Hi to all and this is my first story ever so please is kind in your judgement and as I starting off with a brief intro about myself. My name is Richa Bannerjee and I was born and brought up in India and India as you all know is a pretty conservative country even wearing shorts in public is a big deal.
I came from a small town in west Bengal named Murshidabad so I was pretty backward at the beginning. My father sent me to Delhi for my high school in Delhi and I made friends and was enjoying my life but all.
I ever heard were about girls losing their virginity and it was something of a charm for me. So coming from Murshidabad all I ever dressed was in salwar kameez or at the most jeans. My friends took pity at me and introduced me to the world of fashion.
I Instantly took a liking to it and money was no problem as my baba had lots of it and he loved me too much to ever say no. So one day we went shopping to ambience mall and there my friends made me try clothes in which I was ashamed to come out of the dressing room even.
They started off nicely with shorts and normal tops but somehow they fitted me so well and they made me go one step more and then came the miniskirts and halter tops and the spaghettis and the off shoulders.
All was well till we came to this shop on the display window was a mannequin that was wearing a dress that looked more like a large handkerchief draping the plastic model and my friends instantly forced me to try it on.
I was so afraid but I did and it all had to be fate because it was the perfect fit and me and who had no sense of fashion also knew it looked great and it showed a lot of skin but I thought and I would wear a jacket and stockings so it wouldn’t look vulgar.
Then came the lingerie shopping and I for the first time bought bras in colours like pink purple and green when I asked my friends what was the point of getting coloured bras and they told me that showing off you bra strap was the latest fashion.
I bought it only to shut them up and so to celebrate this shopping spree my friends decided to go clubbing the same night. I was wearing jeans and pairing it with a top when my friend walked in.
She started laughing and told me that no one would even let me enter the club in such a dress. She made me undress to the skin and handed me the dress we bought the day and the oversized handkerchief one.
But there was one problem and the dress was spaghetti strap with no back and a deep neckline so I wore the green bra from morning thinking it would be covered by the jacket anyways. I must say I looked pretty good.
Now I know u must be dying to know how I look by now. So let me grant that wish. I was aged 18 then and being a Bengali was naturally good looking. I am fair and around 5’4″ in height and with a slim curvy figure.
I was naturally well endowed and I was very shy of that fact at the beginning. So back to the dress and so my friend then gave me a blood red lipstick to use and I was shocked but I used it anyways and then started wearing my jacket when my friend again intervened.
I snatched the jacket out of my hand. I was nervous and sort of ashamed about the very obvious slutty in my looks but helpless that I was and I reached the club and this was a first for me so the girls enter free was a bit of a weird thing for me upon entering all.
I could make out was the dark ambience and the booming music and the bouncing heads and then came the drinks. My first ever drink was a shot of tequila and it tasted horrible.
I almost vowed never to drink again when a slight buzz hit me and I felt lose and happy something which made me forget worries for a while. I started liking it and then came a few more drinks. I excused myself and went to the bathroom when one of my friends followed me in.
She suddenly turns and tells me Richa that bra looks horrible either you take it off or I will in the state I was in and I easily complied and took off my bra and looked in the mirror. My size 36 breasts were at full burst but somehow I just dint care then.
My friend again said I’m sure your panties are as horrible as your bra. Take them off too. I told her I will only if she does too and so she instantly removed not only her panties but also her bra. Her dress was not as exposing as mine so it didn’t matter to her and I then had to take off my panties.
I felt weird but at the same time I felt free. Devoid of worries I went out and I suddenly saw how many men had started to take notice of me. I don’t know why but I somehow liked that and this will be continued if I have appropriate feedback email me at [email protected]