0. Family
This account of my life is set over a few chapters and provides some highlights from age18 years. It focuses partly on my family life but more on the sexual experiences that happened to me from a the age of innocence to the age of discovery and adventure. I am not a professional writer but will try to make these chapters interesting and worth following. My family is Anglo Indian and can go back to around 1830 when the English came to India for trading and making an empire for the great Victoria. My ancestors were either from British Army or political administrators. Because there was a shortage of English woman the English men married Indian girls and the kids were to become the Anglo Indian community in India. My father joined the British Army in India in 1940 and his career went well rising to the rank of Major. My mum did a law degree and after marriage 1945 practised law in India until 1947. After India won its freedom from the British my father and mother transferred to UK with the army.
My story really starts as i reached age 18. My parents were quite well to do and bought a large house 6 bedrooms (3 levels up, with a walk in attic and a large basement) also had a large garden area with apple orchard and other out buildings. It had become the best playground for me and my sister who was 19 years old and we spent our childhood years playing in the extensive gardens around the house. In the mid 1960’s my uncle and aunty and 2 daughters were kicked out of East Africa Uganda with thousands of other Asian Indian. With no place to go my father managed to sponsor the whole family to the UK and since we had a huge house they all moved in with us. My new cousins were basically the same ages 18 and 19 as my sister and me. Cousin Susan was my sister’s age 19 and Liz was my age 18. Because the house was so big my father’s brother (my uncle) and his wife stayed with us together with Susan and Liz on the second level of the house although we as children had access to the entire house.
My parents were professional people and worked long hours and commuted to London several times in the week, my father left the army and then joined the defence ministry in a high position so he was never around. That meant that my aunty would try to keep an eye on the children who were all teenagers. A few years earlier my father had arranged for an Indian maid (Rani now 30 years old) to come from India to take care of my sister and myself. In those days it was easy to get a UK visas for the maids. My uncle also a lawyer soon joined my mother’s law firm so we never saw much of him either.
1. First summer 18 years old
Although we were teenagers, being a teenager in an Indian family we were never exposed much to the outside world, my parents had arranged for my sister and me to be home schooled by a daily tutor and therefore we did not mix with children of our age group, i guess we were considered innocent. Our cousins Susan and Liz had attended convent school in Uganda and while protected according to Asian culture seemed to be more confident but had never interacted with boys.
The sleeping arrangements for my sister (Annie) and myself (Eddie) was that from early times we had slept on floor mattresses in the same room and that Rani also slept there in case we needed anything in the night. After our cousins arrived my aunty told them to also sleep in the same room as my sister and me. Now we had 5 floor mattresses spaced out across the floor. Of course there was plenty of chatter going on between us all and the excitement that the summer holidays meant at least 7 weeks of play time and games.
As an Anglo Indian boy i was a late developer and even at 18 years old i was about 5feet tall, my facial hair showed only a very faint hair growth over my lip and my body was almost clear of hair. My genitals were in the process of developing, my penis was still thin and had a length of only 3 inches when soft and maybe 3 ½ inches when hard, its appearance seemed longer since i had not been circumcised.
But i had not yet developed to the point where i produced sperm and my knowledge of sex was based on biology books in school. Because of the close relationship between my sister and me and also Rani we had at some time or another seen each other either washing or dressing and never worried about that. Rani was about 35 and always wore a cotton tight blouse, cotton petty coat and a cotton sari. Rani was a single widow and her figure was small but with shape. Seeing her without sari was common place and her low cut blouse (no bra) could be quite revealing at times. My sister like me was underdeveloped and started her periods 2 years before. Between the 3 of us (sister, Rani and me) there were no secrets or shyness.
My cousins Susan and Liz were very similar to Liz and could have been sisters really, having been schooled only in a girl’s convent they had never interacted with any boys; i was the first they had contact with. Coming back to the sleeping arrangements Rani organised us all to have showers before going to bed, the 3 girls went first and after an age appeared fresh and nice in their night dresses and started to settle down on their floor mattresses. It was getting late now and Rani told me to get started since she also wanted to shower before sleeping as she always did. i went into the bathroom stripped my clothes off and got into the shower cubicle adjusting the water temperature to a nice warm flow.
The shower cubicle was made of clear panels and did steam up but still visible transparent from either side. I noticed the bathroom door opening and Rani came in without hesitation and started to brush her teeth in the nearby basin. This was not new to me since my sister, Rani and me shared the same bathroom and had on occasions seen each other partially clothed. What was new was that Rani removed her clothing and then covered herself with a towel but not before i had seen her full body for the first time.
I opened the shower door pretending i did not know she was there; i was standing fully naked, my penis long and soft, dripping with water and needing a warm towel to dry off. Rani looked at me and smiled as she seemed to focus on my penis before giving me a towel. She told me that it was getting late and did not want to waste time waiting for me to finish. Slowly she dropped her towel and entered the shower cubicle. It was still steamed up but as i dried myself i also had a good look at Rani’s figure in the shower.
2. Summer activities – Our clinic in the shed
During the summer weeks all of us (cousins and sister and me) even though we were 18 and 19 years of age played for hours in the garden area, mostly we played hide and seek, finding butterflies and other educational interesting things, but the favourite game always organised by my cousin Susan (her ambition was to become a doctor) who had gradually turned the garden shed into a hospital clinic that had a makeshift bed, table and various old medicine bottles filled with coloured waters.
Following the bath night a few days Susan organised the clinic and made sure she was the doctor in charge, my sister and Liz were her assistants and followed Susan’s orders. I was the patient who needed medical attention. I was told to change into my hospital robe (a pillow case with opening for head and arms) and then directed to the bed where i had to lay down perfectly still. Susan started to examine me and asked me questions how i was and if i was in pain or not, she poked and prodded me and took my heart pressure and temperature as if she was fully qualified doctor. Then without hesitation Susan asked me if my dick was healthy or not and that she needed to check to make sure and record results for patient histories.
For me i considered saying no but then decided to go along with this game since it added something interesting to our holiday activities. I also knew that if i complained i was in for a possible slap from Susan so i remained quiet and let her continue. Susan confidently lifted the pillow cover and the girls all gathered around looking at my dick which was still in a flaccid limp state. With authority she asked me other questions and then asked me what was under the skin (my foreskin). She had a sewing measure tape and recorded that it was 3 inches long. She then told me to pull back the skin and check to make sure the inside was without infection.
With my hand i pulled back the foreskin and exposed the round top, again she measured and recorded as 3 inches. Again the 3 girls gathered around and closely looked at my dick. Susan then ask me if my dick was always like this, i replied that sometimes it gets hard for no reason and stands up straight. Again the 3 girls whispered and giggled a bit, i then felt the hand of one of them touching my dick and pulling the foreskin back again since it had returned to its flaccid state. Without any action on my part my dick got an erection and started to get harder, longer and then it stood up straight. The whispering started again and i heard Susan say lets measure it again and they recorded as 3 ¾ inches long.
3. Summer activities – first orgasm
The girls whispered some more and then Susan as the acting doctor came to me and told me i have serious problem that needs her treatment every day and that if i wanted to be part of this group i cannot tell anyone about what we did during the days.
So over the next week the same clinic game would be played at some time during the day, again i was always the patient who needed the doctors attention, there seemed to always be great interest amongst the girls when my dick went from flaccid to standing hard and straight and recording measurements carefully. For me i was no longer shy and it was starting to feel good having this attention around me. A few days later as we gathered together in the shed and were finishing off some fruit pieces I spoke up and said that we should be fair and that we all take turns to be examined on the clinic play bed. At first they did not agree but when i told them that i would tell Rani about this game they soon agreed to my idea. The girls whispered together quietly and then said that cousin Liz would be the patient and that Susan would be the doctor and that i was only allowed to stand and look.
Cousin Susan playing the doctor followed the same story line asking Liz about her health and then taking her temperature and recording it in the book. The time came to pull up the sheet covering Liz, my eyes opened wide as i looked at he wonders of the female. Her body was light tan brown colour and very smooth, her breasts were like 2 small hills and her crack was still very visible through the fine hair growth. Over the next few days i saw and admired Liz, Susan and my sister on the play bed. Each was very similar in size with the exception that Susan had slightly more developed breasts with a much thicker hair growth completely covering her slit. We gathered together in the shed with a made up picnic and talked about each other and what we had learned so far so early into our summer holidays.
Susan being older and more mature had been studying the biology books from the house and was interested in showing the pull out diagrams and comparing the diagrams to our own bodies. She slowly read out the function of the organs and stopped when she reached the part about the male reproductive system. For myself i was completely innocent about the subject and just wondered how and why my dick would go from soft and small to hard and longer. Anything more than this i was not aware of but not for long because cousin Susan pointed to the diagram in the book and told us all that the function of the penis did not end with urination but that the male would also produce a fluid called semen for reproduction.
She asked me if i had made semen before and i said never ever. The girls whispered together again and then asked me to try to make some for them to see. I was not sure if i could do this but would try, i lay on the clinic play bed and soon had an erection after Susan pulled back the foreskin and stroked my dick. Within seconds my dick was hard and straight and measurements were recorded by my sister and Liz, the stroking was picking up speed now and i was feeling a sensation that grew and grew, a small clear drop of fluid bubbled from the end of my penis and suddenly my whole body started to shake as my very first orgasm happened with a stream of sticky fluid shooting into the air and on to the hand and arm of Susan who continue as if a trance to continue to pump my penis with faster strokes. Within seconds the fluid stopped pumping out and i shouted to Susan saying enough, enough, please stop!! We were all silent now, all looked in amazement as to what had happened and the sticky white fluid was wiped up and notes recorded in the measurements book. For me this was my first experience of having an orgasm and for my cousins and sister they had now found something quite exciting to see again very soon.
Further chapters based on true happenings are being prepared now. I am uploading this story to see what reaction positive or negative from the readers.
My email is [email protected]
My pen name is: Jerry
Anglo Indian Growing Up In UK