Affair With Sudha My Horny Mother In Law

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At the outset, my 44 year old mother in law did not seem much attractive to me. I saw her first when we went to their place before marriage with my parents as a precursor to the match. Sudha was lovely to look at, young, slim and enchanting, but the few creases on her face gave away the fact that she indeed was over 40 at 28 years and on the verge of matrimony, I was more anxious to inspect my bed partner for life, whom I had not seen till then, and not her mother.

It was only a year after marriage, that a freak peep show ignited the demons in me towards her. I had gone to my in laws place very early in the morning that day and was pleasantly surprised to find a sleepy eyed Sudha in a skimpy nighty, opening the door. She obviously was expecting the house maid and not her son in law at 7 am in the morning. My father in law, who I later realized is the biggest loser ever to be born, was snoring away to glory.

Morning Su (that’s how I addressed her) I am sorry if I disturbed your sleep. Just came by to pick up Rati’s (my wife) bag which she had forgotten last week and I almost stammered as I said this. No worries beta. This isn’t really the time to be sleeping but old as we are our reflexes reflect that,” she said, regaining the composure that was lost in the first five seconds. Do hang around, I will change and make you a cup of tea.

That’s the first time I saw Sudha in her true beauty. I barely got to see her in that shape for five minutes, but what I saw changed my life and maybe forever in that skimpy black nighty, that I would more expect a 20 year something woman to wear, Sudha left little to the imagination and her figure itself was not voluptuous like most Punjabi women, and at 34 30 36, was actually very petite but in its semi nakedness it was something to crave for.

Well my cock comes harder and even without the bra, her cleavage was firm suggesting that her breasts had not sagged at all and in fact, her mounds attracted me first as her milky complexion made her bosom glow in the sunlight at the door. My eyes were hooked to her bosom and I almost wished her nighty would fall down further so I could get a glimpse of her pink perky nipples, but was jolted as she started to speak and out of embarrassment.

I lowered my eyes to look elsewhere and only to be dumbfounded again, by her slim waist and picture perfect navel. The gown, almost became translucent in that region, giving ample show of her hourglass figure and her deep inviting navel as she turned around, I enjoyed her ample ass which juggled playfully as she moved and I could make the outline of the skimpy panty that helped keep them in shape. Also on display were her awesome legs, long, smooth, waxed, and very white.

I had chanced upon her cleavage at times earlier, her ass and legs were always out of bounds, safely guarded by the loose salwar that she mostly wore. To be fair, my wife as is to be expected resembles Sudha in a lot many ways. She shares the same slim body structure and similar movements but over the past one year, my wife had shown her incapability to keep myself satisfied in bed mostly due to her unwillingness to experiment.

So much so, that I had not tasted her cunt till then and neither had she tasted me. While boredom was setting in, it had not reached a point where I would have started to stray largely for lack of a provocation. All that however, changed that day as Sudha’s unwanted exhibition provided enough provocation for me to start craving for her. I had the destination in mind now, only the way needed to be found and over the next few days.

I devised a plan through which I may get to sleep with my own mother in law. I started avoiding my wife and almost stopped having sex with her and with an indication as big as this, fights between us were inevitable and I did my best in blowing even a trivial issue out of proportion as my wife wondered what was wrong, she started staying depressed and very soon she confided of her troubles to whom else, Sudha, after a few more days, I received a call from Sudha at office.

Hi Shikhar, I hope I am not disturbing you and she said not at all, Su. Don’t be so formal. It’s a pleasure to get a call from you, I said as I wondered when was the last time she had called me like this and probably never. The plan was working and I was wondering if you can come down to our place today for lunch. If you are not too occupied and she said in a voice that I found un usually erotic.

Ohh no problems at all but is everything all right. You sound tense is dad ok? I said in mock concern knowing full well what she had in mind. He is doing fine and so am I. Wanted to talk to you about something very personal and will wait for you around 1. See you then, she hung up and for the next two hours, it was hard for me to concentrate on anything as the image of Su in that skimly black nighty, her skin glowing in it and the firm breasts ravaged my mind.

Even though, I never saw Su in that attire or anything remotely as attractive since that day, it was hard to not think of it whenever I saw her and my eyes almost scanned her body as if it knew all the hidden treasures, whenever we met after that day. I landed up at my in laws place at 1 and though I knew very well my loser of a FIL would not be in for lunch I still enquired about him out of mock courtesy as I sat on the couch and Su in her usual flowing salwar kameez, her hair nicely made up in a bun, went to fetch tea for me.

I shivered a little bit to think that we were actually alone in the house and I could actually make her mine then and there if I so wish. Deep in these thoughts, I made a pensive figure which went well with my behaviour with her daughter over the last few weeks and maybe was evidence to Su that I was indeed very disturbed about something. I did not even realize when she walked to my side with two cups of tea in hand and only noticed when she was close enough.

Everything alright and you look very disturbed, Sudha said handing over the mug to me. Ohh yes, Thank you and just thinking about something from work. I lied as she sat right next to me sipping her tea and what is it that makes me the beneficiary of an unplanned lunch with such a gorgeous lady today. I joked almost for a second I thought her cheeks turned red.

Well and there is something important I wanted to talk to you about and sadly it is not something about your work,” she smiled and as she did so, the few wrinkles on her face became visible. Though that should make her look less attractive, for some weird reason, I found it very arousing. Wow. This looks like something very serious. I am all ears and I said struggling to hide my amusement.

Is everything alright between Rati and you? Su said in a tone that was both commanding and cajoling. I guess so, why do you ask this? I played along. Well. There is obviously something that you are hiding from me. You know very well something is wrong. I am only trying to help you. Trying to understand who more at fault is and she said, now in a lot more softer tone.

She knew very well, she could not do anything if I do not want to open up. What has she (my wife) told you and I said, enjoying the control I was building up in this conversation ooohh nothing at all. It’s just something that I observed between you people. I don’t think you look as happy as you were earlier, Su said, completely on the defensive now.

That’s a lie Su isn’t it and I am sure she has said something to you and else you would not have called me today like this. If you want me to open up, then you have to be honest with me as well, I said, just turning in the knife softly by and she did not say much and just that she was here the other day and I noticed she looked very pale and kind of depressed when I prodded she told me that you don’t talk to her that much now and there are regular fights between you over trivial issues.

She also says she does not know what went wrong,” she said. I stayed quiet for some time, revealing internally that my plan was working so perfectly, pondering whether to go ahead with it or to delay it longer. My over three weeks of celibacy in which the only solace had been masturbation, porn and that fleeting image of the lady sitting next to me now however, left me sex starved and desperate for a woman and waiting anymore.

I realized, was not an option can I trust you as a friend and a confidante, and share with you something that and I have not with anybody and I said slowly with deliberate pauses for effect and looked up at her face and directly into her eyes. Sure, you have my full confidence. I only want you guys to be happy whatever it takes and she mumbled taken aback that something so seemingly sinister was in store.

Whatever it takes? I barked back, realizing that this could become the clinching phrase. Yes of course and she said with full earnestness. Ok and I don’t know how you will take this given that you are her mother and but I am not happy in this marriage. I said half expecting hell to break loose oooohh but why and has she been rude to you? Does she not make you happy? Does she not treat you with respect?

She said full of concern and that is not the problem Su. She remains a very lovely girl a true daughter to you and I said and stopped deliberately. She too stayed quiet and there was a deathly stillness in the room for the first time I realized then, that my plan could fail miserably as well and she may not be sucked into this. Worse, it may lead to unnecessary complications borne out of frivolous excuses that I intend to make.

But the plan was now half way through and there would be no going back. Is there somebody else another woman? She said in a low soft tone. I knew I had to be forthright and earnest now or it will wriggle out of control completely. No way absolutely not Su and there is nobody and there never was and I stopped again wondering if I should be saying never at all.

We should never say never to anything I paused again for effect and looked at her. She was full of concern and waiting for me to complete the sentence. I don’t know, I‘m not happy with what, Shikhar with my sex life Su. She does not know how to keep me happy in bed and I said, in a matter of 10 minutes, the biggest lie of my life was out and after a brief silence, we started talking again.

She asked very explicitly what all I wanted and her daughter was not willing to in reality there is little that we have tried out of the ordinary missionary or doggy positions, but I knew very well that Rati was very averse to blow jobs. Su insisted that I ought to give Rati time and maybe, speak to her openly about this. I said I have tried all I could and there is little scope for a consensus.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I still love Rati and care about her and I said knowing full well that an India mother will never steal her daughter’s husband and needed to be reassured that her marriage would be intact but I want to be happy as well and I said finally and if she can’t make me happy, then I may have to look at alternatives. Like what? I am sure there are other women who like sucking cocks.

I said wishing she would say she was one of them. Please don’t think or talk like this Shikhar. It will ruin her life. You can’t do this,” Su pleaded. I was in control again. The plan, back on track and find me a solution then, Su. Think about me. I am a full blooded alpha male not like those who just screw their wives for 10 years and for 10 minutes every week and sleep for the rest of their lives the killer argument.

I had prepared was out and the irony was not missed. She lowered her gaze, maybe for a while thinking about her own situation and maybe wishing she was in place of her daughter. That was exactly where I wanted her to be and I understand Shikhar. I will talk to her. I am sure it will be alright. Thanks for sharing your problems with me, she said, visibly shaken and disturbed.

I did not respond, looking elsewhere, with the remnants of guilt bothering me now. I knew it will go away the moment the image flashes by again and after a quiet lunch, I hurried to my way out and stopped at the door to find her following me and please be patient and trust me and between the two of us we will find a way out, she said. I smiled at the phrase.

I am sure we will and I said as I proceeded to give her a parting hug, shivered at the touch of her body, her petite frame engulfed by my overarching physique and for a brief second, our upper torso in contact with each other’s navel to navel, breast to breast, nipple to nipple and in my mind lip to lip. I grew fidgety over the next three days. My celibacy continued with the prospect of landing my prized catch making me hornier.

Post lunch that day I took an early off from office, only because my hard on wont go despite three rounds of masturbation. It was only slightly better over the next three days. I knew my wife and Sudha were talking but could not find out what their talks were. My wife had made no physical advances and neither had I, to the point that after the second day I actually started believing Sudha had not broached the topic with her yet and often.

I was tempted to call Su directly as a courtesy call and to give her the option to voluntarily tell me if there has been any progress and each time I convinced myself, it would be a bad idea and sitting in office, engulfed in these thoughts on the morning of the third day, my cell suddenly rang. It was Su and my pulse rate shot right up. I knew it was now or never. Hi Su, how are you and I said can you come down to my place as soon as possible.

Nothing to worry about but I believe I have a solution to the problem and she said without bothering to get on with the pleasantries oooohh but I am on office and I hope Rati is ok, did you have a word with her and I mumbled. I was on the verge of success but I knew I still had to play it calmly. Three weeks of patience could be undone by 2 minutes of desperation.

Yes everything is okay and just get in here when you can,” she hung up. I was astounded. I made my way to my in laws place, which is really only a 15 minute drive, at double the pace but then spent the next 30 minutes loitering in the neighborhood out of sheer nervousness and though I have been intermittently attracted to older women, starting way back in school when I learnt to shag on my drop dead gorgeous physics teacher.

I had till date never actually slept with any of them and but what was making me nervous was the obvious incestuous angle which meant that it was so dangerous that it could ruin my life forever and for the risk of hell, it also promised heaven if all worked fine with some amount of trepidation, I summoned enough courage to walk up the four steps and ring the bell and but for the early winter of December, I am sure I would have been perspiring profusely.

Sudha opened the door in about half a minute and there was only a half smile of expectancy. She was still in a salwar kameez but one which had a deeper cut and was tighter at the waist. I had never seen her wear that suit in the past. She gave way for me to enter and as I came in, he bolted the main door slowly and firmly. I knew there would be some awkwardness to begin with and hence walked straight to the refrigerator to get some water.

It is always better to keep doing something when one is nervous as I came back into the room, I saw Sudha standing by the center table looking down on her reflection. Did Rati tell you anything over the last two days? She asked without so much as even looking at me uuuuhh not really and I said. Well and I have had a good talk with her but I still could not be as explicit as is required I guess she said, looking up at me for the first time.

Do you still feel the way you did when you told me all that? I have said what I had to say and I mean every word of what I said and there is nothing more to add. I had begun to feel the situation reaching the climax and for no apparent reason, my member had begun to harden and would you go around looking for cheap whores then and let my daughter rot and she said with a good amount of scorn.

I thought shit, I have lost the plot now and I would do no such thing. I am no sex maniac and but I think it is natural that I crave for satisfaction and I believe it is in some way, your daughter’s duty to satisfy me or at least try to and I prepared my defence. I was left with no choice but to seek an honourable exit now and when the daughter can’t do it, let the mother step in then.

Would you promise to keep her happy, if I make you happy,” she said. I literally went numb and did not believe this was going to happen after all speechless come on alpha male, try me out. I can be a handful in bed I promise, she said seductively walking slowly towards me now. What happened after that passed by in a blur as if in a dream before I could so much as mumble something.

I found her hands on my neck and her mouth very close to mine. I knew very well, you do not talk in that position as our lips met and I closed my eyes contented at having realized a dream from long ago. I could feel the warmth of her mouth and could sense that somewhere deep down she too wanted me and that the compulsion of having to save her daughter’s marriage was only a justification for her now and a convenience that I had provided.

I closed her lithe body in my arms now feeling every inch of her back, while our tongues met and we started exchanging saliva. My desperation was such and the force so intense, that I almost literally swept her off her feet for what seemed like eternity we smooched each other like hungry wolves, ravaging and chewing each other’s lips and tongues when we parted, we knew we would not part again.

You are one heck of a kisser Su. Now I want to see if you are a good fuck as well,” I said almost gasping for breath. Take me in the bedroom now. Make me fly, I haven’t flown in quite some time and she said, her eyes only partly open. I took her in my arms and she felt so light that it did not seem I was carrying somebody in my senior on the bed and we simply pounced on each other. Pent up frustration of two sex starved animals was finding a common release.

Fabric was the victim and buttons were torn, kameez stretched apart. We did not care to follow the convention and did not have the time for it anyway without letting go of her tongue even for a second; it did not take us more than a minute to be reduced only in our undergarments. She was wearing a black satin push up bra with matching panties which was the perfect set for her smooth white skin.

One look at her bosom and I could not help digging my face in even with the bra on. She does not have the biggest breasts in town but my word they are still good enough to make one cum as I dig into her bosom, she simply relaxed giving a soft moan of relief, her head flung back and eyes closed. My hands slowly went down to caress the navel and I was still surprised to find not even one bit of fat on her washboard stomach.

I kissed and licked every inch of her neck and bosom and her hands on the back of my head only pushed me deep into her skin and after around 10 minutes, I decided I had to taste the nipples that made me go so weak in the knees with a swift motion, I pulled her over and my hands reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. She pushed herself further up to facilitate getting rid of the cloth and I got the first glimpse of the most amazing nipples.

I have seen till date, light pink, semi pointed and so hot. I could not wait any longer to take them in my mouth and she gave an almighty moan as I did so and her nipples felt like small marbles in my mouth and I had a most remarkable time licking and sucking them, teasing them with the tip of my tongue and then digging deep into them time and time again. All this while her hands slowly made their way down to my underwear.

Her right hand went right inside it to caress my cock and straining to get free now as her fingertips felt the tip of my penis, blood rushed into the veins and this time it was me who could not help but give a loud moan. That had an effect on her that indicated how horny she had become and pushing herself down she almost tore my underwear apart and gobbled the middle of my shaft as the tip throbbed even more.

I simply flung my head back and enjoyed the sensation. Inadvertently my right hand caught the back of her head at the thick blob of her hair, caressing it and egging it on. She was working expertly on my cock and I could sense how much she had missed sex and pre cum oozed constantly as her tongue went down further to gobble my balls uuum, this is so heavenly, Su I muttered as I wanted to make her hornier.

Sensing that I was getting ready and wanted real action, she climbed up and finally my tip was inside her mouth. Ohh what warmth it had for the tender tool and her tongue flicked and licked the tip as her lips stroked the foreskin of my penis to and fro. The flow of pre cum was so strong that I could feel all the blood of my body rushing down to the only part that mattered.

Unable to take it anymore, I finally grabbed her back and forced her on me. My mouth was dry again and it wanted something wet. I pulled her on me and we were back to smooching again. This time I went on top and my hands slid down to explore her cunt now and slowly I positioned myself so that my throbbing cock could find its destination.

Su also realized that I wanted to go for the kill aaaaahh, you are a great fucker. Now I know why Rati can’t satisfy you,” she whispered in my ears but you don’t have to worry and I would be more than happy to have you fuck me like this and every day of the year. I spread her legs apart, lifted her slightly off the bed and was ready for the big push. It did strike me that I was not wearing a condom (though I was carrying a pack) but I decided to go it natural.

I wanted my flesh to taste her flesh inside without any layer. I slid into her bosom while her hands grabbed my back tightly and her cunt was wet and half my cock slid in easily but thereafter I encountered resistance. I started striking it as Su helped my entwining her legs around my waist and moving rhythmically to take me in full as I started drilled in inch by inch, I could feel her nails digging into my back.

That aroused me even more and I started stroking even more intensely aaaaahhh fuck me beta. You don’t know how much I have missed this pain and pleasure and she screamed softly make me your whore ahhhh, fuck me as if there is no tomorrow chhod de mijhe madarchhod the deeper I went the hornier and wilder she became. I kept humping her for a good 10 minutes and then I could hold out no longer.

I could feel all my energy draining out of me as I ejaculated in her, initially in a seemingly non ending flow and then in spurts. Finally, spent and exhausted, I slumped on top of her as her body also relaxed. We stayed like this, naked and on top of each other for around half an hour. She was stroking my back gently while her cunt remained warm all throughout, even as my cock had cooled off and but I knew my cock had found a permanent resting place here and after that day.

I regularly go over to Su and we are happy in our own secret life. She gives me pleasure like Rati can never think of and even though my sex life with Rati is at an all time low, I remain a much contented man. For Su as well, it turned out to be a win affair as I too satisfy her hidden carnal desires. Having tasted the forbidden fruit of a woman so older to me, I found my obsession for them increase manifold, and since then have managed to lay two other women older than me. I remain as hungry for older women. If anybody is interested or for general feedback I am approachable at [email protected]

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