“No more Ilish maach, Maa. (A famous Bengali fish) I have a flight to catch, I will miss it if you make me eat so much.”
Nisu is a VP of Bank of America in Seattle, USA. She is a tenacious woman (very firm in her decisions), with a lot of wit and intelligence. Nisu had a perfect life in terms of all materialistic feelings. She drove her Audi to the office while sipping her coffee and had a glass apartment just like Harvey Spectre in ‘Suits’.
She lives with her husband, who is also a well-settled man working in a multinational company. Nisu was passionate women, her waist was 28 and 34 bust size. Just imagine the curves, when she leaned keeping her bust tight it would drive any man crazy.
She always wore short dresses to office, so that her thighs were revealing and could entice any man in any position. Nisu could charm her way and got many million-dollar clients for the firm. Nisu could also carry traditional looks with perfect grace.
It was the night before the October Durga Pujo (Carnival Celebrated in India for Goddess Durga). She was there for the celebrations and it was the 9th day. Nisu was out with her friends on Park Street for drinks. She wore a red-bordered white saree which is famous in Kolkata.
Nisu was at the famous pub drinking and there were Karaoke nights happening. Everyone one was singing some Bengali and English songs in between. Nisu went to the smoking-room with her friends and took a few drags. Nisu was the prettiest women that night in the bar.
She was flirting with few men around. But no one was able to handle her aura and presence. She was too good for all the men around. Nisu wore an Aspen Gold short dress before leaving for her flight. she had a direct flight from Delhi to Seattle. She was traveling alone.
She was wondering how will she kill the time all this while. Meanwhile, she reached Delhi from Kolkata. She was sitting in the VIP lounge of IGI Airport Delhi. It was midnight already. She was just stretching her neck and was craving for some coffee.
Nisu walked to the coffee store herself and ordered a flat white coffee with slightly more sugar. She was just standing at the counter with her legs tilted and, leaning onto the coffee table. A guy with a well-trimmed beard came near the counter with a hat and ripped jeans.
He was just appropriately muscular with ripped shoulders and worked out biceps. He was wearing a scarf printed with spiritual signs and a jacket. Ansh ordered a large American Espresso. he just did not notice Nisu standing at the counter as he was listening to music in his earphones.
Nisu just took a glance from the corner of her eye and avoided any direct eye contact. Nisu took her coffee and walked away from the counter towards the lounge. She really liked the rugged and raw masculinity of the guy at the coffee counter. Fate was playing its part.
Ansh walked inside the lounge and sat just next to Nisu. Nisu was reading a poetry book, ‘Un-drenched Soul of A Woman’, and sitting cross-legged. Her thighs were pretty much revealing in a subtle way and indeed any man glancing can drool over it. She was sipping her coffee.
Ansh finally looked at Nisu and was awestruck with her beauty. That was a real goosebump ran into him, and Nisu saw him noticing her. Nisu was just escalated deep inside but controlled herself. Ansh without hesitating, asked Nisu, “Hey, what are you reading, how’s the book?”
Nisu, little stern and with some frivolous attitude, “It is a book about how women on how women perceive things sexually at different ages of her life.”
Ansh, “Wow, I can tell you that easily, I know women of all ages, and he added don’t mind I am an artist so know many women.”
Nisu, “Never mind, I would rather come to a conclusion by reading, because the book is written by my favorite author. He writes with amazing authority. So, let me focus on my book and grinned a faint smile.”
Ansh, “That is the problem with the world, people would analyze but would not listen to the person who has some actual encounters to narrate.”
Nisu, “Okay, I do have some time to waste on this stupid 23-hour flight to Seattle. So you can tell me what you think. By the way, where are you flying to?”
Ansh, “See we got long hours to talk. I am flying to My City.”
Nisu, “What do you mean my city? I live in there as well. Huh.”
Ansh, “Ya, certainly only beautiful people live in Seattle.” That was the first string of flirt Ansh gave.
Nisu, “Hello Sir, whatever your name, stop flirting and tell me what you think about the desires of women. That is the whole point in talking to you.”
Nisu, “Sure, my name is Ansh”, and extended his hands to shake hands with Nisu.
He just pressed between her thumbs and index finger to drag her hands from her so that she feels tickled inside her. Ansh actually slightly felt her more than expected and Nisu liked the touch. Ansh looked deep into Nisu’s eyes and asked, “So what stage you want to start knowing about? I believe I can start with you. What you expect at this age.”
Nisu almost threw a punch on his shoulder and said, “Do not fool around and tell me exactly what you know.”
Ansh said, “I know you might be a successful businesswoman, or maybe a well-settled woman with a rich husband. You might have seen the world, felt different men and pleased them and yourselves as well. But I am telling you, tasting or being delighted by a Seattle Artist you might have never experienced or dreamt about.”
Nisu, “Okay you are somewhat correct. Tell me more, what do you mean.”
Ansh, “Ahh haa, an intrigued woman in her early thirties can be a trouble for my health.”
Nisu, “C’mon I will not be a trouble for you.”
Ansh, “Nisu it’s time to catch our flight.”
They started walking towards the airport ally and were talking to each other in a very friendly way. Then they checked their seats and it was different. Ansh walked up to the attendants and had a chat with them. Came back to Nisu and said, “I think we are going to get to do a lot of talking together.”
Nisu, “Ahem, Ahem we can talk a lot more about you. How did you convince them to get the seats exchanged so quickly?”
Ansh, “An Artists charm it is.”
Nisu and Ansh shared a business class seat in Boeing 737 Dreamliner, then they ordered a double scotch. Nish asked, “So Mr. Artist, what you do?”
Ansh, “I create my music and perform at local concerts. I write my own songs and live in my underground apartment.”
Ansh showed him some pictures on his phone performing. They were cuddled up in the blanket and talking about Ansh.
Ansh said, “I had read about the Himalayas a lot and was exploring the valleys for inspiration to write music. I met some wonderful tribals, tasted some great cuisines and the enchanting valleys. Just made me ecstatic and wrote many songs.”
Nisu was amazed by listening to stories. Ansh’s Instagram stories tell a very vibrant story. There were many poems. Nisu saw one hand headstand picture in the Himalayas posted by Ansh. She was feeling tickled inside her womb. Nisu sipped her scotch just to calm down her down and Ansh flattered her already.
Nisu asked, “When you are performing?” I would like to see you perform.
“Ahh, someone is into music.”
Nisu said, “I am into interesting men.”
The flight was flying high, the clouds were dangling. Nisu held Ansh’s hands and they continued talking.
Nisu wore a red one-piece paired with white sneakers and headed to the concert arena after parking her Audi. The crowd was very nimble and subtle. It was a private kind of performance in a theatre. Ansh stood on the floor with a spotlight. The moment he took the stage, there were definite tickles inside Nisu.
He started performing and singing the songs of his Himalayan experiences. Nisu flowing to the tunes and enjoying the view and feeling herself with him. The show was over and the Ansh was all sweaty and pumped up. He came near Nisu and hugged her with a peck on her cheek.
Nisu felt amazing, Ansh said, “Give me some time babe, I will catch you in some time.” Nisu was just mingling around. Ansh arrived outside the theatre. Nisu wore the best Versace perfume that night. Ansh asked, “Take me for a drive, woman. I am starving as well.”
Nisu drove out her Audi and they took a drive towards a quiet sea-side Wharf place. They had a lovely dinner and cold breeze was blowing across Nisu hairs.
Nisu spoke, “That was one of the loveliest performances I ever saw in my life.”
“Ahh, be at my company more. I will perform for you some night, but definitely not tonight.”
It was late at night, and Nisu asked, “When I will get the pleasures of watching you perform just for me?”
Ansh, “Pretty soon, I am traveling this week, we can catch up next weekend.” Nisu said, “It’s going to be a long wait of five days to listen to you.”
Ansh, “Better things come after a wait.” Both of them continued chatting for a week. Nisu started sharing her pictures as well. Ansh was sharing his stories, how he likes to dominate women in his own way. Nisu planned an escape over the weekend.
Ansh asked Nisu to wear a dress with deep midriff with stockings. It made her look just a great slut from the mid-era of Hollywood, with an awesome curvy figure. Ansh lived in a house very isolated and in the basement. The house was well lit in dim shades.
There was one corner to make music, along with a bar counter and smoke up the pot. The visuals were very vintage in the house. There was a back door painted with red signboard, ‘Encounter the Truths’ and ‘Pain is Surreal’.
Nisu was already feeling the tickled. Ansh was wearing a black t-shirt and slim fit trousers. Ansh handed over the wine to Nisu and asked her to sit on the couch. Ansh put a spotlight on him and brought out his guitar. He started singing the song written for Nisu.
Ansh left the guitar on the stool and walked towards Nisu. She was already melted with all the desirable song. Nisu spoke, “Do what you want to do with me? I surrender myself to the artist delight, make me your poetry and song for the night and many nights.”
Ansh put Nisu on his shoulder. He was so muscular he easily picked her on his shoulder. Nisu was going to get some great loving tonight. Maybe she might have never felt. Ansh opened the black door and the room was lit in shiny red color and a cupboard with BDSM equipment arranged.
Ansh asked Nish to sit on the chair, she followed obediently. Ansh just brought some handcuffs and tied Nisu to the chair putting her hands behind. Then he pushed himself back gawked at Nisu top to bottom in a venomous way. Nisu was aroused and biting her lips in ecstasy.
Ansh went close and bit her lips for the first time. Nisu could not move, while kissing he tied her legs to the chair. Rolled his hands all over Nisu legs and feeling her stockings and thigh bones. Ansh bit her lips harder and Nisu could not do anything.
She just pushed her tongue out and tried licking him more, but Ansh teased her more and dragged away from her lips. Nisu moaned, “Ansh, rip me apart and just punish me like never before. Tease every inch of my body.” Ansh just moved his hands inside her crotch and pinched it very hard and Nisu moaned.
Ansh sat on Nisu’s lap, and just took out her bosom and smacked with his palms and pinched it hard. Bit her with his lips and munched on them for 15 minutes and making it all red. Nisu was falling short of breath. Ansh brought a knife and started cutting her stockings with it so that it pricks her skin.
Ansh cut the stockings of both the legs, licked Nisu’s legs all over wetting it all with his saliva. Ansh was getting high too with Nisu’s curves and took off his t-shirt. She could see his ripped abs. Ansh untied her and put her on the bed. He tied her legs and got a sensual burning warm erotic candle.
He spread all the liquid over the boobs and tummy and inner thighs. Nisu was moaning with pain, Ansh ripped her panty and threw it, and put some burning candle drops around her inner thigh with the legs tied. Ansh’s tool was hard inside. He took out his tool and climbed over Nisu.
He put his whole erect cock near her mouth, Nisu started licking it and feeling the pain and pleasure at the same time. Ansh, got his tool deep down Nisu’s throat and dragging inside out. Nisu’s mouth was full with all the saliva. Ansh took off her dress and Nisu was lying naked on the bed.
He just tied her hands and just pushed his hard cock inside Nisu. It was a great session of fucking for several minutes before he stopped. He gave all the cum into her mouth. Nisu moaned, “Ansh, this was the best fuck ever.”
“This is just the beginning Nisu, we have the entire night.”
Ansh took her on his shoulder and pushed into the shower. He brought out an edible massage gel and after shower rubbed all over Nisu body, and her pussy. He just sat down and brought his tongue near Nisu and bit the clitoris. He ate it with the gel for 20 minutes.
Before Nisu could even feel any senses she was leaking with juices from inside her pussy. Nisu held his hairs and dragged him more inside her pussy. Then tied again to the rod fixed in the bathroom. Now took out some lube and applied into the ass and pushed his hard cock inside Nisu ass.
Nisu was moaning after the fuck, her ass was wide open. They walk out of the shower in the same towel and lay down sipping wine on the bed. All naked listening to some jazz music for a few hours until the sunrise. They sipped some wine before the morning.
Ansh took a whip and teased Nisu with it first. After several teasing just whipped on her tummy, and inner thigh. The pain was increasing with every minute and the pecks were getting harder. She was pushed to her bounds and teased inside her pussy.
Ansh asked her to suck again while he put some clamps on her hard-red nipples. Ansh pressed her nipples and pinched them. He asked Nisu to suck the cock as well. Then again dragged into her ass and smacking the ass she was fucked. Nisu moaned, “Oh Ansh, it’s enough, no more pain.”
Ansh kept on drilling he ass, threw her again on the bed and fucked her pussy holding her tight boobs. It was a great fucking session and spilling wine all over. Now, he asked Nisu to taste him well. Nisu spilled wine all over Ansh. The bed got all wet.
Nish started licking from his tongue, earlobes, and neck and spilling more wine. Licked Ansh chest and then her tummy and groin and the balls. Then finally the wine clad cock was all taken in. Ansh enjoyed every bit of it. Nisu was aroused, she tied his hands and sat on his erect cock and put it inside her pussy.
She rode his cock very hard and while he was cumming took all the cum again inside her mouth. They were soaked and drenched in the fucks until their bodies and core were satisfied. The fucking went over a weekend. Ansh wrote another poem for Nisu and fucked her more with other BDSM techniques.
Would love to write the second part of the story again ISS readers. Write to me at [email protected] to have such streamy sessions.