Hello, readers welcome back to back to this beautiful journey. Thank you all for your feedback for the previous parts.It is good to see that person enjoying the story. Let’s enjoy the journey.
I had convinced both of them but the perspectives of both of them were little different. Ayesha wanted to go for it as a try whereas my hubby wanted to satisfy his innermost incest desire that he had for Ayesha. I asked when would you like to go for it and it was decided that next Sunday it should be fine and trust me I was waiting for Sunday more eagerly than them.
Finally, the day came. We decided to do it at night around 9:30 P.M Ayesha was excited and curious as well. Every day she used to ask me how it will happen? Will she able to enjoy with her dad etc. Since it was a Sunday so she started the preparation for morning itself.
I told her that your dad hates pubic hair so though she had cleaned just yesterday I made her clean it again. Her night outfits were gonna be different but she put on new jeans and T-shirt as if she were going on a date.
The excitement was increasing as the time was running by. We were home only till evening but I sent them to go out on their own so that they can develop some intimacy. Ayesha was reluctant but my hubby liked the idea so they went in the evening. I told him,
“Baby you are going on a date so dress accordingly”
He wore a T-shirt and jeans and was looking much younger in it. He applied Ayesha’s favorite perfume, got the car washed. He took it as a date only whereas Ayesha put on a mini skirt and sleeveless top with sky blue matching lingerie. I was so happy bidding them adieu. Ayesha wished me to join them but a date is a date after all!!
I had asked her in the morning where she would like it to be done. She said as she had a bad experience with Ansh in her room so she would not like to do it there instead she preferred our room and I was ready to fulfill any of her wishes. I arranged the room after the departure. It needed to be seemed clean, romantic and erotic.
I applied good room freshener. it is my personal experience that the smell always helps to create a sensitive environment and it is a well-known fact that women love the smell of the perspiration of the armpits of man. It may sound filthy but it gives a different kind of intoxication.
Friends let us see what the daddy daughter did on their date.
I just drove the car. It wasn’t decided where to go. so initially I thought to go for a long drive. I thought to provide Ayesha the kind of comfort which would need to break her shyness. And I was also hoping that I would spend quality time with her. So that I can play the role of a lover instead of a daddy. I asked her,
“Ayesha are you comfortable with me?”
“Yeah dad I am quite comfortable you don’t worry”
“See honey I don’t want to force you into anything. If anytime you feel that you are not really willing then please tell me.”
“Don’t worry dear Daddu, I am not being forced. Mom has already discussed these things with me and it was my own decision because I feel I need it.”
“Don’t worry my child. I shall fulfill all your needs and after all as a dad it is my responsibility, isn’t it?”
“Yeah daddy. Thank you.”
Soon we were out of the city. It was good to get such feeling on a solace place. We stopped at a small highway restaurant.
We had a nice ice cream. It was a good location as not many people were there so we stayed there for a fair bit of time. I tried to know her thoughts because all this time I got to know about sexual thoughts through Megha only.Since it was the place where she could share anything with me freely, I thought it was a good idea to get out of her shy cover. I told her,
“Ayesha one request to you”
“Yeah daddy say”
“We are on a date so please behave like a gf with me and not like a daughter.”
She giggled and said,
“Yeah daddy I will try.”
“Thanks. So Ayesha what do you think about this kind of relation between daddy daughter. I mean do you find any problems with it or are you comfortable with it?”
“Actually daddy I was highly confused when mom gave me such proposal. Honestly, I have never seen you as a boyfriend so it was kind of tough one for me.”
“So how did you get ready for it?”
“Well, mom told me that anything done with mutual understanding is not bad. You know daddy sometimes I got attracted to you. (This time she doesn’t use the word distract) and after that incident with Ansh, I don’t want to get bitched again. I have not found the perfect guy for myself to whom I can surrender so I got ready for you.”
“Hmmm sounds good and quite logical”
“But daddy, how did you get willing for me?”
“Interesting question, I promised that as we are on a date and so I will consider you my GF so I won’t hide anything with you. you know Ayesha your beauty has always attracted me but being a dad I was never really able to express my affection to you.”
“Awww am I so beautiful daddy?”
“Yes darling you are, when I saw you naked on the trip it was really hard for me to control myself. I have even masturbated thinking of you. You look almost the same as your mum looked before marriage.”
“OMG, really dad?”
“Yeah honey, hope you won’t mind it.”
“No daddy actually mom says when anybody gives you a lusty look, you consider it as a compliment.”
“Yes, Ayesha she is absolutely right.”
We departed from there and moved to a mall. There I gifted her watch as a first date (but don’t consider it as a bride).We went for a movie which was a romantic love story, her favorite genre. The movie was good one. We were enjoying it.
I tried to make the atmosphere a little romantic. I pressed her breasts in the darkness of the theater. She gave her consent by giving a naughty smile. We kissed for a quite long time there during the movie. Afterward, she told me that she had done such kissing with Ansh in the theater but I was happy that slowly she was coming out of her shy cover.
After completing the movie we were roaming in the mall here and there. Soon I came across lingerie shop and I saw a really seductive pair. I showed it to Ayesha and said,
“Honey, it will look damn sexy on you. Please buy it for me. I want to see you tonight in this lingerie.”
She replied, “dad I like your choice. I shall surely buy it but I won’t wear it tonight because I have other surprises for you.”
It really excited me. I thought Megha’s sex education is really working. We returned home after having a chocolate ice cream. I could really see that Ayesha was really different than what she was when we left. She was more comfortable and open with me.
Dear readers let’s get back to Megha
I was really happy to see them in a happy mood. Ayesha seemed no longer scared of this daddy daughter incest fun.Now she was mentally and physically ready for it. I had cooked a good dinner for them but I was cautious that they don’t have a heavy meal because heavy meal sometimes becomes an obstacle for a good sex. While having dinner I did my best efforts to make the home environment quite friendly. I was really happy to see both of them excited should I say sexcited.
After two hours of the dinner, I thought it was the perfect time for them to go for it. I asked my hubby to go to the room and wait for Ayesha whereas I took Ayesha in her room.
I had done the necessary arrangements for my hubby too; for example fresh clothes (kurta pajama) with a brand new black underwear, shaving kit ready with foam to clean the pubic hair, fresh bed sheets with rose petals on it and most importantly a pack of condom which I myself had bought, a bottle of juice in case if she feels dehydrated. I am sure you must be happy with the arrangements.
On the other hand, I was getting Ayesha ready. I myself bathed her. She had already cleaned her pubic hair in the morning so that was not needed. Now the big question was what she should be put on.
I made her wear a knee length black nighty which was just a few inches below her thighs and we had bought a special red lingerie for this special occasion. It was with a net, the bra was full cupped but still showing a good part of her cleavage.
The panties were not lacy but very short from the side. I mean near her thigh part, from behind it was covering only half of the butts giving her the perfect erotic look. I wanted to keep it a surprise for my hubby so I pinned up the bra straps with nighty so that it doesn’t peep out. She was looking damn hot in that red lingerie that I just couldn’t stop myself kissing her. I smooched her passionately.
Finally, I sent her to my room and went into her room. This time I had connected the cameras with my phone and needless to say that Mr. husband was unaware of it. I adjusted myself well on the bed, with the full battery charged and headphones set into ears. And yes I was naked. as I knew that I am going to masturbate.
Ayesha entered the room. She was little shy and nervous due to the excitement. My hubby had gone completely mad looking at her. He didn’t know that she would look that hot. He was giving a wicked smile, maybe he was thanking me for her outfits. Ayesha was moving to him very slowly. He said,
“Come on honey don’t feel shy.”
Although Ayesha seemed quite comfortable with her dad when she returned home from the date, she was feeling nervous now. She set beside him. He said,
“Oh come on Ayesha, don’t feel shy. You won’t be able to enjoy it if you don’t break your shyness.”
“Yeah, daddy I know but..”
My hubby took her hand and grabbed it and said,
“I have a solution for that but”
“What’s that,” she asked curiously.
“Say booo”
“Yeah come on” She giggled.
“Come on Ayesha”
Even I got surprised what is he doing actually. She said Booo and while she was saying my hubby gave her lip lock on her open lips. I really admired this technique because while she was saying Booo, her lips were open as if she wanted to kiss.
Keep reading the journey is on and don’t forget to give your feedback on abeautifuljourney92 @gmail.com. And let me repeat I am male and the story is a work of fiction. Thank you.