Affair With Bangalore Housewife- Part 1

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Hi, every sex story readers. My name is Rohan and I am from Delhi basically, but working in Dubai as a business development manager. As a part of my job, I keep traveling between India, Saudi, Dubai, and few other places. Ladies who would like to have sex chat, phone sex or an NSA relationship may contact me at [email protected]

I have been reading stories on Indian Sex Stories for a long time now. This is my first submission though. This is a true story, although I have spiced it up by adding some fiction to reality. I believe that more than reading abt sex, more pleasurable is reading abt the description of the events which had led to it. So, my sex story will be a lengthy one with the slow progress of building up of the chemistry of intimacy. Those looking for a quick deal may be disappointed.

The story goes back to 2006 when I moved to Bangalore, to join my first job, after finishing my engineering studies. The job was with one of India’s biggest it consulting firms and I, along with many other joiners, was given 2 months on-job training.

When the training was over, some of the joints were immediately assigned to some of the in-progress projects while others were assigned “On bench” status, waiting to be assigned to new upcoming projects at their start. Although I was also assigned to a project, I refused to work on it as the technology being used was an obsolete one which had no future in the IT market. So, the management assigned me “On bench” status as well. Now I had to wait for the start of one of the upcoming projects.

During the initial days of my “On bench” time, I used to go to the office every day to meet the HR to inquire about the projects. However, with time, I started staying at room most of the times except a couple of days of the week. I used to get information from my other “On bench” colleagues about the status of the upcoming projects.

I used to stay with one friend who used to work for another company. As he used to leave office, I was left alone in the room. To pass time, I started studying but I used to get bored after some time. So, I started browsing the net. Those days, chatting was quite popular and I had accounts on both yahoo messenger and Rediff bol. I used to visit different chat rooms every day but in the beginning, talks with any girl could not go beyond a few minutes.

One day I logged into Rediff BOL and entered the Bangalore chatroom. I pinged a few girls but none replied. Then, after a few minutes, I got a message from a girl named “Sonia”. I thought to myself, this might be a boy trying to play a prank on me. However, I thought of playing along for a while thinking it may be a girl as well. The display picture shown in the chat window was a really beautiful lady.

Chat went like this –

S(Sonia)- hi

R(Rohan)- hi, how are you.

S- I am good. How abt you.

R- I am good, thanks.

Asl plz

S- you first

R- 23, male, Bangalore

And you?

S- 30, female, Bangalore

R- Wow, so you are from Bangalore too. Nice meeting you.

S- same here.

R- what do you do?

S- I’m a housewife. And you?

R- I m a software engineer.

S- wow. That’s nice. So, I think you should be in office right now.

R- no, I am in my room as I am on bench(I made her understand what it means)

S- great. So you are enjoying your time at home while getting your salary too. Good for you.

R- you can say that but it will be over soon. Maximum a month or two.

S- what do you do all day as you are not going to the office.

R- a little study, some surfing, some chatting, some sleep.That’s it

S- why? Don’t you have a girlfriend to talk to or hang out with?

R- well, I won’t be talking to you right now if I had one. By the way, how abt you. Do you have a boyfriend?

S- yes, I have one- my husband.

R- omg. You didn’t tell me you are married.

S- that’s bcoz you didn’t ask 🙂

R- do you have any kids as well?

S- yes. A son who is turning 12 next month.

R- 12 !!! How come. You are 30, your son is 12. So you must have got married by the age of 17. Right?

S- that’s right.

R- at such an early age !!! I can’t believe that Bangaloreans could also behave like villagers sometimes. By the way, it’s illegal to get married before 18 in India.

S- really? I never thought of that.

R- Yeah, but don’t worry. Your crime is too old to be noticed now. But why did your parents married you off at such an early age? Did they want to get rid of you?

S- ha ha ha. No. They have always loved me so very much because I am their only child.

R- then why?

S- actually my grandma was very ill that year. She wanted to see me as bride asap as her chances of survival were really low.

R- I see.

S- you know, I had just passed 10+2 that year and I had taken admission in b.Sc. But to fulfill grandma’s wish, I had to leave my college to get married. Grandma died one month after my marriage.

R- I m sorry to know that. But I appreciate the great sacrifice you made to make her happy.

S- thanks. Ok, Rohan, I got to go now. My son will be back from school in an hour. I need to cook food for him. But it was nice chatting with you. Hope to catch you soon again. Bye.

R- nice chatting with you too. Take care. Bye.

So far I had no reason to suspect if this was a boy playing a prank on me. Moreover the display picture she was using made me really interested in her. So next day I was eagerly waiting for her to come online until she finally pinged me.

S- Hi, Rohan

R- Hi, how are you doing.

S- I am fine, thanx. How abt you

R- I am fine, thanks. It took you long to come online today. Was busy?

S- yeah. Have you been waiting for me?

R- well, to be honest, I was. May I ask you something.

S- sure. Go ahead.

R- is this your real pic?

S- yes. Why ?

R- usually ppl don’t use their real pics while chatting. They use beautiful attractive faces picked up from the net.

S- yeah I know. But you can be sure this is my own.

R- if that is the case, I must say you are insanely gorgeous. Very very beautiful indeed.

S- (with a blushing smiley) thanks for the compliments. But I think you are flattering. Itni bhi khubsurat nahi hun mai. (I am not that beautiful)

R- believe me you are.

S- you certainly know how to flatter a woman. How many girlfriends you have had in past.

R- only one and it was in high school. Nothing much serious.

S- by your display picture, you look a quite smart guy. I wonder why you don’t have any girlfriend. This is your own pic naa.

R- yeah it’s my own. I don’t know why. Perhaps because I am a little shy when it comes to seeing and talking to girls face to face.

S- hmmm may be. No matter how modern or independent a girl is, she always expects the guy to propose first.

R- yeah, you are right.

S- you should stop being so shy. You are a man so you should behave like one. Girls like that.

R- thanks for that tip. I think you should become my love guru 🙂

S- ha ha ha. No no. I m no love guru. Was just telling you that most girls like manly guys, not the shy ones.

R- hmm. So, what do you think of me?

S- well, so far I felt you are a nice guy. Confident and smart, if this display picture is indeed yours’. However, no one could be assessed without meeting in person. May be you are a champu in real 🙂

R- champu?

S- ha ha ha. Yeah. Champu means shy.

R- ha ha ha. That’s funny. By the way, I think we should meet sometime so that you can find out if I am a champu or not.

S- we’ll see to that.

After that, we chatted for some more time before she went offline. The things were moving slowly and I was getting more and more excited to meet this gorgeous lady. However, I didn’t want to ruin it by showing eagerness to meet, so I was playing along. Though I wanted to make sure that it’s not some guy playing a prank on me, so I thought of asking her to show herself on webcam.

Every day she used to come online around 11 is but that day she didn’t come online until 12. As soon as she comes online, I pinged her.

R- hi beautiful. So late today. Hope everything is fine.

S- yeah all is well. Just went for some shopping. I needed to buy some clothes.

R- wow. So what clothes did you buy?

S- nothing much. There weren’t many good options available. I just bought one skirt, a jeans-top and a legging.

R- that’s it?

S- well, almost.

R- almost?

S- there were a few more items.

R- what items.

S- aiyyo Rohan. Leave it naa. Tell me abt yourself. How you have been.

R- no. First tell me abt those items.

S- you are very ziddi.

R- please batao naa.

S- I bought 2 pairs of b&p (blushing smiley).

R- b&p? Whats that?

S- you champu. You don’t know?

R- believe me, I really don’t know.

S- b&p means a pair of women undergarments.

R- a pair?

S- now you are making me feel shy.

R- plz tell me naa. What do you mean by the pair?

S- Rohan. B&p means a pair of “A bra and a panty”.

R- oh that’s why it’s called b&p. Thanks for the explanation.

S- you are welcome Mr. Champu.

R- I am not a champu Mrs. Beautiful.

S- of course, you are. You don’t even have a clue of a women’s undergarment.

R- of course, I have.

S- oh really? Let me see what you know. Tell me.

R- a bra is worn on the upper part of the body and panty on the lower.

S- so that is all you know?

R- well I know more but I don’t wanna make you feel shy.

S- acha. Don’t bother abt me. You tell me what you know.

R- you ask, I will tell you whatever you wanna know.

S- ok tell me this. Both men and women have an upper body and a lower. Why only women wear a bra and men don’t.

R- bcoz only women have got.

S- got what?

R- you really want me to answer that?

S- hmmm

R- really?

S- haan baba. Ab bolo.

R- bcoz women have got boobs and men don’t.

S- oh god. Bohat besharm ho tum.

R- are. You only asked me to answer it naa.

S- acha theek hai. Ab kuch aur baat karo.

R- why “Kuch aur”. You are feeling uncomfortable?

S- not uncomfortable Rohan, but shy.

R- ok, if you don’t like to talk, I won’t insist.

S- it’s not like that. I like the talk.

R- then?

S- I just feel shy.

R- can I make you feel even more shy, with your permission?

(there was silence for a while)

R- ok leave it. I don’t insist.

S- RRohan.

R- hmmm

S- aaj nahi, phir kisi din. I promise you will have my permission.

R- no problem Mrs. Beautiful. But there is one thing you will have to do for me.

S- what?

R- wear your new skirt and show me.

S- show you? How ?

R- through webcam of course.

( She again went silent)

R- kya hua. Don’t want to show me your new skirt?

S- it’s not like that. I have never chatted through the webcam. I don’t know much abt this laptop’s functions.

R- that’s not a problem. I will guide you how to use it for a chat. Just wear that skirt and come back.

S- ok fine. Give me 5 mins. I will be back.

She left to change and my heart started to beat faster in anticipation. Finally, I was going to see this gorgeous lady live on cam.

I was waiting impatiently. Finally, after almost 10 minutes, I got the msg from her.

S- I am ready.

Unfortunately, I had no speakers or mic with my pc, so voice chat was not possible. I sent her a webcam invitation and she accepted it. My heart skipped a beat as the webcam finally started displaying her pic.

She was insanely gorgeous.

S- Rohan, can you see me.

I was sitting spellbound there seeing her. She was very fair, stunningly beautiful and hot.

S- Hello, Rohan, you there?

R- yes. I am here.

S- kya hua. Can you see me?

R- yes. I can.

S- acha. Then why can’t I see you?

R- bcoz I am using a pc and I don’t have a webcam.

S- really? This is so unfair.

(I was hardly able to focus on what she was saying. She was not getting my replies promptly. I was just lost in seeing her)

S- Rohan. you there?

R- yeah. Are theek h baba. I will buy a webcam later.

S- ok fine. Why are you not replying fast?

R- you really want to know?

S- yes.

R- it’s bcoz of you. I am stunned to see your beauty. I have never seen such a beautiful lady in my whole life. I am not able to remove my eyes from your face. You are.

S- ok enough. (blushing). You are flattering me beyond limits.

R- I am just saying what I am feeling.

S- acha, how is my dress.

R- you need to shift back a little so that webcam covers you from head to toe.

S- ok

She removed the chair and stood back a few feet away.

Omg. What I was seeing was like a dream. She was standing there with a pink and white skirt which was a bit tight. It was covering her till a little below knees, below which I was not able to see bcoz of webcam focus. She was on the heavy side but the distribution of flash on her body was so perfect.

Her stomach was absolutely flat. Her waist was neither small nor big. The hottest part was, of course, her big poking boobs which were standing straight. I was totally stunned by the sight of them. The skirt was sleeveless and her long flashy arms were looking damn beautiful. In my mind, I was trying to guess her figure. If I could recall it correctly today, her figure was very close to the bombshell lingerie model “Ashley Alexis”.

Browse indiansexstories dot net for more arousing stories.

S- now say. How the skirt.

R- it’s really nice. Looks beautiful on you.

S- thanks. And how do I look?

R- I have no words to describe that. I can just say that even an apsara would feel jealous of you.

S- bas bas.

R- I could not see the skirt on the lower end. Can you stand on the chair?

S- she again went back and brought forward a small table and stood up on that.

While she lifted herself up to stand on the table, her skirt got raised and give me glimpses of her thighs for 1-2 seconds. What a scene it was.

She stood there on the table and looked towards webcam with a smile. She knew I was looking. Suddenly, she bends her one leg and rose it till her waist from behind as if she was performing a dance in the air. Her skirt again got raised a little and I could see her white thighs again. Then she came down.

S- so, how is it

R- it’s beautiful. Amazingly beautiful.

S- thanks. Ok, now I need to change back. Give me 5 mins.

I was waiting there with my eyes closed trying to recall everything I just saw. I was thrilled after seeing this show.

After 5 mins.

S- I m back

R- welcome back

S- so Mr. Champu, are you feeling shy (she asked with a winked smiley)

R- shall I be honest with you.

S- absolutely.

R- I have never seen a more beautiful lady in my life.

S- and?

R- you are insanely gorgeous and hot.

S- oh god (blushing smiley).And.

R- and I am feeling thrilled, excited and very aroused.

S- omg Rohan. Don’t use such words, please.

R- you only told me to be honest.

S- ok but have some control over your emotions. At least when you share them with me.

R- I m sorry.

S- you don’t need to be. You know what, you make me feel very special. Thank you.

R- thanks to you.

S- ok. I got to go now. Akshay may come anytime.

R- ok take care. Bye

S- Rohan.

R- yes Sonia.

S- don’t think too much about me. Relax and release the excitement. Don’t let it build a tension in your mind (winked smiley). Take care and keep smiling. Bye

She went offline before I could say anything.

Her last message left me in a shocking surprise. “Relax yourself and release the excitement”. What did that mean? Looks like she was well aware how guys think and behave. Indeed I was very aroused and badly needed to jerk off. So was she asking me to masturbate to relax !!

I was thrilled to even more now and started jerking off thinking abt her and her looks and her words. Within no time and I came heavily and slept after thinking abt her for some time.

I woke up around 5 and went out to have some tea. I was in no mood of studying and turned to the pc again. To my surprise, she was online. As soon as I logged in, she pinged me.

S- thank god you finally came online. I have been waiting for almost half an hour.

R- I can’t believe it. Mrs beautiful waiting for me. What a lucky guy I am.

S- (smiley) Stop Rohan.

R- ok ok. By the way, how come you are online at this time.

S- yeah. Hubby went to a party. I was not feeling like going. Akshay was very keen so he also went with his dad. I was getting bored alone so thought of catching you online. And see my luck. Here you are.

R- this is an honor for me to be of any use to the world’s most beautiful lady.

S- shut up champu.

R- I am not a champu.

S- yes you are.

(she looked in a mood of fun)

R- if I was, I won’t have taken your advice.

S- what advice?

R- one you gave me today afternoon before signing off.

S- what? I don’t remember.

R- I have copied your message. Shall I show it back you?

S- yeah, show me.

(I showed her the last message she had sent me)

“Don’t think too much about me. Relax and release the excitement. Don’t let it build a tension in your mind (winked smiley).”

(there was silence for a while)

R- you there Mrs. Beautiful?

S- hmmm

R- now you can recall?

S- hmmm

R- good. And thanks for the advice by the way. The outcome was heavenly and I slept the sweetest sleep of my life.

S- oh god. Shut up, Rohan. I can’t believe I said those words.

R- even I was surprised when I read your words again after you had left. I couldn’t believe what you were telling me to do. your words enhanced my excitement many folds and I.

S- bas Rohan. Don’t embarrass me.

R- I am sorry. Plz, don’t feel embarrassed. I won’t talk abt it.

S- thanks.

R- thanks to you for giving me a wonderful org.

S- nooooooooooo. Stop it Rohan else I won’t talk to you.

R- ha ha ha. Sorry. I was just teasing you. It’s fun to see you going mad.

S- acha ji. We will see who could better tease the other.

R- when?

S- just in a while. Wait for a few minutes, I will be back.

R- ok

After 10 minutes, she pinged me.

S- send webcam invitation.

R- ok

(I sent her the invitation and in few seconds I could see her)

What I was seeing was just unbelievable.

She was wearing the black top and legging she had brought early morning. She was standing there, putting her hands on the computer table and bending forward towards the computer and looking directly into the webcam. Her silky long blonde hair was open but there was something which had grabbed all my attention. I was sitting spellbound there looking onto the screen like a madman who has forgotten how to blink his eyes.

It was her big cleavage on the display. The top was very tight and it had a big neck. Moreover, Sonya’s boobs were extra ordinarily big and she was bending forward. Not only her cleavage was more than half visible but also some part of her big and fair boobs was also could be seen. This gave me an instant hard on. I was not able to do anything else other than staring at her cleavage like someone stuck with a thunderbolt. She was naughtily smiling looking at my condition.

She removed her hands from the sides of the table and bent onto the computer to type something. Omg. This action of hers made her boobs hang even more and almost all of her cleavage was visible. Her face was down towards the keyboard. As she was typing, her boobs were shaking and it made my condition even more creaky.

Suddenly her message came.

S- so Mr. Teaser, how are you.

R- I am not expert in typing while looking at the screen. Please ignore any mistakes in typing messages.

S- ha ha ha. Why can’t you just look at the keyboard and type like I am doing?

R- I can’t take my eyes off the screen.

S- why?

R- because the most beautiful scene ever is being displayed on the screen right now.

S- really. What is it?

R- you know what it is.

S- no, I don’t. Plz, tell me.

R- it’s beyond description. Please let me enjoy the scene.

She was smiling while typing.

S- abhi se tumhari ye halat hai. Agar poore saamne aa gaye to kya hoga?

(you are going crazy just by seeing this much. What would happen if they come fully naked in front of you)

R- omg. Sonia !!!

S- yes Mr teaser. You read it right.

She then switched off the cam.

R- hey wait for Sonia.

S- no, enough for today. Give me your mobile number.

R- mobile number?

S- yes. Mobile number.

I gave her my mobile number and within few seconds my phone rang.

### end of part 1 #

In the next part of the sex story, I would share with you what she said on the phone and how things proceeded from there. I would love to hear your feedback guys. Please email me your feedback, comments, and suggestions at [email protected]


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