I was born in village and spent my childhood there. Our family was in farming. I used to help my family in farming in my schooldays. Following are my encounters up to my childhood when i was not having sex feelings
Since my early childhood, i used to help my family in farm. There was a big plot of land owned by a social organization just adjacent to our farm. One of the caretakers of that farm used to often visit to our farm. When he used to find me alone, he used to grab my **** over from my shorts, and hold it. And squeeze it. It used to be painful. I was able to do nothing. I was trying to avoid him coming nearby to me. But he used to do it whenever he found me alone. I was so small to understand this and could not do anything about it to stop it. This continued till the caretaker was there.
Then i grew a little. There was a grown up boy in my class. He became friendly with me. One day in the recess, he asked me to take out a thing from his pant pocket. I put my hand in his pocket. I was surprised by touch of my hand to a big warm object. It was his **** which was big and hot. I later understood that he had made a hole in his packet and put his erect ****through the hole. I was too young to understand anything about sex that time. But still remember the hot touch of his big ****.
As i grew further, i had to help my family in their chores. In school vacation, i was asked to take care of cows and buffalos. I had to take them to grassland near our farm for grazing, from home, in the morning and bring them back in the evening. This was a daily routine. As i was new to this, i was asked to go with another elderly boy (in his early 20’s), who was employed by a wealthy farmer to take care of his cows and buffalos. We both used to go together with the cows and buffalos to the grassland which was about 4 km away. I used to walk after the herd, but he used to ride on a buffalo after walking for some time. He used to tell me to ride buffalo but i was afraid. One day while returning home, he asked me to ride buffalo with him. I was not ready, but he pulled me and made me sit in front of him on buffalo back. The guy behind me was holding me tightly with his hand on my stomach to begin with so as to assure me that i will not fall down. As i gained confidence and fear of falling down vanished, he slowly loosened the grip on my stomach by loosening his hand. His palm slowly fell down and rested in between my legs. It was evening and was getting dark. We were in the middle of the way to home. Now he started to remove my pant buttons, and after unbuttoning all and loosening the pant, he inserted his hand in my pant and started playing with my ****. He was caressing softly and continuously for long time. As i remember, my **** hardened little and got mild erection. He stopped his play when we approached near village.
The days passed by and i grew further. I then used to visit my uncle in other village in summer vacation and stay there for most of vacation. These people were staying in their farm. It was a big family. I was friendly with one of my cousin, who was little elder to me. Since it used to be hot in the house, we used to sleep in outside open yard under sky. As usual of village, I and this cousin used to sleep in one bed. One night he was telling me about his elder brother’s affair with a young teenager girl in his neighborhood. His elder brother had already married and had four kids. After death of their father, he became head of the family. I was enjoying his story, but still i was too young to understand sex. It was late night when he finished narrating his story. I was feeling sleepy; however he went on and on. He had come very close to me so that i could listen what he had to say, as there were other people from the family sleeping nearby, and he had to talk in low voice. There was now chill in the air. So we had covered ourselves in one blanket. He was holding my hand while he was talking, and i did not feel anything as we used to often hold our hands. At the end of his story, he pulled my hand and put it on his hot erect ****. He had already pulled down his pant and had taken out his ****. It was too big, i felt. However, i removed my hand from his ****when he loosened grip on my hand.
As i grew further, i got new friends. We were playing after school in the evening. I had a friend of my age from my neighborhood house. We became close friends and used to play for many days together. Our houses were typical farmer’s houses in village, big and spacious and they were nearby. There used to be main part of house, where all cooking, eating, resting, sitting was done. The other part of house meant for cows, buffalos, bulls etc. was adjacent to main house in the same compound. That also used to be big to accommodate all animals and their fodder etc. All the people in the house were usually in the main part of the house. Normally, the other part for animals used to be without any persons presence most of the time. We two used to play in either of the houses and change place from one house to other. We usually run from one house to other when we wanted change of place. My friend’s house was bigger than mine. There was lot of privacy in the other part of house meant for farm animals. At one time, while playing, we changed the game to playing with ****s. I don’t remember when and how it began. After school, in the evening, we used to go in the other part of house where no one will see us, and take out our **** s from half pant, we were wearing that time. Hold both the ****s together, touching one other. They were becoming erect. Play like this for some time in one house. Then run to other house, enter the cow shed. Again play the same game. Then again back to first house. The game used to continue for a long time. It went on for a long time. We were both enjoying it. No one noticed us playing the game. This stopped when my friend went to other village for his schooling.