This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home.
In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as his wife will be with me for two months just living as husband and wife. We purposefully decided for this approach to enjoy a complete feel of living with a new partner 24/7 enjoying every aspect of life and not just only sex.
We decided that this will give more excitement and happy as we can spent time with a new partner sexually and non-sexually, like going out, trips, tours, new honey moon etc. It will also open the door for natural bond and relationship with new partner. Moreover we both couple knows each other for longer period and each other like other person’s wife so there are not much concerns/issues living with other person for longer time.
Advantage for us is that we are not in home country (India) where we need to be worried about parents and relatives. As we are in Canada, nobody is around to question/suspect us. This becomes as advantage for us.
First thing, I like to tell that this incidents though I term it as story will not be shorter one like many other fiction stories, this will be definitely lengthy as there are lot of things needs to described in detail. This is not a fiction story where in the first paragraph narrates about the beauty of wives and in second paragraph where one couple boldly tells to other couple and instantly they agree and gets into sex in front of each other without any logic and authentic. Last paragraph explains fuck and suck and put end to the story in one pager.
Everybody knows in real life swinging/swapping wife is near impossible thing, and one needs to have a lot of guts to open up this idea to his own spouse and convince her and then finding a polite way to communicate to other friendly couple without being spitted on face. That too with a moderate and conservative couples like us it is big challenge, we are not wild couple going to pub, dance etc. Our wives offer prayers, puja and god fearing.
In our real life, it took complete 2 months’ time from the date when this idea budded and slowly progressed and reached final stage of making it happen. In this course of journey, there are lot of interesting events, debates, conversations, planning, sentiments, seductions, threats, blackmails, crying, romance, sex happened. So it needs several pages to explain every bit of the detail so this story will be lengthy but truly authentic and surely arouse you like anything, and you will not be able to resist cum/masturbate at least 10 times before you completely read this story.
Events, emotion and planning we had in this wife exchange journey will exceed a thriller movie’s suspense, I’m excited to explain here in this story. I tried to recall every minor discussions, plans, conversations happen in real time and presented it here.
We want to share our experience here with concealing our identity, all the names in this story are not original names. This whole incidents are narrated from both the couple’s perspective. I’ve organized as logical episodes, time to time the story will be narrated by different person.
I believe that will be the best way to explain this story as incidents, debates, discussions happen in houses of both couples.
More over our experience can be an FAQ for people interested in swinging and planning in future. You will see common challenges and solutions from our experience that you can be benefited from. You will also learn cunning and smart tricks/tips to convince conservative wife to agree for swap.
Kindly apologize if any grammar issues especially tenses
Please share your feedback to my email [email protected] Your feedback will encourage me to write my few other experiences.
Without boring further, jumping into the story.
This is Multi Part Story – This is Part 5, you will be able to understand story without reading previous parts, still I recommend you to read previous parts before proceeding.
Coming to story
I’m Swathi back
Few more days passed working from home and working from office, we haven’t tried something immediately after the last cake hug drama. After 4 or 5 days we started the next episode “More frequent touches in absence of Rajesh”
Vinod as usual came to our home started working as normal, we as usual navigated the conversation against planned topic “health fitness”, and I started advising to Rajesh that he needs to do some work out and Vinod also as usual supported me and said to Rajesh that doing work out is good. As planned Rajesh said that he agree to that and said to us that he will go for Jogging.
Rajesh said that he cannot go jogging in morning as in India because here it is cold and suggested that he will go for a full heavy jogging during lunch time and he asked Vinod that if he can manage any chat emails coming to him. Vinod happily agreed for this and said “No worries Rajesh, if somebody pings in IM, I’ll respond on your behalf and they will think you are online. I know all the project related stuff”. Vinod responded to Rajesh as he is helping Rajesh, but it seems he wants more private time with me.
Rajesh reacted as Vinod is too generous and thanked for his help and started jogging today itself, Rajesh said to Vinod, Ok please take care, I’ll go for jog and will be back by 1 hour.
After Rajesh left I went and closed the door and came back to hall and praised Vinod in naughty and sarcastic way saying to him, “so are you of too helping nature? Mm so you will only help Rajesh and not me?”
Vinod laughingly said, “Why Swathi, what help do you want? I can help you?”
I said, “I’m bit hesitant to ask, can you help me in cutting onions for me. I’m allergic to cutting onion as it will cause tears”
Vinod laughed and said “Why not, let me come”
Vinod came to kitchen, I gave him onion and cutter plate and he started facing one side of kitchen and started cutting onions, I started facing stove side (just opposite side), both our buttocks face each other, I purposefully rubbed my back with his back while moving left to right and right to left. It is natural as there is no much space in kitchen. He neither tried to move away, he is taking advantage of my soft move.
I thought I can further advance, and I occasionally pat his shoulders with my hand and asked to get me plate or spoon with purpose, He reciprocated in same way by touching my bare shoulder and asking if i need to cut any other onions, etc.
I felt he is coming inline, beyond this he should take the move, and I cannot insist anything. He utilized every silly chance to touch my bare shoulder casually while talking, every time I responded positively to him. I know further this, he should build the courage to take further step. My limitation is this.
I was waiting for him if will take any further move. I started sincerely frying something in pan, I could sense that he is looking at me from my behind and he is thinking of something to try, I was patiently waiting for what he is going to do.
I noticed from the movement that he coming closer to me from my back, my heart pumping started.
Without turning my head I can realize that he is standing just closer to me from my back, I was pretending to sauté the vegetable on stove without turning my head. Unexpectedly he placed his two hands over my two side of my hip and gently pulled backward, I suddenly turned towards him and saw him without showing any angry or happy reaction.
He appeared to be bit tensed of what he did, I certainly understood that he cannot control the urge of touching me, but he didnt have guts to say that he touched with desire. He stammering said, “Sorry Swathi, I noticed that you went to too close to stove, as I thought fire might affect you, I pulled you bit backward, Please don’t mistake me”
I laughed inside myself and brought smile on my face and said in a convincing and supporting tone “oh thank you, why you are asking sorry and asking not to mistake you? Don’t feel sorry, what you did is right, sometime while cooking without knowledge I go closer to fire, what you did is with good interest on me. When you have to do this NEXT TIME please don’t feel sorry”
I heavily encouraged him to reduce his stammering and to provide him opportunity to further make a move.
By hearing my soft and supporting voice, he felt really happy. All this happened within 20 minutes of Rajesh left, Rajesh has 40 more minutes left to come back. It seems he is bit happy with my “NEXT TIME” statement as this encourages him to touch me like this.
I continued to fry vegetable, after few minutes again he gently placed his two hands wide open over my hip and pulled me bit back gently, he is enjoying touching my flesh hip and gently pulling backward. I gently turned to him and thanked him in expressive way by bowing my head to him without saying a word.
I kept the stove in simmer so that vegetables are not sauted soon :-). So every few minutes he softly placed his hands over my hip and pulled me back, some times for a change he placed his hands on my bare shoulders and pulled back.
I really started enjoying his moves, and he is bit comfortable as the doors are locked from inside. few minutes later he placed his hands over my hip, but just not pulled backward, he just kept hands over my hip and standing still. Now I’m bit confused how to react, he is not pulling me back, just kept his hands over my hip and standing still. Almost it continued for 5 minutes, I gently turned my head and looked at him, he smilingly said “I’m holding you safely so that next time when you go closer to fire, I can pull you backward”
I laughed heavily and said “Good prevention act”
Calling bell rang, he took hands off and ran fast to sofa. I casually opened the door to let Rajesh in.
Rajesh came in with sweat on face and Told Vinod ” Vinod jogging is really good, I feel energetic, everyday I’m going to do this going forward. Did anybody pinged me?”
Vinod is happy to hear that Rajesh is going to jog everyday and responded “No Rajesh, no body pinged you”
Rajesh asked Vinod “Does Swathi annoyed you with chat her during my absence which could disturb your work”
Vinod said/lied “No Rajesh, she is not disturbing at all, all the time she is in kitchen working, and I’m sincerely working so no disturbance at all”
As usual 5 PM came, Vinod doesnt seems to have heart to leave and any how he needs to leave, so he left for the day. Hope he should have good orgasm with Harini thinking of today’s events.
Rajesh was anxiously waiting for Vinod to leave so that he can know what happened during his absence. As soon as Vinod left, Rajesh enquired how Vinod acted today in his absence and is he showing any progress? or trying to take advantage.
I explained to Rajesh as ” Rajesh, yes Vinod is showing good progress, he gained courage slowly to stand closer to me in my back side and he advanced to the level of holding my hip” and I explained about Vinod’s hip pulling in the name of saving from stove fire.
Rajesh smiled. and said, “oh this is really good progress, if he advanced to hold your hip, I think probably our whole drama can come to end by tomorrow.”
I replied “Yes, definitely there is massive chance that tomorrow Vinod will further take advantage, if so let us plan the climax of our seduction drama as decided” and we further discussed about tomorrows plan and what to do, etc.
I’m Vinod back
I’m walking out of Rajesh’s home now and time is 5.30 PM. I looked at sky and said “God are you standing near by and listening to prayer of my heart? You are giving immediately what I’m looking for and the pleasure I enjoy”
It was my wonderful day. What I suspected is right, Hot girl Swathi has some secret desire for me. When I approached her and gripped her hips after lot of thought she responded positively. This is not something normal. Oh my god I couldn’t believe my eyes on what happened today.
I wont think that all her acts on me are casual, she is having a secret lust on me and Rajesh without knowing this he is encouraging our friendship. I don’t find guilty. I can do whatever sin if I have to get Swathi.
I’m so lucky that such a hot girl Swathi has lust on me. I don’t believe that I’m such a great person for her, but she loves me. This gives me a superior feeling. I left their home with ultimate happy. Good that Rajesh has decided to go for jogging every day, This will give me privacy to advance on Swathi further.
Who knows, if I’m lucky that day can be tomorrow.
I’m Swathi back
Next day came.
Rajesh and I got up @morning again quickly recapped today’s drama steps and actions. We are bit excited today as this could be our day if things falls in place as planned. As according to our plan, I wore saree today. As Vinod is getting interest on my hip, I ensured that dress gives ample bare space on my hip so that he could feel my hip and I could also feel the chillness of his hand on my hips. Yesterday though Vinod was holding my hips, I couldn’t enjoy it much as I had dress covered my hip. I dressed in low hip mode, wore bangles and I’ve dressed to kill but in traditional way.
We waited for Vinod to come, at 9 as usual Vinod came as usual Rajesh conveyed the decision of working from home that day. Vinod saw me in saree and raised his eyebrow and casually said “What madam, you changed to traditional dress”
I responded with expressive eyes and action “Yes for a change, thought to wear saree, it has been a while wearing saree”
I was at kitchen doing something at stove, and Rajesh purposefully shouted as “Swathi, be careful with stove as you are wearing cotton saree”
Vinod by hearing Rajesh’s voice looked towards me, I shouted as reply “Don’t worry Rajesh, nothing will happen to me, if in case if I’m getting closer to fire, god will pull me back and save me” while saying this I winkled at Vinod innocently”
Vinod noticed this and slightly smiled at me. As our plan for today is entirely planned during the time of Rajesh’s jogging, so not played anything major in morning apart from casually sitting next to Vinod on sofa.
Vinod seems to be happy because of things happened yesterday and my comments about god saving me by pulling me back and he was looking at clock frequently. I could sense that he looking for 2 PM expecting Rajesh to go for jogging. Rajesh also noticed this in Vinod.
At 2 PM Rajesh as usual casually said to me and Vinod that he is going for jogging and asked Vinod to take care of his laptop and any emails.
I just followed Rajesh to send him off and came back to hall, and not talked much to Vinod, just smiled at Vinod and just moved to kitchen. Vinod immediately left sofa and casually came to kitchen. I’m happy and I definitely sense that he is progressing and coming to kitchen without even calling him for help as I did yesterday. Again once he is at kitchen I smiled at him and with smile gave him an Onion and cutter plate.
And as usual I put some vegetables in a vessel and started sauting them on stove. Vinod started cutting onion facing his back for few minutes, while I was sauting vegetable on stove. Vinod cannot urge his control and turned towards me slowly, I could sense this without turning my head by his movements. He is bit reluctant to touch my hips like yesterday as it is bit bare open where he had to touch me on my skin.
Also it seems Vinod wants to check if I’m in same accepting mood like yesterday.
So he politely kept two hands on my two shoulders just closer to the neck side, and gently pulled me backward. I turned my face towards him and gave him the usual smile as a sign that I’m still like yesterday, this time he has not explained why he is pulling like as he explained yesterday. I too not questioned him and just smiled at him. I’m anxiously waiting for him to take his next move to touch my bare open shiny hip that is between my blouse and petty coat. Other side of the hip is closed by saree.
After pulling me bit back and took off his hands from my shoulder and he is bit looking for next chance to gently touch and pull me. To encourage him, just within few seconds I started move forward closer to stove hinting him to pull me back.
this Time he just kept his right hand on my right shoulder and gently with his left hand two fingers (index and thumb finger) holded my bare hip on my left side and slightly pulled me back with both his hands and took off his hands. Vinod is bit feeling tensed to touch my hip in whole, he just want to measure my pulse. Again I smiled at him as usual just slightly turning my head alone.
He took few minutes break without touching me. I could realize he is thinking of his next move. I’ve also started waiting with pumping heart. He placed his two hands side to my both upper arms below shoulder and placed his chin on my right shoulder casually pretending to loook what I’m sauting in stove. As he kept his cheeks on my right shoulder my cheeks and his cheeks are closer to each other I’m in heavenly feeling and he casualy asked what I’m sauting. I with smile said, “sauting carrot”
Vinod is trying to keep the impression with me that he is doing things casual, he is bit tensed and after few seconds just he took off face and hands from me. I really liked the way he is treating me. If it is someone else, for all the signals I’ve given, they would pulled me to bed immediately. But Vinod is too good and want to progress slowly and trying to validate if I’m fine with his every incremental move. I like his decently. I could easily guess that he don’t want to proceed anywhere further if I don’t like it.
I cannot say him in open words that I’m for him and he can do whatever he wants with me, only thing I can do it to encourage him and he himself progress. This is the only way to achieve the wife swap strategy according to our detailed plan.
He again took few minutes break, and this time he bit wide opened his fingers and softly and very slowly placed on my hip. Unlike last time now all his five fingers are fully rested on my left side open hip area. I felt warmness on his touch. My heart really started beating heavily. Now I didnt have any courage to turn back to him and smile. So just started pretended frying the vegetable. He kept the five fingers wide open on my hip and not started moving them even an inch on any direction.
Again Vinod is measuring my pulse, I’ve not reacted positive like smiling to him or not reacted negatively by trying to get away from his touch. So he is enjoying his touch. I could feel warmness of his palm on my hip. My heart started pumping heavily and anxiously waiting for his five fingers to move in some direction except downwards. The way he kept his five fingers wide open on my hip is in such way that he is not gripping my hip, he is just keeping hands on it like a support. Wow it was a wonderful feeling.
After few minutes Vinod gained bit of courage and slide his five fingers from my side of my hip towards stomach/naval area, his slide movement is inch by inch. Slowly like this inch by inch move, after 10 to 15 minutes now his all five fingers are exactly wide open and touching my belly and stomach area. I’m feeling immense pleasure in his touch. I felt it is my turn now as he is progressing for almost 15 minutes well.
So I decided to make my next move, just above my head and top of stove, there are cabinets. I pretended to open the cabinets, to Open the cabinets I have to raise my two hands upwards. So I lifted my two hands and slowly opened the cabinet. As I raised my hands it gave wide area open on my hip side and kind of stretch at my stomach/waist area. I pretended like searching some bottle in cabinet. As I’m pretending searching I have to slightly move my body upper side, this has facilitated bit of friction/movement of his hands on my waist/stomach. I pretended slightly jumping a bit to look at height of cabinet, that movement has made his hand to bit slider towards my lower belly. As this happens oh my god blood is pumping inside my heart heavily. But I’m praying that he should not take advantage of movement towards that direction for now.
His hands are bit on the lower side of my belly where his little finger is slightly fallen into my belly button, I’m enjoying his romantic touch. I slightly rotated my body pretending to open the next cabinet, this rotation slided his hands to right side of the stomach, similarly I was rotated towards left and right, this made his hand slide at both side of my stomach, softly gliding from left side of my hip to right side and again back to left. With immense pleasure I’m enjoying his hand slidings over my waist area.
I stopped my side ward and upward movements of my body now and stood in idle position and again started sauting vegetables. I’m getting too naughty and decided to take a quick next move, As acting to look closer to pan, I just immediately bended forward after bending forward within seconds I returned back to normal position. This quick bend forward had made his five fingers slide upper side of my stomach and in fraction of seconds his fingers slightly brushed my lower part of bulgy breasts and his fingers and hands returned back to waist area once I returned back to normal standing position.
Wow what an erotic feeling in that split fraction second of his fingers brushing on my soft lower boobs. Vinod immensely enjoyed my move. My last few minutes of my moves to make his fingers glide around my complete waist area has increased his confidence. Now he spreaded his five fingers further wide and moved from just touch mode to grip mode. This time he pressed his five fingers bit softly on my stomach instead of just touching. I could feel the soft impression of his fingers, without losing the grip with that soft and hard impression he started moving his fingers inch by inch upwards. He comfortably rested his right hand on my right shoulders.
He slowly inched his five fingers bit upwards, now his fingers are crossed the bare area of my hip and started reaching cloth area of my lower blouse, Now between his fingers and my lower end my boobs merely it would be 4 to 5 inch gap. My two golden chain which were decorating my neck that runs over my boobs is hitting his fingers. One of the gold chain bit winded his fingers slightly disturbing his movement. I started hating this disturbing chain. I slightly turned my head towards my right side and could easily catch hold of the chain in mouth and gently pulled from there.
Now this chain is between my two lips without creating an obstacle. Gold colored chain stuck in between my rose soft lips should be glamorous. With pleasure I’m enjoying his finger movements. Since his fingers crossed from safe area (hip) and moving towards risky area (boobs), he is bit slowly in moving his fingers and hands. His five fingers are wide open and inching upward slowly, now I could feel his index finger is touching my fleshy lower boobs where his thumb finger is on the side of my fleshly lower boobs. Now I’m in kind of ecstasy and couldn’t saute vegetables properly. He slowly moved his fingers further up, so now his index and middle finger on front bit upper side of my lower part of my boobs and his thumb finger is pressing on the side of my boobs, only two of his unlucky fingers (ring finger and his little fingers are bit off down the boobs), within few more seconds he moved his hands further up, now all his four fingers are completely on top my boobs. To be precise in position, my nipples is in between his thumb and middle finger thought he cannot feel because of blouse and bra inside.
Being his hand at this position, I’m completely lost and I cannot saute the vegetable any more. Almost his hand is cupping or touching my boobs. After few seconds he bit harden his grip on my boobs. So almost I felt the climax of drama is reached, there is no chance for both me and Vinod saying that un intentionally we did this. So I slowly turned towards him by rotating my body, he never tried to move away, now I started facing him face to face and gently placed my lips on his cheeks and this is not a deep kiss. I said to him “Come let us go to bed room” He is bit happy and he couldn’t believe his eyes.
I just picked my cellphone without him noticing it and just pressed few keys to release a pre composed message to hint Rajesh that plan is progressing and he needs to move further. I pushed Vinod gently from his back by pushing his two shoulders towards bed room he happily headed towards bedroom.
Today when I sent off Rajesh, I purposefully not closed the main door, and Vinod doesn’t knows this. So we both reached bed room and I just closed the bedroom door. Gently said to Vinod, Thanks for understanding me and meaninglessly said “i love you” and he came forward with lot of mood and tried to hug me. I admitted his hug and gave him pleasure of feeling me body. I sat on the bed and went to lying position, my saree slipped way from my hip and now he is having a chance of seeing my hip where all these times he didn’t had chance to see them other than feeling them.
I took my two hands towards my shoulder to remove the saree clip to remove my saree and I removed the saree to show my fleshy breasts/boobs with blouse. He came forwarded with lot of lust, I just caught his shirt and unbuttoned his two buttons, He realizing what I want, and he completely unbuttoned all his shirt buttons and removed it. While doing this he asked me “Swathi, are the doors are closed” I said “Yes I did”
Now he is just his vests/banian. He hugged me with just banian, I pulled his banian and indicated the desire to get off his vests, He immediately realized my desire and removed his banian, Now he is in his bare body. wow first time seeing his body, he is well maintained and he has good arms and structured and hardened chest, I hugged him tightly and praying “Rajesh, where the hell are you, please come soon and drive the next episode of our drama” I’m bit tensed if Rajesh will not come soon and where Vinod would further advance.
Luckily, Rajesh slowly enters house without making much door opening noise after just coming near to the bedroom door, Rajesh started shouting “Swathi, Vinod” Where are you? I know that this is going to happen as planned, I’m not shocked but I pretended to be shocked. Vinod is really shocked to the core. He is in assumption that door is locked, He is terribly shocked.
Without giving seconds, Rajesh opened the bedroom door and saw us on bed in awkward position, where my saree is completely slipped off revealing me in just tight blouse and petty coat, and where Vinod is in hugging position without any dress on his top.
Rajesh though know all this, He pretended and acted excellently as he is in complete shock. He showed his shock in his look and shouted ” Oh my god, what you are doing????” and Immediately he picked his cellphone out of his pocket and started taking multiple pictures/photos of us in that situation.
Vinod is in terrible shame and shocked to see Rajesh caught him and also taking photos of this situation. Especially taking photos made Vinod to fear terrible.
Please share your feedback/suggestions to [email protected] I highly value your feedback and suggestion. Your feedback is the only thing which will encourage me to write.
Rest of the story is continued in Part 6