Madhu’s story
…………………. I took Lata’s hand and gave a reassuring squeeze. Through the slightly opened window,we could hear voices and sounds faintly from inside.
First there was high pitch moaning and almost screaming from Sheela and Basavanna’s grunts as he was climaxing. Then there were peals of laughter from Padma and Nagarathna.
“So, Sheela how is your uncle’s cock and banging?” No mistaking pride in Padma’s voice. She was feeling like an owner of a prize bull.
” Aunty, as fabulous as ever, his pounding is as good as the first time, which was one week after my marriage. Today it was even greater as Dad was fingering my clit and mauling my tits” Sheela’s voice was brimming with joy.
” What was Lata’s reaction?” Padma asked Rajanna.Rajanna ‘s voice was feeble, we had to strain to catch his voice.
” She asked for 2 days time. She seemed to be angry. I don’t think she inherited your passion for sex, Padma” Rajanna said.
I could feel Lata getting worked up. Padma laughed.
” I don’t think so. We have to ask Madhu. Only reason Madhu is not running after other pussies is because Lata is tiring him out.” Padma defended her daughter. Then their voices faded as they shifted to some other part of the house. I could hear Sheela ask her Mom ” you are getting banged by so many cocks, why not leave Madhu alone?”
Nagarathna’s throaty laughter was music to my ears.” Once you develop a passion for mountain climbing, you want to conquer all mountains…” then we couldn’t hear any thing.
“I can’t believe it. Every one knows about us.So Grandma just didn’t stop with Rajanna. She told my parents also.How can I face them?” she was desolated.
“Don’t be harsh on Grandma, she just wanted to tell your people that you are happy.You can face them, but how can they face you after the incest?” I asked her.
We were silent for few minutes.Lata put her hand in my lap and stroked my swollen dick.I put my hand on her pussy and rubbed it over her saree.
“So, why are you so hard? My naked Mom did that?” she asked.
“No, your Dad and Sheela, Your Mom and Nagarathna were covered by their sons. But your Dad’s glistening cock going in and coming out of Sheela’s pussy was awesome. You know that old pervert Rajanna sitting in his wheel chair was fingering Sheela’s pussy with one hand and squeezing her tits with other… My God, and they were talking normally as if your Dad was walking on a tread mill.
What about you? You are wet and juices are flowing all over your thighs upto knees. What turned you on?” I asked her.
She blushed and covered her face with hands.
” My mom and Raju. You know, she was looking into her son’s eyes, wetting her lips like a slut and pinching and squeezing her nipples….. oh, when will I stop flowing?” she moaned. We stood up and rang the bell.
We could hear commotion inside and after few minutes, Sheela opened the door,she was wearing a nightie. She smiled at us and shouted ” Mom, it is Madhu and Lata”.
” Ask them to wait in ante room for few minutes, I am coming, and give them fruit juice” Nagarathna shouted. Sheela stood to one side and let us pass. We were seated in the sofa and within few minutes, Harish and Raju came and wished us. Lata glared at her brother, Raju.
” What are you doing here?” She asked him.
” We came to see Rajanna uncle. We were about to leave ” Raju said. Lata could feel Harish and Raju’s eyes exploring her cleavage. She shifted uncomfortably and tried to cover with pallau. Her saree was also quite transparent so even additional folds were not of much use. I tried to divert their eyes and topic.
” So Harish, where is your wife Ratnamma, have not seen her around for quite some time, is she in the family way?” My question brought a smile on Harish’s face.
“Myself and my sister Sheela are not that lucky.Our spouses are not at all romantic. They endure sex like a cold water bath in winter.So her being in the family way may not be so soon.But Raju is lucky.His wife Suma does wonders with her pussy muscles. ” Harish’s eyes were undressing Lata. She was blushing. Nagarathna came as a saviour. She flashed her generous smile and called us in.
As we entered the hall, Lata’s parents were about to leave. Padma asked us to drop by, Lata told her curtly that there was no time now. Basavanna was giving puzzled looks at us. After they left, Harish closed the door.
Rajanna beamed at Lata ” This is a surprise.You asked for two days time but returned in less then 24 hours. I knew Nagarathna will attract you like a magnet”
Lata’s face was beet root red. ” Why are you discussing this in front of Harish and Sheela, I thought it would be only between 4 of us?” She asked him angrily.
“Take it easy, you three can close bed room door, but how can I keep it a secret from them, they know their mother’s affairs from child hood, so it won’t matter” Rajanna dismissed casually.
Nagarathna asked us to come for dinner. She must have finished her cooking much earlier. Lata did not budge.She sat morosely looking at her finger nails.
Rajanna told her patiently like explaining to a child.
“See, Lata.In our family every one is insanely horny with insatiable hunger for sex. Myself and your father Basavanna pounded your Grandma countless times with your Grandpa giving us tips. Same with your Mom,sister,brother and my children also.They are all horny.You were the only exception.You were different and were like other normal girls. We did not want to spoil your innocence, so we all protected you from exposure.
” Once you were married and gone, the flood gates opened, with unihibited banging allround. We were all sad that you were missing all the fun and tried to seduce your hubby. He was one obstinate,pig headed man with strict moral codes.So we backed out. Now we are happy that Madhu is taking you on a grand tour of sexual pleasure.
But, believe me, you have not seen or experienced any thing unless you lose yourself in Nagarathna’s sexual world.So let go,come on” He was obviously tired after his long monologue and Harish took him to his room.
There was silence, disturbed only by Nagarathna arranging plates on dining table. When she invited again, we got up, washed our hands and sat at the table. Harish, Lata also sat at the table.
“Harish,I don’t see your wife Ratnamma and Sheela’s husband Naganna, where are they? They also are as involved as you ?” I asked Harish.
Sheela laughed. ” Naganna and Ratnamma are two of a kind. Naganna is the only man who doesn’t salivate when he sees mother naked and being pounded. He quietly averts eyes and goes away.Ratna is still very shy . Both of them went to a temple. They may stop overnight at Naganna’s place” Sheela told.
“You can’t generalize.Though Nagarathna is a bomb,she may not be Naganna’s type.He may get turned on by some other lady ” I told her.
Lata was curious.” Naganna doesn’t get angry when you are banged by every one?” she asked Sheela.
Sheela shrugged.” Initially he was upset.When I told him if he can bang me five times a day, then I would not allow others,he grumbled and has no objection so long as he is the father of my kids “
“Is he?” I asked out of curiocity.
“Of course, I take pills and am always careful ” Sheela said grinning.
“Can you wait for few minutes more? Rice is not ready yet” Nagaratna asked us. We assured her there was no problem.
Next Nagarathna said some thing which made me and Lata jump a foot.
” Do you know that all of us know that you had seen us banging?” she was smiling.
“Impossible.We were very careful” we cried in unison.
“Well, not careful enough. Myself,Padma had not seen you. When you craned your necks to see Basavanna,Rajanna had seen you. He told us after you went out. So, there is nothing you had not seen, come kids” Nagarathna extended her arms. Harish and Sheela went to their mother and Sheela took out her mother’s saree and Harish unbuttoned her blouse. She was not wearing a bra or petticoat and was naked in full glory.She pushed back shoulders and thrust her tits towards us.
Harish quickly discarded his cloths and Sheela took out her nightie and as we were gaping open jawed,both sat in dining chairs and started sucking their mother’s boobs. I could wait no longer.
“I don’t know about you.I am not made of stone” I told Lata and quickly got out of my pants, shirt and under clothing and moved towards Nagarathna with my erect and throbbing dick. Harish got up politely and gave his seat to me, surreptitiously glancing at my dick and,of course, comparing with his. I sat and grabbed her right tit with both hands and pushed into my mouth. I sucked for few minutes and then licked her areola and started chewing on her nipple.I closed my eyes and was so engrossed and enjoying thoroughly, rubbing my cock on her upper thigh and squeezing her boob and pushing into mouth, I started when Nagarathna tapped on my shoulder.
I opened eyes and looked at her.She was smiling and asked me to see. Without taking my mouth off her tit, I turned my head and saw that Harish and Sheela were undressing Lata.Sheela already removed saree and was struggling with knot of petticoat. Harish was trying to take off hooks of blouse.Since it was a tight fit, his stout fingers were unequal to the delicate task. Lata was pushing her tits closer to give his fingers access.Her petticoat fell like a heap at her feet, Harish, Sheela managed to free blouse and bra off Lata. Lata ran towards us bouncing her boobs and pulled the other chair and fell on Nagarathna’s other breast like a hungry baby. Now we both were watching each other and sucking like there was no tomorrow. I pushed one hand between Nagarathna’s thighs and found already Lata had reached before me. Our fingers entwined as we struggled for supremacy to conquer the prized possession.
Cooker gave a shrill whistle to warn that rice had cooked. Nagarathna gently shook us.
“OK,OK,let us continue after food. You must be hungry” She tried to free her tits from our mouths. We reluctantly let go but were like hungry cubs. I snuggled behind her, pressing my cock between her buttocks and squeezing her tits. Lata was also trying to get handful of flesh. For Harish and Sheela our reaction must have seemed normal, they went about arranging plates,water bottles.
Even when Nagarathna was bringing hot items we did not let go of her. We were like new born cubs unable to let go of the mother’s teats. She slapped our wrists play fully and told us to behave until we had our food.
I suggested meekly if we can have dinner afterwards. They vetoed, they were ravenously hungry after their hectic banging. We reluctantly agreed and sat on either side of Nagarathna and were fondling her with free hand while having food. While we were midway, some one rang the door bell.
“Sheela, put on a nightie and take milk. It must be the milk man” Nagarathna told. In villages, they get fresh buffallo milk always. As Sheela opened the door cautiously, Grandma pushed her aside and walked in shouting some thing.Sheela had no chance to either delay or stop the entourage of Grandma,Naganna and Ratnamma.
It was so fast and unexpected there was no time to react. Myself, Lata were in a daze like deer caught in head lights of a car. Sheela had the presence of mind to close the door, but was too late in avoiding the damage.
Grandma,Naganna and Ratna were rooted to the spot, shocked by the naked gathering having dinner.
Sheela was nervous.”but…..but….. you said you will come tomorrow?” she was stuttering.
It was too late for us to rush to get our cloths. Our cloths lay in a heap at the place where they were standing. Lata was trying to cover her tits with one hand across and placed other hand above pussy. I could not have covered my dick with both hands even if I tried to.So, I didn’t bother.
Grandma was the first to recover.” Well, at least I am not late,I thought I would miss the show” she was beaming.
‘How and why did you come?” Lata muttered.
” Naganna and Rathna dropped by after the visit to temple. They planned to stay at his place over night.I convinced them to arrange a cab and came over. Don’t give dirty looks. I paid the cab fare” Grandma was least bothered by the scenario.
” I am not giving dirty looks for the blasted cab fare. Can you pass on my cloths?” she asked.
Before any one realized what was happening, Rathna sat on floor next to my dining chair and lovingly ran her hands on my cock, exclaiming ” My God, what a beautiful creation, see the texture and those bulging veins.So beautiful” Harish was gaping at his wife going gaga over my cock. I was acutely embarassed.
To make matters worse, Naganna was equally enamoured by Lata’s splendid beauty. He was gazing as if looking at at the statue of Venus or some Masterpiece by Michelangelo.Lata was blushing pink and also feeling a twinge of pride by the admiration. He delicately removed her hand covering her boobs.The sight of her nipples stretching and enlarging like a person getting from sleep,was indeed mesmerizing . His eyes slowly,ever so slowly ,travelled along contours,areola and nipples of her heaving breasts, then over her ribcage,midriff, deep navel and stuck on the hand covering her mound.
Without any prompting from him, she slowly removed her hand and parted thighs. He sat at her feet like a devotee and gazed lovingly with almost devotion into the folds of her flowing pussy. He came out of trance when Sheela tapped him on the shoulder.
“Every one is hungry.You can admire later, let them have dinner. You can freshen up and join us.” As Naganna, Rathna went inside, I told Harish ” See, I told you.Tastes vary. Naganna was not turned on by Nagarathna’s animal sexiness but by Lata’s delicate beauty. Your wife fell flat literally by my dick. Now they will join and ride merrily on your band wagon.”
Harish nodded unhappily.No man likes his wife going gaga over the cock of another man.
As we continued with our dinner, Naganna, Rathna emerged from their bedrooms after freshening up. The jaws of Sheela and Harish became unhinged by the unfamiliar sight of their spouses venturing into a gathering naked. Naganna was of medium build,with body hair like a gorilla and was initially self conscious about his jumping tool,but relaxed when he observed that no one was giving much attention to him but were ogling at Rathna. Rathna was short, dark with a skin texture that was smoth like marble and high prominent tits, her nipples seemed to be looking at sky, She left her hair open and was trying to cover as much of her front body as possible with long tresses.
Since she was quite new to this nude experience,her hands were unable to decide whether to cover her hairy pussy or her tits. Her eyes were downcast and it looked like she might lose nerve and rush back to bedroom and clothes any second, so the best way to make her feel at ease was to ignore.
So, I told her and Harish ” Ratna,we finished dinner. Please serve kheer in cups. Harish, you were saying some thing about loans for your tractor, tomorrow come to the bank with details”
Once the topic and attention was diverted from her,she came served the kheer in cups, as she was placing my cup on the table,her nipples brushed my shoulder.She shuddered violently. Grandma went and spent sometime with Rajanna.
Naganna sat shyly next to Lata and asked her timidly ” Lata, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Don’t think me rude but I am unable to take eyes off you and your beauty.Is it ok if I just keep looking at you, I will not touch you. Promise” Lata didn’t know how to react. His request was so innocent, childish. She nodded.
Without touching her,he pulled her dining chair away from table, turned to one side and sat at her feet like before and was feasting his eyes on her boobs,navel, folds near waist, two birthmarks one below navel another below left tit. Lata of course was feeling on top of the world, like a sex goddess,which she was. While having kheer, she spread her legs very wide, as wide as dining chair will permit. The sight of inner pink walls was causing all dicks to jump in joy.
“Ok, now time to clear dishes and plates. who will volunteer?” Nagarathna asked. I sprang up and told her that I will help her. My idea of helping her was to bury my dick in the crack of her buttocks and squeeze tits as she made several trips to kitchen to keep the plates in sink. She laughed and said ok, Harish and Sheela also helped us in clearing the table.
After few minutes of chit chatting, Sheela called Grandma that show was about to begin.We all proceeded to bed room. I was surprised by the size of the bed. It was so big, six couples can comfortably fit. Grandma sat in a chair. Nagarathna asked us to sit in a circle on the bed.
” I will spell out the menu. First let each person speak out what he or she wants to do. Then I will decide who does what. I am the commander in chief. You have to obey me. Other wise there will be utter chaos,which cock is entering which pussy no one will know,including the owners. So let us go in a systematic way. Agreed?” All of us agreed to Nagarathna’s plan.
“First chance always goes to Son-in -law, because of his previlege.Naganna, what do you wish to do?” Nagarathna asked. I could see worry in Lata’s eyes that he may want to pound her.
Naganna smiled shyly and said.
“You may think I am weird,a freak,but I don’t want to bang any other lady than wife.Yes, Sheela’s pussy is pulverized by several cocks including Harish’s, but I can not do with other woman.But I am mesmerized by Lata’s beauty,I don’t even want to bat an eye lid, I want to just keep watching Lata and I want Sheela to suck my cock and control me so that I ejaculate at the same time she reaches orgasm” Lata heaved a sigh of relief. Nagarathna nodded and warned Sheela that she has to wash bed sheet if her husband spills outside her mouth.Sheela nodded.
“Next turn is to Daughter in law.Your turn Rathna” Nagarathna prodded Rathnamma.
Rathna was trying to press thighs close and cross arms across chest,trying futilely to hide her nudity and blushed crimson as all eyes turned towards her.
” I am also like Naganna. I can not bear the thought of another man’s cock entering my pussy. But I am bowled over by Madhu’s cock. I want to lick its entire length, balls and dick head. I want to kiss it and rub it on my tits……..” suddenly she was shy. Then she stuttured ” That is ………only if….Harish and Madhu have no objection” she finished meekly.
” I am here to over rule any objections.Madhu,Harish you are ok with this?” She asked and we nodded.
” Next chance to my children,Harish?” Nagarathna asked him.
“I enjoyed banging you and Padma aunty.Now I want to bang two pussies doggy style, side by side.So, Sheela and Rathnamma have to accommodate me” Harish replied.Sheela looked at her husband who nodded.
” How about you,Sheela?” Nagarathna asked her.
” After seeing how Harish was banging you, I want to be banged by him doggy style” Sheela answered.
“Now to our special guests, Lata and Madhu. Madhu, you first” Nagarathna looked at me.
” I don’t know where to begin. I want to lick you, suck your boobs, bang you in all positions, work my cock in your valley in the back, want you to lick Lata’s pussy and kiss me and Lata to kiss you…….”
I stopped as every one burst out laughing.
“OK,OK I get the drift and you Lata?” Nagarathna’s question jolted Lata who was staring at her pussy lips.
” Same like Madhu, except I just want to keep sucking your tits and lick your pussy whole night”
Nagarathna beamed at us. ” Ok, here is the plan.First Rathna will lick Madhu’s cock to her heart’s content.During that time, Madhu and Lata will be sucking my tits. As Naganna will be feasting his eyes on Lata’s parted pussy lips,Sheela can start licking and sucking. Harish can lick sister’s pussy and suck her tits until Rathna is satisfied. Then he can bang both pussies and we three will continue on our course. Grandma, do you have any comments, suggestions?” Nagarathna asked Grandma.
Grandma was impatient for the show to start and waved.
Rathna crawled over to me and smiled, closed her eyes and kissed on the dick head. I felt electric current pass through my body.Then she started licking the entire length of the shaft while gently caressing my balls with fingers. I buried my face in Nagarathna’s left tit and rubbed my nose and held her tit in both hands and started sucking and squeezing. I saw Lata was licking areola and squeezing underside of tit. Lata spread her legs wide and with two fingers opened her pussy lips and gave uniteruupted view of inner beauty of her pussy to Naganna who was staring without blinking. Sheela was warming up by licking balls of Naganna. Harish buried his face in pussy folds of his sister.
After some time,Grandma told Harish to lick Rathna’s pussy also.
“No,Grandma, Rathna has so much hair, it is difficult” Harish was objecting.
“You lazy fellow, all the pussies are not clean shaved.Part the lips sufficientlyand lick, then hair will not come in the way,poor girl must be flowing by buckets” Grandma admonished him. He got up reluctantly, spread the thighs of Rathna and buried his face. With in mintes,Rathnamma’s body shook like malarial fever patient’s, she left my dick and pressed her hubby’s face into her crotch with both hands and squirted juice into his mouth. As her spasms subsided, she smiled and got up, kissed my dick once more and went to the other side of bed,bent face down, lifted her buttocks with legs parted.Sheela also arranged her position placing her pussy next to Ratnamma’s, waiting for her brother to ram her. Now she started sucking Naganna’s cock.
Now I got up,grabbed Nagarathna’s legs and pulled her to the edge of the bed, sat on the floor and as she spread thighs to give a glorious view of pulsating, wet pussy , stared meamerized into the hot love hole.Her pussy aroma was pungent, sexy and heady.
‘How is it?” I looked up and saw Lata’s face. She straddled Nagarathna’s face and was rubbing pussy on Ngarathna’s lips. She moaned and rubbed her tits on Nagarathna’s stomach,as Nagarathna started licking ravenously. I parted lips and slowly started licking her pussy. Lata started teasing her clit with fore finger. Within minutes Nagaratna’s flood gates opened and filled my mouth. Her thighs started shivering she lifted her buttocks and jumped up and down, moaning as her mouth was clamped on to Lata’s pussy.Lata pushed my face with a jerk and buried her face and started slurping and licking her clit. Both ladies came violently, thrashing and slowly their spasms subsided and they lay panting.
Lata took my head in both hands and kissed me.She lashed her tongue against mine,exploring all corners and licking all nooks and corners. Our mouths were full of Nagarathna’s juice and it was a heady feeling.Then I started sucking Lata’s tongue.
Some one patted on our shoulders. We opened eyes and looked into Grandma’s face.
” Enough, now kiss her” she told us. Then we both fell on Nagarathna and started fighting to kiss her. Nagarathna’s mouth was full of Lata’s juices,which we lapped hungrily. Then I got up, positioned my cock and as Lata parted Nagarathna’s pussy lips with fingers and guided my cock , I slowly slid it inside. Grandma and others were watching without batting an eye lid.
Once my cock was fully buried, I lay on top of her, and enjoyed the throbbing of her pussy muscles. She smiled into my eyes, took my head in both hands and kissed me.
“Now, tear me apart. Don’t show mercy.Bang me all the way to glory” she told in a husky voice.
I positioned my self and looked around. Harish was doing a great job switching over pussies and was banging Sheela. Sheela was slowing down and increasing her speed of sucking Naganna’s cock.
I started banging with full force,each time almost taking out completely and ramming all the way in. Nagarathna started thrashing and biting her lips, Lata staddled on Nagarathna’s stomach and started kissing me. I held on to her tits for support and increased force and speed. As I was about to shoot my load, Nagarathna asked me to stop and take it out.
She asked me to lie on my back and straddled me and started to move slowly up and down. Lata sat on my face, sealing my horizontal lips with her vertical ones, leaned forward and kissed Nagarathna. As both ladies were kissing, mauling each other’d tits, Nagarathna started banging with force, paying me back in the same coin. I started matching upward thrusts, miraculouly, all of us climaxed almost at the same time.
As I was shooting my load in Nagarathna’s pussy, Lata let go of full stream of juice in my mouth, Nagarathna drenched my cock with her flow, Naganna shot his load in Sheela’s mouth, Harish filled his sister’s pussy with cum.
Grandma clapped and would have whistled if she had teeth…………………………………
End of part II