Blackmailed Clerk – Part I

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Darrel James had waited patiently for this day. He had confronted Peggy almost two months earlier with the info he collected on her forgery scheme and, when he revealed the evidence to her, she crumbled quickly. Little by little he had taken more and more control.

His job at the bank gave him more than enough to live on, and the recent additional windfall of cash, allowed him to put his plan into motion. First, he had insisted she continue college as well as quit her job. She had no family to interfere, and friends were minimal, since she worked all the hours school would allow. He had moved her into his home and had given her money for clothes and tuition.

His entire plan hinged on her becoming dependent on him and making her servitude seem much better than her alternative of jail. Darrel had spent a lot of time over the last few months covering his tracks at the bank and making sure that all her transactions were wiped from the record. He wanted to enjoy Peggy without looking over his shoulder and now he was confident that he would not be a suspect should anyone ever find Penny’s forgeries. Now he intended to claim all her charms and enjoy her to the fullest.

When he arrived home she was in the kitchen cooking. Peggy had willingly followed his orders the last few months, as it had been easier to please him than her boss at her old job. All she had to do was keep the house neat and cook every evening. The only other stipulation was to keep her grades at the 3.65 she had struggled to maintain throughout her five long years of college.

Tonight, Darrel was about to increase her responsibilities.

“Peggy, come here,” he called out as he moved into the living room.

She bounded around the corner and smiled as he came into view, “Hello Sir, dinner will be on the table in five minutes.” He was pleased that she was still following the rules.

“Come with me first,” he said as he walked toward the spacious den. The house was enormous and elegantly decorated with an occasional hint of a female’s presence, probably his ex-wife. Darrell turned and watched Peggy’s delicate frame draw nearer before stopping her in the middle of the room.

“Take off your clothes for me Peggy,” he said as he sat heavily into an overstuffed chair.

Peggy stood motionless for a moment not sure if she had heard correctly.

“Wha…what sir?” she stammered.

“I said take off your clothes. Put them on the coffee table when you are finished.” He sounded very matter of factly and his demeanor puzzled Peggy. He had never touched her but she had known this day would come eventually. She stood rather defeated and began to slowly unbutton her blouse.

It took a while to get to the last button but she finally did and pulled the material away revealing her bra covered breasts and flat stomach.
“Don’t stop,” he prodded causing her to jump back to reality. She tugged at the fastener on her skirt and it fell away uncovering her well-proportioned thighs.

Darrel sat forward in anticipation as she reached behind her and began to unclasp her bra. Letting the straps slide from her shoulders she held the cups briefly before letting the material fall onto the rapidly growing pile of clothing. Finally Peggy hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her thin panties and slid them down her legs. Completely naked she stood before him trying to cover her breasts and pussy the best she could.
Darrel appraised Peggy as she stood in front of him with one arm across her ample breasts and the other covering her pussy. She was young and beautiful with a nice proportioned body. He particularly liked the fact that she was embarrassed to be naked in front of him.

“Go finish dinner,” he waved her off and picked up the TV remote. Standing nude in front of him, Peggy felt shame wash over her body. She also felt a little hurt, in an odd way, because he had not forced himself on her. She was glad that he hadn’t tried any more though, and grabbed at her clothes so she could continue with dinner.

“Leave them,” he said suddenly, “you won’t be needing clothes around here anymore.” Peggy blushed brightly and released the handful of skirt before straightening up and scurrying out of the room. Darrel pretended to ignore her but watched her ass intently as is it swayed seductively back toward the kitchen.

They ate in silence while Peggy sat blushing most of the time. He had finally made her stop covering herself and now she shifted in her seat uncomfortably as he eyed her displayed breasts. When the meal was over he moved into the living room again, leaving her to clean up. Twenty minutes later she emerged from the kitchen.

“May I have my clothes now, Sir?” She seemed a little upset with him.

“No you may not” he replied, “and if your attitude doesn’t change you may never get them back.”

Peggy stopped short as Darrel turned to her, “You belong to me, I own you. You are aware that I can put you in jail at any time and ruin your life forever.” She was well aware of that fact at all times.

“You are here to please me any way I see fit and right now I want to see you to suck my dick.”

Peggy took in a sharp breath as he said this. She knew from the looks he was always giving her it was inevitable, but now that the moment had arrived she was afraid. He motioned to her and she quietly moved in front of him and dropped to her knees. Opening his pants she fished around until she found his hard cock and pulled it out. She gasped at the size before tentatively kissing the head.

“You do know to suck cock don’t you?” he asked smiling down at her.

Actually she had a few boyfriends she had agreed to have oral sex with, but none had a cock this size. She opened her mouth as wide as she could and stretched it over the head.

Moving slowly Peggy managed to get most of it in her mouth and began to bob up and down rhythmically. Running her tongue along the bottom she gagged slightly as the shaft thickened even more. The continuing motion was having quite an effect on Darrel as he began to moan on every stroke. He grabbed a handful of hair and gently pushed and pulled in time to her efforts. As he began to climax he held her tightly and bucked wildly into her as he came in her mouth.

Peggy choked the warm liquid down in an effort to continue breathing. She could not move as he was still clutching her hair, making it impossible to drop his rapidly softening cock. She decided swallowing was better than suffocating so she gulped down his cum. Finally he let her go and his deflated dick popped from her mouth.

“From now on you will not wear anything while you are in this house unless I say differently. Do you understand?” Peggy nodded her head solemnly as the realization hit her. She would be his private whore forever and there was nothing she could do about it.

Chapter 2

Darrel sat quietly only half listening as Bob drabbled on about nothing. Bob was a bank officer on the same level as Darrel but at a different location and the two frequently had lunch together. Usually he enjoyed the company, but today Darrel had other things on his mind.

He had acquired a large sum of cash that had to be laundered somehow. His thoughts turned back to the recent events that allowed him to save Peggy and rip off a drug dealer while pointing the blame elsewhere.

Having a huge amount of cash at his disposal was exhilarating at first… until he realized he couldn’t spend it. He had to come up with a way to get it back into the system without being caught by the police, or the drug dealer. Using the bank he worked at was out of the question. He had to find a business that handled large sums of cash legally.

“Prescott Manly was in today,” Bob was saying, “he must be back in town for a while.”

Darrel was suddenly alert. Prescott Manly was a well-known tycoon that moved from city to city building his empire.

“What did he want?” Darrel probed.

“He opened a line of credit and get this,” Bob paused dramatically, “he paid for the penthouse suite at the Wilkins Arms Hotel for a month in advance! Do you know what that costs?” He was obviously pleased he had some information that sparked Darrel’s interest.

“A lot I’m sure,” Darrel mumbled. From then on he tuned out Bob and began working on a plan.

For the rest of the day, Darrel mulled over the idea he had and by the time he was ready to leave work, he felt like the plan had taken shape.
He quickly made his way home and Peggy greeted him as he came into the house from the garage. She was standing as he had instructed her the day before, naked with her hands at her side. He could smell dinner and was suddenly hungry.

“Get dinner ready now,” Darrel said as he walked past her and through the kitchen. “We have some things to do tonight.” Peggy froze for a second thinking this would finally be the night that he took her. He noticed her fretful look and laughed.

“Don’t worry,” he said, “we need to go out first. Then maybe we can think of something else to do later.”

Peggy said nothing but her mind was running a million miles per minute. She began to set the table as she thought about the past few months. Having sex with Darrel didn’t frighten her any more. At this point she was ready to do it and get over the constant anticipation. She realized that the stress of not knowing when it might happen had begun to arouse her when she thought about him.

The prolonged wait had taken on a type of extended foreplay that left her in a state of confusion. Most men only wanted one thing and they wanted it as quickly as possible. Then again, Darrel wasn’t any man.

He returned to the dining room a few minutes after she had finished setting the table. He was now freshly showered and in comfortable clothes. She stood quietly until he motioned for her to sit and enjoy the dinner. Peggy was getting better at cooking and he complimented her on her efforts. They might have been any of a thousand couples sitting down to dinner after work, had it not been for her nudity.

He seemed a bit preoccupied and rushed through his meal. She quickened her pace as well, so she would be ready if he wanted her to do something for him. He politely thanked her for the meal and strode quickly down the hall, leaving her to clean up.

She had just gotten the dishes in the sink when he called to her. Peggy stopped her task and headed down the hall to find him in her room. On the bed were several dresses and a few pair of shoes lay on the floor.

“Try these on,” he told her, pointing at the clothes.

Peggy pulled the first dress on and he had her turn for him before instructing her to try on another. He looked on as she tugged the dress into place and then watched closely as she modeled it for him. Darrel moved closer to her and ran his hands along her stomach as she trembled at his touch. He stood next to her and she looked into his eyes waiting for what had to be their first kiss. Suddenly, he stepped back and pointed to the last dress.

“Try that one on and then we can go,” he said regaining his composure. She struggled a bit, getting the tight dress off and then, pulled the last garment over her head. He didn’t seem to be impressed with it.

“I not really fond of this one,” he said after quickly giving the last dress the once over. “I like the second one the best. Put it back on along with some matching heels and meet me in the den.” He turned and walked down the hall leaving her to finish dressing.

“Sir?” Peggy called after him.
“Yes,” he answered from the doorway.
“What about underwear?” she asked timidly.

“No need for those,” he smiled, “maybe we will stop somewhere and get you some if it really becomes necessary.” She blushed at the thought of being in public with nothing but the skin tight dress to cover her.


Peggy walked toward the man in the lobby that Darrel had pointed out. She looked quite sexy in her new tight fitting dress that he had bought her the night before, and she felt like all the eyes in the hotel lobby were on her. She concentrated on not falling off her impossibly high heels and “accidentally” bumped into Prescott Manly.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she said. Her embarrassed look came naturally as she really was.

“That’s OK,” was the reply. Prescott turned to look at her and suddenly a smile crept across his face. “Are you in a hurry my dear?” He took in her full beauty blatantly, making her blush even more.

“No Sir, I’m just going to lunch.” She recited the lines Darrel had given her.

“So am I,” His smile broadened, “care to join me?”

“Well, OK,” she wondered how Darrel had known what Prescott was going to say, “if I’m not being a bother.”

“Not at all, the restaurant is this way.” He took her gently by the arm and moved her in that direction. Darrel followed at a safe distance and sat at a table across the room. He was confident Peggy would do as he said, but this was too big to let her screw up. He knew his presence would keep her on her best behavior. He ordered lunch and waited patiently while watching Peggy and Prescott.

To his right he kept hearing a clicking noise and turned to see a cute girl with short brown hair taking pictures. He watched her carefully and realized Prescott was the target. Being careful not to attract attention, he finished eating quickly and moved to the door. By the time the photographer emerged he was waiting behind the wheel of his car.

He followed her beat-up Camaro through town to where she finally stopped at a run down store front. The faded sign above the door read Sarah Jackson Photography. Darrel sighed deeply. As if he hadn’t enough to do, now he had to research this pesky photographer.

Chapter 3

Peggy bounded across the floor to answer the ringing phone. Her naked breasts bobbed seductively with every move.


“How did it go?” Darrel asked. “Did he say anything that I should know?”

“Um, I, uh, I don’t know,” she stammered, obviously afraid she didn’t have the info he needed, “he only got one call during lunch.”

“What did he say?”

“Um, hang on,” Peggy said. Darrel could hear her digging in her purse, “he said, research tract 1, 2. I need it by next week.” She stopped momentarily, “Then he said, no the Pearson is the only one at the corner, just find out.” She stopped again waiting for a response, “I’m sorry Sir he didn’t say anything else about business.”

Darrel snapped back from his thoughts, “You did great Peggy. I am proud of you for taking exact notes, it helps a great deal.” He could hear her sign in relief.

“Don’t cook tonight, I want to take you out. Wear the blue dress with garters.”
“Yes Sir,” she answered happily.

“And Peggy, shave your pussy for me.” He heard her gasp, “Be ready by eight,” he added before hanging up.

The Pearson tract had to be a realty property in the city. Prescott must have an inside scoop on something about to happen with zoning. He drove to the courthouse and spent the next two hours going through every realty property linked to Pearson. He came up with five properties with that name but only two that he felt were large enough to interest Prescott. The land was in an area outside the city that had yet to be developed. It was a long shot but he felt confident in Peggy’s information. Darrel made copies of everything he needed before leaving for home.

Peggy paced nervously in the living room waiting for Darrel. It wasn’t eight yet but she had been waiting for the last 15 minutes just in case he got away early. She had shaved her pussy as he requested and the effect on her was very erotic.

As Peggy walked, her bald pussy began to heat up in a way she never thought possible. She was horny and to make it worse, she wanted Darrel. It was insane to feel this way, especially since he had basically abducted her. Peggy had to admit he had been extremely nice to her and for the first time in a while, she had no major responsibilities. The removal of the financial burdens alone had made her feel free. Ironic, considering the predicament she was in.

Finally a car pulled up the drive and into the garage. Peggy became very nervous as she realized from the sound the vehicle was not Darrel’s. It sounded different, with a lower exhaust tone and the engine revved a bit before being cut off. She knew cars, and that was the sound only a V8 could make. It definitely wasn’t the import that she was expecting. Peggy stood motionless in the living room as the door opened. She almost fainted as Darrel walked into the room.

He grinned when he saw her face. “Honey, I’m home,” he laughed. “Come see my new toy.” She followed him into the garage to find a late model blue and white Trans Am. Her heart leapt to her throat as she looked longingly at him. She had talked about this car with him for the longest time and now she was afraid he was tormenting her.

He laughed at her again, “It’s yours.” Her hands went to her face and she began shaking. She ran to him and pressed her body against his in an attempt to show her gratitude, hugging him tightly to her breasts.

“Thank you so much Sir,” she was starting to cry now so he pulled away and shooed her to the bathroom to get ready to go. She returned a few minutes later and Darrel let her have the keys.

“You drive tonight.” She giggled as she started the car and moved out to the street.

Dinner was an experience as Peggy snuggled next to him without his having to ask. She rubbed against him seductively the entire time and on the way home threw glances his way and would blush profusely when he caught her eye.

She pulled into the garage and closed the door with the remote. Peggy sat quietly lost in her own thoughts while gently caressing the leather steering wheel. Darrel got out of the car and walked to the front waiting on her to get out.

“Come here,” he said. She reluctantly opened the door and stepped out. He laughed at the effect of the car as she ran her fingers lovingly across the fender while moving to the front where he stood.

“Stop,” he said suddenly, “strip for me.”

Peggy slid the straps off her shoulder letting the dress fall to the floor. She stepped out of the garment and moved directly in front of him without covering herself. Now naked, she kept her hands at her side and moved closer to him. Peggy slowly dropped to her knees and began removing his pants. With her hands on his belt she looked up at him seductively.

“May I suck your cock Sir?” The question took him by surprise but he nodded to her. She slid her hands along his thighs before tugging his pants down to reveal his hard cock. Not hesitating, she trapped it between her lips and sucked at the head softly before taking the entire length down her throat. Peggy swirled her tongue around his cock head as she pulled back, staying for an instant before swallowing it slowly back down again.

It only took a few minutes of this to get Darrel worked up to the bursting point. He pulled her up firmly and pressed her against the hood of the car. She laid back and spread her legs invitingly, her now bald pussy gleaming with her juices. He rubbed the head against her wet slit as Peggy let out a loud moan. With an easy fluid motion, he stroked deeply into her until his balls rested against her butt. Her face had a look of passion etched into it that made him want her even more. He kissed her deeply and to his delight she returned it with an unexpected intensity. He stroked into her increasingly harder and faster, pushing them both to the brink.

Wanting it to last longer, he pulled out despite her objections and had her turn over. She presented her ass to him as invitingly as she could and he plunged into her from behind in one stroke. He banged against her ass and she pushed back to get him into her as deeply as possible. They continued this way, filling the garage with their gasps and groans, until he could take no more and increased his speed. Feeling his amplified intensity, Peggy began to buck wildly on his cock and soon they were both cumming as she milked the cum from his spurting cock.
They rested for a few minutes in a tangle on the hood, both breathing heavily. “So, you like the car?” he teased her.

“More than you can ever know Sir,” she smiled brightly back at him.

Chapter 4

Darrel awoke early the next morning and kissed Peggy’s forehead gently before dragging himself out of bed. He dressed quickly and headed for the door. Getting to the garage he realized he would have to take Peggy’s old clunker since he had left his car at the bank. He made a few calls along the way to insure he had the phone numbers he needed to close the land deal.

Darrel spent the entire day making plans to buy the property that Peggy had tipped him on. Arranging the finances would be relatively easy and by the end of the day he was well prepared. He called the owner at 3pm and by 5pm the two of them were sitting in a coffee shop. The man had been planning to sell and already finished the survey, making it a simple matter of negotiating the price.

An hour later, all the paperwork was finished adding to Darrel’s possession, 68 acres of real estate he had never seen. It was a $260,000 gamble he was hoping would pay off.

Heading home, he suddenly remembered that Peggy wouldn’t be at the house this evening. He had made her accept a date with Prescott for tonight and she would be arriving at his hotel soon. Turning the car toward downtown, he headed for the photography shop to do a little research.


Prescott Manly was almost ready when he heard the soft knock at the door. He moved across the room to open it revealing the innocent young Peggy.

“Well, hello my dear,” he smiled at her. Cute, blushing and prompt; how could he go wrong. “Ready to go?”

“Yes Sir,” Peggy stood uneasily in the doorway. Darrel had drilled into her the importance of making this man happy. ‘Everything depends on this,’ he had said, ‘how it goes will coincide with your willingness to do as he says.’ She was not too keen on the idea of pleasing Prescott but the alternative of jail appealed even less. She knew that even after last night Darrel was capable of dropping her in an instant.

“Let’s go then,” said Prescott bringing her back to the present, “we have reservations for eight.” Dinner went well, save the lack of information Darrel needed. She followed her instructions to not ask anything about Prescott’s work for fear of making him suspicious.

Finally the part she had dreaded all evening came as she was invited into his suite. She accepted trying to look enthused while brushing past him and into his room.

“Care for a drink?” he asked.

“No Sir,” she replied,” I don’t drink alcohol.”

He poured himself one before moving closer to her. “Do you like me Peggy?” there was something in his tone that scared her.

“I, uh, yes Sir,” she hesitated.

“Then I would like you to get comfortable,” he smiled. Prescott moved closer still and kissed her lightly on the lips. Putting down his drink he herded her into the bedroom. She did not resist his advances as he kissed his way down her neck. He pulled at the hem of her dress revealing more and more flesh as he went. Becoming bolder at her lack of resistance, he tugged the dress over her head before fumbling with the bra clasp.

She blushed profusely as her breasts sprang free and then gasped as Prescott twisted one of her nipples. Peggy bit her lip and tried not to resist as he groped her entire body like a horny teenager. Her panties came off next as Prescott unceremoniously shoved her onto the bed.
Within seconds he was inside her, thrusting with wild abandon and grunting like an animal. Three minutes later he rolled off and fell asleep leaving her pussy dripping with his cum.

She got up slowly and walked to the bathroom to shower before lying back down beside him on the bed. It was hours later before she fell asleep.
The alarm went off at six am waking Prescott. He looked over at Peggy and smiled as she lay there. She had not resisted anything, making him power hungry beyond anything he had ever felt.

He nudged her awake and on a whim said, “Go get the paper from the hall for me Peggy.”

She rubbed her eyes sleepily and slid out of bed, “yes Sir.” She looked around the room and, spotting a robe, headed in its direction.

“You don’t need a robe dear,” he grinned wickedly, “besides, you look fine.”

She stopped, but instead of saying anything, Peggy simply turned and headed for the front door. Prescott had not expected this and sat up amused while the naked girl made her way across the room and peeked out into the hall. Convinced no one was nearby; she opened the door and quickly grabbed the paper before coming back to the bed.

“Why thank you,” he quipped. This was becoming more interesting by the second.

He was about to try more when the cell phone rang. “Yes? No, no I’m up already,” He climbed out of bed and moved to the other room.

“Well find who bought it and buy it from them. It’s not like the property is gone, just get it done,” now he was pacing while listening to the other person. “I’ve already told you to go to 1.3, if that’s not enough call me and I’ll decide.”

He hung up suddenly and started for the bathroom almost surprised to see the naked girl still on the bed. “Oh, um, Peggy I want to see you tonight at seven,” he continued on and closed the bathroom door behind him before she could even answer.

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