This is the story I was in Hyderabad, the days of call center just started, newly married, and me and my wife went to vegetable market in near Miyapur Hyderabad. This market happens to be on very Tuesday and the local farmers from far and wide sell their produce. And as usual this place was crowded, with lot of IT employees and construction workers, jostling for space and bargaining.
As the vegetable were sold on the open ground with just a cloth below it, there was a lot of dust and stamping into one and another was common. For any purchase of vegetable all have to bend forward. No wonder the cleavage was exposed for many women and the best part is the boobs of young ladies from their blouses or their top used to pop out of like white soft balls, ready to relish and suck it.
The discovery, one day while asking my wife to move forward I accidentally touched her bums, it was wet with a gum like liquid, I was wondering how she got it. And only after few more weeks, I saw one day a man actually rubbing hard on bums, and she bent forward. I wanted to kill this guy who rubbing my wife back. In a jerk she yelled and screamed at the guy on what he doing and he ran away like a mad fellow.
Oh ok I was very proud of my wife, what a lady who protects her modesty.
But you know what she will always stay back and being a very crowded lane, this was streaming with hundreds of people who would jostle for space. And ladies and gents will bumps into each other. Often the desperate guys and ladies will go out of the way to be touched and touch. Sometime the guys will throw their hands at the boobs and also rub the ASS so and feel the rounded shape to the glory will some time all this happen in couple of seconds..
Realization, my wife started showing interest for purchasing vegetable more and more every Tuesday not because it was cheap and fresh. But she also wanted to be rubbed from back. One fine day, like always for the marked trip, she will wear dark Punjabi kurta and a dark top, with multisided colors. I always used to tell her why don’t you come forward and walk in front of me. She would say ok, and as soon I start bargaining for vegetables she will stand behind and walk behind again, i did not know why until few weeks down this vegetable lane I saw a hefty tall guys was rubbing in penis behind my wife back, I just a left glance from eye and there was a seller of mirrors and all the mirrors swayed with the wind. And hmmm!, I saw for the first time that though my put her hand on shoulder and walking in the congested vegetable sellers lane. She was actually being rubbed in the back. And her face was one of confused excitement. She did not notice that I was having a side glance thru the mirror. I fit of rage i turned back. And literally hit the guy, and there was a huge crowd abused followed like drain water from my mouth. Some people started pitying my wife. ON HOW THIS MONSTER was rubbing GUN on my wife’s back and holding her bums.
Truth: I know the truth though when we moved away this time deliberately i put my hand my wife’s back as if to say let forget it and walk back home. I realized the fact that the Romeo in the veg bazaar, actually ooozed out all the juices on my wife back and it was wet like she just sat on a fevicol or white gum. My hands had his cum and god glory my pretend as if it was something that fell from the sky.
But the truth was he was rubbing and she enjoying. The abuse to the Romeo so call stalker was only half wrong. My wife encouraged it rubbed on all the while when I walked far of and she suddenly would bend by onions or brinjals in between and this man would rub penis against my wife’s back all this time. Until I take u turn and come there will be huge crowd of all kinds of crowd, ladies, gents, workers, professionals, and student’s etc. bargaining for the vegetables. And I would only watch and wonder where the hell is my wife. So if wife is in the front and bending over forward to pick the choicest vegetable, but she got the choicest penis guns for bargain from other customer in the veg seller, there would be another row of people behind here and another few people again behind them. So could barely see my wife back or face. And here this guys she yelled at was actually standing in front of her and rubbing his cock. And my took 15 minutes to buy kilo onions and as a bonus got 15 mg of man’s cum.
Next week – this time she said she going with her apartment’s family ladies, hmmmm and I just followed later, and what I saw of shocking her friends from the apartment who all were married and some had children and from decent family background where being molested and they loved it.
Wait: the story has just begun and at the other side I saw my in black sari, well dark color covers cum of the man and juices oozing out the penis. She bent ward and I saw this two guys one very young and another a middle age man, NEARING his old age, he took his pole and rubbing my wife’s back, the center part, of the back, was being pounded, the sari was the barrier between his penis and my wife buttocks, he did not wear a panties, as generally ladies do not wear panties under sari in India. And just a thin lehanga underneath. She was feeling the heat of penis and was just melting and again the onion were being collected, and each she took in her hand, she would it, and again throw it back and again collect some more in the basket, so more time wasting tactics for getting ASS rubbed, and like male dog in heat he just doing this as the whole place was crowded there were tens of people in the back and in the sides, but I seeing all this from little high position by standing near small stair case. She was just enjoying to the core. And this young fella could not get the back so rubbing his penis at my stomach, mind you she was bent forward all this time and picking those fucking vegetables for the vegetable vendor who was so busy in selling that he was least bothered of what happening in front of him. There were couple of more ladies who were getting pounded well rubbed by bare cocks. This young fella went a step forward and was actually touching my wife boobs, with one hand and the other on the shoulder.
I wanted to discuss this with her, i COULD NOT SLEEPS FOR DAYS together though my marriage is an arranged marriage and she loves me a lot and screw her almost 6 times in a week and got a thickest penis and penis size being 5.5 inches and make her moan like crazy, i did not understand what she wanted more. I still did not find answer even now.
Few weeks later, my wore a tight, legin, a see thru, you can see the color of underwear in that leg in and more deep cut in the front kurta. And went to bazaar again, this time with undies, and she again bent over and got rubbed by at least ten guys at different intervals and I was watching this from a corner yes like a spy, and felt kill those asshole or kick my wife. There was a guy who actually ripped out the a small in her kurta and inserted her penis. At this time I just came to my wife by pushing the crowd hard and said shall we go now. She was not able to speak the guys was ejaculating, and was spilling over due to sudden standing by my wife, I told her that is ok I understand.
I took her home in the bike, and on the way was saying i di don’t know what happened. I took her home and I thought to slap her hard with my hand. She took to bath room in jiffy and I told you see you back filled with cum of some many men and i ripped her tight legging and told her the proof you got pussy filled with cum, at least you should give him a condom.
If you crazy for men, you can leave mean and enjoy your life why did you marry me than. She shouted back I did not liked to be fucked by a person like you who is older than seven years to me. I am 23 and you are thirty so I hate you. It was arranged marriage why could have said no. I wanted to marry because I had choice because of my parents, I asked what about the old guy who was rubbing you. She said THIS IS MY LIFE, I WILL WALK OUT, and OR FORGIVE I NEVER DO THIS AGAIN. SHE PROMISED. I had a child now. I still shudder why she had done then, we now a 10 years young child, and her mother my wife is normal now. But I DO NOT WHY DID THIS TO ME, I never till date fear to take her to crowded place. Occasionally she get the kick and starts exposing her breasts by bending forward and showing her skin tight leggings but that far she has been.
And i do not know what made her crazy in the first year of our marriage. I am living with her. But for me she is a slut and pretending to happy for the sake of 10 year old loving child.