5. Position name: Eiffel Tower
The woman stands straight, legs wider than shoulder width and she fully bends upside down, holding the elbows in front of her and resting them on the floor if possible. The man is behind her back, slightly bends his knees, puts his arms on her lower back and penetrates his female partner. Depending on the height of the man, he can be on his toes or just stand still, in the process the couple can hold the position they like.
This time, he was spanking my ass as well, while fucking me from behind. He added a variation to this position later, by bending down, holding my hair and pulling it backward.
– oh my God… –
I was screaming. After that, he released himself from me, turned my face towards his cock and released all his cum all over my face and Hair.
– wow…that was great –
I said as I was eating his cum.
It was the sex I had with him. For the porn industry was supposed to perform, he said I would be paid. I wanted to ask…then what did you mean by in return for the surgery…but I did not ask it because it would have messed things up.
To be honest, even though I was paid well, much of the porn I performed in the Japan trip were kinda rough, involving many kinds of crazy things. Here is will explain some of the hardest of them, as recorded in the movies.
1. Home invasion.
I go to work every morning and come back at night. A guy spies me later comes to know where I live. I usually wear skirt and blouse (They did not like me to cover my head during the movies).
One day, when I unlock the door of my house to get in, the spy jumps out of nowhere and electrocutes me and I fall unconscious. He takes me into the house, locks the door, binds my hands on my back and my legs and lays me on the sofa. He then takes a scissor and cuts off my blouse and then my bra, off me, making me half naked. Then he starts doing all kinds of crazy things while I am unconscious (the truth is I was very conscious and I felt everything he did).
First, he cups both my boobs in each of his hands. With the size of my boobs and that of his hands, his hand can barely hold one of my boobs, so later, he cups my right boob with both his hands. Then he squeezes it harder (I felt that he was squeezing my boobs hard but that did not hurt me).
Then, still squeezing it, he presses them between his palms, and then pulls it apart, then twists around and twists to the opposite direction, then pulls forth. Then, he put it in his mouth and started repeatedly biting all over it (I’m felt his tongue going around my nipple. It now did not as enjoyable as when I had more sensitive nipples, but I still enjoyed it).
He did not only bit it but also pulled it out with his mouth. It was wonderful to what extent my boobs could be pulled away now. What was more wonderful is why I had no reddish marks on my boobs after everything he did.
After that, he did similar things to my other boob as well, while I still laid unconscious.
Then, he cut off my skirt and my panty as well, making me completely naked. Then, he paid attention to my pussy.
He licked it and sucked it, greedily. Then he took my clitoris in his mouth and bit it (glad he did not bite it very hard. It was hard for me to pretend to be unconscious at this point). He pulled his mouth back, sucking it until it came off.
While he was doing that, I regained consciousness. And I felt that I have been tied and I saw what he was doing. He, put the scissor blades against my left nipple and said,
– sh…Stay quiet, or I will cut it off…understand? –
He had my mouth shut by his left hand. I nodded yes.
Then, he put away his scissors, hugged me tightly and started tasting my right boob and nipple. This time, he was not using his teeth. (In his mouth, I felt his tongue nibbling against and around my nipple). He licked over my nipple over and over again and while sucking it, pulled his head back until my nipple came off, and did it again and again. I was looking at him with utter disgust towards him, and I turned my head away when he started doing the same to my other boob and nipple.
– you do not have to do this –
I said with a sad voice, while he continued what he was doing.
After that, he started wrist fucking it. After the surgery, my pussy seemed small like that of a Virgin but it pulled apart, allowing his hand in, completely. As he paced up, I was screaming.
– oh God. ..I have never felt like this before!…-
After a while, he took his hand out and pasted my juice all over my boobs and face, to which I responded with a disgusting look, again.
After that, he released me of my bounds. As I stood up and tried to run, he pushed me back to the sofa, pinned me against the sofa by laying on me and started fucking me, licking and sucking all over my mouth and ears, as I moved my face around. As he sometimes licked and sucked my boobs, I tried to push his head away, repeatedly saying,
– stop! –
– get away from me! –
– what are you doing? –
He laid on me and fucked me, squeezing and sucking my boobs over and over again, and after some more strokes, he stopped with a long moaning and stood, leaving his cum pouring out of my pussy.
As I laid there moaning, he got up, got outta the house and walked away.
Stay tuned to know what happened next.