Awakening The Beast- Part 1

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My Email: [email protected]

A bit About Me: I am 34yrs old Male about 5’6” tall nice Charming face, a sexy smile, broad shoulders with an athletic body. I like to do yoga & keep fit. Basically, I love life and I love living life. I enjoy the outdoors, traveling, restaurants, laughing, going to cultural events, and socializing with quality people. Its just better living and making the most of your life. I believe in the law of attraction, weird random events that seem to be mere coincidence happening more frequently then they should.

This happened a couple of months ago. I live in Bangalore and was in a Shopping mall busy shopping, in fact, it was maybe my fault, I’m sure. I was preoccupied and was pushing the shopping trolley very poorly and I bumped into somebody. Someone just clicked her trolley with mine, which brought me out of my distraction in a hurry.

“Sorry! Sorry, that was my fault.” Said she giving me a smile, a sweet, forgiving thing that was a tiny ray of sunshine in my personally overcast day. She was Pretty, Silky long hairs, around 35 years old, and a quick glance at her left hand showed that she was taken. Just as well; so was I, hehe.. yes much on that later.

We passed each other and I gave a quick look back to check her out. She could have been about 34-30-38 nice pear shaped curves, a bit on the heavier side just as I preferred. Normally I would engage in a conversation, that would have been my first instinct but that day, I really didn’t have the time for it. I continued, picked out a few more items and turned the corner to the next aisle. Still lost in my haze, It happened again.

Me: “Do you need a license for that thing?” I asked with a sly smile. She was more amused than annoyed, thankfully. She blushed deeply and again apologized
She: “Sorry. I guess I’m a bit anxious today.”

Me: “Well be careful. If we criss-cross like this a few more times you might be in DEEP trouble.” I said with a sly smile.
We would be face to face in every row if we kept the same pace. And that wouldn’t be a bad thing, actually. She was very pretty, dressed in a 3/4th khaki pants which were hugging her thick juicy ass and an aqua blue top just nice enough to show her hidden beautiful breasts with thick sandals bringing the top of her head up to my eye level.

She: perhaps I’ll keep an eye out for you. ” She replied sweetly around that pleasant smile.
We passed again, and this time I stole a glance over my shoulder. Nice caboose, too. I was smitten by her hips, but Again my mind shifted back to my problems. My wife was absolutely engrossed in her new job, And then, of course, I hadn’t found a decent job after the move so the finances were getting tight.

Another turn and another aisle, and this time I paid enough attention to look up. She was at the far end of the row and I watched her move a little. She was graceful, quick and certain. Perky, I suppose. I caught her looking at me a few times, and obviously, she caught me looking at her. I think she might have blushed a bit. As we passed we smiled broadly at each other, and another automatic scan left me wondering where her wedding ring had gone.

That was interesting, Again we approached each other, and I had a quick chat.

Me: Do you have any raisins

She: Yeah, Plenty.

Me: oh! How about Dates..?

She: Yeah, have some..! why?

Me: With a sly smile… I’m free this weekend!
For a second she couldn’t get it and then she burst into laughter.

She: Oh gosh! Nobody’s ever tried this on me. lol, You are funny.

Me: And a lot more too. I said.

She: she introduced herself. “I’m Akansha” & looked deeply into my eyes

Me: Mrinal here, I said.

Before I could say anything, She rushed with a naughty smile on her face and her eyes longing.

I needed nothing in the Vegetable section so I skipped it and was worried for a moment that I had ruined the cycle, but she came looking for me. I lingered in the soft drink aisle. She arrived behind me and as we moved on I could feel her eyes on my back. I might be looking good from behind, nice broad shoulders, sexy buns, solid thighs there is no dust on my exercise equipment and at 34, I’m still doing very well. Well enough to run the ring off her finger, anyway. She pulled up beside me in the queue for the payment and we had our chance to talk again. I was mesmerized by her smell.. and by the way, I am crazy about Perfumes & have a good collection myself.

Me: “Looks like you are wearing Gucci Rush” I guessed, indicating that I was smelling her

Akansha: ..a bit Surprised she didn’t expect it.. hey you are Bang on! amused she replied, “Looks like you never stop trying..”

Me: Yeah, as they say. “Try, try, try.. till you succeed.. 😉

Akansha: hmmm.. I like your attitude!

We chatted a bit while in line, an easy connection growing between us. I was hoping to prolong the exchange but it looked like I was almost out of luck. As the moment arrived when we would have to split up, she leaned in close and held her mobile out. I gave my number and she typed in quietly & gave me a missed call.

Akansha: “I think we should catch up some time” And then she was gone, down to exit.

Once I had the groceries put away at home I was left alone with my thoughts. Not even 11 in the morning, my day was already mostly over. My wife wouldn’t be back until well after dark. I had already checked the job posting websites and while I could have come up with a hundred things to do there was really only one thing that came to my mind.

“Hello,” she said on the other end.

Me: Hi. I’m the Date man.

Akansha: “I thought you might be. Had lunch?
Me: Not yet.

Akansha: There is a place on ****, Church street. Can you be there in 30 minutes?
Me: “Gladly.”

35 minutes later we were in a secluded space at the back of the restaurant.

Me: “So, why did your ring come off?” I asked after a smattering of small talk.

Akansha: “Failing marriage. I know my husband is cheating on me, and not interested in the family.” She said knowingly into her water glass as she took a sip.

“He thinks he is pulling the wool over my eyes? Wow.”

“Yeah. Hell, I wanted to be in the IAS. Then I got caught up with a rich kid on the fast track and I set all that aside for domestic hell. So.” She let the word hang there for a moment, swirling the straw through the ice cubes in the glass and looking at me.

Me: “So. I guess one doesn’t take off a ring for nothing.” I murmured.

Akansha: “One does not.” She looked up at me with an intensity I had not yet seen. Her pleasant, cheerful demeanor had slipped just a little and I sensed a whiff of desperation.
You might not be sure about how far down that road you want to go, but you know what road it is.”

Me: What are you after..?

Akansha: “I just want…to feel alive again. To feel good. I want to be the center of someone’s attention for just a few minutes.” She hid it well but the tension was there to see. Perhaps I just knew what to look for because I had it in spades myself. I couldn’t remember the last time I had felt like the center of the world like I could truly relax and be free. “I’m not his goddamn accessory.”

Me: “I can’t imagine you living as a trophy wife.”

Akansha: “I’m hardly a trophy.”

I just looked into her eyes to appreciate her as a woman I would care and cherish. She was well educated, Sophisticated, had Class, exquisite taste and a mesmerising beauty. I wanted to experience her.

Me: I usually go to ***** relax and it has a Spa too. hardly ***, a few km from here.” I suggested. Her response was immediate.

Akansha: “Let’s go.”

I left some currency on the table for the drinks we had. At the lodge, I signed in and paid in cash, though the old man in the office looked like he couldn’t have cared less. Moments later she stood alone in the quite room, nervous and wondering what would happen next.

Hi Readers, if you have liked my story please feel free to share your comments with me. Shall post the second part soon.
Email: [email protected]

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