I am Akhil, 38 years old, living in Chennai. I am an Exhibitionist and love to do CFNM stuff. CFNM is Clothed Female and Nude Male, where the women are fully dressed and the Male is undressed to do whatever pleases the lady. I had given an advertisement in Locanto for my services to the femdom.
I got an email from a married lady Neelima. She was aged around 25 to 30. She had seen my advert. She wanted to have a CFNM situation with her friends for 2 to 3 hours. She was clear in what she communicated. She said there were 2 more friends of hers.
All the 3 of them are married. She wanted to give a birthday party to one of her friends. For the party, they planned for a surprise CFNM show. I was supposed to help them with the chores like and they would undress me like as if it is casual.
I was supposed to act like Neelima’s cousin who came as a guest to her house. Then they will slowly tell the truth to her birthday friend. I understood what they wanted. The date and time were fixed. Neelima asked if she has to pay me anything and I politely denied any payment.
Neelima wanted to meet me before the party to know about me and check my genuineness. So she fixed a coffee shop and time. We started chatting on WhatsApp by then to fix the date time etc. So she could see my profile pic and recognize me. We met at Cafe Coffee day and we shook warm hands.
It was more like a professional meeting. She was dressed in a salwar kameez. Very decent like a working woman. She was looking good and spoke decent English but said she was Tamil. Her husband seems to be working in the US as a software professional on deputation for 6 months.
She was working for a local IT company which she refused to disclose. She was inquiring about me. I am married, 38 years old, living with wife and kids etc. I revealed and showed her my id card to prove my identity. I was dressed in a Jeans and a shirt.
What was supposed to be a 30 minutes meeting went on for 2 hours. She probably liked talking to me and vice-versa. We started chatting about likes dislikes, college, work etc. All through the first 60 to 70 minutes, she did not bring the subject of CFNM or sex or anything of that kind.
It was purely knowing each other. Probably she was evaluating me all that time. Then slowly she brought the subject of her friend, birthday surprise, etc. Then she asked me if I had prior experience and what kind of fun can I provide. I said I have experience with a 3 or 4 females in singles and groups all CFNM only.
I reiterated I do not do sex/intercourse as mentioned in my Locanto advert. She was ok with it. She was also confirmed that they only wanted a little fun like striptease etc and not sex. She was taking more details from me like if I would go fully in the buff, like can they touch me and will I touch them etc.
I confirmed to her that they can touch me without giving me pain and as long as it is funny. I also promised I will not touch them unless they wanted to be touched. I asked more about the birthday girl. (married lady she is) and if this is her first time. It was everyone’s first time they said.
Then I suggested if you all feel and agree I can probably give the birthday girl a kiss on her hands, fingers, and legs and leave it at that. She said they we will go with the situation. It was fair enough. She never asked what is my penis size. I could understand that she was feeling shy.
She mentioned that I have to be clean and shaved. By shaving, she meant both the face and the genitals. She took more details like what attire will come. I said it is her choice. She suggested casual jeans and T-shirt. She was shy to ask about the inner garments.
I initiated the subject, like if there are preferences for the inner garments. She said should be clean and neat. All through her conversation, I can understand she wanted a clean, neat, well educated, well-mannered person to do kinky stuff. I matched all her expectations of the man she could trust with such a delicate matter.
She was judging me with my clothes, conversation, she was also judging my IQ levels so to say. I asked her if they want to see me in a dhoti (village style) or any uniform dress like a pilot, etc. She said it is ok with jeans and a T-shirt. I was just throwing her choices. She was not prepared for such a choice.
She wanted to keep up with her earlier decision of casual attire. Then she slowly asked me if I would wear a Komanam (loin cloth) if needed. I said I love to do it. She said if her friends are interested we will see that later. It was looking like she wanted me to wear different undergarments.
But wanted to check with her friends. She later WhatsApped me asking me to bring a komanam cloth as well just in case they wanted. The location fixed was her apartment as her hubby was not in the country. The other 2 friends will join by 6 PM and she wanted me to come by 4 PM itself.
She wanted to tell the watchman at the gate of another flat number and name which was next to hers. This was so that the watchman won’t suspect anything wrong. She gave her flat number as well. It was a bit thrilling for me as well. On the D-Day, I arrived at 4 pm to her apartment as planned.
I gave the wrong flat number and passed through the gate. I will write what happened in the next part 2. Email me for feedback on [email protected]