhaps dropped in the pub somewhere and she may not get entry into her home until we went to the pub again and fetched the keys back.

Even I was tired and reluctant to drive that far so I decided to put her to sleep in my bed and I sleep on the couch or floor instead. That time I saw Razia open her eyes and stand up on her feet, struggling hard from within she figured out her way to the bathroom. I asked her if she needed any help but she didn’t say anything and hurried towards the bathroom instead. I followed her because I knew she was not in the right state and needed help but she was too fast to reach the bathroom where she vomited the whole load and made the whole place look like mess. All that was so spontaneous that I couldn’t even hold her properly to let the whole thing aimed properly in the basin. She spread all that crap all over the bathroom floor and then fell unconscious right upon it. I was disgusted at first but suddenly felt that poor thing really needed a hand getting her bad to the bed where she could sleep peacefully.

But first she needed to be cleaned so I run the shower upon her directly so that she could get rid of all that mess on her clothes. Then I had to remove her clothes to get her clean. I washed her up and took off her top, then the jeans. She opened her eyes though but she was really too drunk to struggle to what I was doing. Although what I did was all in good intentions but any girl would resist someone undressing her.

This action was thrilling for me too as I was about to see a naked girl lying helpless in front of me, where she cannot do anything about it. The thoughts of lust were overcoming my mind and I wanted to undress her as fast as I could. So I unclasped her purple 36 size bra. The bathroom was well illuminated where I saw a beautiful pair of breasts just in front of me, with no hurdles in between my palms and me. The nipples were asking me to get closer and taste them the boobs were just calling me to knead them hard. But still the panty was yet to be removed and more was yet to be uncovered so I headed downwards. It was a beautiful panty though with hearts drawn all over on the purple fabric. That area was even more lucrative. Clean shaven with a mole on it.

I wanted to slide my fingers inside right then and there but the place was just not right to get in mood and also this girl was not in right state of mind. I fought hard to these sinful thoughts and consoled myself that I may get them some other time. And thus the right thoughts triumphed. I cleaned her up; wrapped in a clean towel and lifted in my arms I put her on bed. All this time she had her eyes open and looking at what was I up to, but perhaps her body was too reluctant to obey her brain to resist me and she couldn’t do anything except watching me.

She was yet to be worn something for the night but first I needed to take care of my own clothes as I too was drenched due to that shower. So I took another towel and went into the bathroom to wash myself up too. First I cleaned the whole bathroom and then put those clothes to soak in the machine. Then I bathed myself and dried up. I came out to find her deep in sleep again. Good thing was she hadn’t hit on only hard floor while she had fallen in the bathroom and was not physically hurt at all. By the time I came out she was in the dreamy land and I clearly heard her snoring.

I changed into the comfy night pyjamas, and headed towards the living room to sleep on the couch. But suddenly my eyes fell on Razia who had just turned in her slumber and the towel which was wrapped around her breasts got loose and exposed them again. This was now turning out to be a testing night for me for I badly needed to sleep but a naked girl on the master bed and yet to have sex with her was not morally right this thought was killing me. So I decided to clothe her with another pair of night wear I had. I somehow managed to fit the tee shirt over the top and boxers in the lower side. Thus now I was comfortable that now there is no naked girl in my room and I needed to take rest. I breathed in and out several times and controlled my feelings convincing myself that it won’t be right to do anything crazy with this girl tonight. I was not living in present rather thinking about the next day when I would stand tall without my head hung in shame due to the embarrassing act of night.

Also I was tired after the day’s work and the time was past midnight now, when I am usually asleep. So I switched off all lights and went to the couch to sleep. I was so tired that I dozed off within seconds.

I was woken up at 7 in the morning by Razia with a mug of coffee in her other hand. Damn she was looking different today. Suddenly a beautiful girl had turned into a goddess of sex. The bedroom was dim lit at night but now in the bright sunlight I could see her face glowing. Her fair bare thighs and her heart shaped ass swung as she faced in the other direction and walked to find something to sit on. Her hair was loose which I noticed was also wet. Perhaps she had taken a shower again before waking me up and preparing the coffee. But she was still in the same outfit which I had put her in bed last night. Had she only rinsed her hair? What she might be thinking about me? Was I a jerk in her eyes or was I still a gentleman? Does she remember anything from last night? Was all I was thought and rubbing my eyes and grabbed that mug from the table in front of me. She was quiet and sat on the couch opposite.

There was an awkward silence until she broke it – ‘crazy night, huh?’ I said – indeed it was, but let’s forget that.’ She asked – ‘did I go too wild?’ I answered – ‘a little bit’ and smiled. I didn’t want to embarrass her by reminding how slutty she had become at the pub, was kicked out and she was abusing the watchmen in the filthy villager language. All that scene flashed in my mind and it made me laugh a bit. So she asked – ‘what’s there to laugh? Did I go too wild to be handled?’ I asked in reply – ‘don’t you remember anything that happened?’, to which she only gestured the actions of flashing her boobs in front of the people at pub roaming in the parking area of the pub all high and tipsy then puking all over the bathroom and falling over it. It was all a funny act and I couldn’t resist but laugh open hearted.

‘Heck! She remembers everything’, I thought. So I asked – ‘anything else?’ She replied – ‘the last thing I remember was me washing her after getting dirty and then putting on bed with a towel wrapped around. But now I wonder how these things got on me’. She pointed to the boxers and the tee which she was wearing. I replied to that – ‘I changed that for you and you are welcome.’ She said – ‘Thanks for extending all that help. And I noticed I don’t have my flat key, neither I have my scooter nor I have any decent clothes to wear for today. I saw all my clothes in the washing machine.’ To which I said – ‘right.’ And explained further – ‘since you were too drunk to drive so I drove you home, I searched your pockets for your flat key but couldn’t find and also it turned to be right because you became sick right away. What would have happened if you fell in your bathroom that way and no one could have noticed until you gained senses on your own. So good think I got your back last night.’ She was clearly embarrassed after hearing all this but I didn’t mean to make her feel that way. So I wanted to cheer her up a little. Said – “bade bade cities me aisa chhota chhota baat hota rehta hai.’ She was amused and smiled a bit. She said thanks for being a gentleman again. Evidently she didn’t know about what I went through for the whole last night by controlling the ‘man’ inside me.

She was still conscious about a man changing her and seeing her buck naked and I could read that from her face. I said don’t worry, that was not a big deal as you has already shown half of your lady parts at the pub anyway. So it really didn’t matter if I saw the other half, also I am not someone of a jerk who would take advantage of a drunk woman. She still had questions in her eyes for which I didn’t have the time to interpret unless she asked me herself. So I sipped in the last few drops of the excellent coffee she made and found my way to the bathroom. She was left alone.

Now I needed to get ready for office and although I woke up late that morning I had to cut my breakfast perhaps to make time as there was no time to prepare any. I stepped into the bathroom for shower where my eyes fell on the purple panty of her which I had forgot to put in the machine. I took in my hand and admired how beautiful it looked. Even more beautiful was the girl who owned it. All those memories from the last night began to flash in my mind again about what happened in the bathroom. How I undressed her, I felt her private parts unintentionally and how I longed to do all that again but in sober state this time. These memories were enough to arouse me and I had to relieve myself by masturbating. She was slowly taking my mind, filling it with lust and made me want more of her while she herself knew nothing about it.

As she didn’t have anything decent to wear for office and there was no spare key on her that could get her into her own flat, also her vehicle parked at a pub far away from this place she could do nothing to come to work that day. So I figured out it would be the right thing to give her some rest for today and let her overcome the hangover from last night. She admitted she was suffering from terrible headache and pain in the neck, shoulder, calves etc. Yet she prepared decent breakfast for me. I advised to take rest and order something from outside if felt hungry. She nodded and wished me goodbye while I shut the door behind me.

The day at office was testing me as it was getting difficult to focus on work. I had seen a drunk wild girl doing crazy stuff and then all her private parts I had a great chance to make love to her. Yet I could do nothing and now I wanted to do something to her. Whole day was spent in fantasizing things between me and her. I wished if I could get lucky with this girl. Not that it was the first time I had a chance with a girl. I had a couple of hot girlfriends back in the time while I was in college or also when I was in the USA, but I hadn’t seen any action in bed for at least past 2-3 years and now I was longing for some.

While coming home I found the key to her flat lying on the back seat of my car. She might have taken it out to give me in order to unlock her door, but instead she dropped it in my car. I kept that key in the glove box and drove home. The whole time I kept thinking if I could make use of this situation to get lucky with Razia. So a little wicked plan evolved in my mind and it brought a crooked wicked smile on my face.

I rung the door bell and she opened the door with a smile. I asked how she was feeling. She told about her day that she washed and dried and even ironed her own clothes and wore them. Then went to the pub directly, and searched for her keys. She got her Activa back but the key to her flat was still missing. I asked – ‘why didn’t you keep the keys in the same ring?’ She answered – ‘I do, usually, but last night I was drunk and had to leave my Activa at the pub. When the security guard asked for the key to the Activa I gave that to him securing the flat key out of the ring to myself so that I could get in but unfortunately I was too drunk to hold it until I got here and I must have dropped it either at the parking space at the pub or in your car. I lied – ‘I already looked for it in the whole car assuming if it were there but was of no use. You have lost your flat key and now need to get a spare made.

Our building did have a supervisor who had all the spare keys but for some reason he was on leave that day. Only thing he had forgotten to hand over to his deputy was the whole lot of spare keys. He wouldn’t return before a week. Lucky for me, but Razia was really desperate to get into her flat. She looked worried as she didn’t want be any burden upon me. But I was happy from inside. I had hid the key intentionally so that I could make her stay with me for longer. She wanted to look for a locksmith to get the lock banged but since it was already time before all the street side locksmiths would have gone home. Still we stepped on the street hoping to find one. From inside I wanted none to be found and my prayers were heard again.

We walked on the nearby streets till the nearby market area where I saw a restaurant. I was hungry since I had skipped lunch today out of anxiety. So I grabbed her hand without giving any thought I said let’s eat something first and dragged her into the restaurant with me. I realized it very late that I had done that in open area but she didn’t seem to mind. Perhaps she also had begun to like me as a person after all the decency I had shown to her. We ate till we were stuffed. God! Both of us were hungry.

We returned to our flat after having ice-creams from the street side vendor. We also went to a nearby mall to get her a couple of dresses that she could use in case she couldn’t get entry into her flat that soon. She was smart. I helped her select those dresses which made me think already I was doing some shopping with my girlfriend. Meanwhile I had been cracking jokes to cheer her up and get her back in the good mood she always used to be. Those jokes proved to be of help and she almost forgot that she was locked out and had to live in other’s flat. Perhaps she was assured that next day she would get someone to fix that lock and she won’t have to live in the neighborhood flat anymore. But I had some other plans in my head.

Back at home I asked her if she would like to watch any movie to which she readily agreed. I had a few DVDs that I had brought from the US that also featured some uncensored movie scenes which were not displayed at the cinema. I understood they were bit explicit but I had never got to watch them myself. We agreed to watch them right away although I didn’t tell her that these movies were rated only for discrete audience. We sat on the bed and the movie began. It was one of the movies which I bet anyone would regret to watch. Even I didn’t know it would be so bogus and boring. Rrazia exclaimed – ‘what profanity are they displaying! It’s better to watch half an hour of porn rather than wasting two and a half hours on this shit.’ This got me even bolder.

But in a subtle manner I asked – ‘do you feel like watching porn then?’ Because I have that too.’ She looked at me in disgust at first, probably she had not expected a man of my type to possess porn but it just took a second to change that look and excitedly say yes. I had a whole lot of such DVDs, high quality ones with some real nasty stuff in them. Of course I had seen each of them and had kept them with me because I wanted to see them again. It’s just that I never got time since I had returned. And this night was turning into just the night which I would dream of. A girl next to me in bed and a folder full of porn DVDs.

I inserted a random DVD in the player and thus began the porn movie. It had two African American males and a Russian or Czech woman who was being filled in from both the sides. The moment was getting tense in both our bodies and minds. I knew I needed it badly.

She too was getting hornier and before we knew anything we were licking faces with each other. I don’t remember who started it but it really doesn’t matter now. We were kissing each other wildly, I was chewing her lower lips while she was nibbling at my upper one. I tried twisting tongues with her and she bit it just to show how passionate she was. All other parts of the body were doing their own work altogether as if was some automatic reflexes. Like the hands began to unbutton her kurta, her hand unbuttoning my shirt. My groin rubbing against her crotch while the feet were busy tickling her feet. That was quite a sensation. I had to take a break in between the kisses for one to reason to breathe and also to remove the kurta and bra over her shoulder. The tops were taken care of. And her hands again became busy digging nails into my shoulder and back while she embraced me and I focused on her neck and earlobes. I bit the ears at times as if punishing her for biting my tongue at first place and also so turn her senses hornier.

I had really been on a dry spell for a long time but I wanted this one to prolong as much as possible. To excite me more she too was biting on my neck and trying to slowly rub her chin on my chest. This kept on for a while when our senses got stronger and the hands needed new place to work out. Now the lower portion of the body needed attention and both of us wanted that. She was wearing an elastic legging and that was not much hard to remove. Since I was still in my work outfit so it took her a bit time to open the belt then unbutton my trousers and fishing into the underwear to get hold of my already erect 7 inch member.

Meanwhile I had already found my way to her pussy and God that was wet! I hadn’t felt that much of wetness ever while doing foreplays but it only was turning me on for more action. Soon all the clothes were removed and thrown away. We didn’t really care where they landed as the heat between us wouldn’t let us focus on anything else. All we wanted now was sex sex and only sex. She laid on the bed and I sat on top. I inserted the middle finger of my left hand in her vagina which gave her the first sensation of being something inside her. She shivered in pleasure and let out a moan as she lifted her hip to take it more inside.

She had been stroking my penis all this time but this act of mine, fingering her pussy rendered her helpless and then all she did was to hold the pillow under her hip and crush the poor thing as hard as she could. She started breathing heavily as she moaned louder for more and more. She kept moving her hips in order to keep pace. White wet fluid kept on oozing out of her hole as much as I tried to drill inside. I was still not sure if I had found the correct spot or the G spot, until a stream of juices came out as a pressurized flow out of a nozzle. It shot me right in my pelvic area and more stream of weaker current followed.

Then I realized she was not really faking and this orgasm was real. She was getting real pleasure instead and still wanting more and more. When this stream subsided she pulled my face towards herself and we indulged into another hot passionate kiss.

She broke the kiss to say, ‘its time. Put it in me.’ I didn’t see her display any interest in oral sex. To tell you the truth, I was myself phobic to it as I had seen in some movie that the girl dug her teeth so hard into the male’s tool that it really came out detached from the body. That scene from the movie I don’t remember had printed some impression of fear and dislike for oral sex. So I preferred not to mention that to her and just go with the flow.

I started rubbing my penis over the walls of her cunt which was so wet I had never felt before in any of my sex partners. And this again gave her amazing sensation, she was so aroused at the moment that she raised her thighs and wrapped them around me and pulled me hard with amazing force. This sudden action took me by surprise and also the whole length inside her already wet pussy. In it went in a second and this caused Razia bit of a pain. But she was responsible for it herself. I asked – ‘what’s the hurry?’ She said no rush but I want it in me so badly that I didn’t want to wait any longer. I kept still until she said that the pain is gone and we can continue. Although sometimes girls like to be given some pain during sex but I didn’t want that risk to be taken as this might go the other way too.

Slowly I started to move in and out. Her pussy felt warm and what a fit it had been for my tool! I wondered this morning I was shagging off by thinking of this girl and now I am on top her. These thoughts kept turning me on and on. I increased my pace of thrusts and which each thrust going in deep inside her the amazing sounds of aah.. aah. uhh. uhh.. ahh.. go deeper please… kept on coming out. She kept moving her hands over my back and sometimes scratching them with her sharp nails and I kept fondling her breasts. She kept on pulling me more and more inside her. She was indeed wild. I could after noticing the actions of her hips. The pillow was already giving her enough elevation but yet this bitch was raising her hips as high as she could. But I must say she maintained an excellent harmony and were in no mood to stop. I was just amazed how deep her pussy was.

But after all we were humans and had to tire after all this hard work so we took a break. During that time we kept on kissing. She really was an excellent kisser. She knew which points to dig with her tongue. For how long and how hard to bite other person’s lips and also what to do with the hands while you are in a kiss. She never let the heat turn down between this pause. Then she decided she had to ride on top. I agreed and lay down. She came from the top and erected the penis upright and sat on it. This way I bet it went inside even deeper because I felt to touch something with the tip of my penis. Before I could know she began to ride as if riding a horse. I guess that’s the reason why this posture is called cowboy at several places. We were looking into each other’s eyes and smiling. I could see nothing but lust. She too had the same agenda as I did. No strings attached at all, this was just to satisfy the lust.

Soon she came for the second time. The juices flowing from her pussy were every time falling on me and were making me look dirtier and feel hornier. She stopped to relax that tension until all the juices would drop out, but I started to move my hips from beneath pushing it up her cunt and making each and every second a sexual pleasure. This time her moans became even louder. I held her waist and rested my torso on my shoulders. This gave freedom to my waist and she stayed still so that I could shoot at the right spot. There! I was sending in faster and faster thrusts to her spot and she was loudly saying my name. fuck me.. Fuck me.. Fuck me hard and deep.. were the only words I could hear her scream in pleasure.Good thing that other flats on the floor were occupied otherwise the neighbours might know as well that we were in motion.

Soon enough she also had to get tired so she told me that she couldn’t stay on top anymore as her knees and thighs hurt like hell now. It had been too much of a workout for her tonight. So I flipped her and came on top and the marathon continued. We paused in between to breathe some air as both of us were doing it after long time and it had already been 45 minutes since the time I had started to pump in. For a few more minutes I kept on pumping her till I felt some pressure building in my cock. I didn’t even bother that we were enjoying unprotected sex and that might cause havoc. I wanted to cum inside of her but still to know her opinion I called out – ‘I’m Cumming soon. She didn’t seem to care about anything that I said. She was madly moaning in ecstasy with her usual sounds of uff.. ahh aaah ah ahh..fuck me..

I reminded her again carrying on with the pace. She replied panting – ‘cum wherever you want, we’ll see later. And before she could even finish her sentence, loads of sperm shot after shot kept on filling her hole. The warmth was felt by her as well and she gave me a smile and pulled my face closer to plant a kiss on my lips. I responded too. I withdrew my penis without giving any thrusts anymore. The whole mix of the juices from her vagina and my semen were now started to fall out her hole. I liked the view. It was really wonderful to watch. And it came out in real huge quantity. What a hole it was. It can hold a lot, I said to her. She said but my bladder is small and I have to go pee. And she took off from the bed and made her way to the bathroom. I watched her walk to the bathroom from her behind and her ass swinging right and left as she walked. What a stunning girl I had just landed! She came back after cleaning herself and her love hole out of any remaining love juices that would remain inside.

We had such a sound sleep after that in each other’s arms. Neither of us had any regrets that it happened. I was even looking forward to getting another round before going to the office the next morning, which I got for real. That was also the same mind blowing sex as the one at night before. God this girl was a maniac on bed! She never let it appear from outside but when I got to know her from inside she was really a sex goddess and always wanted to have some action.

That evening while we were returning from office she opened the glove box to take out a cigarette and she found out her key. Initially she was mad at me but later shrugged her shoulder- ‘what the hell! I enjoyed it too.’ Hence began our friendship with benefits which nobody knows other than us. Not even anyone at work because we make sure nobody ever sees us together to get any assumptions. It has been six months now and I think we have succeeded in keeping it a secret.

We still enjoy casual sex. Initially we used to do it daily, but now things are not the same. Not that we don’t enjoy doing it anymore, but there are other things too which are to be handled. We still manage to copulate at least once or twice a week, mostly on weekends and share a healthy casual sex life.

Since this an office affair, I never plan to take it to any other level where families would involve and guilt would take the place of pleasure. We do not plan to marry each other. Rather we have been going to meet and approve the matches that each other’s parents have been sending for marriage proposals. No one as much suitable has been found yet but we’ll get someone someday. Until then it’s just us for each other.

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