Breaking Incest Taboo With Innocent Sister – Part 1

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I am in my early 30s now. And I am trying to remember at what point did I start to have feelings for my little sister. The earliest I could remember me noticing her was when I was still in my teenage. Mom would wake me up very early and prepare some breakfast and then she would go back to the bed to get some more sleep. I would have the breakfast at the dining table and then continue on to my usual routine of getting ready for school.

My sister’s room was the nearest to the dining table, and I would be aware of her still in the bed. Her door would be open as my mom would have opened it in an attempt to wake her up. I cannot remember why but Ann, my sister, could afford half an hour more sleep than me.

By the way, I have only been attracted to women older than me. I have tried to reason with myself why that could be. Bossy women turned me on. Something about them that seemed them to be in control had an effect on me.

When I was younger, anything sexual in my mind involved either a teacher from my school or a friend of my mom or one of my aunts. Now, the taboo itself for me was the fact that they were twice my age, and had nothing to do with the fact that they could be related. I cannot remember any girl, at that time, my age or younger that I somehow found attractive.

It must have been one of those days munching my eggs-on-toast thinking about another boring day in school. I noticed Ann was in the bed a bit longer than usual. I turned around, as her room was behind where I was sat. She was sleeping on her stomach. She seems to slide out of the bed covers as it was summer.

The lights in her room weren’t turned on. I could only see from the little light that got in from the living room. But I could clearly see her smooth silky legs. The fan’s wind was slightly making her skirt flutter.

The skirt must have reached a few inches above the back of her knees as I could clearly see her toned hamstrings until about midway as the bottom of the skirt moved about. The upper part of her skirt fitted well around, what I noticed for the first time in my life, the most perfect ass cheeks I would ever lay my eyes on. This was so far in the past that I cannot remember why I got up and wandered into her room.

I moved closer to the bed and knelt on the floor to follow the curves of that ass, that to me was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. She was lying near to the edge of the bed. I looked at her calves from the side. And I traced her body line up through her thighs, slowly. I slowed down even further when I reached the start of her ass cheeks when it was a steep climb.

My gaze went up very slowly. It felt like an eternity and then came back down to the small of her back. Her skirt was probably cotton material or something similar that clung to her body tight especially from her upper thighs and upwards. I imagined then that her ass would even more smooth and soft but firm and toned as her calves and thighs. There was an unbearable urge to put my hands on them and caress them.

I looked up and saw that she was wearing a similar cotton top with her face with turned away from the edge of the bed. I leaned to look at her face and still remember how cute she looked even when she was fast asleep.

She had chubby cheeks then, the only thing I never liked about herself. And I noticed then that she had developed well on her upper body as well even by that age. Her shoulders would rise and fall with her breathing. I could not see any straps on her back and I inferred she was not wearing any bra. And through her top, I could see well-developed breasts crushed, one of them into the bed, and the other into the pillow. I stood and envied the pillow.

Then I took two steps back and tried to digest what I had just done. I was young and naive to understand many rights from wrongs. But I did understand things about chemistry, lust, and sex to a certain extent. And I clearly knew but did not understand why I did something that is much deeply wrong. Even the rebel teen in me realized that I went too far.

I slowly stepped outside the room and went upstairs, where the only room was mine and I went inside. I sat in my bed and was trying to digest all the mixed emotions going through me. Well, I could not understand why I was turned on beyond what I thought was humanly possible.

When my physical senses started to come back to me, I felt the pain in my penis being restricted in my underwear. My cock felt like there was absolutely no way it would go down. I had lost the sense of time and didn’t know how much longer I had before I need to run out of the house to get to the school in time.

My cock wanted attention and called for it to be stroked. But my brain was trying to convince me there was something wrong in all this. I tried to come up with a logical reason like I would need to relieve the pressure if I wanted to get to school on time.

I pulled my cock out and slowly stroked it. It was dry, but there was so much precum dripping, of which some had fallen in my shorts that I was wearing. I squeezed a good amount of precum into my palm and rubbed it along the length of my cock from which it looked like veins were going to pop out.

I tried to think of something else – a teacher whom I used to fantasize, or my aunt, but the only thing that I could see was Ann’s round ass cheeks, toned legs, and big breasts.

Yes, I tried very hard to think about someone else. I even tried closing my eyes but that just made things worse. With my eyes closed, I could see more clearly hamstrings. And it felt like my sister raised her ass from her bed to caress my cock with her bare butt. That moment I cried out her name loudly and shot my load up in the air.

I sat on my bed letting everything sink in. An intense feeling of guilt overcame me. Realising I had to clean up and I was running out of time, I did not get much time to think about it all. I did not see Ann before I left the house for school that day.

As usual, school kept me busy. I was not consciously thinking about Ann, but unlike previous days, I had no interest to even look at any women at school. It just did not seem interested. Maybe my brain was trying hard to block any thoughts from that morning.

By the time I came back home, I had convinced myself that everything that happened that morning was some wild dream I had, and it did not happen in reality. Ann was happy to see me come home from school. And we both sat in front of the TV while my caring mom made me a cup of tea.

Ann would occasionally comment on about whatever was on the TV at that time. She seemed curious why I was unusually quiet that evening. The first time that evening, she turned around and stared at my face. I could barely make eye contact.

She looked so innocent and ever so cute. Her big round eyes looking right at me. It felt like those eyes were throwing darts at me. She seemed to be trying to figure it out herself what was wrong with me thinking she knows me very well.

I noticed her hair, her facial features, and her one raised eyebrow. Her hair was long enough to reach just above her elbows, silky, smooth and flagging. Her prominent eyes were mesmerizing. I might have been staring at her too long, that whatever she had asked me, she started repeating it louder each time.

“You are not playing a prank on me again are you? You realize it is time for my favorite programme. Can you change the channel please ?” Ann said loud enough to snap me out of my state of being spellbound.

At that point, I found her voice sexy. The very sense of her words on my ears caused me to turn red. Something had taken over me, like being controlled by voodoo against my will. Or like someone has cast a spell on me to be turned on by her sight or smell or even sound.

Seeing that I had not replied to her, she sat up and moved to the edge of the sofa, suggesting that she was ready to pounce on me to grab the remote if I do not grant her wish soon. I was trying to figure out what it was that I had to do, and that wasn’t quick enough for her.

And she jumped up and reached for the remote. My instinctive reaction was not let her have the remote. I swiftly moved the remote where it was and moved it farthest away to the right side as she was on my left. This was not the first time that we had done this. I knew how much hard she was going to try and it wasn’t going to be easy for me. But this time her presence near me sent chills up my spine.

She put her knees on the sofa and lept on top of me from my side. I forgot about the remote. All I could think about was the intensified feeling of touch wherever her body was in contact with mine. Her left breast pressed against my side shoulder. One knee on the sofa to my side, and she strategically squeezed the other knee between my thighs resting it on the sofa.

The school uniform skirt that she was still wearing, pulled up exposing a very good portion of her fit thighs. It was so up close to me, and then she pushed me on to my back using her thighs against my abdomen. By this time, I could feel her thigh muscles flexing through my stomach. I could feel her breast on my shoulder, and what may have felt like her nipple pressed against my shoulder.

The more she tried to put pressure on me, the more of her breast smothered my shoulder. It felt like it never ended. Each second going by, I was getting more and more of that breast. In the attempt to pin me to where I was in the sofa to make her next move, she was trying to apply more pressure with her legs and thighs.

Her knee was very well touching my cock through my pants. The only muscle in my body that fought against her pressure all around my body was the muscles in my penis. It was so hard that it did not budge from the pressure she applied with her legs.

By this time, she was very much stable and ready to execute her endgame move. In one well-executed maneuver, Ann reached with both her hands to make sure there was nowhere for me to move the remote. She tried to reach for the remote. I was still holding the remote in my right hand farthest away I could to the right and a bit to behind the head as well.

I was quite disappointed that at this point her breast that was on my shoulder was not there anymore as she tried to reach a bit further up. But my disappointment did not last long. The time seemed to stop when I felt that soft feeling on my face.

Something so heavenly to describe started brushing around my cheeks and upper lip and forced my nose to one side that I felt it might break. I could not believe what was happening. It was her other breast on my face. It felt like she was trying to kill me by smothering my face with her breast and choke me to death.

The fight for the remote since she lunged from the sofa could not have been more than a few seconds in reality. But it felt to me that it was going on for a few hours. While being smothered in the face with Ann’s left breast, while she tried to move about and wrestle all to get the remote from me, all I could think about was how big her breasts could be? How firm could it be? Can I tell for sure whether she was wearing a bra?

I hadn’t seen a real breast at that time. And I couldn’t tell the absolute size. But it was relative measurement all that matters. So all I could think of was if I cupped it would it fit inside my palm? How hard could I squeeze it until I physically could not anymore? Would the sense of touch on the breast, something that might turn her own.

My cock reached a point where it was hurting me so much fighting against the underwear. And that brought me back to where events around me were now going in normal speed. And by that point, I could no longer tolerate the pain.

Within a fraction of a second from then, Ann got hold of the remote, changed the channel, and was back at her side of the sofa. She had an innocent smile on her face that clearly showed she was happy with her victory. I looked her from the side and could see her breathing heavily. Her whole upper body moving up and down with heavy breathing. That breathing movement accentuated the curves of her breasts and it was a sight from the side.

I stared at her breasts with my jaws dropped, when I realized she was not wearing any bra. It was firm and perfect. I wanted to get up and go to my room upstairs. But I wanted to cover the front of my pants with something before I got up. I cannot remember what I found, but I did get to my room, closed my door.

I oozed out so much precum that when I looked down I noticed it had soaked my underwear and even through to my pants. And the wet patch clearly visible on my school uniform pants.

Without using a drop of moisturizer or oil, I was stroking my cock that was completely lubricated now with my precum. It still making sloppy sounds while I did pump it up and down. Another flying load a few feet across the room. While I tidied it up, I was going through that quilty feeling again. I thought whether there is something wrong with me? Why could this be wrong and why is it that I could not control my thoughts and feelings?

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